Wednesday, February 5, 2014

PostCards from the BUNKER Aug 28, 2009

BREAKING NEWS:     Now you were probably saying -- Why don't he write?
Escaped Chimpanze Rings bell at New York Stock exchange;  Dow Skyrockets! Talk of New bull Market
And complain about socialism.
REPORT:  Obama to thin out AARP Herd
Many Have Doubts About
Obama Health Plan
Fear they'll lose their birth certificate.
INCOME INEQUALITY AT ALL-TIME HIGHNote: records only go back to the French Revolution.
Update:  Non-Violent Rooster torn to Shreds at Cockfight struggles for life in coma
                              Fears of Obama "Death Panels" spreads throughout henhouse
Good news! I led a horse to water and it drank.
Man Breaks World Record for Holding Most World RecordsHolds one more as well:   Most First Dates
I'm gonna go ahead and declare bankruptcy before anything bad happens
When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle.
Then I realized God doesn’t work that way, so I stole
one and prayed for forgiveness.
Emo Philips
Had a tarot card reading last night;  was 2 pair.  Jacks over 9s  ?Is that good?
"I saw a thing on YouTube, a town hall meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas. And a woman from Brockside, Arkansas, stood up. She was weeping about the threat of socialism. You know what, lady, Brockside, Arkansas, doesn't have capitalism yet. Your idea of health care is leeches and moonshine and you're worried about socialism? Oh, Lord." -Bill Maher
House Leaders Ditch Plans
To Buy VIP Passenger Jets
Item stricken from budget to trim spending, prioritize limited resources, and because public found out about it.
Swiss Parlament to address Cheese issue
My retirement has left the building
"What happened to the American Dream?"  "It came true. You're lookin' at it."
Two problems with "trickle down" economics: "trickle" and "down."
she had a thong tattooed on her so she'll never need underwear.
I didn't think this day would come. Squeaky Fromme tried to assassinate President General Ford. She's been let out of prison. She was paroled. Is she going to get a job? If you think about it, there aren't many jobs for unstable, gun-toting women, unless she wants to run for governor of Alaska." --David Letterman
"We already have death panels; They're called health insurance companies and HMO's."
Orangutans Able to Build, Play Musical InstrumentHowever, humans can download orangutans' music for free and make as many copies as they want.
Government Estimates Cost
Of Raising Child Now $291,570
Based on average child living at home until age 40.
Everyone except you is carrying a loaded assault rifle.
Presidents should at least have a GED, or have the mentality to get a GED
Heavily Armed Demonstrators Show Up at Obama Health Care EventsProtesting takeover of government by unarmed voters in last election.
This country is like a college chick after two Long Island ice teas. We can be talked into anything. Like wars. And we can be talked out of anything. Like healthcare. - Bill Maher

Let’s talk for a moment about why the age of Reagan should be over.
First of all, even before the current crisis Reaganomics had failed to deliver what it promised. Remember how lower taxes on high incomes and deregulation that unleashed the “magic of the marketplace” were supposed to lead to dramatically better outcomes for everyone? Well, it didn’t happen.
To be sure, the wealthy benefited enormously: the real incomes of the top .01 percent of Americans rose sevenfold between 1980 and 2007. But the real income of the median family rose only 22 percent, less than a third its growth over the previous 27 years.
Moreover, most of whatever gains ordinary Americans achieved came during the Clinton years. President George W. Bush, who had the distinction of being the first Reaganite president to also have a fully Republican Congress, also had the distinction of presiding over the first administration since Herbert Hoover in which the typical family failed to see any significant income gains.
And then there’s the small matter of the worst recession since the 1930s.
There’s a lot to be said about the financial disaster of the last two years, but the short version is simple: politicians in the thrall of Reaganite ideology dismantled the New Deal regulations that had prevented banking crises for half a century, believing that financial markets could take care of themselves. The effect was to make the financial system vulnerable to a 1930s-style crisis — and the crisis came.
