Saturday, September 5, 2015

Odyssey to Emmaus

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MMXV Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire journey


After a lifetime of odyssey some things can't be put into words.

Throughout this lifetime,... this brief time between the eternities has been a gift of journey,... an odyssey of the roads less traveled on the way to Emmaus.     

This was not an easy road. The 1st cards dealt into my hand were for sure not very good but through some discards and some draws on Marine Corps discipline and working my way through college made the best of it and played it straight up without any guarantees... without a net. There were no convenient stops at privilege, wealth, advantage. I was fortunate to pack a few good items in the backpack/ cart... a thirst for knowledge and exploration, resourcefulness, perseverance, independence, discipline - thank you Marine Corps - , and a little dignity to walk with a chin up.

Yes, there were a few bad items that got into the pack and learned to discard them on the road along the way and lighten the pack. You carry what you need. One of the many life rules; when you go sailing, leave the anchor at home. I count divorce as a personal failure. A poor judgement and choice on my part. Sometimes you have to get up from the table and walk out the door.

This lifetime journey, this odyssey,... has taken my life to the edge most of the time, not in extremists attempts at mountain climbing like Everest, although I've climbed up some pretty good hills to see some amazing views. ... or wreck-less choices of vanity.... it was to the edge of the road less traveled that most avoid because it's a harder climb up many mountain trails like Quartz Lake in Glacier, the drill field at Parris Island, hiked to the headwaters of the Colorado River, hiked through snowpack to dance around the sacred site of Medicine Wheel, ect.

It's Talladega Baby!

... and along the way I was able to write the days journal, take a few pics, always being thankful for the abundant blessings.  ... in between my double noughtin'.

I've hiked into places where white men pioneers went in never to be seen again.I've seen a lot on this journey and am glad to have journaled a few places with some pictures.  

I've seen many things, places, natural phenomenons like The Per-sides while above 10,000' above sea level- it would take me a few hours, maybe days to describe some of the shooting stars that night.    

This blog/ journal is my view, my observations of a lifetime of journey. 

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright MMXV ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved  