Monday, July 31, 2023

Chief Joseph hwy -6- Clarks fork River Bridge TO


Chief Joseph hwy -6- Clarks fork River Bridge TO

Chief Joseph Hwy (-6- is for pictures numerical sequence) Hwy is WY hwy 296north; Chief Joseph Scenic hwy. This copy was from an old email... will re-write / edit in time-- text still under construction... this will have to do for now.

September 8, 2009

Yellowstone was booked up for Labor day weekend so passed thru to Cody Wy -- Buffalo Bill country-- the Absoroka mtns ... Absoroka(the Crow tribe) & Shoshone(the Snake) indian land.

North to Chief Joseph hwy -- This may be one of the greatest stories ever told; am honored I got to see, & smell the air where this took place. ***

the route the Nez Perce tribe took to outrun the US Army to Canada. Firefights & skirmishes w/ the Army all the way in order to keep from rounded up to a reservation... or killed by the Army. The previous year - 1876 Custers Army unit was wiped out humiliating the army & Washington DC. Howards army -- the 7th calvary-- was to take the Nez Perce to their new reservation ... some say the Army was out to settle the score for custer by killing the whole Nez Perce tribe.

Chief Joseph hwy in Wy/ MT where Chief Joseph led the Nez Perce tribe.... about 750 Nez Perce, on an 1,600 mile trek w/ the Army hunting them down to force them to a reservation....or kill them in the process. The Nez Perce fled several hundered miles, heading to Canada for freedom rather than be caged.... I stood where those brave warriors fought & traveled.... & said prayers for them. I stood on hallowed ground & said prayers.... for them & many friends. & at the place where they were finnally overtaken - Sept 8th, 1877- . some few miles before reaching their promised land of escape in Canada. ( here 132 years to the day after... this was not planned)

Onto the Beartooth Hwy, -- highest hwy in America-- 11,000 ft ... that was the hwy. peaks were higher. Clarks ford river was cut into stone & a gorge beyond description.

places like up on the Beartooth HWy in MT. 11,000+ ft Snowpack in places that is actually glaciers... or what's left of them. They'll be gone in 5 years. just glad I got to see them befor they're gone & some other magnificent places. It was litterally touching the heavens & many a prayer was offered up for friends & family. The starkness of the wilderness, high arid mountains, rivers & streams gut 1,000 ft gorges in limestone or granite rock. Water is available & plentiful in places. usually small crossroads of towns of a couple hundred population... fish camps for the fly fishermen trout fishing the streams. It is land that cannot be tamed.

Water. Clear water. all of it. Spring fed or snowpack runnoff. all rivers & lakes so clear you could see the rounded river rock 3to 4 feet on the riverbed. in places you could see small trout. It was a feeling of dipping up a glass of water & drinking. .... so clean & pure..... pure thin air.... no pollution.... no smog. I fly fished in many rivers & need to start "SAVE THE TROUT"

Chief Joseph Hwy (-6- is for pictures numerical sequence) Hwy is WY hwy 296north; Chief Joseph Scenic hwy. This copy was from an old email... will re-write / edit in time-- text still under construction... this will have to do for now.

September 8, 2009

Yellowstone was booked up for Labor day weekend so passed thru to Cody Wy -- Buffalo Bill country-- the Absoroka mtns ... Absoroka(the Crow tribe) & Shoshone(the Snake) indian land.

North to Chief Joseph hwy -- This may be one of the greatest stories ever told; am honored I got to see, & smell the air where this took place. ***

the route the Nez Perce tribe took to outrun the US Army to Canada. Firefights & skirmishes w/ the Army all the way in order to keep from rounded up to a reservation... or killed by the Army. The previous year - 1876 Custers Army unit was wiped out humiliating the army & Washington DC. Howards army -- the 7th calvary-- was to take the Nez Perce to their new reservation ... some say the Army was out to settle the score for custer by killing the whole Nez Perce tribe.