Socialists don’t object taxation (theft); socialists object how the taxes are being spent. For instance some socialists don’t mind spending money for war. Such socialists are called “Neocons” or “Conservatives”. Other socialists prefer to spend the tax money on health care because they believe they can buy more votes this way. Those socialists are called Democrats. Other socialists prefer to tax corporations such as oil companies (which makes oil more expensive to the poor by the way) and distribute the tax money as they see fit, typically their rich friends. In the end, every socialist have an agenda to tax one group of citizens, and spend/redistribute the money to another group of people to buy votes. Depending on the mood of the mob, the socialist having the best strategy gathers the most vote and becomes the next tyrant until the next election cycle.
“Democracy has nothing to do with freedom. Democracy is a soft variant of communism, and rarely in the history of ideas has it been taken for anything else.” (Hans-Hermann Hoppe)
So there you have it: life in the banana republic of norteamerica. The banks fleece the peasantry, and when they’ve been picked clean and can’t pay another red peso, the federal government calls in la guardia nacional to keep order. It’s a good thing–from the oligarchy’s view, that is–that the suckers only response is to crash townhall meetings demanding that they not be given free health care, while spending all their unemployed time searching for holes in Obama’s birth certificate rather than the holes in their own wallets.
by Mark Ames | August 10, 2009 - 10:54am | permalink 
article tools: email | print | read more Mark Ames
America’s collapse into a Third World banana republic is accelerating: Alabama’s most populous county, Jefferson County, is so broke it’s closing down courthouses and laying off so many cops that it’s now planning to call in the National Guard to maintain order:
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – The sheriff in Alabama’s most populous county may call for the National Guard to help maintain order, a spokesman said Tuesday, after a judge cleared the way for cuts in the sheriff’s budget and hopes dimmed for a quick end to a budget crisis.
It’s all too fitting that the county is going broke because it can’t pay the $3.2 billion in sewer bonds that the county borrowed, on bad advice from what’s now the biggest bailed-out bank in the land. They sold Americans shit, and now Jefferson County is literally eating that shit.
» article continues...
You might wonder whether networks could some day cut out the middlemen — anchors — and just put covert lobbyists and publicists on the air to deliver the news. Actually, that has already happened. The most notorious example was the flock of retired military officers who served as television “news analysts” during the Iraq war while clandestinely lobbying for defense contractors eager to sell their costly wares to the Pentagon.
In this maze of powerful moneyed interests, it’s not clear who any American in either party should or could root for. The bipartisan nature of the beast can be encapsulated by the remarkable progress of Billy Tauzin, the former Louisiana congressman. Tauzin was a founding member of the Blue Dog Democrats in 1994. A year later, he bolted to the Republicans. Now he is chief of PhRMA, the biggest pharmaceutical trade group. In the 2008 campaign, Obama ran a television ad pillorying Tauzin for his role in preventing Medicare from negotiating for lower drug prices. Last week The Los Angeles Times reported — and The New York Times confirmed — that Tauzin, an active player in White House health care negotiations, had secured a behind-closed-doors flip-flop, enlisting the administration to push for continued protection of drug prices. Now we know why the president has ducked his campaign pledge to broadcast such negotiations on C-Span.

The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can’t get and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods
If you are going to doodle swastikas all over the place because you are angry about the possibility of receiving affordable health care, at least have the courtesy to draw them correctly, and not make them all fruity and wobbly. Because it looks like your swastika has osteoporosis, which means it will most certainly be euthanized by Obama’s death panel. [Think Progress]
paints a stark, disturbing portrait of the extreme disparities in American wages. Saez calculates that in 2007 the top .001 percent of American earners took home 6 percent of total U.S. wages, a figure that has nearly doubled since 2000.
As of 2007, the top decile of American earners, Saez writes, pulled in a staggering 49.7 percent of total wages, a level that's "higher than any other year since 1917 and even surpasses 1928, the peak of stock market bubble in the 'roaring" 1920s.'"
