Friday, August 18, 2017

Tribe Rules

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

Have Bear, 
   Will Travel         

August 2, 2017       

Life Rules from The Tribe ; A Lifetime of Learning

Subject: Rules for a Good Life --transfer Jan '08

      #1     Balance in Life is what you strive for.  When a wheel, or machine,or YOU, is not in balance;it does not, and cannot run well--at it's best performance.  The Goal is to be Healthy, Balanced , & Secure 
       A. Exercise, Discipline, .... THEN Affection!
       B. & Discipline is NOT Punishment.  Discipline means = Rules, Boundaries, and Limitations. 

1. It's not the good things in life you miss out on that hurts you; It's the bad things you get a hold of that hurts you.        

2.  When you find yourself in a hole, quit digging.

3.  Never borrow money to buy a depreciating asset.

4.   Sometimes, you have to gnaw something off, to get out of one of lifes traps. 

4A. Whenever you go sailing, leave the anchor at home.   

5.    Never ask the bait salesman if the fish are biting.

6.    The best way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it back in your own pocket.(you keep control of your own money. Don't turn it over to stockbrokers or CFPs; you
know what your best interests are better than they do.)

7.    Treat everyone as if their heart is breaking.  Because when you get to talking with them, there is usually something in their life aunt with cancer, a divorce ect., that actually is breaking  their heart. 

8.    Substance alters your balance.

9.    Decisions and choices are yours.  Make them count and don't blame anyone else.

10.    Don't be conspicuous; it draws fire.

11.    Your life status will be determined by the interest rate; whether you are paying interest--or collecting interest, on what you own.

12.     Don't count your chickens until the check clears.

13.     An interest rate above 10% is almost mathmatically imposible to pay off.

14.     The Secret of Life-- My version-- One of the secrets of life is: Good Friends, Good Partners, Good Food, Good Coffee with Good Conversaton, and the Arts.  The
Sciences, Engineering, Architecture, Technology, Medicine; Those are the things we work AT  to make a living, to provide sustenance.  But it's the Arts; Music, Film, Dance,  Spiritual, Sports, Love, ect .... Those are the things that We Live For, to nourish our Life & Soul. 

15.     Drama builds ratings.

16.     Beware of people who want to spout numbers & "Averages" to you, remember:The average human has one breast, & one testicle.

17.     If you are going to catch a varmint; then, you have to THINK like a varmint.        

18.     Most of the time,  peoples perceptions are wrong, especially the 1st impression as to who you/they are.

19.     Don't tie your rope to a sinking ship.

20.     Count on the tennants of human nature & behaivior,ie.... greed,lust, fear, lying,betrayal, ect.. to come through & prevail over reason---most of the time.  

21.     Natural mathmatical law
dictates that numbers seek the lowest common denominator. People will do the same when given the chance.

22.     Don't get bit by the same snake twice.

23.     Know what you don't know.

24.     Unrealistic expectations are the #1 source of anxiety/depression.

25.     Enjoy the train ride; Spend your dimes wisely.  Carpe` diem.  Dont worry about finding your pasion or"calling"; just live it

26.     The average size estate left by my clients???  the average was,.....ALL of it.  Not one client took even a dime with them when they died.  Having money is not important; NOT having money is VERY important.  Money is about one of the most worthless commodities on the earth.  Learn money & master it; or you will become a slave to it. 

27.     In the long run,  you are dead. Carpe` Diem again

28.    Many people wrongly think that businesses make money.  The U.S. Treasury makes money; businesses make
gasoline, shoes, sell tickets, make computers, ect.....

29.     Never sacrifice your long term goals by satisfying your short term desires.

30.      Time passes & life goes on.  Life passes & time goes on is more like it. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. 
Live your life so that when you die, you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.

31.    It's not what you own that hurts you ; It's what you owe that hurts you.

32.    Love is many things, but one thing i know for certain is that Love is "Awareness". If your partner is not aware of where you are, what you need , & what you want; then there is not much love there. Be aware of your partner, your kids, & your familys needs. w/o them having to tell you. 

33.     If you are going to pray for potatos, you need to have a hoe in your hand.

34.     Life is Hard.  Life is Harder when you make
stupid choices & bad decisions.

35.     Know the difference between Want's and Need's.  Do not want what you do not have.

36.   Always have something good planned to look forward to.  even if it is just to eat your sandwich for lunch out in the courtyard, in the sun.  w/ a friend at work.  Have something up ahead in your life that you are looking forward to. 

37.    Play Music Loud & Dance when you feel it.

37.  Every day really does count.  Don't miss a day telling, & making sure those you love know it.

38.    You think your children "Belong" to you.  They have NEVER belonged to you.  They Belong to the Lord; you just get to share them every day for some undefined time.  This applies to spouses/partners/parents/friends, ect... also. 

39.  Addition by Subtraction.  Subtract/eliminate those things/people in your life that are negative forces that drain your Time , Energy, & Resources ; and
you will ADD to the Quality of your life. 

40. You will usually Regret the things you say NO to; & you will hardly ever Regret the things you say YES to.

41.  Live Life.  There will be plenty of time to be dead; a whole half of an eternity.  We Live Between the Eternities.

42.  Death is Certain; Life is Not. (& there are some things worse than dieing.)

43. You really ARE, WHAT you Eat.  If you look like Hell & Feel like Crap; STD= Stop The Damage.  Stop putting Crap into you; Start eating & doing healthy things.  Start w/ small steps, but start.  Excersise.  just walk 1-2-3 miles a day= 1 hour.  Smoking IS a Killer.  At 20, smoking is cool; you look like James Dean or Marlon Brando.  At 50, you're a Stroke, Looking for a place to happen,.. & you're NOT cool anymore.   

44.  You don't throw away a whole life just 'cause it's banged up a little.

45.  You are the Leader of Yourself.  Lead
by Example. Others will quietly follow your example.  Lead your Family on good paths to good places. They will love you for that.  

46. Which way is your Compass Headed??  Preferably North, or "Up"wards.  Know your Direction. 

47.  Do Something & Make Something Good/Positive happen.

48.  Ships are safest in Port; But, That's not what they are Built for.  Think it through, but, Be a Risk taker.

49.  If your Church markee has "Jesus Is Our Quarterback"; you need to "Go Long".

50.  Priorities.  To define your/or anyones Priorities; Examine/determine where you spend your 1.Time, 2. & Money.  That's your Priorities, reguardless of what you think or say they are.

51.  A man without a Plan, is like a Ship without a Rudder.  or Compass.  (this shows how much of a dinosaur i am; we use GPS locators now.)

52. It is better to become, than to be born being

53. I'm Over 50 now.  I'm still young,
& got my health ; What in the hell do i want with a job!

54. It's all your choice. Make good choices.  Move Ahead/Move on.

55. Solve your own problems. don't try to make your problems anyone elses. Don't let anyone make their problems, your problem.

56. Look for a place where good things happen. Sometimes you have to be the one to make good things happen in an ordinary place.  Do something & make something happen.

57. Live Life.  From Landing my plane on desolate, isolated, secluded, pristine beachs in Florida/Bahamas, coming in w/ full flaps --down 40 degrees, descending at 250 ft/min w/ inclining angle of attack, windows open to sense the real speed/handling of the air like Grampa Wood showed me, ocean crosswind blowing inland at 12+ knots, L/R slipping as needed, you can feel the thickness of sea/gulfstream salt air & smell the stinch of dead beach crustations& seaweed,..... stall warnings
sqwaking/creaking from low airspeed, power about 18-1900rpms for manueverability in case I had to power up & go around,.... and in those 1 minute final approachs,..... looking for the right sand/beach to land safely on, .... I lived more than most people lived while they worked 30 years for a corporation in a carpet walled coffin called a cubicle. Live life.   -- This is the kind of flying that is not taught in military or private flight schools.  Grampa Wood was a barnstormer during the depression & I got some of his genes.  If you could get a motor & propeller on a washing machine;..... I'm pretty sure I could fly it & land it. 

