Friday, March 24, 2017

Dance Dirt Special Review

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

ITW= Into The West Journey            

Monday, December 6, 2010

DAnce Dirt Special Review

Dance Dirt - Copyright Special "From the Road"
Review Friday July 9,'10

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

ITW= Into the West Journey 

The Band: Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie... 10+

The Dance: a 5

original post:

The place: Butte Montana
Montana Dance tent

The dance gets a 5...
but actual dancing would be a 2.
When Geno and the band comes through Birmingham.... you go to Cajun /Zydeco dance 'cause it's gonna be good! Arriving in Butte Montana when they hold a street music festival is just pure luck... then finding out one of the best Cajun/Zydeco bands is playing at 8pm; you couldn't plan this good.

Here's what you get when you hold a dance in Butte Montana & don't charge admission; a few honest to god cowboy / ranchers w/ real hats & boots ect... a few decent salt of the earth Montana people that I talked w/ and made friends w/

.... and about 2,000 of assorted... Disabled Bull Riders, Born Again Bootleggers, Repentant Miner trash, Unrepentant Coal monkeys, mountain man/woman trash, Burned out hippies, Drifter trash, Former Independent Truckers, Reformed Cretins, Ambushed Bushwhackers, Bushwhacked Ambushers, Unreformed Idaho Clodbusters, Bus trash, Horse people, Reformed Union organizers, 3 card monte trash, Ill Mannered Honeydippers, Union Bull Whackers, Cattle people, Sheep ranchers, biker trash, Recovering MuleSkinners, Crapped out- run out of Vegas loser trash, Hippie Capitalists, West coast weird trash, a few Realtors, and 8 people that actually know what Cajun/ Zydeco dancing is and can actually do some Cajun/ Zydeco steps on the dance floor while Zydeco music is playing.


There was a wooden dance floor laid out on the street--- under a circus/ revival tent... TWICE the size of the City Stages Dance Depot that David did so well. But they treated it like a concert & just stood there Jukin & Jivin like it wuz a concert... damn the dancin... or just do what they thought was dancin'.

At times there was so little space that a normal zydeco dance was not possible. like 4 square feet available. They were stuffin their pie holes with corn dogs or funnel cake. They were drinkin & spillin beers on the dance floor. They were eating nachos on the dance floor & dripping cheese on the dance floor. Then the cheese got sticky.

They were hopping around like freestyle Chickenscratch...... but they were NOT dancing anything you have ever seen. No ZYDECO steps that's for sure. Not even country & Western dancing or waltz'.

Then at the end of a song Geno and the band stopped playing music for a minute.... or when they played a slow dance; it looked like a herd of cattle grazing. For an encore,... forget anything civil like applause. They Hooted. They Whooped, they Hollered, they Whooped and Hollered at the same time, and then Whooped and Hollered and Hooted some more....
and they STOMPED their FEET. That's how you get a performer back on the stage for one more song / encore. And believe me, they know how to stomp their feet on the dance floor. They don't know how to dance.... but bygod they're GOOD at Stompin' .

A lady asked me ?What are you dancin'? I said Zydeco... it's an eight count step... 2 mirrored 4 counts ?Do you know a mirrored four count Zydeco step ? & the guy w/ her stomped his right foot four times to show he could count 1- 2- 3- 4 like Earnest T. Bass.

Geno did an encore song because the foot stomping was so loud he thought it was a stampede of cattle or Buffalo & he wanted to die singing.

I was glad Geno was a hit in Montana... and Am really thankful for getting to dance for my tribe once on this journey. I already miss my dance friends back in Birmingham. They really are special to me & I can't wait to get back & dance w/ them.

Another gift of a day.... and did not waste my time of life... Thank you!

Also, Butte is an interesting town and it's favorite son is none other... American daredevil legend Evel Knievel . (sorry Super Dave). Later learned that the Butte civic center-- our temporary Samboree weekend home while in Butte... was the only building big enough to hold Evel Knievels funeral.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved     

I don't do commercials or ads on this blog but occasionally we highlight and make note of exceptional artists, craftsmen, and unique people of character. No money or royalties are paid to this blog, or me. These photos and short clips of art, music, and craftsmanship are intended to be a gratis highlight of exceptional talent and a thank you to the artists.       

