Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cahuita, Costa Rica 1977 UofAla independent study

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of Fire Odyssey  

MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

CR = Costa Rica journey 

University of Alabama students in Costa Rica, Latin America

Summer 1977  independent study

Cahuita, Costa Rica

 Stonebear Tracks Oddysey ROF= Ring of Fire Cahuita, Costa Rica 1977 University of Alabama students -- Pix are coming... I have slides to be converted to digital.

 Summer 1977 in Costa Rica... rode the jungle train from San Jose down to Limon -- pronounced "Puerto Lee- Moan" -- on the Carribean Gulf of Mexico coast. Also see the post about the train (when done)  through the Latin American jungle to Limon; it was not your average train. People came for miles just to see this train station.

  Took a bus/ cab on down to Cahuita... about 10 miles north of the Panama border. This was a tiny outpost town on the gulf of Mexico. Primitive by most standards... dirt roads, no maintenance, potholes the size of a car -- very common in the out areas.  A few concrete block houses at the main intersection of town. Turn right/ south for a mile of so and come to "Hotel Lam"... the only place to stay in Cauhita, and maybe the most going concern of a business. It was a hotel, store in the lobby, post office, only TV in town... ect/ everything.

The rooms upstairs had  a latch lock on the inside, some room had a hinge for a padlock which most of the students had. This was raw wood plywood from the wood floor up to about 2 feet from the ceiling,... then it was 2 feet of mosquito net. No AC... AC... there wasn't even electricity but a hanging 40 watt bulb in the hall. The beds were wooden makeshift 2x4 frames and some old horrible excuse for a mattress that looked like some 400 pound guy had wallowed out the middle and threw it away.

You didn't need sheets 'cause it was a sweltering 110* in the Costa Rican jungle. No windows except for the "plush" rooms. If you opened the windows at night some mosquitoes carry you away. There were mosquitoes that could stand flat footed and Honk a chicken. The shower down the end o9f the hall near the stairway was like most Costa Rican places; a cold water pipe for a showerhead. The water was lukewarm for about 15 seconds- from the jungle heat- then cold. Floor was raw concrete w/ mold/ leftover grungy soap discarded on the floor. light in the hall way,... and some centapieds/ millipedes?... and other bugs often crawling on the walls or wet dark corners.

Remember the screen walls for the upper 2 feet then stapled to the ceiling?... well... you could here everything in every room. Every turn over, every yawn, every snore, every whisper,.... and yes... every Honk! It was interesting to hear the gossip of the ladies next morning. We should have awarded the "Best Honk" by vote.

On the right of the Pilsner "Hotel Lam" sign was a run down room that had a juke box. No bar. You bought a beer in the lobby. There was no open container ordinance.  Some of the ladies danced with a few of the Tico guys, and was ok until they served a lemonade to one of the girls with a crab claw in the glass. They giggled/ chuckled so we didn't know if it was a prank,... or some cultural thing we didn't understand.

Had to walk out and see the ocean/ Gulf/ beach. The ocean air was thick w/ the rotted seaweed smell and it was a somewhat dirty beach although it looked beautiful for a mile reaching around a point. Coconut trees all along the jungles line. Cold crisp salty ocean. Felt good after poor Tico showers for a few days; finally clean!

There was a small river flowing out to the sea. it was about knee deep to get over to the rest of the beach and there was a Brahma on the other side.

Some Tico kids were swimming/ playing in the lagoon pool of the estuary river that emptied into the sea. Probably their parents told them to stay out of the rough ocean surf.

These Costa Rican kids were having fun swimming in the river inlet to the ocean at Cahuita.

One of the Tico kids swimming.

Kids are the eyes to the culture.

The Brahma bull decided to take a beach stroll. Brahmas were all over Costa Rica and the couple of times I had a piece of small steak it was not anything like US steaks.

Cahuita beach Costa Rica 1977.