Chief Joseph hwy in Wy/ MT where Chief Joseph led the Nez Perce tribe.... about 750 Nez Perce, on an 1,600 mile trek w/ the Army hunting them down to force them to a reservation....or kill them in the process. The Nez Perce fled several hundered miles, heading to Canada for freedom rather than be caged.... I stood where those brave warriors fought & traveled.... & said prayers for them. I stood on hallowed ground & said prayers.... for them & many friends. & at the place where they were finnally overtaken - Sept 8th, 1877- . some few miles before reaching their promised land of escape in Canada. ( here 132 years to the day after... this was not planned)

Onto the Beartooth Hwy, -- highest hwy in America-- 11,000 ft ... that was the hwy. peaks were higher. Clarks ford river was cut into stone & a gorge beyond description.

places like up on the Beartooth HWy in MT. 11,000+ ft Snowpack in places that is actually glaciers... or what's left of them. They'll be gone in 5 years. just glad I got to see them befor they're gone & some other magnificent places. It was litterally touching the heavens & many a prayer was offered up for friends & family. The starkness of the wilderness, high arid mountains, rivers & streams gut 1,000 ft gorges in limestone or granite rock. Water is available & plentiful in places. usually small crossroads of towns of a couple hundred population... fish camps for the fly fishermen trout fishing the streams. It is land that cannot be tamed.

Water. Clear water. all of it. Spring fed or snowpack runnoff. all rivers & lakes so clear you could see the rounded river rock 3to 4 feet on the riverbed. in places you could see small trout. It was a feeling of dipping up a glass of water & drinking. .... so clean & pure..... pure thin air.... no pollution.... no smog. I fly fished in many rivers & need to start "SAVE THE TRO

BearTooth Hwy 11 Top o' the World


BearTooth Hwy 11 Top o' the World

Content and text coming. enjoy pics for now

BearTooth Highway -11- The beginning of the BearTooth hwy

September 8th, 2009

This is such a beautiful drive... being refered to as America's most beautiful highway... I broke the pictures up into different pages rather than cram all on one post. Start w/ this post # -9- through # -16- content and text will come when I can get to it.

If you ever get a chance to drive this road, take it; I don't think you will be dissapointed

Onto the Beartooth Hwy, -- highest hwy in America-- 11,000 ft ... that was the hwy. peaks were higher. Clarks ford river was cut into stone & a gorge beyond description.

places like up on the Beartooth HWy in MT. 11,000+ ft Snowpack in places that is actually glaciers... or what's left of them. They'll be gone in 5 years. just glad I got to see them befor they're gone & some other magnificent places. It was litterally touching the heavens & many a prayer was offered up for friends & family. The starkness of the wilderness, high arid mountains, rivers & streams gut 1,000 ft gorges in limestone or granite rock. Water is available & plentiful in places. usually small crossroads of towns of a couple hundred population... fish camps for the fly fishermen trout fishing the streams. It is land that cannot be tamed.

Water. Clear water. all of it. Spring fed or snowpack runnoff. all rivers & lakes so clear you could see the rounded river rock 3to 4 feet on the riverbed. in places you could see small trout. It was a feeling of dipping up a glass of water & drinking. .... so clean & pure..... pure thin air.... no pollution.... no smog. I fly fished in many rivers & need to start "SAVE THE TROUT" ...&

Some of the snowpack left on the mountains are considered glaciers. This is September... it's they've been through all the months of Summer / heat... and snowpack / glaciers are still there. They'll be gone in 5 years. I'm just glad I got to see them before it's gone.

Text under construction for now enjoy the pics.

BearTooth Hwy 11 Top o' the World

and more glacier lakes

BearTooth Highway -11- The beginning of the BearTooth hwy

September 8th, 2009

This is such a beautiful drive... being refered to as America's most beautiful highway... I broke the pictures up into different pages rather than cram all on one post. Start w/ this post # -9- through # -16- content and text will come when I can get to it.

If you ever get a chance to drive this road, take it; I don't think you will be dissapointed

Onto the Beartooth Hwy, -- highest hwy in America-- 11,000 ft ... that was the hwy. peaks were higher. Clarks ford river was cut into stone & a gorge beyond description.

places like up on the Beartooth HWy in MT. 11,000+ ft Snowpack in places that is actually glaciers... or what's left of them. They'll be gone in 5 years. just glad I got to see them befor they're gone & some other magnificent places. It was litterally touching the heavens & many a prayer was offered up for friends & family. The starkness of the wilderness, high arid mountains, rivers & streams gut 1,000 ft gorges in limestone or granite rock. Water is available & plentiful in places. usually small crossroads of towns of a couple hundred population... fish camps for the fly fishermen trout fishing the streams. It is land that cannot be tamed.