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved 

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Deerstands of ALa #26

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

AL= Alabama Journey            

March 16, 2017       

DeerStands of ALabama- Copyright- is a coffee table book (electronic) version publication) of the many unique DeerStands of ALabama hunters.  

The uniqueness of each DeerStand stands, (no pun intended), stands on its own merit as a reflection of the individual outdoorsman hunters spirit. Most all of the hunters known are ardent conservationist and love the land. This blog is posted in their honor.

After the Marine Corps I put down my rifle and picked up a camera. The "hunt" in me just wanted to photograph it. 

A Deerstand with some class.... and a view.

The individual names and land of these DeerStands of ALabama are withheld for the respect of the individual hunters and location of their land.   
The deerstands are judged on the criteria:

1. Originality 

2. Necessity 

3. Financial - frugal?, or wasteful use of building materials

4. Architecture 

5. Theme/ Genre 

6. Difficulty of location 

7. Sportsmanship 

8. Motif

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Marines nude photos scandal

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

March 15, 2017       

Breaking News: Marine Corps Generals investigation of Nude Photos now includes reviewing Gay Porn websites 

Marine Corps Commandant General Neller in his Deer in the Headlights moment during the Nude female Marine photos scandal. 

Pick a title to the pic above"

A: US Marine Corps Commandant relegated to reviewing gay porn websites during Nude women Marine photos scandal investigation. 

B: charged with defending the United States, Marine Corps bogs down in nude women photos investigation. 

C: tough career Marines wade through gay porn sites during investigation. 

D: Marine Corps Commandant General Neller promises to get to "the bottom" -no pun intended- of nude women Marines photos scandal.  

Senator Gillibrand rips Marine Corps Commandant a new one

Marine Corps Generals and Officers staff investigating the Nude Photos of female Marines have learned a valuable lesson; Karma is a Be-atch. 

General Neller, Commandant USMC, one of the more forward thinking- future warfare capability- Generals of the Marine Corps inherited this problem and has to take the heat for decades of Marine Corps neglect of Camp LeJeune Contaminated- Poison- water. General Neller had to take the heat for past Marine Corps neglect.

                Warning: Don't mess with this lady.

The Generals used the Camp LeJeune method of dodging responsibility for the welfare of the Marines.

These men, US Marine Corps leaders, that claim that they will protect the country have shown - again- that they can't even protect the Marines that serve the Corps. Their main purpose of looking our for the Marine ranks safety once again falls short.

The investigation has now transcended into reviewing Gay Porn websites; Poetic justice for the Marine Corps Generals and leadership staff. Gentlemen, this is what you get for not looking out for the Camp LeJeune Marines that were drinking poisoned water and you did nothing to help them. Paybacks a bitch!

You Marine Generals, Colones and DOD staff let The 2nd Marine Division Marines drink poisoned water for years... decades... and you did nothing for your Marines until the EPA sued you and made you take responsibility; ?What Leadership does that? 

You could have said "Men, this got by us and we need you to get down to sick bay and let the docs check you out for future medical condition problems"... but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You Marine Corps leaders threw bad water report results in the dumpster and hid the information from your own Marines.... and their families. Some of those families at Camp LeJeune had children born at the Naval hospital, Camp LeJeune in the '60s  with Spina bifida, cleft palets, club feet and even more horrendous birth defects. The Navy doctors warned you that you had problems with contaminated water; ?What did you do? You dodged the responsibility of: 

1. acknowledging that there was contamination. 

2. Hid the facts from your OWN Marines. 

3. Didn't stop pumping from the wells you had been informed that were contaminated/ poisoned... and YES it IS POISONED water. 

4. Refused to allow the EPA acces to the base for water testing until the courts ruled in the EPA favor to allow testing. 

5. Even when the EPA found some 85+ contaminated zones and dumpsites on Camp LeJeune you hired public relations firms to cover up for you marine Generals negligence. 

6. Refused to allow the VA to treat Marine Veterans for water contamination medical conditions, and then ordered the VA to deny any disability claims for Kidney disease, Liver disease, Neurobehavioral effects of early alzhiemers, parkinsons, dementia, loss of concentration, ect. ... Marine Veterans, some combat Marines with medals for Valor, Silver Stars, Navy Cross medals that were healthy Marines until struck down in their early 40's with devastating medical conditions... some reduced to wheelchairs where they had been running 3 miles a day 3 years before... and they were denied disability benefits by the VA on your instructions. There will be a special place in hell for all of you. 