After swimming in the ocean, hung my wet cutoffs on the bedpost... changed into dry cutoffs and went downstairs and out of the "hotel" Hotel Lam. On return, found my room had been entered and my cutoffs hung on the window sill as -- they had been dripping through the floor,... onto the cash register in the lobby. Life is interesting isn't it?
Hotel Lam, Cahuita, Costa Rica 1977.

In the 3rd window, that's my wet cutoffs hung out to dry by the hotel owner so they would not drip onto the cash register in the lobby. The hotel Lam lady was a Costa Rican Tico... had some mixed Caribbean/ Asian bloodline; a really beautiful lady.

The hotel lobby had the only TV in the town and villagers would come every day to watch the 3pm to 6pm broadcast. It was THE event of the town/ village. Some of the TV was like Sesame Street, then the Costa Rican news.

Went over and talked with a local Tico sitting on the steps of his house across the street from the hotel.  nice guy. With my limited Spanglish began talking w/ him.  When you talk to local people, ask them about their family, their life, their home, the town... take a real interest in them.... give them some respect... they will open up to you and you become friends.    Avantio? / Antonio? was his name? His Son sitting on the steps. He was as proud of his home and family. ... and he took me out snorkeling to catch some lobsters. Avantio was a good man. He is my friend for life even though we'll never meet again.

Later walked out about a 1/2 mile to the beach / gulf.... beautiful rounded cove with 5 to 6 ft waves... a really hard pounding surf. powerful waves. Coconut palm trees lined the beach. Walked with a cute girl... Susan from Gadsden , Alabama... about a mile down the beach. Stunningly beautiful. Hot bright sun, stiff wind breeze of 20 mph, cold surf. Had walked in the surf. I liked this lady. Held hands. A good walk. I kidded Sue... wanted her to hold up a coconut up like she was drinking coconut milk like a native TICA.

At the tip / point of the cove... about a mile, turned and headed back. about half way back saw a huddle / group hunched over something and walked over. Thought they caught a shark.  It was a drowned Tico... A Costa Rican guy had drowned in the hard surf. It was a mean surf... not for tourist swimming.  Really rough and tough with a lot of wind. At first glance... they had him on his stomach working his arms like they were making him swim. This wasn't right. I knew from the scouts... from the Marines... the basic first aid they were not helping him. He was going to die right there. In the huddle I asked... ?how long has he been out? I didn't want to try to revive someone who'd been out 20 minutes with oxygen depletion of the brain... a split second decision here.

someone interpreted in Spanish... a minute or 2 from the surf. I turned him over immediately, pointed his chin upward , and started giving him mouth to mouth resuscitation. about the 3rd breath,... he threw up into my mouth... gross... I spit out and went right back to breathing in while pushing his stomach / chest. He coughed and threw up some more... I knew this was good. It was purging water out of his lungs. ... he was expelling the bad stuff from his body. He was coughing up water and vomit, spitting it out, i knew that was good. Showing sings of coming back to life.

 Another American guy... older asked was he drowned??? and started helping me. The Tico continued spitting up. He's breathing somewhat now... and rolled onto his side... we continued to press and push his stomach. more coughing out water and he's coming to life... then the reality hit me. He was drowned and would have died there had I / we not done CPR. Tico was stunned, incoherent... but responsive... and stabilizing. After a few minutes... His friends were there with him... no more I could do... I got up and Susan and I walked back to the Cahuita hotel Lam.

 About 30 minutes later, the province police / beach workers brought him out, past the hotel, in a red jeep, onto the nearest hospital/ clinic. I never knew who he was. Over the years I just wondered... ?did I save a life? ?Did this guy eventually have a family and were happy? I hope I had a tiny hand in that. I was thankful that what I'd learned in the scouts and Marines actually worked and made a difference in someones life. I saw that life was so frail and fleeting... the only moment is right now. 5 minutes of different time would have been a life gone. I'm glad I knew what to do. That day changed my life. Every day is precious!

 Susan and I hooked up a year later. Over the years I wondered a few times about the Tico guy. ?What became of him? ect

 In the 1st year married - 1978 - I came home one day and said to Sue "we've got some money saved up, we need to buy this new stock going public called "Home Depot". "Oh no, we're going to buy curtains. They will be an investment in the house."

