Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Manitou Springs, Colorado Before the Flood

Tracks of the StoneBear ROF Ring of Fire journey
Manitou Springs, Colo Flash Floods
Before the Flood          August 16, 2012

A few days ago I watche the news film of the horror of the flash floods that ripped apart the beautiful small town of Manitou Springs... and it hurts my heart; say a prayer tonight for the good folks in that town.
A year ago driving south down Hwy 24 from Woodland Park, driving through Ute Pass... Fountain creek wound down through the pass ... we're on the way to see Pikes Peak.
Alternating mountains were burned black from the forest fires; a different horror... hillsides brown and black left over. Hwy 24 winded down through the canyon... creek switching from left to right side.

Exit at Manitou Springs to catch the cog railway to Pikes Peak.
A wonderful, beautiful, small Colorado town,... a scent of the old west history... the jumping off place, the doorstep for pikes peak.
Park and walk downtown. Wonderful small artsy shops... wonderful boutique resturants... outfitters for hiking the peak... downtown with an old clock... old town hotels that have been here a hundred years... a beautiful place. Cool, dry, mountain air!

Walking through downtown Manitou Springs crossed over bridges of the Fountain Creek that wound through the main drag of town; the sound of rushing water sounded peaceful in the setting among quait shops.
Seeing the news reports of the flash flood damage was unsetteling.



In the west, the ground vegitation,... trees and bushes... ground cover are sparse from the dry arid plain geography. When it rains, the first half inch of soil soaks up the water.... and it takes time - mother nature- to let the rain soak in lower. When it rains two inches in 15 minutes... what can't be soaked into the earth runs off... down the valleys and turns into a mud river. Flash Floods in the west are dangerous! They will turn into torrents of muddy runnoff streams that will decimate anything in it's way.
That's what happened to Manitou Springs. This has happened in the west for a millenia... Sad heart today for the folks in Manitou springs. If you get near Colorado Springs, go see Pikes Peak. About a 4+ hour trip up and back down, and walk around Manitou Springs, get a bite to eat. You'll like it.