58.  If you don't know who you are supposed to be with; then you are going to get who you deserve.  If you don't know the partner that's good for you,.... who you're supposed to be with; then you will get who you deserve. 

59.  Always leave/give more than you take.  Never allow anyone to say the words "He took more than he gave".

60. Getting through one day, doesn't guarantee admission to the next[day].

61.  When you work in the Fish Factory,... you don't know it stinks,.... until you get outside of it.   ie... a bad marriage. 

62.  Find the Change!

63.  I'd rather be alone and happy, than with someone and miserable. Remember's important.

64.   You don't know what you've missed until its gone,...... & you don't know what you've been missing out on until it shows up.

65.  Loyalty; make the statement"I'm with you no matter how hard; you can count on me no matter what happens".
          Make that statement:  Today.   or:  In 3 months the day after I hit the lottery. I understand real Loyalty & am not easily fooled. 

66.  Be your own person; an individualist.  You can't buy your individual identity w/ a mastercard.  Buying a corvette doesn't make you a fast racy guy; That,.... buys you a fascade. 

67.  I
was older back then,.... But i'm younger now.

69.  Persevere and preserve yourselves for better circumstances.

70.  I'm in somewhat good health now ; You know,.... I didn't Smoke or Drink until i was 9. 

71.  It's the 2nd mouse that gets the cheese.  Follow your instincts & be cautious of traps

72.  Leadership is NOT managing people.  Management in corporations is just that; Management. .... Managing people; "managing" problems.  Management,... would do better practicing Leadership.... Leading their Company, Then,... they wouldn't have to "manage" their employees. 

73.  "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." You have it in you to live large. You just need to take that first step. 

74.  Don't be suprised when a Bad Tree produces a Bad Apple.

75.   Trade up,... and Trade Often!

76.  Dance for your Tribe.

77. You can have anything ,.... If you're man enough to
pay[the price]for it.  

78.  No matter how thin the Pancake is, it still has 2 sides.

79.   There's a saying: "Never trust a skinny chef." In the same vein, I strongly recommend that you say no to sex with a picky eater anyone who has long lists of things they will and will not eat, and how, where, and when they'll eat it. It's not rocket science to connect that how someone acts in day-to-day life shows what kind of lover they'll be. I want someone who takes pleasure and enjoyment out of all aspects of life, including food, drink and sex.  
80.  Life/each day,... can be Chicken salad,... or Chicken shit; it really is your choice.  

81.  Every Dance is the last dance.  Every day IS your last day.  Live every day w/ the attitude it is your last.

82.  I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you
way too soon
and all the less important ones just never go away. 
83.  Open your heart to the fullness of Life

84.  All Repairs are Short Term

85.  Many People Work very Hard to get what they Don't Even Want.  ?Why are you working so hard to get things you don't  really want?

86.  Women that are picky eaters.... They will be that picky, unreasonably demanding, with you too.  If they are mean to the waiter/waitress;.... they will eventually be mean to you also. 

87.  All of the People you've dealt w/ through your Life; Forgive them for their Shortcomings, and Thank them for their Love

88. Strength is derived from unshakable will. 

89.  It's a shallow life that doesn't give a person a few scars;  There are a LOT of chinks in my Armor.

90.  Sometimes you have to
look reality in the eye, and deny it

91.  Thank you, God, for this good life and forgive us if we do not love it enough

92.  Be Rough, Tough, & Hard to Bluff

93. Things to Keep:

Keep calm. Life can be unnerving and if you don't make an effort to keep collected and focused, you could easily lose your cool. Take regular, conscious deep breaths to calm and center yourself.      

Keep your chin up. Not only is it good for your posture and diminishes your double chin, it also helps you maintain an "I can handle it" attitude. By keeping your chin up, you can keep your head above water. 

Keep your spirits high. Always maintain a positive and joyful attitude. Remember that no one can perk you up like you yourself can.  Keep your spirits high when the going gets rough by focusing on your dreams and counting your blessings. 

Keep your word. The true measure of a man is if he keeps his word. Honorable
and trustworthy is the man who stands by what he says and promises. It is important to think well before speaking because once a word is uttered and released into the universe, its vibrations could no longer be erased. 

Keep in time with your inner drummer.  Don't be swayed by others into following the confusing beat of their drums. Although it is sometimes necessary to adjust to the pace of others, it is best to keep in step with your personal rhythm and dance to your own music. 

Keep in touch with the child in you. The source of creativity in your life is that little child within you. He questions, he marvels, he imagines and invents. Stay in touch with him, and be young and creative for life! 

Keep abreast with the times. The world is moving so fast. Know what's happening, what's in style, what's au courant, what's relevant, what's important. Learn the hottest trends and the latest in technology. Don't be caught in a time warp
or you'll be left behind. 

Keep in shape. Your shape shows your state of health. Your body is the vessel that you journey through life in. Keep it healthy and strong. Don't be one of those people who say, "I'm in shape; round is a shape!" 

Keep your mouth shut. People talk too much. We language ourselves to our own destruction and defeat. Know when to talk and when to shut up. Avoid being verbose. Oftentimes, silence speaks more eloquently than words. 

Keep good friends. Good friends are hard to find. Nurture friendships that make your plight through life easier, more meaningful and wonderful. Truly poor is the man who has no good friends. 

Keep great memories, not heavy objects. In the very end, good memories of life are what we will be left with, not jewels and riches that we couldn't bring when we finally go. Live each moment beautifully. Linked together, these magical moments create a magnificent life. 

Keep a
diary. Writing a journal is therapeutic. Record the important events in your life, your dreams and aspirations, even your failures and disappointments. When you trace back events in your life, you are bound to learn lessons from them as well as find great inspiration and strength. 

Keep saying grace and thanks. Blessed is he who says grace before he eats and gives thanks for all the gifts he receives daily. Maintain a thankful attitude and focus on your blessings instead of disappointments. 

Keep on moving forward. The universe moves forward in time. Don't get stuck in the past; make an effort to move ahead to a better life. Drop those unnecessary pieces of material and emotional baggage that weigh you down and keep you from flying to your loftiest dreams. 

Keep out of danger. He who exposes himself to danger finds it. Don't court danger; avoid it. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Look out for number
one (that's you!), and always stay safe and sound. 

Keep up the good work. Success is built upon success. The more you do, the more you achieve; the more you achieve, the better you get at doing it. Make success a habit by keeping up the good work. 

Keep young. Do everything in your power to stay strong, supple and youthful. Think young; feel young. A wise man once said "It is never too late to be what you might have been." Remember that age is a number and that youth is an attitude. 

Keep on dancing. Life is a dance through space and time. Embellish whatever music life plays for you with your own fresh orchestration and creative choreography. Be excited in your heart and keep your feet light with happiness. 

Keep on loving. Love is the reason we were created. Love diminishes when hoarded but multiplies when shared. Give it and feel it overflow in your heart. Love cures all sadness, pain and sorrow. Lonely is he who does
not give love away and therefore gets none in return. 

Keep on dreaming. Most men, even if they are young, are dead, that is, if they could no longer dream. Our dreams are what keep us young and alive; they give us that sparkle in our eyes. Our dreams keep us going even while everything around us says,  "Stop." 

Keep on hoping. Never lose hope. Tomorrow will be another day that will bring new hope and greater blessings. Keep faith in the abundance of the universe and the mystery and perfection of life. Hope for nothing but the best and that's what you will be granted. 

Keep on believing. Belief is the mother of reality. What you believe becomes your truth. Believe in yourself, believe in the magic of the universe, believe in the power of your dreams. And most of all, believe you can do it, so you can have all your heart's desires! 

These You Must Not Keep: 

Don't  keep up with the Joneses. Just because your
neighbor bought a red Ferrari, you, too, must get one. Don't join the bandwagon and keep away from being one with the herd. Too much unhappiness in this world is caused by comparisons-comparing yourself and trying to measure up with other people. There is really no need to live up to others' expectations if it would just bring you  inconvenience and misery. 

Don't keep issues and grudges. The  reason most of us stay miserable is because we keep issues, grudges, and problems. Detox yourself of complaints and issues that keep you from being the best that you could be. Try to solve all problems that beset you; never leave anything unresolved.  The questions and puzzles of life are what make it challenging and exciting. 

Don't keep resentments and memories of painful experiences. Life is not a bed of roses so you must learn to let go of negative feelings and memories of painful experiences. It's hard to go on living with a heavy heart.
Pardon, forgive, forget if you can, and move on. 
Charm and beauty are worthless if your heart is cold and your head empty.

94.  Sometimes, Hindsight is only 50/50.

95.  If you are looking for Justice, Don't go anywhere near a Courtroom.

96.  Spirits don't write or Publish anything.

97.  A riot is at bottom the language of the unheard. 

Everything that is done in the world is done by hope. Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it. 
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends. 
If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven played music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well. 
may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me, and I think that's pretty important. 
Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend. 
Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. 
Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane. 
On some positions, Cowardice asks the question, "Is it safe?" Expediency asks the question, "Is it politic?" And Vanity comes along and asks the question, "Is it popular?" But Conscience asks the question "Is it right?" And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must do it because Conscience tells him it is right. 
Our scientific powers have outrun our spiritual powers; we have guided missiles and mis-guided men. 
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. 
greatest sin of our time is not the few who have destroyed but the vast majority who sat idly by. 
The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood. 
The time is always right to do what is right. 
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. 
True peace is not merely the absence of tension, it is the presence of justice. 
We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. 
We must use time creatively and forever realize that the time is always to hope to do great things. 
We must combine the toughness of the serpent with the softness of the dove, a tough mind and a tender heart. 
We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.

98.  You are not in control of anything.  Just Hang on as best as you
can & try not to get slung off.

99.  Often, Little Minds get in the Way of Big Ideas.  Follow your instincts & Don't be discouraged. Negative People should be dropped from your circle of friends.  back to rule #39. Subtraction...   

100.   It is always the Right Time to do the Right Thing.

101.  You Don't have to take Short Cuts to have/make a good life or Get Ahead; Just Don't take the Long, Unnecessary Way around. 

102.  Just Remember,.... You don't have to Know Anything about Diamonds; You just need to Know your Jeweler!

103. Time is your most valuable asset. Don't tolerate Anyone who wastes it.[Wastes your time].

104.  When they have run out of talent,.... They send in the Clowns.  When media, sports, ect... runs out of talent..... when what they offer is not worth you staying in your seat; They will send in Clowns, sensational/outrageous behaviour as a last resort to hold you in
your seat. 

105.  There is no reason to re-invent failure.

107.  well,... sometimes it's not the meaning of things, sometimes we have to know what things don't mean as well.  Like,... what does it mean to not know what the person you love is capable of?  Things fall apart, especially all the neat order of rules & laws.  The way we look at the world is the way we really are. See it from a fair garden and everything looks cheerful. Climb to a higher plateau and you'll see plunder and murder. Truth and beauty are in the eye of the beholder, I stopped trying to figure everythingout a long time ago.  

108.  Some of us pursue perfection and virtue and if we're lucky, we catch up to it. But happiness can't be pursued. It either comes to your or it don't. Youcan always say, "if only this and if only that", but if only is a state of mind that we get into when we feel deprived. 

109.  All of us in some way are trying to kill
time. When it's all said and done, time ends up killing us.

110.  You better have some good shit in your saddlebags if you think you're gonna ride w/ me.  

111. I make my living by trading w/, manipulating & conning the forces of evil to evade the rat race & do a little good along the way. 

112.  Sometimes,.... Save ink by writting only one "L". Burt Munroe--the worlds fastest indian.  

113. Family, Religon, Friendship. These are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in busines. 

114.  The People who walk over difficult trails are simply better folk than those who ride dirt bikes, 4 wheel-ers, or tour buses. I do not know why. I have seen it on trips backpacking along the Appalachian Trail, over the mountainous spine of the smokies, on the blue ridge pkwy in fall, deep in the CA desert at the Salton Sea.... or Mt. Etna in the Scott valley, near Mt Shasta in N CA.  I wonder why people live
as they do. In America the young go to law school, itself inexplicable, and then work twelve-hour days for many years so as to become partners at the noted firm of Linger, Loiter, and Dawdle. This seems to me a fate greatly to be avoided (& proudly admit to being the 1st family member in 80 years to NOT pledge SAE & go to Law school at UofA.) They must have a reason for doing it. I just don't know what it is. At the ends of their lives I suppose they can reflect that they saved Lockheed-Martin a great deal in taxes, and won an important suit over a municipal parking lot. 

115. Just remember, the decline of the Roman Empire began sometime shortly after Christianity became the state religion.. 

116.    The Start of a Thousand Mile Journey, Starts w/ One small 6 inch Step.

117.  Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

118.   Stress Management: 

  A lecturer, when explaining stress management to an audience, raised a glass of water and asked, "How heavy is this glass of water?" 

Answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g. 
  The lecturer replied, "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long you try to hold it. If I hold it for a minute, that's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance. In each case, it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes." 
  He continued, "And that's the way it is with stress management. If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasingly heavy, we won't be able to carry on. When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden. So, before you return home
tonight, put the burden of work down. Don't carry it home. You can pick it up tomorrow. 
  Here are some great ways of dealing with the burdens of life: 

* Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.  * Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.  * Always read stuff. It will make you look good if you die in the middle of it.  
* Drive carefully. It's not only cars that can be recalled by their maker.  * If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.  * If you lend someone $20 and never see him again, it was worth it.  * Maybe your sole purpose in life is simply to
serve as a warning to others.  * Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you won't have a leg to stand on.  * Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.  
* Since it's the early worm that gets eaten by the bird, sleep late.  * The second mouse gets the cheese.  * When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.  * Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.  * Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.  * We could learn a lot from crayons...  Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names, and
all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box.  *A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour. 

Have an awesome day and know that someone thought about you today... 

"Angels do exist" but, sometimes they don't have wings, we call them friends!   
119. "It's not who we are that defines us, but what we do."  

120.  There were a whole bunch of people I couldn't count on through my whole life,... so i'm kind of used to it.   

121.  I'm healthier today than I was 3 years ago,.... but I'm closer to death.  

122.   When you choose with awareness what brings you joy, you open the door to your spirit. That means you do something with the awareness of your motivation, of your outcome. 

123.   Sometimes all somebody needs is a second

124.  I learned more in school than my teachers intended.  I learned in spite of their inadequate efforts.   

125.  "Diversify your portfolio to get an Average return from the market."  My goal is NOT to be average. I never wanted my life to be "Average".  

126. What bothers me is that I watch this Class Warfare; and my Class is Losing.  

127.  We will serve no wine,.... before you pay for it!  

128.  Good Things Aren't Cheap, And Cheap Things Aren't Good!   

129.  Chicken Livers Ain't Free.  When you Bait your Trot Line, Those Chicken Livers Are NOT free.

130.  The view looks pretty good from the edge; it works for me. The view from the edge suited me fine. 

131.  "If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us struggle together." 

132. The Lord said "Go and Celebrate", not... go and be Celibant!     

133.  "There are many things
that will catch my eye... but there are only a few that catch my heart... it is those I consider to pursue..." 

134.  Life is NOT easy, and it is NOT Fair. Get used to it!

135. If you want to learn how to build a house, build a house. Don't ask anybody, just build a house.

136.   At its best, life is completely unpredictable. 

137.   The difference between a hero and a coward is one step sideways 

138.   Real heroes are men who fall and fail and are flawed, but win out in the end because they've stayed true to their ideals and beliefs and commitments.   