Those curtains wound up costing over $1,200. and that was only 3 rooms. I don't see how they could have cost that much. maybe I didn't know how to "shop for a bargain".   Home Depot went public at $12/ share.

 Over the years of growth and adjusted for splits HD topped out at some $290,000. ... from $1,200 to $290k,... a 290 to 1 bagger;  a pretty good call. Years later when Sue & I split up; I wondered about something else.

 ?Susan, What do you suppose those curtains are worth now?

You never drink twice from the same stream.

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved

Backpack notes

This is a letter sent to Nephew Canyon Jack. If your going to raise these kids up to be decent men... you've got to tell them and teach them how.

You never drink twice from the same stream.

Copyright MMXV ALL StoneBearTracks blog posts and photographs  ALL Rights reserved


Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 1:54 PM
Subject: Backpack Notes

Canyon Jack, got word of your upcoming quest / adventure &would like to give you a few notes to tuck in your backpack and carry w/ you on this quest / trip. We are kindred spirits! And I'm glad you want to see the world.

Canyon, you are like my Son... you really are. Even though I'm your Unc Hargus... there is only a few things I can do for you.... to teach you of the world... to see the great things and PLACES of our world. From our previous trips ... up to CA, OR , WA, Whistler via Squamish, I know your heart & spirit. It's an easy choice for me. My only regret is that I couldn't be w/ you... but I will be.

the things I want you to study and learn ... and pass on are :

Quantum physics: everything evolves because of this... of the places .... of you... in you! One girl you meet is a friend... one girl makes your heart race... it's the quantum physics that release endorphins / hormones that can/ or cannot explain why that happens to almost everything in sciences and art. & why a life will take a different path because of random choices.

Geology: / Earth sciences... study the rock strata... to understand that our world is the way it evolved. & the great scenery is a sheer BONUS to view. I always can find a place to say aprayer when I'm at a great view. Don't miss sunsets; they are peace. ?What were their natural resources? ... Bronze for weapons... that was high technology at the time. or animal skins for survival in an artic climate. Rivers / lakes for trade routes ect.. Minerals; everything on earth comes from the ground ; It is either mined.... or grown. The 1st time I cracked a rock open and found a fossil; I was hooked! We sent guys to the moon.... & told them to bring back ROCKS to study; you study them too. Hydrology: A world war will be fought over water, not oil.

Archaeology: you will find the way people lived... their artifacts... their trash reveals so much; you pretty much are a detective. did they store food? for themseleves... or an extended family? ... ?Did they store food in pottery?... their version of a modern refridgerator? .... sharp obsidian rock cutting blades... via hunting... ect meat & skins for survival . Clovis culture? ; a clovis / Folsom spear point was high technology for the time period. How did they build thier houses? ?out of what local raw material?

Anthropology: You will study their cultural societal data to see how they lived.... as clans / tribes ... hunter / gatherers.... family structures.... as they lived. ?Did they have a god? ?were they a warring tribe? for what reason... ?What family traditions did they pass on to the next generations? ect.. ?What dances did their tribe dance? & why? ?What / who did they worship & why? ?What religeon and what probability they'd go to war for or about religeon? ?Did they have / serve Gods? or Kings? ?They had armies? for expansion or for the barbarians at the gates? From an early age I studied indian cultures & customs; from an early age I was an adventurer / explorer long before there was an Indiana Jones character. ?What language did they speak? or other communication. ?What did they value as a culture?

