Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Daily CatBox Special Speak English Only, Illegal Immigration Edition

The DailyCatbox*
Daily Financial opinions, observations, assesments, ponderings, & guesses of Economic, Financial markets, political, social, & religious conditions in our world today.
The DailyCatbox**  W/ Cat-Man-doo, Editor & CEO - Chief Economics Observer
CatFood Capital Partners Ltd*** -- 
"Because retiring to eat CatFood is no fun at all"
"If you don't think investing your money is important, then open up a can of catfood for dinner tonight"
Let's see what suprises we find in the Catbox this morning 
Breaking News:
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 10:25 PM
Subject: 1762 Illegal Immigration

Cumnacatogue (also known as Cunne Shote, Stalking Turkey or Standing Turkey) was one of three Cherokee chiefs who travelled to London in 1762 to see King George III. He was the nephew of the Chief "Old Hop" who was also know as Standing Turkey. 
 'In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here(America) in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one language here, and that is the Cherokee language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.'         

               Every American Citizen needs to read this! 
Chief Cumnacotoge had a saying for ALL immigrants who came to America and did not think it was important not to assimilate to the local culture and learn the Cherokee language.  That saying was: He-tsi Ga-nv-go-i !  (pronounced Hay-chee Gah-nuh-go-i )translated meaning: 
    GET..... OUT!

NEW YORK —  The Southampton, N.Y.-based Shinnecock Indians on Tuesday fired the first arrow in their battle to reclaim ancestral lands — filing a federal lawsuit seeking the return of 3,600 acres of prime real estate "stolen" by the state a century and a half ago.
The 1,300-member tribe also is asking for monetary damages — conservatively estimated at $1.7 billion — and 150 years of back rent and interest in what it called "the largest Indian land claim ever filed."
The suit is seen by many locals as an attempt to force favorable action on the Shinnecocks' bid for federal recognition and its plan to open a casino in the booming resort area.
Members of the tribe beat animal-skin drums, shook rattles, chanted an "honor song" and whooped yesterday as their leader, Randy King, entered federal court to file the suit.
"This day has been decades in the making. We only seek what is ours," said King, chairman of the tribe's board of trustees.
The tribe wants title to all non-residential property within a 3,600-acre area of Southampton Town — land it claims it was cheated out of in 1859.
If Iraq Can Get Its Country Back, Why Can't American Indians?
Native American Village, Commentary, David Pego, Posted: Jan 21, 2005
Forgive me for daydreaming aloud. But hey, could this Iraq thing be the best thing that ever happened to American Indians?

Imagine how surprised I was when I heard that the United States and Coalition forces had held a small, private meeting and handed over a document giving Iraq back its status as a semi unfettered sovereign nation early Monday morning.

Now that there is a precedent, I figure that this may be the best time ever to ask the United States to give us American Indians our land back. I figure if they turned over an entire country back to a hodgepodge band of tribal peoples over there, maybe they’ll do it over here.

"It will "cure all your ills" said the elixer salesman, "It says so right there on the label".  --NOT on the label: 80 proof --
"Damn the torpedos men, we're in a plane."
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