139.  Never use money to measure wealth.  And never, NEVER,... use academic degrees to measure intellegence.  One of the most intellegent men I ever knew, probably went to the 9th grade. I think he may have been a genious. 

140.  Sometimes you've got to just roll with what's thrown at you.  

141.   Buy her Chairs.

142.   Everything
that we need is already in us, we just got to clear away the crap that it's buried under.   

143.    Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good; that honor, courage, and virtue mean everything; that power and money, money and power mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil; and I want you to remember this, that love... true love never dies. You remember that, boy. You remember that. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. You see, a man should believe in those things, because those are the things worth believing in. 

144. Reality is not real anymore. 

145.  There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness"

146.  People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.  

147.  And when God, who created the entire universe with all of its glories, decides to deliver
a message to humanity, He WILL NOT use, as His messenger, a person on cable TV with a bad hairstyle.   

148.  You should not confuse your career with your life.

149.   No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously.  

150.   When trouble arises and things look bad, there is always one individual who perceives a solution and is willing to take command. Very often,.....  that individual is Crazy.  151.  Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. 152.  Never lick a steak knife. 153.  Take out the fortune before you eat the cookie.  154.  The most powerful force in the universe is gossip. 155.  You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why
we observe daylight savings time.  156.  You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.  And preferably hearing it cry. Until that moment; Zip it! 157.  There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age eleven.  158.  The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender,  religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down  inside, we ALL believe that we are above-average  drivers.  159.  The main accomplishment of almost all organized protests is to annoy people who are not in them. 160.  A person who is nice to you,
but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person. (This is very important. Pay attention. It never fails.)  161.  Your friends love you anyway.  Thank them for that! 162.  Thought for the day: Never be afraid to try something new.  Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals (College Graduate Engineers) built the Titanic.  

163.   I've learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you'd better have a big dick or huge breasts.

164.  I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are more fucked up than you think.

165.  I've learned that you can keep puking long after you think you're finished.

166.   I've learned that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones who do.   167.  I've
learned that we don't have to ditch bad friends because their dysfunction makes us feel better about ourselves. 168.  I've learned that no matter how you try to protect your children, they will eventually get arrested and end up in the local paper. 

169.   I've learned that if they aren't sharp enough to recognize the talent you've got to offer, walk away quietly. You would have been squanderd anyway.

170.  " To those who fight for it daily life has a flavor the protected never know."  Written on an empty C-rat box by a Marine at Khe Sanh, Viet nam, March 1968    

171.  Don't take Reason to the stock market.  Especially Economic Reasoning!

172.  To be able to see right turns, we have to be able to see the wrong ones.  
173.  Tears are a river that takes you somewhere. Tears make us conscious. There is no chance to go back to sleep
when one is weeping. Whatever sleep comes then is only rest for the physical body.  

174.  When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense.
Do not cringe and make yourself small if you are called the black sheep, the maverick, the lone wolf. Those with slow seeing say a nonconformist is a blight on society. But it has been proven over the centuries, that being different means standing at the edge, means one is practically guaranteed to make an original contribution, a useful and stunning contribution to her culture.  

175.  The difference between comfort and nurture is this: if you have a plant that is sick because you keep it in a dark closet, and you say soothing words to it, that is comfort. If you take the plant out of the closet and put it in the sun, give it something to drink, and then talk to it, that is nurture.   

176.  If you've lost focus, just sit down and be
still. Take the idea and rock it to and fro. Keep some of it and throw some away, and it will renew itself. You need do no more.  

177.   The impulse to play is an instinct. No play, no creative life.  

178.   What is the basic nutrition for the soul? Well, it differs from creature to creature, but here are some combinations. ... For some women air, night, sunlight, and trees are necessities. For others, words, paper, and books are the only things that satiate. For others, color, form, shadow, and clay at the absolutes. Some women must leap, bow, and run, for their souls crave dance. Yet others crave only a tree-leaning peace.   

179.  If you are surrounded by people who cross their eyes and look with disgust up at the ceiling when you are in the room, when you speak, when you act and react, then you are with the people who douse passions - yours and probably their own as well. These are not the people who care about you, your
work, your life.   

180.  When people open the doors of their own lives and survey the carnage there in those out-of-the-way places, they most often find they have been allowing summary assassinations of their most crucial dreams, goals, and hopes.   

181.  Our educational system claims to bring out the best in our children. And I wonder, how many young Einsteins are scolded into conformity?  

182.  "Sometimes we tend to be in despair when the person we love leaves us, but the truth is, it's not our loss, but theirs, for they left the only person who wouldn't give up on them." 

183. "Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent." Napoleon Bonaparte

184.  "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." 

185.    I've heard that life is a chance for you to 'find' your purpose.  I think your purpose on earth is to learn how to experience the world through
the truths of our animal instincts.  How to live every moment and every day to the fullest.    

186.  The best rarely takes the safe path.

187.   Your Purpose in life isn't always what it appears to be.    

188.  Time is luck.

189.  None of my houses has ever hugged me & told me it loved me.

190.  Get out of debt; it enslaves you & is a killer.

191.  You don't own that house; That house owns you.  Back to ... Just because you live in a castle; That doesn't make you free behing those walls.

192.  It's not what they call you that matters; It's what you answer to.

193. When love is not madness, it is not love.  

194.  You learn more when you listen, than when you talk.  This does not apply to all conversations; avoid stupid people.  If you have the choice, talk with someone that HAS imagination.

195.  Aren't you a little old to be afraid. 

196.  When you hear
the word "product" from a salesman, you need to cover up your ass, 'cause you're about to be financialy fucked.

197.   The day you hit hard times you will get to know who your acquaintances are.

198.   If it occurs to you that you might regret something, you inevitably will and sooner rather than later.

199.    The minute you decide to get divorced, go see a lawyer and file the papers.

200. Whenever someone says the words, "Our friendship is more important than this," watch out, because it almost never is. 

201.  You can't be friends with people(aquaintences) who call after 10pm to talk about their self inflicted crisis,... or gossip.  But your real friends can call you anytime.

202.   You can order more than one dessert.  

203.  Never let them know.  

204.   The price of anything is the amount of life you excchange for it.

205.  That man is rich whose pleasures are cheapest. 

206.   I know it's not always easy being my friend, but I'll be there when you need me.

207.   Have you ever wondered why you and I have been part of so many unfortunate incidents, but are still here? I have figured it out. It's nothing much, just luck. I wake up every day looking at Death, and you know what? He ain't half bad. I think the secret old Mr. Death is hiding is that for some of us, it's better on the other side. I know it can't be any worse for me. Maybe that's the place for you. For some of us, this world ain't ever gonna be right.    

208. Remember this, all of you. Nothing counts so much as blood. The rest are just strangers. Aquaintnces.    209.   There is no normal life, there's just life, ya live it.  

210.  Things don't happen for a reason. They just happen.  

211.  You are not what you were born, but what
you have it in
yourself to be.  

212.  I put no stock in religion. By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of god. Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. What god desires is here [Head & Heart] , and by what you decide to do every day, you will be a good man. Or not.    

213. Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth, always, never lie,... even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless, and do no wrong. That is your oath.  

214.  You're your father's son. He was my friend. I'm yours. 

215.   A King may move a man, a father may claim a son, but remember that even when those who move you be Kings, or men of power, your soul is in your keeping alone. When you stand before God, you cannot say, "But I was told by others to do thus." Or that,
"Virtue was not convenient at the time." This will not suffice.  God will understand. And if he doesn't, then he is not God and we need not worry.  

216.   If God has purpose for you there, he'll keep you safe in his hands. 

217.   Being left out of a group of friends that's going nowhere, is really a blessing.

218.   Surgeon General's Warning: Society's problems must be solved. We have the solutions and you must buy them from us. No unauthorized solutions will be permitted.   