Religion: I tend to lean more towards a spiritual walk & not get hung up w/ religeous doctrine. Yes you need faith, and a moral compass to direct you. Just beware of the many false prophets who are a combination of huckster con men, snake oil salesmen, and motivational speaker. Homo-sapien man dates back 50 to 100k years ago. Some theories that asian man came across the Alaskan land bridge about 60k years ago. Neo-Lithic Chinese date back 10-12,000 years ago were making pottery then. About the same time of the Navajo / Dine. The Greeks, Africans, 12 tribes ect... have loooong ancient histories & stories passed down that have legend / myth / lesson / stories that are still told today, weather they are mesopotaminan or chinese stories, fold and weave into some religions. The cristians are only a couple thaousand years old; the mormons a couple hundred. Lean more toward spriritual walk & leave it others to waste their time argueing about
dogma. No one has come back from the afterlife to tell anything. The indians / navajos refer to life as the great mystery; seems a wise thought out assesment. I've yet to see a Navajo on tv preaching about what you "should" be doing or not doing.... or doing faith healings. So,... 2,000 year religeons ect... they are newcomers; new kids on the block. Your religeous / spiritual walk is good for your faith.... but you still live here in this world, on this planet where these sciences explore & explain our past & future. The Greeks developed complex mathmatical formulas 5 to 7k years ago; their philosiphers are worth studying also! Get better advice than mine. My interpretation is not traditional after living in Florida for a decade & experiencing some questionable people that wore their christianity on their shirtsleeves... form your ownprinciples... be sceptical of advice from prophets.

Astronomy: For thousands of years men have got on rickety boats and sailed into the night on the oceans. or crossed the plains. Navigation and the tides. Pioneers went ahead in search of..... everything. An eclipse meant the gods were mad? Pioneers knew the stars to navigate; settlers knew the seasons to farm & ranch. It's advanced math also. Think acretion= the particles of dirt & crud that sticks to your car wheel wells when driving in snow~ particles grew to planets.

Biology: Natural selection . Strong DNA chains. You want to know & understand "survivor of the fittest"? & how do mutations in a gene sequence happen & why is it important to know genetic variation.

Botany ...ect... Pollen. Learn what "Adaptation" is .... plants; ... yeah, it's about sex. you get the idea. You don't have to be in a classroom to learn these things. ... but do read, study & learn Adaptation. Same thing happens with animals, just takes longer.

Microbiology: Aerobic, or anaerobic.... they (the cells) will either be Gram Negative,.. or Gram Positive. Know why this is important for bacteria cells to / or not to reproduce. Understand cell division and mutation

let me add something here about sex. The sex part is fairly easy. The parts fit as designed but it takes time to find the balance. Find the time; it's important. A good partner is really nice. A life partner makes it great. The difficult part is the Love. Don't confuse lust & the physical sex for love. The love is what's hard to find the combination. & it goes back to the quantum physics-- really-- just the way you hold a partner, her hand, or hug, or embrace... will trigger certain hormones / endorphins ect.. to release in her.... (& THAT will trigger her heart to be a lover, or killer) That trust can be the difference during an ovulation cycle that will "take" & begin a loving family. Trust me , the brain & body know & react to triggers far better than anything that's been studied yet. It's not magic. The key is,... Find out what stirs in a
heart. Then your on your way to finding a lasting love. & it's not easy. Most of the women I've dealt w/ over the years have been damaged - almost beyond repair. Either about their Dad or ex-husband, about what they did, or didn't do, to them or for them. & the knots are hard to untangle. Most you just steer around & go on 'cause you can't fix some things.

Women are feral creatures; there is a wild streak in them. ... spirited. Not wildlike drives off cliffs, but some of them will do that. Think of a wild stallion / mare out on the plains that has not been ridden/ broken. They want to run. & not be corralled. You don't want to tame/ break them, or corral them; that kills their spirit. You just want them to run w/ you. & let them be who they are. A few wise women will recognize this. most won't. & watch out for the killers; there are many out there. They will strangle, smother, & sometimes murder relationships. They will do it & unknowingly affect your kids for life. So look for the partner that will be there w/ you all the way through the hard times... & there will be hard times. Like a miscarraige; they're rough- be there. Find out what stirs in her heart. & the key word is nurture. They have that trait like w/ kids but a lot don't know how to nurture partners 'cause they weren't
taught how. &
applies to you too; learn how. Make sure your partner is ok. Look out for them & make sure they are at peace w/ you & trust you... that you have their best interests at heart. Lead them on good paths & they will love you. You want --Healthy - Balanced- Secure. ... You are the leader; make it happen. You lose their trust, it's like humpty dumpty; you can't repair that eggshell back to the original trust. & the rule is: when they forget - THEN you are forgiven. & there's a lot more. & you don't have to have a partner on the path at times... but there is a balance/ completion/ wholeness. we'll talk. Affairs of the heart are difficult for me to prescribe but you want your partner there no matter what; & that's what your partner wants. You'll get through the rouhg times, & there will be rough times; you want someone you can count on, not anybody that will cut out - turn tail at the 1st hurdle. divorces will set you back into the stone age;
make your
choices count. Marry once for life.

Business / Finance / Real property / trading : You can devote a lifetime to learning here but know some basics. Principal ~ Agent = Principal is THE owner / THE title holder= THE decision maker. Acting in the capacity of the Agent = the principals represenative. Agent makes a commission; Principal makes the gain (orloss) on the transaction. Agent just makes a cut of the deal. a small cut. Life is Bid / Ask. Learn to trade, it's universal. Learn Sales.... if only to learn how not to be Sold something your family doesn't need.

Profesional / blue collar : Blue collar works by the hour & makes overtime... & that is ALL he makes. Your income is limited to the # of hours you will work yourself to death.... ie 70 hours per week to make what you spend.

Professional does not make overtime/ holiday pay. Professional means you deliver your talent / expertise at the agreed time~ 24/7. When you step onto the x ... you deliver. ... big league pitcher throwing a strike or BB King playing the thrill is gone at city stages = you deliver your talent. Or hit the bullseye. When I kicked in football, when they snapped the ball & set it on the spot at 41 yards out... I nailed through. Take it downtown= had extra distance past the posts = hit the mark w/ extra . You deliver at the time= professional. no excuses.

It's business, science, property ect... the things you work at to make a living... but it's the arts -- music, art, dance, sports, love, nature... those art he things you LIVE for. There are many ways to make a living; but how do you choose to live?

So many questions... and only a short lifetime to study & still be wondering.... Get out there & see it & live it. There is so much bs in our modern cultural society today... take the good, steer around the bad & leave it behind while striking your own path. Don't be afraid to be ecentric, practical, & pragmatic. Just because modern society has lost its values & is screwed up doesn't mean you have to follow it into the abyss.

You don't have to be in a college classroom to educate yourself. Many most real life knowledge / lessons are not even discussed in college. And I know many people w/ a degree which are functional idiots. .... M****** didn't get to finish school and was an automotive engineer -- i believe maybe a genius-- way ahead of his time. Review *** & my "Life Rules" occasionally. There is a lot of learning / knowledge in those rules

especially rule # 1 & # 57

It is a great quest you strive for.... glad I could help a little.

and I want you to know and understand the honor of spreading ashes of a deceased friend.

Upon death, there is a traditional way of a coffin and burial. ... or cremation. and you have the ashes of a soul.

some people take them to the ocean... that;s their way of closure. It works for them; that's ok. It seems to me of almost a ... just smother them with a pillow and get them out of here mentality. If that works for them... so be it.

I want you to take a different attitude about spreading a souls ashes. This is an honor to be asked to dispose of a soul; let's don't drown it in the ocean in one swoop and then have daquiris to celebrate. If they thought Jimmy Buffet was real talent and they enjoyed drinking at the beach, fine. That doesn't mean you have to dump the whole pack of ashes in the surf.

Just take some of the ashes... there were probably many more important places to their life; take some of their ashes there too!

More than likely... there were more places that impacted a persons life and determined who that person became. take some ashes there also! ie... Dave will take some of my ashes back to Parris Island. ie... also to Bryce Canyon, UT... as I want Dave to see that place and know what stirred my soul.

Learn ashes !

