Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Marines nude photos scandal

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

March 15, 2017       

Breaking News: Marine Corps Generals investigation of Nude Photos now includes reviewing Gay Porn websites 

Marine Corps Commandant General Neller in his Deer in the Headlights moment during the Nude female Marine photos scandal. 

Pick a title to the pic above"

A: US Marine Corps Commandant relegated to reviewing gay porn websites during Nude women Marine photos scandal investigation. 

B: charged with defending the United States, Marine Corps bogs down in nude women photos investigation. 

C: tough career Marines wade through gay porn sites during investigation. 

D: Marine Corps Commandant General Neller promises to get to "the bottom" -no pun intended- of nude women Marines photos scandal.  

Senator Gillibrand rips Marine Corps Commandant a new one

Marine Corps Generals and Officers staff investigating the Nude Photos of female Marines have learned a valuable lesson; Karma is a Be-atch. 

General Neller, Commandant USMC, one of the more forward thinking- future warfare capability- Generals of the Marine Corps inherited this problem and has to take the heat for decades of Marine Corps neglect of Camp LeJeune Contaminated- Poison- water. General Neller had to take the heat for past Marine Corps neglect.

                Warning: Don't mess with this lady.

The Generals used the Camp LeJeune method of dodging responsibility for the welfare of the Marines.

These men, US Marine Corps leaders, that claim that they will protect the country have shown - again- that they can't even protect the Marines that serve the Corps. Their main purpose of looking our for the Marine ranks safety once again falls short.

The investigation has now transcended into reviewing Gay Porn websites; Poetic justice for the Marine Corps Generals and leadership staff. Gentlemen, this is what you get for not looking out for the Camp LeJeune Marines that were drinking poisoned water and you did nothing to help them. Paybacks a bitch!

You Marine Generals, Colones and DOD staff let The 2nd Marine Division Marines drink poisoned water for years... decades... and you did nothing for your Marines until the EPA sued you and made you take responsibility; ?What Leadership does that? 

You could have said "Men, this got by us and we need you to get down to sick bay and let the docs check you out for future medical condition problems"... but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You Marine Corps leaders threw bad water report results in the dumpster and hid the information from your own Marines.... and their families. Some of those families at Camp LeJeune had children born at the Naval hospital, Camp LeJeune in the '60s  with Spina bifida, cleft palets, club feet and even more horrendous birth defects. The Navy doctors warned you that you had problems with contaminated water; ?What did you do? You dodged the responsibility of: 

1. acknowledging that there was contamination. 

2. Hid the facts from your OWN Marines. 

3. Didn't stop pumping from the wells you had been informed that were contaminated/ poisoned... and YES it IS POISONED water. 

4. Refused to allow the EPA acces to the base for water testing until the courts ruled in the EPA favor to allow testing. 

5. Even when the EPA found some 85+ contaminated zones and dumpsites on Camp LeJeune you hired public relations firms to cover up for you marine Generals negligence. 

6. Refused to allow the VA to treat Marine Veterans for water contamination medical conditions, and then ordered the VA to deny any disability claims for Kidney disease, Liver disease, Neurobehavioral effects of early alzhiemers, parkinsons, dementia, loss of concentration, ect. ... Marine Veterans, some combat Marines with medals for Valor, Silver Stars, Navy Cross medals that were healthy Marines until struck down in their early 40's with devastating medical conditions... some reduced to wheelchairs where they had been running 3 miles a day 3 years before... and they were denied disability benefits by the VA on your instructions. There will be a special place in hell for all of you. 

If Al Quaida had poisoned the drinking water wells of The 2nd Marine Division we would have declared war and invaded that country! You hid from any responsibility and didn't even inform 500,000+ Marines they were drinking poisoned water and then denied them disability when we were sick.

Young Marines looking at pictures of nude women; that is not the story here. Marine Corps lack of leadership by the Commandants, the Generals, Colonels, and staff officers being so out of touch with their Marines to not know that there was an organized participation on a public website... Sirs,... that is inexcusable. 

If there was any leadership in this country anymore... relieving the entire Marine Corps commandants staff of command, immediate court martial for dereliction of duty, reduction of rank and immediate retirement - preferably a General Discharge - possibly a Bad Conduct Discharge would be appropriate.

Any Officer involved with the Camp LeJeune water cover-up and obstruction needs to be charged with Obstruction of Justice, Criminal Negligence, Negligent Homicide, Manslaughter (there were many stillborn babies)... possibly ALL with the same court martials.

So... While you US Marine Corps Generals, Colonels, Majors Et AL that should be formulating a battle plan for our US 21st century counter-terrorism efforts to defeat ISIS, jihad plans,counter- cyber-security plans, counter- drone defense plans,... ect... you find yourself scouring gay porn sites due to your lack of leadership skills... do know that we are all waiting for your answer. ... for your plan.  Well.... we're waiting.
You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

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