219. If voting could really change things, it would be illegal.

220.   "If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it."   

221.   Even if it is a democracy, in a democracy it don't matter how stupid you are, you still get an equal share.  
222.   Opposites attract, but sames stick.   

223.     When you believe it, then you can see it.

224.  Success means NEVER having to
wear a suit to work.

225.   I think we can't go around measuring our goodness by what we don't do - by what we deny ourselves, what we resist and who we exclude. I think we've got to measure goodness by what we embrace, what we create and who we include.   226.    You don't misbehave here. It's just not done, did you know that? If you don't go to confession, if you don't... dig your flowerbeds, or if you don't pretend, if you don't pretend... that you want nothing more in your life than to serve your husband three meals a day, and give him children, and vacuum under his ass, then... then you're... then you're crazy.    

227.    You don't have any inner Demons; It's just your inner Horseshit.  

228.  It's not like there's a line between the good people and the bad people.  It's not like you're one or the other.

229.   There are only four questions of value in life. What is
sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and What is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same: only love.  

230.   What to prescribe for a broken heart; Find something new to love.  

231.   Everything that we need is already in us, we just got to clear away the crap that it's buried under. Now I want you to erase something.   That's the crap. Love is buried under fear, and partnership, is right there under competition, and there's compassion underneath the greed. You gotta take your eraser and clean it away,.... do the work. It's hard work and nobody can do it for you. There's no drug. That's the sum of it.  
232. It's easy to be a Holy man on top of a mountain.  

233.  Just because you're familiar with the missionary position doesn't make you a missionary.  

234.   If you aren't raised to be a man by a man, you'll never be a man.   

235.   It doesn't matter where you come from as long as you discover where you belong  

236.   You can live a lifetime without being awake; don't make that mistake  

237.   You ask bad questions; don't expect good answers  

238 .   You want explanations to have reasons.  ?What is it you expect?

239.   You're out of your mind?.....  Maybe you've had a lifetime of practice  

240.   Trash?   Take out the trash in your mind.  Trash is what's keeping you from what matters now 

241.   You want to live in the moment; and there are no ordinary moments.... only this moment 

242.   The constants of life; Paradox, Humor, and Change  

243 .  Everything has a purpose, even this, and it's up to you to find it  

244 .   A warrior does not give up what he loves, he finds the love in what he does  

245.   I call myself a warrior.... because the battles we fight are on the inside

246 .  This moment is the only things that matters  

247.   Any problem that can be solved with time & money ,... it's a problem.....  that can be solved with Time & money.  Find the change  

248.   Most of the girls that are concerned with the wedding and not the marriage..... & that gives the rest of us girls a bad reputation.  last 2 fm Haley  

249.   Faith,... in anything, is a good thing.

250.   In a bad marriage, No one can hear you scream.

                Not arguing.  Everyone can hear you argue.

251.  If you have to explain satire,..... there's really no point in it.  You're just wasting your time.

252.  I've spent many a time lamenting bad dates, so I thought I'd write about the great one I had tonight. It doesn't matter what we did, where we went or that it ended with a kiss for the ages. What I realized is this: when you're with the "right"
person, everything else falls away. The rules, the roles, the strategies - they're mechanisms we put into place to guard ourselves against those who aren't "right" for us. When we really meet our "match," we feel free to be who we truly are. The right person is the one who gets us, with whom the laughs are easy and the inside jokes immediate. For whom there is attraction and passion, but who is also a best friend, even if you've only known the person a short time. The right person is comfort, understanding and, well, magic. Not the fireworks kind of magic, but a softer a warm hug, or a kiss from someone who just "fits" you perfectly. 

253.   A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment.  254.   Ability is a poor man's wealth.  255.    Adversity is the state in which man mostly easily becomes acquainted with himself, being
especially free of admirers then.   256.    Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.  257.    Be prepared and be honest.   258.    Consider the rights of others before your own feelings, and the feelings of others before your own rights.  259.    Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.   260.    Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability.  261.    Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.   262.    I'd rather have a lot of
talent and a little experience than a lot of experience and a little talent.  263.    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?   264.    If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything. I'm positive that a doer makes mistakes.  265.    It isn't what you do, but how you do it.   266.     It's not so important who starts the game but who finishes it.  267.    It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.  268.    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.  269.    Never mistake activity for achievement.  270.   
Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.   271.    Success is never final, failure is never fatal. It's courage that counts.  272.    Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.   273.   The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team.  274.    The worst thing about new books is that they keep us from reading the old ones.  275.    Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.   276.    What you are as a person is far more important that what you are as your proffesion.  277.    Winning takes
talent, to repeat takes character.  278.    You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one.     

279.       : They're not scared of you. They're scared of what you represent to 'em.  
            : Hey, man. All we represent to them, man, is somebody who needs a haircut. 
            : Oh, no. What you represent to them is freedom. 
            : What the hell is wrong with freedom? That's what it's all about. 
            : Oh, yeah, that's right. That's what's it's all about, all right. But talkin' about it and bein' it, that's two different things. I mean, it's real hard to be free when you are bought and sold in the marketplace. Of course, don't ever tell anybody that they're not free, 'cause then they're gonna get real busy killin' and maimin' to prove to you that they are. Oh, yeah, they're gonna talk to you, and talk to you, and talk to
you about individual freedom. But they see a free individual, it's gonna scare 'em. 

280.  I subscribe to the law of contrary public opinion... If everyone thinks one thing, then I say, bet the other way...  

281.    & one of THE most important rules: 

281.    & one of THE most important rules: 

      Many are called ; but few are chosen!

282.  Do NOT date guys that are having babies with other women.  

283.   When someone shits on your shoe,  either shake it off & go on.... or plant it up their ass where it belongs.  

284.  "The only discipline that lasts is self discipline."  "An expert is an ordinary fella away from home."  "Winning is only half of it. Having fun is the other half." 

285.  How does one know if she has forgiven? You tend to
feel sorrow
over the circumstance instead of rage, you tend to feel sorry for the person rather than angry with him. You tend to have nothing left to say about it all. 

286.    I hope you will go out and let stories happen to you, and that you will work them, water them with your blood and tears and you laughter till they bloom, till you yourself burst into bloom.  287.    We are all los inmigrantes, the Soul is The First Immigrant: The Soul cannot be held back by any imaginary boundary drawn against it; not by mountain ranges, not by rivers, nor by human scorn. The Soul, goes everywhere, like an old woman in her right mind, going anywhere she wishes, saying whatever she wants, bending to mend whatever is within her reach. Wherever she goes, the Soul brings new life.  

288.   Nature and human beings are not separate. You can be sure that when the land and creatures are wounded by humans, that those
humans are copying their own psychic wounds into the earth and animals as well; what is wounded and without thought, wounds others.  

289.   All strong souls first go to hell before they do the healing of the world they came here for. If we are lucky, we return to help those still trapped below.  

290.    Just because a woman is silent does not mean she agrees.  

291.   If logic were everything, all men would ride sidesaddle.  

292.    The craft of questions, the craft of stories, the craft of the hands - all these are the making of something, and that something is soul. Anytime we feed soul, it guarantees increase.  

293.    Some people mistake being loving for being a sap. Quite the contrary, the most loving people are often the most fierce and the most acutely armed for battle... for they care about preserving and protecting poetry, symphonic song, ideas, the elements, creatures, inventions, hopes and dreams,
dances and holiness... those goodly endeavors that cannot be allowed to perish from this earth, else humanity itself would perish.  

294.   What good is a hometown if everyone you know is gone? 

295.   Knowing is the easy part; saying it out loud is the hard part.  

296.       I do not tolerate the presense
of fools easily.
297. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while 
you walk, smile. It is the ultimate 

298. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. 
Buy a lock if you have to. 