& I want you to learn some dance... it will help you to relate to some of those other cultures because they DO dance. .... since time began. You learn some basic structured steps... not freestyle wiggiling & jumping around -- anybody can do that. just some basic ballroom steps. a 4 count rhumba is so simple. Zydeco is really simple. but learn some steps. find & develop your rythym; it's a language ... not a spoken one but still a form of communication that translates across cultures. If you can understand a cultures dances... why they dance and what is important to them.... you will understand them quicker and connect w/ them .

we'll talk, Uncle Hargus

This is a letter sent to Nephew Canyon Jack. If your going to raise these kids up to be decent men... you've got to tell them and teach them how.


Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 1:54 PM
Subject: Backpack Notes

Canyon Jack, got word of your upcoming quest / adventure &would like to give you a few notes to tuck in your backpack and carry w/ you on this quest / trip. We are kindred spirits! And I'm glad you want to see the world.

Canyon, you are like my Son... you really are. Even though I'm your Unc Hargus... there is only a few things I can do for you.... to teach you of the world... to see the great things and PLACES of our world. From our previous trips ... up to CA, OR , WA, Whistler via Squamish, I know your heart & spirit. It's an easy choice for me. My only regret is that I couldn't be w/ you... but I will be.

the things I want you to study and learn ... and pass on are :

Quantum physics: everything evolves because of this... of the places .... of you... in you! One girl you meet is a friend... one girl makes your heart race... it's the quantum physics that release endorphins / hormones that can/ or cannot explain why that happens to almost everything in sciences and art. & why a life will take a different path because of random choices.

Geology: / Earth sciences... study the rock strata... to understand that our world is the way it evolved. & the great scenery is a sheer BONUS to view. I always can find a place to say aprayer when I'm at a great view. Don't miss sunsets; they are peace. ?What were their natural resources? ... Bronze for weapons... that was high technology at the time. or animal skins for survival in an artic climate. Rivers / lakes for trade routes ect.. Minerals; everything on earth comes from the ground ; It is either mined.... or grown. The 1st time I cracked a rock open and found a fossil; I was hooked! We sent guys to the moon.... & told them to bring back ROCKS to study; you study them too. Hydrology: A world war will be fought over water, not oil.

Archaeology: you will find the way people lived... their artifacts... their trash reveals so much; you pretty much are a detective. did they store food? for themseleves... or an extended family? ... ?Did they store food in pottery?... their version of a modern refridgerator? .... sharp obsidian rock cutting blades... via hunting... ect meat & skins for survival . Clovis culture? ; a clovis / Folsom spear point was high technology for the time period. How did they build thier houses? ?out of what local raw material?

Anthropology: You will study their cultural societal data to see how they lived.... as clans / tribes ... hunter / gatherers.... family structures.... as they lived. ?Did they have a god? ?were they a warring tribe? for what reason... ?What family traditions did they pass on to the next generations? ect.. ?What dances did their tribe dance? & why? ?What / who did they worship & why? ?What religeon and what probability they'd go to war for or about religeon? ?Did they have / serve Gods? or Kings? ?They had armies? for expansion or for the barbarians at the gates? From an early age I studied indian cultures & customs; from an early age I was an adventurer / explorer long before there was an Indiana Jones character. ?What language did they speak? or other communication. ?What did they value as a culture?

Religion: I tend to lean more towards a spiritual walk & not get hung up w/ religeous doctrine. Yes you need faith, and a moral compass to direct you. Just beware of the many false prophets who are a combination of huckster con men, snake oil salesmen, and motivational speaker. Homo-sapien man dates back 50 to 100k years ago. Some theories that asian man came across the Alaskan land bridge about 60k years ago. Neo-Lithic Chinese date back 10-12,000 years ago were making pottery then. About the same time of the Navajo / Dine. The Greeks, Africans, 12 tribes ect... have loooong ancient histories & stories passed down that have legend / myth / lesson / stories that are still told today, weather they are mesopotaminan or chinese stories, fold and weave into some religions. The cristians are only a couple thaousand years old; the mormons a couple hundred. Lean more toward spriritual walk & leave it others to waste their time argueing about
dogma. No one has come back from the afterlife to tell anything. The indians / navajos refer to life as the great mystery; seems a wise thought out assesment. I've yet to see a Navajo on tv preaching about what you "should" be doing or not doing.... or doing faith healings. So,... 2,000 year religeons ect... they are newcomers; new kids on the block. Your religeous / spiritual walk is good for your faith.... but you still live here in this world, on this planet where these sciences explore & explain our past & future. The Greeks developed complex mathmatical formulas 5 to 7k years ago; their philosiphers are worth studying also! Get better advice than mine. My interpretation is not traditional after living in Florida for a decade & experiencing some questionable people that wore their christianity on their shirtsleeves... form your ownprinciples... be sceptical of advice from prophets.

