Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blue Angels Tuscaloosa, AL 2015

Tracks of the StoneBear  ROF= Ring of fire journey

You never drink twice from the same stream.

Copyright MMXV ALL StoneBearTracks blog posts and photographs  ALL Rights reserved

Blue Angels airshow 2015 Tuscaloosa, ALa  

loading video now. will come back later w/ blog post text. bear w/ me.  

Text/ copy will come in time. 

The Navy/ Marine Corps team can't be beat. ... god don't you love those pilots! 

This was a great day to see the best of our active duty Veterans on the job. I wish I could have taken my Grandad to this air show. He was a WWI infantry soldier in the 42nd Rainbow Division that was at The Marne, The 2nd Somme, and other battles. Grampa Wood said he watched the biplane dogfights above while in the trenches and wanted to fly if he lived through the war.

Grampa wood was a barnstormer in the 1930s and taught me to fly his Cessna 182 when I was 11. I wish he could have seen these great aircraft today. Grampa Wood,... this Blue Angels airshow today is dedicated to you in your honor.  More text in time. 

You never drink twice from the same stream.

Copyright MMXV ALL StoneBearTracks blog posts and photographs  ALL Rights reserved