299. Buy a Tivo (DVR), tape your late night shows and 
get more sleep. 

300. When you wake up in the morning complete the 
following statement, 'My purpose is to________ 

301. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy,
Enthusiasm, and


302. Watch more movies, play more games and read more 
books than you did last year. 

303. Always pray and make time to exercise. 

304. Spend more time with people over the age of 70 
and under the age of Six. 

305. Dream more while you are awake. 

306. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants 
and eat less foods that are manufactured in 

307. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat 
blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli , almonds 
& walnuts. 

308. Try to make at least three people smile each day. 

309. Clear your clutter from your house, your car, 
your desk and let new and flowing energy into your 

310. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, 
energy vampires, issues of the past, negative 
thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead, 
invest your energy in the positive present moment. 

311. Realize
that life is a school and you are here 
to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum 
that appear and fade away like algebra class 
.......but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime. 

312. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince 
and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge 

313. Smile and laugh more. It will keep the energy 
vampires away. 

314. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. 

315. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 

316. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else 

317. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to 

318. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up 
the present. 

319. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no 
idea what their journey is all about. 

320.) Ladies - Go on and burn those 'special' scented 
candles, use the 600 thread count sheets, the good

china and wear our fancy lingerie now. Stop waiting 
for a special occasion. Everyday is special. 

321. No one is in charge of your happiness except you. 

322. Frame every so-called disaster with these 
words: 'In five years, will this matter?' 

323. Forgive everyone for everything. 

324. What other people think of you is none of your 

325. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time! 

326. However good or bad a situation is, it will 

327. Your job won't take care of you when you are 
sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch with them. 

328. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, 
beautiful or joyful. 

329. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all 
you need. God provides remember?! 

330. The best is yet to come. (in Heaven) 

331. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show 

332. Do the right thing!

333. Call your family often. 

334. Each night before you go to bed complete the 
following statements: 'I am thankful for __________.' 
Today I accomplished _________. 

335. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed. 

336. Enjoy the ride. Remember that this is not 
Disney World and you certainly don't want a fast 
pass. You only have one ride through life so make 
the most of it and enjoy the ride then make sure you 
are on your way to Heaven and will receive a new 
body in Christ Jesus! 

Please share with friends! We change the world by changing our 
338.  If you are going through hell keep going. 339.  In a room full of people you are the one I look for.  340.  It takes a very long time to become young. 
341.  Humans are the only creatures who allow their children to come back home.               
Advice to Young Men from an Old Man 
342.  Don’t pick on the weak. It’s immoral. Don’t antagonize the strong without cause, its stupid. 
Don’t hate women. It’s a waste of time 
344.  Invest in yourself. Material
things come to those that have self actualized. 
345.  Get in a fistfight, even if you are going to lose. Fight only the fights worth fighting.
346.  As a former Marine, take it from me. Don’t join the military, unless you want to risk getting your balls blown off to secure other people’s economic or political interests. 
347.  If something has a direct benefit to an individual or a class of people, and a theoretical, abstract, or amorphous benefit to everybody else, realize that the proponent’s intentions are to benefit the former, not the latter, no matter what bullshit they try to feed you. 
348.  Don’t be a
Republican. They are self-dealing crooks with no sense of honor or patriotism to their fellow citizens. If you must be a Republican, don’t be a “conservative.They are whining, bitching, complaining, simple-minded self-righteous idiots who think they’re perpetual victims. Listen to talk radio for a while, you’ll see what I mean. 
349.  Don’t take proffered advice without a critical analysis. 90% of all advice is intended to benefit the proponent, not the recipient. Actually, the number is probably closer to 97%, but I don’t want to come off as cynical. 
350.  You’ll spend your entire life listening to people tell you how much you owe them. You don’t owe the vast majority of people shit. 
351.  Don’t undermine your fellow young men. Mentor the
young men that come after you. Society
recognizes that you have the potential to be the most power force in society. It scares them. Society does not find young men sympathetic. They are afraid of you, both individually and collectively. Law enforcement’s primary purpose is to suppress you. 
352.  As a young man, you’re on your own. Society divides and conquers. Unlike women who have advocates looking out for them (NOW, Women’s Study Departments, government, non-profit organizations, political advocacy groups) almost no one is looking out for you. 
353. Young men provide the genius and muscle by which our society thrives. Look at the Silicone Valley. By in large, it was not old men or women that created the revolution we live. Realize that society steals your contributions, secures it with our intellectual property laws, and then takes credit and the rewards
where none is due.

354.  Know that few people have your best interests at heart. Your mother does. Your father probably does (if he stuck around). Your siblings are on your side. Everybody else worries about themselves. 
355.  Don’t be afraid to tell people to “Fuck offwhen need be. It is an important skill to acquire. As they say, speak your piece, even if your voice shakes. Don't EVER let them see you sweat.
356.  Acquire empathy, good interpersonal skills, and confidence. Learn to read body language and non-verbal communication. Don’t just concentrate on your vocational or technical skills, or you’ll find your wife fucking somebody else. 
357.  Keep fit. Stay sharp physicaly, mentaly, emotionaly.
358.  Don’t speak ill of
your wife/girlfriend. Back her up against the world, even if she’s wrong. She should know that you have her back. When she needs your help, give it. She should know that you’ll take her part. 
359.  Don’t cheat on your wife/girlfriend. If you must cheat, don’t humiliate her. Don’t risk having your transgressions come back to her or her friends. Don’t do it where you live. Don’t do it with people in your social circle. Don’t shit in your own back yard. 
360.  If your girlfriend doesn’t make you feel good about yourself and bring joy to your life, fire her. That’s what girlfriends are for. 
361.  Don’t bother with “emotional affairs.They are just a vehicle for women to flirt and have someone make them feel good
about themselves. That’s the part of a relationship they want. For you it is a lot of work and investment in time. If they are having an emotional affair with you, they’re probably fucking someone else. 
362.  Becoming a woman’s friend and confidant is not going to get you into an intimate relationship. If you haven’t gotten the girl within a reasonably short period of time, chances are you won’t ever get her. She’ll end up confiding to you about the sexual adventures she’s having with someone else. 
363.  Have and nurture friendships with women. 
364.  Realize that love is a numbers game. Guys fall in love easily. You’re going to see some girl and feel like you’ll die if you don’t get her. If she rejects you, move on to the next one. It’s her
365.  Don’t be an internet troll. Got out and live life. There is not a cadre of beautiful women advertising on Craigslist to have NSA sex with you. Beautiful women don’t need to advertise. The websites that advertise with attractive women’s photos and claims of loneliness are baloney. All they want is your money and your personal information so that they can market to you. The posts on Craigslist by young “womenseeking NSA sex, and asking for a picture are just a bunch of gay troll pic collectors. This is especially true if the post uses common gay lexicon like “holeas in “fuck my holeor seeks “masculinemen, or uses the word cock (except in the context of “Don’t send a cock shot.”) There are women on Craigslist. They are easily recognizable by their 2-5 paragraph postings. Most are in their 30's or older. 
366.  When you
become a man in full, know that people will get in your way. People who are attracted to you will somehow manage to step in your path. Gay guys will give you “the look.Old people will somehow stumble in front of you at the worst time. Don’t get frustrated. Just step aside and go about your business. Know that these are passive aggressive methods to get you to acknowledge their existence. 
367.  Don’t gay bash. Don’t mentally or physically abuse people because of who they are, or how they present themselves. It’s none of your business to try to intimidate people into conformity. 
368.  If your gay, admit it to yourself, your parents, your friends and society at large. Be prepared to get harassed. See rule 14. If someone threatens you or assaults you, call the cops. Have them arrested. You have no obligation to self sacrifice because of who you are. As a gay person, you’ll
have more
social freedom than straight men. Use it to protect yourself. Be prepared to get out of Dodge if your orientation makes your life unbearable. Move to San Francisco, New York, Atlanta, or New Orleans. You’ll find a welcoming community there. 
369.  Don’t be a poser. Avoid being one of those dudes who puts a surfboard on top of their car, but never surfs, or a dude with a powder coated fixed gear bike and a messenger bag, but was never a messenger. Live the life. Earn your bona fides. 
370.  Don’t believe the crap about the patriarchy. More women are accepted and attend college. More degrees are awarded to women than men. Women outlive men. More men commit suicide. Men are twice as likely to be victims of violence, including murder. If you consider sexual assaults in prisons,
twice as many men are raped as women
(society thinks prison rape is funny). The streets are littered with homeless men, sprinkled with a few homeless women. Statically, women are happier than men. The myth that girls are being cheated by are educational system is belied by the fact that schools are bastions of femininity, mostly run by and taught by women. Girls outperform boys in school. It is the boys in school getting fucked over, and prescribed ritalin for being boys. Real wages for men are falling, while real wages for women are rising. Just because someone says something enough times, doesn’t make it true. You have nothing to feel guilty about. 
371.  Remember, 97% of all advice is worthless. Take what you can use, and trash the rest.   372. "Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth."  Hopi prayer   373. “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.- Mahatma Gandhi    374. "University politics are so vicious precisely because the stakes are so
small." Henry Kissenger