Astronomy: For thousands of years men have got on rickety boats and sailed into the night on the oceans. or crossed the plains. Navigation and the tides. Pioneers went ahead in search of..... everything. An eclipse meant the gods were mad? Pioneers knew the stars to navigate; settlers knew the seasons to farm & ranch. It's advanced math also. Think acretion= the particles of dirt & crud that sticks to your car wheel wells when driving in snow~ particles grew to planets.

Biology: Natural selection . Strong DNA chains. You want to know & understand "survivor of the fittest"? & how do mutations in a gene sequence happen & why is it important to know genetic variation.

Botany ...ect... Pollen. Learn what "Adaptation" is .... plants; ... yeah, it's about sex. you get the idea. You don't have to be in a classroom to learn these things. ... but do read, study & learn Adaptation. Same thing happens with animals, just takes longer.

Microbiology: Aerobic, or anaerobic.... they (the cells) will either be Gram Negative,.. or Gram Positive. Know why this is important for bacteria cells to / or not to reproduce. Understand cell division and mutation

let me add something here about sex. The sex part is fairly easy. The parts fit as designed but it takes time to find the balance. Find the time; it's important. A good partner is really nice. A life partner makes it great. The difficult part is the Love. Don't confuse lust & the physical sex for love. The love is what's hard to find the combination. & it goes back to the quantum physics-- really-- just the way you hold a partner, her hand, or hug, or embrace... will trigger certain hormones / endorphins ect.. to release in her.... (& THAT will trigger her heart to be a lover, or killer) That trust can be the difference during an ovulation cycle that will "take" & begin a loving family. Trust me , the brain & body know & react to triggers far better than anything that's been studied yet. It's not magic. The key is,... Find out what stirs in a
heart. Then your on your way to finding a lasting love. & it's not easy. Most of the women I've dealt w/ over the years have been damaged - almost beyond repair. Either about their Dad or ex-husband, about what they did, or didn't do, to them or for them. & the knots are hard to untangle. Most you just steer around & go on 'cause you can't fix some things.

Women are feral creatures; there is a wild streak in them. ... spirited. Not wildlike drives off cliffs, but some of them will do that. Think of a wild stallion / mare out on the plains that has not been ridden/ broken. They want to run. & not be corralled. You don't want to tame/ break them, or corral them; that kills their spirit. You just want them to run w/ you. & let them be who they are. A few wise women will recognize this. most won't. & watch out for the killers; there are many out there. They will strangle, smother, & sometimes murder relationships. They will do it & unknowingly affect your kids for life. So look for the partner that will be there w/ you all the way through the hard times... & there will be hard times. Like a miscarraige; they're rough- be there. Find out what stirs in her heart. & the key word is nurture. They have that trait like w/ kids but a lot don't know how to nurture partners 'cause they weren't
taught how. &
applies to you too; learn how. Make sure your partner is ok. Look out for them & make sure they are at peace w/ you & trust you... that you have their best interests at heart. Lead them on good paths & they will love you. You want --Healthy - Balanced- Secure. ... You are the leader; make it happen. You lose their trust, it's like humpty dumpty; you can't repair that eggshell back to the original trust. & the rule is: when they forget - THEN you are forgiven. & there's a lot more. & you don't have to have a partner on the path at times... but there is a balance/ completion/ wholeness. we'll talk. Affairs of the heart are difficult for me to prescribe but you want your partner there no matter what; & that's what your partner wants. You'll get through the rouhg times, & there will be rough times; you want someone you can count on, not anybody that will cut out - turn tail at the 1st hurdle. divorces will set you back into the stone age;
make your
choices count. Marry once for life.