Water. Clear water. all of it. Spring fed or snowpack runnoff. all rivers & lakes so clear you could see the rounded river rock 3to 4 feet on the riverbed. in places you could see small trout. It was a feeling of dipping up a glass of water & drinking. .... so clean & pure..... pure thin air.... no pollution.... no smog. I fly fished in many rivers & need to start "SAVE THE TROUT" ...&

Some of the snowpack left on the mountains are considered glaciers. This is September... it's they've been through all the months of Summer / heat... and snowpack / glaciers are still there. They'll be gone in 5 years. I'm just glad I got to see them before it's gone.

Text under construction for now enjoy the p


Thursday, July 27, 2023

Chief Joseph Hwy -8- ...To the End Overtaken


Chief Joseph Hwy -8- ...To the End Overtaken

Chief Joseph Hwy -8- ...To the End ...Overtaken 

You never drink twice from the same stream.

Copyright MMXV ALL StoneBearTracks blog posts and photographs  ALL Rights reserved

September 8th, 2009 132 years to the day that Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce were overtaken here.

They did Not give up.

They did Not quit.

They did Not surrender...

They were Overtaken... HERE !

Chief Joseph Hwy ( #-8- is for pictures numerical sequence) Hwy is WY hwy 296north; Chief Joseph Scenic hwy. This copy was from an old email... will re-write / edit in time-- text still under construction... this will have to do for now.

September 8, 2009

Yellowstone was booked up for Labor day weekend so passed thru to Cody Wy -- Buffalo Bill country-- the Absoroka mtns ... Absoroka(the Crow tribe) & Shoshone(the Snake) indian land.

North to Chief Joseph hwy -- This may be one of the greatest stories ever told; am honored I got to see, & smell the air where this took place. ***

the route the Nez Perce tribe took to outrun the US Army to Canada. Firefights & skirmishes w/ the Army all the way in order to keep from rounded up to a reservation... or killed by the Army. The previous year - 1876 Custers Army unit was wiped out humiliating the army & Washington DC. Howards army -- the 7th calvary-- was to take the Nez Perce to their new reservation ... some say the Army was out to settle the score for custer by killing the whole Nez Perce tribe.

Chief Joseph hwy in Wy/ MT where Chief Joseph led the Nez Perce tribe.... about 750 Nez Perce, on an 1,600 mile trek w/ the Army hunting them down to force them to a reservation....or kill them in the process. The Nez Perce fled several hundered miles, heading to Canada for freedom rather than be caged.... I stood where those brave warriors fought & traveled.... & said prayers for them. I stood on hallowed ground & said prayers.... for them & many friends. & at the place where they were finnally overtaken - Sept 8th, 1877- . some few miles before reaching their promised land of escape in Canada. ( here 132 years to the day after... this was not planned)

Onto the Beartooth Hwy, -- highest hwy in America-- 11,000 ft ... that was the hwy. peaks were higher. Clarks ford river was cut into stone & a gorge beyond description.

places like up on the Beartooth HWy in MT. 11,000+ ft Snowpack in places that is actually glaciers... or what's left of them. They'll be gone in 5 years. just glad I got to see them befor they're gone & some other magnificent places. It was litterally touching the heavens & many a prayer was offered up for friends & family. The starkness of the wilderness, high arid mountains, rivers & streams gut 1,000 ft gorges in limestone or granite rock. Water is available & plentiful in places. usually small crossroads of towns of a couple hundred population... fish camps for the fly fishermen trout fishing the streams. It is land that cannot be tamed.

Water. Clear water. all of it. Spring fed or snowpack runnoff. all rivers & lakes so clear you could see the rounded river rock 3to 4 feet on the riverbed. in places you could see small trout. It was a feeling of dipping up a glass of water & drinking. .... so clean & pure..... pure thin air.... no pollution.... no smog. I fly fished in many rivers & need to start "SAVE THE TROUT"

You never drink twice from the same stream.

Copyright MMXV ALL StoneBearTracks blog posts and photographs  ALL Rights reserved

Chief Joseph Hwy -8- ...To the End ...Overtaken

September 8th, 2009 132 years to the day that Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce were overtaken here.

They did Not give up.

They did Not quit.

They did Not surrender...

They were Overtaken... HERE !

Chief Joseph Hwy (# -8- is for pictures numerical sequence) Hwy is WY hwy 296north; Chief Joseph Scenic hwy. This copy was from an old email... will re-write / edit in time-- text still under construction... this will have to do for now.

September 8, 2009

Yellowstone was booked up for Labor day weekend so passed thru to Cody Wy -- Buffalo Bill country-- the Absoroka mtns ... Absoroka(the Crow tribe) & Shoshone(the Snake) indian land.

North to Chief Joseph hwy -- This may be one of the greatest stories ever told; am honored I got to see, & smell the air where this took place. ***

the route the Nez Perce tribe took to outrun the US Army to Canada. Firefights & skirmishes w/ the Army all the way in order to keep from rounded up to a reservation... or killed by the Army. The previous year - 1876 Custers Army unit was wiped out humiliating the army & Washington DC. Howards army -- the 7th calvary-- was to take the Nez Perce to their new reservation ... some say the Army was out to settle the score for custer by killing the whole Nez Perce tribe.

Chief Joseph hwy in Wy/ MT where Chief Joseph led the Nez Perce tribe.... about 750 Nez Perce, on an 1,600 mile trek w/ the Army hunting them down to force them to a reservation....or kill them in the process. The Nez Perce fled several hundered miles, heading to Canada for freedom rather than be caged.... I stood where those brave warriors fought & traveled.... & said prayers for them. I stood on hallowed ground & said prayers.... for them & many friends. & at the place where they were finnally overtaken - Sept 8th, 1877- . some few miles before reaching their promised land of escape in Canada. ( here 132 years to the day after... this was not planned)

Onto the Beartooth Hwy, -- highest hwy in America-- 11,000 ft ... that was the hwy. peaks were higher. Clarks ford river was cut into stone & a gorge beyond description.

places like up on the Beartooth HWy in MT. 11,000+ ft Snowpack in places that is actually glaciers... or what's left of them. They'll be gone in 5 years. just glad I got to see them befor they're gone & some other magnificent places. It was litterally touching the heavens & many a prayer was offered up for friends & family. The starkness of the wilderness, high arid mountains, rivers & streams gut 1,000 ft gorges in limestone or granite rock. Water is available & plentiful in places. usually small crossroads of towns of a couple hundred population... fish camps for the fly fishermen trout fishing the streams. It is land that cannot be tamed.

Water. Clear water. all of it. Spring fed or snowpack runnoff. all rivers & lakes so clear you could see the rounded river rock 3to 4 feet on the riverbed. in places you could see small trout. It was a feeling of dipping up a glass of water & drinking. .... so clean & pure..... pure thin air.... no pollution.... no smog. I fly fished in many rivers & need to start "SAVE THE TROUT"

You never drink twice from the same stream.

Copyright MMXV ALL StoneBearTracks blog posts and photographs  ALL Rights reserved

Chief Joseph Hwy -3- Dead Indian Summit


Chief Joseph Hwy -3- Dead Indian Summit

September 8, 2009 Chief Joseph Hwy WY hwy 296 north

These pics are standing at the summit of Dead Indian pass. Chief Joseph took the Nez Perce up high on the pass while evading the pursuing US Army (see Chief Joseph hwy - the begining)... one of the Nez Perce was mortally wounded. Would be dead in a couple hours... no way to save him. They left his dead body on this very summit / overlook & left tracks leading Gen Howards army in pursuit of the high pass. They took the bait.

The gorge in these pics... about 4-5 miles to the right.... look for the cragly rock canyon in the valley to the right.... and remember thse pics as we will leave here and go up the road about 10 miles and there's a bridge that crosses this canyon, and you can see how deep it is. The pics of the gorge in the valley are the canyon of Clark's Fork River --Chief Joseph snuck the tribe down on the Low pass & escaped pursit once more. He is my hero too!

Content / Text coming

Under construction... enjoy pics for now

Chief Joseph Hwy -3- Dead Indian Summit

September 8, 2009 Chief Joseph Hwy WY hwy 296 north

These pics are standing at the summit of Dead Indian pass. Chief Joseph took the Nez Perce up high on the pass while evading the pursuing US Army (see Chief Joseph hwy - the begining)... one of the Nez Perce was mortally wounded. Would be dead in a couple hours... no way to save him. They left his dead body on this very summit / overlook & left tracks leading Gen Howards army in pursuit of the high pass. They took the bait.

The gorge in these pics... about 4-5 miles to the right.... look for the cragly rock canyon in the valley to the right.... and remember thse pics as we will leave here and go up the road about 10 miles and there's a bridge that crosses this canyon, and you can see how deep it is. The pics of the gorge in the valley are the canyon of Clark's Fork River --Chief Joseph snuck the tribe down on the Low pass & escaped pursit once more. He is my hero too!