    375. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the  shore.
Andre Gide 
  376.  •Besides learning to see,  also learn not to  see what is not.  Maria Mitchell•A friend is one who dislikes the same  people I  dislike.  Unknown•Socrates, 470-399 BC,
learned music and
  dancing and thought it  time well spent. Michele de 
Montaigneover•It was not into my ear you whispered  but into my heart.  It  was not my lips you 
kissed but my  soul.  Judy 
Garland   377.•If
I've told you this  before I want to hear    it again.  JBY Founder Jim Beard - From  Mamie Mason•Music I heard with you was more  thanmusic and bread I broke with
you was
  more  than  bread.  Conrad  Aiken•Never lend your car to anyone to whom  you have given  birth.  Erma  Bombeck•He: "Can I have the last dance with  you?" She: "You are   having  it."  René  Zgraggen    378.  Learn the art of spreading someones ashes. Respect them and their spirit by placing their ashes where they would want. ... or would be a fitting respect of their life. I've placed ashes of a rock climber buddy at Squamish, British Colombia-- one of the world class places for rock climbers, and all through the Rockies.  To dump ashes in the ocean at one time seems disrepectful, kinda like smothering them with a pillow. ...point is... there
are many different beaches with many beautiful, peaceful sunsets to honor and respect them. Lear to spread ashes; don't dump them.     379...    380.      381.      382.   My wife and
I divorced over religious differences. She thought she was God and I didn't. I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them. I used to have a handle on life, but it broke. Don't take life too seriously; no one gets out alive. You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. Earth is the insane asylum for the universe. I'm not a complete idiot; some parts are missing. Out of my mind. Back in five minutes. God must love stupid people; She made so many. The gene pool could use a little chlorine. Consciousness: that annoying time between naps. Ever stop to think, and forget to start again? Being "over the hill" is much better than being under it. Wrinkled was not one of the things I wanted to be when I grew up. Procrastinate now!
I have
an Arts degree; do you want fries with that? A hangover is the wrath of grapes. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance. Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere! They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken. He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead. A picture is worth a thousand words, but it uses up three thousand times the memory. Ham and eggs... a day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig. The trouble with life is there's no background music. The original point and click interface was a Smith & Wesson. I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on. ********************************** 383. Where there's a will, I want to be in it.

384. Do not argue with an idiot. He  will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

385. Light travels  faster than sound. This is why some people look
intelligent until you hear them  speak.

386. If I agreed with you, we'd
both be wrong.

387. We never really  grow up, we only learn how to
act in public.

388. War does not determine who  is right; only who is left.

389. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit.  Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

390. Evening news is where they  begin with "Good evening" and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.

391. To  steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is  research.

392. I thought I wanted a  career. Turns out I just wanted pay checks.

393. Whenever I fill out an  application, in the part that says, "In case of emergency, notify:" I put  "DOCTOR".

394. I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming  you.

395. Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street  with a bald head and beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

396. Behind  every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is  usually another woman.

397. A clear conscience is the sign of a fuzzy

398. You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute  to skydive twice.

399. Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery  easier to live with.

400. There's a fine line between cuddling and holding  someone down so they can't get away.

401. I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not  so sure.

402. You're never too old to learn something stupid.

403. To be  sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the  target.

404. Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

405. Change is inevitable,  except from a vending machine.

406. Going to church doesn't make you a  Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.  

407. OK... we're gonna tell you how to sit with
friends... HOW to make
friends....  When you respect people enough to want to know them,... to negociate with them, to learn about them... you sit and Break Bread!  This tradition goes back before bibical times.    The equttete of friendship:  After initial greetingsof friends / family, ... procede to a dining room / dinner table for seating guests and family.    The centerpiece of the table is th basket of loaf bread wrapped incloth to keep warm.  even better... once seated bring the warm bread straight from the oven to the center of the table.   In American quisine, a meat is the center of the meal with side dishes. 
Break from this and follow a more ancient tradition; the Bread is the centerpiece of the meal.  It IS about the BREAD !  We are Breaking Bread. You , are breaking barriers! 

408. To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing."

409. “The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe with blood for centuries.James Madison  

410. I Must Not Fear. Fear is the Mind-Killer.
Fear is the little death.
I Will Face My Fear. I will let it pass through me. 
-Bene Gesserit 'Litany against Fear'  

411. I'd rather live on the lunatic fringe of society than fester at its' rotten core.

412. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is. 

413. You people can't even get along when there isn't stress and starvation. Imagine what a bunch of raving lunatics you'll be when
you have to
skip a couple meals and wipe with the Sears catalog.   

414. Surviving is easy, living while you do it is the hard part.   

415. “I have written much about many good places. But the best
places of all, I have
never mentioned.Edward Abbey  

416. You get what you settle for. 

417. If evil has one power, it is the power of illusion, to mask reality.  

418.  "A, B, C........... Always Be, CLosing.   Here are the keys to a Cadillac.  Here are some steak knives. Winner gets the Cadillac. Second, gets the steak knives, third, you are fired.  Hey, no tea for You!  Tea is for closers!" 

All he wanted was the leads.......... the Glengary
leads........ 419.             

425.  If a little is not enough for you, nothing is.

426. I learn about myself. There is no self. You learn you're not a self. You learn you're nothing. Ultimately. Hopefully.

427.   When you label something, you dismiss it. 

428.  Never give up, which is the lesson I learned from boxing. As soon as you learn to never give up, you have to learn the power and wisdom of unconditional surrender, and that one doesn't cancel out the other; they just exist as contradictions. The wisdom of it comes as you get older.

429.  The desire to be fucked-up probably leaves you, but the desire to be high never does.

430. Like a bird on a wire
    Like a drunk in a midnight chior
    I have tried in my way to be free 

431. When you go sailing, leave the anchor at home.  (may be a duplicate   

Perhaps these are words of wisdom for us all, whatever our age. Perhaps if our children are younger, we can set the intention to parent in such a way that we teach them this wisdom by example.
  1. 432. You are not your job. You are not the amount of cash you have in the bank. You are not your possessions.

  2. 433. Find your passion. Look for what inspires you. Find what you love to do and pursue it with all your heart. You may well find a way how to make money from doing it.

  3. 434. Love hurts. But it is so much better than closing yourself off for fear of being hurt and not experiencing love.
  4. Communication and respect are the foundations for a lasting relationship.

  5. 435. Three things are needed in a relationship -- lust, love, and shared values.

  6. 436. Never compare yourself to others. It's a waste of energy. You are unique and have your own gifts to offer the world.

  7. 437. Look after your health -- physical, mental, and spiritual.

  8. 438. Don't complain. Decide what you will tolerate and get on with life.

  9. 439. Set boundaries -- work, family, and friendships.

