Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Occupy 1

SBTROF -- StoneBearTracks Ring of Fire 12

You never drink twice from the same stream.

Copyright MMXV ALL StoneBearTracks blog posts and photographs  ALL Rights reserved

Dec 12, 2011

New York City, NY

Occupy 1

Zuccotti Park, Lower Manhattan, Occupy Wall Street

At age 9 in the late '50s in Birmingham, ALa nobody had to tell me. You knew something wasn't right. You're taught what's right and wrong so when you see hatred, bigotry in the late Jim Crow era of the south... you have a 1st hand experience of witnessing injustice.

A short trip to see NYC at Christmas... this was one of the places I had to see. The Occupy ... ?movement? ?protest? .... not sure what to call / name it had gone to shelter for the winter. The park was barricaded by the police with only one small entry point. Only about a dozen 99% people were in Liberty Park.

There is a Tom Joad thread that runs through me that whenever there is injustice... I will not be at peace. I will be there, ...for the 99%... I stand with you. And I'm glad I got to see and talk with the protestors... and witness the origin of this protest.

I'm not a gambler but if I had to make book.... I wouldn't be betting on the 1%.

At age 9, I said a prayer about the Jim Crow guys; Thank God I'm not one of them. I din't exactly know what I wanted to be when I grew up.... I just knew I didn't want to be one of them. The "them"... the Jim Crow redneck bigots. I know what injustice looks like... what it is. And I'm not easily fooled.

For less than a dozen remaining protesters, a ring of approx 60 police... the one percent must be scared. ?Your're scared of assembly and voicing their protest? My observation: ?Just who is it that you took an oath to "protect and serve? ?You police are protecting us, the unemployed, weak, underprivileged, disenfranchised, poor, and displaced?... protecting us from the wealthy 1%? We all answer for our choices. ?This is your idea of being a man? My Marine Corps training in Leadership... you look out for your subordinates; you protect them... you take care of your men. You make sure they are ok. You Lead them. You don't badger them.
or hit them.

My observation again... I would suggest reading up on some history... start with the French revolution. And other revolutions.... These things don't end well for the aristocracy.

If I was in the 1%... I'd be scared too. Glad I got to be at the place where this started. Cie la vie. ... and I'm glad I'm NOT one of the 1%... NOT one of THEM !

SBTROF -- StoneBearTracks Ring of Fire 12


Occupy 2 Unearned money usually buys trouble.

This requires an additional post. This is too significant of a place in this journey. These posts are about travel... this one a bit of rant.

The illusion was that it was about capitalism... capital formation, and was good career step after college to pursue. These are the best salesmen in the world; no joke. It was the best life training, ever. Wouldn't take anything for it; I have a Phd in Liars Poker.

It didn't even take 2 years behind the corporate vail to measure the bad choice made surrounding myself in the ilk of investment bankers; stockbroker. If I had to go back to being a stockbroker today... I think I'd just choose to be a street whore... there would be more dignity.

Working and dealing with 200+ brokers, from the retail to CEO level, I've yet to witness a more contemptible bunch of ilk, professional con men and thieves, in 30 years. These were no nothing privileged frat boy blowhards that didn't know anything, would lie to sell their Grandmothers false teeth for a buck and sleep peacefully; they had no concience. The high point of their conversation was what they owned... silly cars way over their intellect, or mcmansion homes and items that went right past conspicuous consumption... into ridiculous consumption. The only thing more embarrassing than listening to the bragging of what they owned, was who they knew, usually even bigger no nothing blowhards void of any depth of character.

Unearned money usually buys trouble. remember that rule; it holds true.

The stock market is designed to separate your money from you, and make you feel good about it. It's an investment. yeah, you bet.

The recent economic collapse, from the markets cutting IRA's in half, the housing bubble via mortgage fraud are an epic tragedy and Wall Streets fingerprints are all over the crime scene. Don't forget their paid minions,.. the big accounting "consultant" firms to grease the skids with their "audits". Remember Ennron? World Com? That was just the tip of the iceberg.... and they're still producing audits of fantasy. ... and I'm not even yet talking about derivatives. They also are congress' pimp.

If American main street ever could figure out just what they did,... and are still doing... understand... selling short... naked short selling, pipeline transactions , ect.... they'd run these guys inside the building and set it on fire.

You get the drift I don't like these guys? I worked with them... shined their corporate shoes and saw how they operated and know how they think. ?You have respect for privileged frat boys stealing with impunity? ...?with no consequences? ?Explain to me how you could have respect for people that cheat to make money and think it's cute to get away with it? Put 10k in the market for a couple years, and get back to me with the results.

So to get to Zucotti Park / Liberty Square....to see the origin of the Occupy Wall Street protest... I'm just glad to have seen this, to have been at the origin of the Occypy protests. and we'll see how this plays out. If they would have let me... I'd have helped build gallows there.

You never drink twice from the same stream.

Copyright MMXV ALL StoneBearTracks blog posts and photographs  ALL Rights reserved