Friday, August 8, 2014


Wherdasharwe Tribe RULES:

1. Dance for Tribe, Always   

2. Take time for Sunsets and enjoy them      

3. Build and sit around a Campfire every evening. When it burns out watch the stars into dawn     

4. Trust the Great Spirit to guide you through this Great Mystery    

5. Go West, young Brave, Lock, stock and Tomahawk  

6. Listen to what the Wind is telling you  

7. Drink upstream from the horses  

8. When they circle the wagons,... we have won   

9. Every animal has a spirit, just like you have a spirit; respect it   

10. You can't always get Buffalo you want, but if you try sometimes well you just might find ,,, you get what you need !   

11. Take time for Sunrise and meditate. The Day is your Gift  

12. The Strength of the Warrior is in the Tribe.  Hi yoooo 

13. Teach your children well and tell them the truth   

14. Always be thankful for Rain   

15. Tracks on the Prairie mean meat or war 

16.Name children for 1st observation upon exiting Teepee in the morning   

17. Sometimes you just have to throw it in a hole in the ground and call it a day   

18. Listen to what the Clouds are telling you     

19. The Mountains talk with the clouds    

20. The Mountains, forests, plains, desert, the lakes and rivers are all our family. 
21. Don't take Bow & Arrow to Gunfight    

22. Don't trust whitey

23. From The Wind, the rain, the glaciers and snow pack, clouds are born to bring rain
24. Don't take Tomahawk to Gunfight  

25. If you want to hear some really creepy guys talk about ridiculous ideas, listen to the Blackrobes. Our spiritual walk in the Great Mystery makes far better sense.   

26. When whitey brings out Beads to trade, watch out  

27. When enemy steals Horse, you steal Horse back w/ blanket  

28. When whitey wants to talk about Treaties... be careful  

29. The Moon and stars talk, and often talk with the clouds at night. When you can understand what they are telling you... you are becoming a Medicine Man for the tribe.   

30. When whitey talks about "The Land"... he is talking about "Our Land"              

31. Whitey was uninvited and brought no land with him to trade with      

32. We didn't forget how whitey treated us, now we own the casinos

33. You celebrate "Columbus Day" as a national holiday? ... because he "Discovered" America? Like Hell he did. There were 12 million indians on this continent when he got here. If we'd had any sense we'd have met him at the shore and held him under 'til he quit bubbling.     

34. Don't try to skate in Buffalo Herd     




.....  and more to come