Business / Finance / Real property / trading : You can devote a lifetime to learning here but know some basics. Principal ~ Agent = Principal is THE owner / THE title holder= THE decision maker. Acting in the capacity of the Agent = the principals represenative. Agent makes a commission; Principal makes the gain (orloss) on the transaction. Agent just makes a cut of the deal. a small cut. Life is Bid / Ask. Learn to trade, it's universal. Learn Sales.... if only to learn how not to be Sold something your family doesn't need.

Profesional / blue collar : Blue collar works by the hour & makes overtime... & that is ALL he makes. Your income is limited to the # of hours you will work yourself to death.... ie 70 hours per week to make what you spend.

Professional does not make overtime/ holiday pay. Professional means you deliver your talent / expertise at the agreed time~ 24/7. When you step onto the x ... you deliver. ... big league pitcher throwing a strike or BB King playing the thrill is gone at city stages = you deliver your talent. Or hit the bullseye. When I kicked in football, when they snapped the ball & set it on the spot at 41 yards out... I nailed through. Take it downtown= had extra distance past the posts = hit the mark w/ extra . You deliver at the time= professional. no excuses.

It's business, science, property ect... the things you work at to make a living... but it's the arts -- music, art, dance, sports, love, nature... those art he things you LIVE for. There are many ways to make a living; but how do you choose to live?

So many questions... and only a short lifetime to study & still be wondering.... Get out there & see it & live it. There is so much bs in our modern cultural society today... take the good, steer around the bad & leave it behind while striking your own path. Don't be afraid to be ecentric, practical, & pragmatic. Just because modern society has lost its values & is screwed up doesn't mean you have to follow it into the abyss.

You don't have to be in a college classroom to educate yourself. Many most real life knowledge / lessons are not even discussed in college. And I know many people w/ a degree which are functional idiots. .... M****** didn't get to finish school and was an automotive engineer -- i believe maybe a genius-- way ahead of his time. Review *** & my "Life Rules" occasionally. There is a lot of learning / knowledge in those rules

especially rule # 1 & # 57

It is a great quest you strive for.... glad I could help a little.

and I want you to know and understand the honor of spreading ashes of a deceased friend.

Upon death, there is a traditional way of a coffin and burial. ... or cremation. and you have the ashes of a soul.

some people take them to the ocean... that;s their way of closure. It works for them; that's ok. It seems to me of almost a ... just smother them with a pillow and get them out of here mentality. If that works for them... so be it.

I want you to take a different attitude about spreading a souls ashes. This is an honor to be asked to dispose of a soul; let's don't drown it in the ocean in one swoop and then have daquiris to celebrate. If they thought Jimmy Buffet was real talent and they enjoyed drinking at the beach, fine. That doesn't mean you have to dump the whole pack of ashes in the surf.

Just take some of the ashes... there were probably many more important places to their life; take some of their ashes there too!

More than likely... there were more places that impacted a persons life and determined who that person became. take some ashes there also! ie... Dave will take some of my ashes back to Parris Island. ie... also to Bryce Canyon, UT... as I want Dave to see that place and know what stirred my soul.

Learn ashes !

& I want you to learn some dance... it will help you to relate to some of those other cultures because they DO dance. .... since time began. You learn some basic structured steps... not freestyle wiggiling & jumping around -- anybody can do that. just some basic ballroom steps. a 4 count rhumba is so simple. Zydeco is really simple. but learn some steps. find & develop your rythym; it's a language ... not a spoken one but still a form of communication that translates across cultures. If you can understand a cultures dances... why they dance and what is important to them.... you will understand them quicker and connect w/ them .

we'll talk, Uncle Hargus

You never drink twice from the same stream.

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