If Al Quaida had poisoned the drinking water wells of The 2nd Marine Division we would have declared war and invaded that country! You hid from any responsibility and didn't even inform 500,000+ Marines they were drinking poisoned water and then denied them disability when we were sick.

Young Marines looking at pictures of nude women; that is not the story here. Marine Corps lack of leadership by the Commandants, the Generals, Colonels, and staff officers being so out of touch with their Marines to not know that there was an organized participation on a public website... Sirs,... that is inexcusable. 

If there was any leadership in this country anymore... relieving the entire Marine Corps commandants staff of command, immediate court martial for dereliction of duty, reduction of rank and immediate retirement - preferably a General Discharge - possibly a Bad Conduct Discharge would be appropriate.

Any Officer involved with the Camp LeJeune water cover-up and obstruction needs to be charged with Obstruction of Justice, Criminal Negligence, Negligent Homicide, Manslaughter (there were many stillborn babies)... possibly ALL with the same court martials.

So... While you US Marine Corps Generals, Colonels, Majors Et AL that should be formulating a battle plan for our US 21st century counter-terrorism efforts to defeat ISIS, jihad plans,counter- cyber-security plans, counter- drone defense plans,... ect... you find yourself scouring gay porn sites due to your lack of leadership skills... do know that we are all waiting for your answer. ... for your plan.  Well.... we're waiting.
You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved 

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

ZYD splained Malcolm

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

ITW= Into The West Journey            

March 14, 2017       


Tracks of the StoneBear/ Uncle Hargus Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of Fire odyssey  

ZYD Cajun/Zydeco dance journey

Cajun Zydeco music 'splained  

Dance for your Tribe

This is what we gonna did. We gonna 'splain Cajun Zydeco dance to all you taxpayers out there. There's infinite music styles... performed by many different bands/ artists/ musicians... but there's nothing like, nothing better than rockin' good Cajun Zydeco music.

Cajun Zydeco music is to be danced to.  This is NOT a concert where musicians play and you listen in your seat to their talent.     

Concert musicians play great music... but often you can't dance to their rhythm. A lot of redneck goobers with no dance soul/ rhythm stand around at a concert, nod their head up and down with the beat while standing in one place tapping their toe... watching the few dancers and wishing they knew how to dance.

When you have a Cajun Zydeco band that knows how to play to a beat... a beat to dance to... a drummers 4 count beat... ...or a 3 count Cajun Waltz... with the bass player setting the lead rhythm of the music/song... the drummer setting the beat tempo... you have music/ a song that can be danced to.

The bands have a bass player, drummer, a lead Cajun Zydeco accordion squeeze box player who is usually the lead singer, ...often singing the French Creole slang dialect which is riveting, amazingly good... rhythm guitar.... Fiddle for a Cajun band, ... the Cajun Waltz' are captivating, spoon rub-board for a Zydeco band that like to rock. Not rock-a billy... but Cajun zydeco rock that makes you just want to get up and dance.  Some musicians play a regular accordion squeezebox as their preference... maybe more range. It's an artist thing. 

Cajun Zydeco music/ bands play music that you can't stand at the wayside... you have to get up and get onto the dance floor with a lady and dance; it is that powerful. The bands are really good, versatile and often will play some Cajun Blues or some rock favorites.

Tonight's dance features the Little Malcolm       Band from Lake Charles, Louisiana. These guys really put on a good show and their dance music is a wonderful favorite of the Birmingham Cajun Zydeco dancers. Thanks guys for playing Birmingham, AL. Come back often.


When you have the right Cajun ZYDeco band... and the music beat is just right... and you have a lady dance partner that knows how to follow your dance lead... and you're in sync with a dance partner... you know how to lead with the music, and your lady partner knows how to follow your lead... and you dance to the rhythm of the music with a favorite lady; it just don't git no better than this!  I Gar-ron-TEE!!!

... and the ZYDeco music is fantastic.... and you connect with your dance partner with the beat rhythm... it all comes together at a point... you move in sync with your dance partner... a very intimate connection/ language that is not spoken... dancing can make that happen. Cajun Zydeco music is a mix of cultures, just like the Creole culture; a mix of Native American Indian - some Seminole, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, some Spanish, French, African slave, riverboat gambler, throw in a few British and Confederate soldiers, some Acadians... all mixed to come out as one of Americas truly unique cultures.

I've told young students, if you want to understand a culture.... you learn their dance.   

During the Summer of '67 working in the shipyard drydocks of Mobile, Alabama I became an official coon-ass Cajun. Working hard putting on keel plates of ships... hanging around the Cajun guys in the shipyard... goin' out on the causeway and drinking draft beer with the Cajuns taught me one of the most important of life rules; you live in the moment. No one ever said those words, it was just a lifestyle to adapt to. You learn to enjoy life... the hardships and the Laissez les bons temps rouler!" is a Cajun expression meaning "Let the good times roll!" It strongly conveys the "joie de vivre" ("joy of living") attitude that pervades south Louisiana. It is mostly associated with New Orleans. (THE BEST CITY IN THE WORLD! according to Cajuns), but my preference is Mobile, ALabama. Cajun Zydeco music is most centered around Lafayette, Homa, Lake Charles, ect... Louisiana.

My main Cajun buddies adopted me into their Cajun culture and I was changed forever. 

Drinking draft beer in the juke joints with Willis and Somerville, on the Mobile causeway, Plateau, Telegraph road,... The Rocket Club... Chickisaw, Creola, Satsuma, Saraland, Pauls where you could buy a pound of pound jumbo shrimp for $1... steamed in beer... with a pint of cocktail sauce. Eat bayou seafood 'til you were stuffed. Draft beer, Cajun music.... Cajun women.... at 17 I thought I'd found heaven.    

The Cajuns all had family,... farms, cattle, shipyard workers... they all worked hard and when payday Friday night came... they knew how to live in the moment. Drinking 'till dawn, Cajun women... you haven't lived 'til you've dated a Cajun lady!   

We'd fight and fuck 'til dawn.... sleep a couple hours... get up... drink a couple of Jax beers for breakfast... and go out again on a new day and do it again all over.  I learned this lifestyle at 17. 

This was '67 and I knew I would be swept up into the Marines and into Viet Nam.

When I got to Parris Island I thought... I've lived in Prichard, Alabama... I can handle this.   

The Cajun Zydeco bands come up into The South pretty regular to play music festivals, city/town festivals, and individual dance bookings. A weekend circuit of Birmingham Friday night, Atlanta Saturday night, Huntsville Sunday night was a regular circuit by the bands when they came through Birmingham for the ACME = Association of Cajun Music Enthusiasts. 

Here at Tracks of the StoneBear one of the many interests of Uncle Hargus' study is archaeology and the many cultures, subcultures, and tribes. If you want to understand a culture of people; learn their dance. Learn how they dance, and why. ?Do they dance to get ready to go to war? ?Do they dance around the fire ring for a wedding? ?...or do they dance around the fire ring while they burn an enemy captive at the stake?

To dance for your Tribe is a great honor; for your Tribe, for yourself. 

 You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Uncle Hargus Copyright MCMLZIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video  ALL Rights reserved

I don't do commercials or ads on this blog but occasionally we highlight and make note of exceptional artists, craftsmen, and unique people of character. No money or royalties are paid to the blog, or me. These photos and short clips of art, music, and craftsmanship are intended to be a gratis highlight of exceptional talent and a thank you to the artists.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved 

Monday, March 13, 2017

ZYD Friday nights Kevin

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

ZYD= Cajun Zydeco Journey            

March 13, 2017       

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved  

Thursday, March 2, 2017


Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

TFM= Traywick Family Matters Journey            

March 2, 2017       

Welcome to LA 

The neighborhood watch captain and welcome committee announces

Traywick Squirrel Sales, LLC 

Bipolar Employee of the Month March 2017

"Swervin" Mervin Traywick 

Live and direct from the headquarters located in beautiful Kudzu Acres office Park

Traywick Squirrel Sales

Hwy 411 south 

Muleshoe, ALabama  BR549 

AKA "Green Acres" / "Gooberville on the Little Cahaba"

And remember, Mondays AND Thursdays are Squirrel Day at Traywick Squirrel sales; 

You bring a squirrel, and we give you a squirrel 

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved