Thursday, December 3, 2015

Draft Italian TV

Tracks of the StoneBear  Copyright MMXV AKK Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire journey

ITL= Italy Journey 

Sunday November 15, 2015

Italian TV

No matter what you think of culture.... modern culture... of trends... the Italians are way ahead! 

If you watch USA tv... they got their lead from Italian tv. The Italians are so much further ahead in trends....    

,...  the Italians are primo... 1st class!!!    

All the modern trends... the fashion,... the politics,... the game shows,... the food,... the religion,... the chic,... it all started here!!!  

These guys are so much further advanced from the rest of the world.... they've had 5,000+ years to work out all the problems of local government,..  & tourist industry....     

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

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