  10. 440. Little stuff matters -- manners get you a long way.

  11. 441. Be grateful. List the things you are grateful for everyday.

  12. 442. Expect to fail. Failure is not fatal. Learn the lessons, then get back up and try again.

  13. 443. Have outrageous dreams. You'll be amazed at what comes true.

  14. 444. Act with integrity at all times.

  15. 445. Call your parents. They may well have screwed up but they raised you to the best of their abilities.

  16. 446. Know your values. Let no one violate what you hold as important be that a boss or your partner.

  17. 447. You don't need to have it all worked out. Tomorrow is another day.

  18. 448. Lighten up on yourself. Breathe deeply and slowly.

  19. 449. Listen to your inner dialogue. Would you speak to someone you love in the same way?

  20. 450. Take risks, take leaps of faith. You'll grow wings.

  21. 451. Be of service to others. Be interested in others. People will always remember what you did for them.

  22. 452. "No" is a complete sentence.

  23. 453. Don't stress so much over decisions. Decisions needn't be forever.

  24. 454. Cultivate and nurture friendships. With love and care they can last a lifetime. At the same time don't be afraid to edit friendships.

  25. 455. You are enough just as you are. Perfect in your imperfection.

  26. 456. Learn to accept compliments. Simply say 'thank you'.

  27. 457. Be willing to show that you are vulnerable. It is in fact the greatest act of courage.

  28. 458. You are never alone.

  29. 459. Forgive. Yourself first and then others. We are all in this together.

  30. 460. Your attitude is always a choice.

  31. 461. Laugh a lot. Have fun.

  32. 462. Magic happens outside your comfort zone.

  33. 463. Learn to love yourself now. It gets harder if you leave it until you're older.

  34. 464. Don't worry about what other people think. They think about you a lot less than you imagine.

  35. 465. Follow your intuition. Your guts have the answer. Every time.

  36. 466. Happiness starts within. Do not expect anyone else to make you happy.

  37. 467. Be financially savvy right from the off. Save 10%. Debt is not pretty. Make your own lunch for work. A cappuccino and a sandwich a day soon add up.

  38. 468. Life isn't a race. Stop and smell the roses. Really.

  39. 469. When overwhelmed ask yourself, "Will this even be an issue in 5 years time?"

  40. 470. Change happens. It's one of the great certainties in life. Learn to roll with it.
471. Getting older is a gift.
  1. 472. I do not "need" Botox.
  2. 473. Losing weight is not a life purpose.
  3. 474. Infatuation is not love. And it rarely turns into it, either.
  4. 475.  Narcissists make bad friends and shitty friends/ girlfriends.
  5. 476.  Long hair is always age-appropriate. Crop tops? Not so much.
  6. 477.  High heels hurt. Don't ask ladies to wear them
  7. 478. Art makes me happier than new clothes.
  8. 479.  My life is waaaaaay nicer when I share it with a dog.
  9. 480. Sugar is poison. Aspartame could cause cancer. Ix nay to both of 'em.
  10. 481. We outgrow some friendships.
  11. 482. Grey hair is cool. For some people...
  12. 483. Being chronically single was never the game plan but it has its benefits. I change the channel whenever I want, for starters.
  13. 484. I prefer real books to e-books.
  14. 485. Books and music are not optional line items in the budget.
  15. 486. Lying is not okay. Ever.
  16. 487. We need guilty pleasures.
  17. 488. If he doesn't floss, we are not ever going to happen.
  18. 489. Winter in New England is overrated.
  19. 490. I hope to never again set foot in a mall. Especially not one with a food court.
  20. 491.The arts are my raison d'etre. music, dance, film, photography...
  21. 492. Positivity is the way to roll.
  22. 493. When I bring the real me to my work I do a way better job.
  23. 494. Going to bed early is awesome.
  24. 495. Technology is awesome, too, and, no, it is not just for young people.
  25. 496. Relationships are rarely 50/50. Having said that, 20/80 is unacceptable.
  26. 497. "Move on" is outstanding advice.
  27. 498. Smile. (It is so sexy.)
  28. 499. Buying stuff rarely, if ever, makes the emptiness go away.
  29. 500. Saying thank you is a way of life.
  30. 501. I will never vote Republican. No need to keep posting that to Facebook.
  31. 502. I can enjoy a meal without photographing it.
  32. 503. What's right for me might not be right for someone else. Cool.
  33. 504. Birthday cake is a once-a-year food group.
  34. 505. My generation truly did produce the best musicians. I'm kinda inflexible on that point.
  35. 506. "What's your story?" is infinitely more interesting than "What do you do?"
  36. 507. Fulfillment, not income, is the measure of success.
  37. 508. Cheapness is a massive turn-off. There's a difference between frugal, resourceful, and plain cheapskate.
  38. 509. Life is not a dress rehearsal. Everybody knows this. But now I KNOW it.
  39. 510. Long time dead.
  40. 511. Being let down hurts. Expecting that person to change hurts more.
  41. 512. Everybody is someone's somebody. Show respect.
  42. 513. Saying no is way kinder than saying maybe but meaning no.
  43. 514. Respect another person's boundaries. Hear them when they say no.
  44. 515. Show up.
  45. 516. Give anonymously.
  46. 517. "Do something that scares you" may not be the wisest mantra.
  47. 518. My gut knows all. My job is to listen and obey. Punto y aparte.
  48. 519. Confidence is inspiring. Arrogance is offensive. World o' difference.
  49. 520. Sarcasm is a defense mechanism.
  50. 521. Overcomplicating things is not the sign of intellectual superiority.
  51. 522. There are many kinds of smart.
  52. 523. Turns out, all we need is love. (Thanks, Paul + John.)
  53. 524. You only get a birthday if you're alive on this beautiful planet. Celebrate.
525.   Avoid dealing w/ The VA if possible 
526.    CHOICES, CHANCES, CHANGES – You must make a Choice to take a Chance or your life will never Change.

527. Simplify your life:  STOP doing “Permanent” things with “Temporary” people.
528. Insecurity is an ugly thing; it makes you hate people you don’t even know.
529. Spend life with Who makes you happy.  Not with Who you have to impress.
530. Don’t expect her to play her part when you have other people auditioning for her role.
531. “Being alone is scary.  But not as scary as feeling alone in a relationship.” – Amelia Earhart
532. Forget what hurt you but never forget what it taught you.
533. They laugh at me because I am different.  I laugh at them because they are all the same.
534. Appreciate what you have, before it turns into what you had.
535. Life is like a camera:  FOCUS on what is important.  CAPTURE the good times.  DEVELOP from the negatives.  And if things don’t work out, TAKE ANOTHER SHOT!
536. Relationships start with “Can we talk?” and end in “We need to talk”.
537. Don’t fall for someone who won’t be there to catch you.
538. “Expectation is the root of all heartache.” – William Shakespeare
539. Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to other people.
540. ALL relationships go through hell.  GREAT relationships get through it.
541. ACTIONS prove who someone is.  WORDS just prove who they want to be.

542. Keep your TomaHawk close by, and sharp.   

543.   The only way to make failure permanent is to quit. 

544.   If I have a pulse, I have a chance. -Paul Newman

545.    ”History is strewn thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill, but a lie, well told, is immortal.”                  ~Mark Twain               





& lastly, the journey through life will pose the ONLY/ULTIMATE question that matters to the individual female/male, that is really the only one that they want the answer to is: 

  ?Is she/he the one?   
And when you ask that question.... the rule that applies is,  .... "?Who would I want in my foxhole w/ me?"  The answer is .... The one who will return fire when needed, Who will not run when it hits the fan & the going is tough,... the one who will not quit on you -- nor you them-- ; the one you can count on no matter what.  THAT,... is THE ONE who you want in your foxhole w/ you!    

You never drink twice from the same stream. Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

by Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video "40 Acres and a Tomahawk" ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved