Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Tribe Copyright...

The Tribe:

The Wherdasharwe Tribe  - Copyright Tracks of the StoneBear, Uncle Hargus  C- 1962 MCMLXII  

Tracks of the StoneBear owns the Copyright, license, and rights and ect of "The Wherdasharwe Tribe" name, journal entries, writings, blog posts, pictures associated, jokes and satire, opinion and commentary here and on related posts, emails ect; Lock, Stock, and Tomahawk.

ALL rights are reserved and not for unauthorized copying or use.... unless any content that is borrowed with or without asking, stolen, jacked, plagiarized, or refered to is properly reference and credit is given to StoneBear/ StoneBearTracks/ Stone Bear/ Hargus Traywick, and the Traywick family clan writing/ stories, without express permission, written or verbal, from StoneBear AKA Uncle Hargus.  Uncle Hargus  Copyright  MCMLXII 

Copyright page disclaimer. ALL referenced writings are Copyright and Trademark protected. All Rights Reserved,... MCMLXII  They are:

The Tribe:

The Wherdasharwe Tribe  - Copyright Tracks of the StoneBear, Uncle Hargus  C- 1962 MCMLXII

StoneBear goes back to 1962 as I was named StoneBear by the Order of the Arrow induction ceremony Cherokee Lodge 50. No, I do not have Native blood. But I was forever aligned to respect and honor the the Native American peoples and Tribes. 

Tracks of the StoneBear owns the Copyright, license, and rights and ect of "The Wherdasharwe Tribe" name, journal entries, writings, blog posts, pictures associated, jokes and satire, opinion and commentary here and on related posts, emails ect; Lock, Stock, and Tomahawk.

.... except any content that is borrowed with or without asking, stolen, jacked, plagiarized, or referred to as to  Uncle Hargus, The Traywicks, et al... 

more later

Copyright and trademark protections apply to all:

ChickenShack Medicine Show - Copyright MCMLXII 
in association with 

Tracks of the StoneBear productions,

ChickenShack Employee of the Month productions
RT RoadTrip and 
ITW Into The West Journey and associated journey DVDs and pictures 
Based on the inspired Journeys of Homer, and Mahandus K. "Kenny" Ghandi

Directed / Photography : Uncle Hargus "Muletrain" Traywick All Rights Reserved

Technical adviser : Dude, AKA MooseBreath, The Angry Moose, Team Beaver from Mooseport

Music : "Pink" Floyd Traywick , Pork Chop Davis
Logistical support : Tres Hombres, Garvin "Muzzy" Traywick

Cinco Jarheads: Semper FUBAR, General Buck Turgidson, T-O AKA BigDog 
Canyon Jack AKA "The CAN" Force Beaver from OZ

Editing : Willis "Ace" Spurgeon Traywick, Sr of the Dawson Creek Traywicks

Choreography: Skippy Buzz, and the Skippy Buzz Dancers

Interpretive dance and reading their poetry aloud by: The Hargettes
Warm up act: T-Bird & The CupCake Shake Review,  Shakin' Bacon with The Baconettes

Route planning / scouting : Team Beaver "Swervin' " Mervin Traywick, Two Elks Phelps and Dale Junior, Jr Traywick,jr

Key Grip : Willis "Skeeter" Traywick, Jr

Copyright MCMLXII

Chickenshack Medicine Show

Hey Git yer Fried Chikin Right Here  

A Mama 'n 'em production   

Team Beaver

Force Beaver from OZ

Force Beaver from Mooseport 

Force Beaver from Hargaritaville

Be(aver) The Force  

The Hargettes  


more later