Despite rising stock market, largely growing employment and a virtually unprecedented housing boom things were not nearly so rosy for the rest of U.S. workers. This trend, according to Saez, only accelerated during the George W. Bush's tenure as President:
Well Pres O.... We're waiting....  dept:
"These are troubled times, and we need a hero, someone unencumbered by politics as usual. Someone who could kill a moose with one hand and skin a bear with the other. Someone without a job. ... Yes! Like a ship slowly appearing over the horizon to an island of castaways, Sarah Palin has arrived with fresh food, clothing and that little box she keeps next to her bed filled with crazy." --Jon Stewart, on Palin accusing Obama of trying to create "death panels" that will kill her baby
We want insurance companies to run our health care decisions.  No Govt "Takeover" dept:
You know, these ardent 'capitalists' don't seem to realize that our government has been subsidizing the Insurance Companies since 1937. How? By covering the old, the infirm, the poor, and anyone else who is, in their parlance, a "bad risk". Uncle Sam takes the lemons - Insurers get the lemonade.
Now Big Insurance is whining about competition. Boys, you haven't covered anyone but the young, healthy, and employed for a generation. Oh sure, you get the odd kid with leukemia, or the wife with breast cancer, and sometimes you just can't weasel out of the claim, but mostly you've had it pretty soft. All those amazing stock profits, and CEO bonuses, are coming out of the US Treasury, if you stop to think for a minute.
American taxpayers have gotten a rotten deal. We pay you more and more for less and less. We want a better deal. We want *gasp* COVERAGE. And we aren't buying this twaddle, Rush. You seem to have confused Americans with the idiots who listen to your show. There are a lot of us out there, Rush, NOT LISTENING. We don't respond to your polls because we don't HEAR THEM.
But hey, RUSH HAS A PLAN - not to worry.
4.) When the people of oppressed countries like Canada, Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Israel, Australia and New Zealand finally get democracy, they can vote out their socialized health care systems.
5.) England’s capital is the ultimate proof that national health care kills free enterprise. That’s why London has no stock exchange, no banking district, no tabloid newspapers, no big musicals, and no expensive real estate.
6.) Even the World Health Organization agrees that “America has the best health care system in the world”; the WHO ranks the American health care system at the very top part of its list, right after the first part where 36 other countries rank higher.
8.) If you drove 100 miles on the interstate freeway you still couldn’t come up with one good thing that government has done.
13. For some reason, the lunatic left can’t understand that the most important thing in health care is consumer choice. When you’re in a car accident and you’ve lost pints and pints of blood, what you really want to do is to sit down, think over how much you want to spend and where, and comparison-shop. And if you happen to choose an incompetent surgeon, well, he damn well won’t get your business next time, will he?
The uproar about the health care issue is a little better than disgusting. It is painfully obvious that the drug, medical and insurance industries are spending huge amounts of money bribing every Congressman they can and hiring lobbying firms to flood the country with vicious lies about the project and to add insult to injury, they have hired the weirdest collection of slack-jawed trailer park nuts to disrupt Congressional meetings and force them to drop any kind of a health bill that might deprive them of their huge profits. The worst are the large health insurance companies whose greed matches that of Phil Gramm and his gang of thieves. These assholes have squeezed their poor clients until many have had to go bankrupt. Of course no dog will drop his bone as long as there is meat on it so they do not want any change in the status quo and will spend millions to do anything they can to scrap any program that will cost them money. They are first cousins to the thieves and conmen who ran the mortgage businesses, the hedge funds and the banks and all of them are a bunch of thieving swine who have raped the public for years and during the permissive Bush years, their harvests of blood money were enormous. Walk away from money like they are making? I don’t think so. What is left of the GOP are the nuts. Anyone who thinks the religious nut Palin or the bombastic convicted drug abuser, Limbaugh represent anyone but a bunch of functional idiots who live in trailer parks and love to watch dog fights and American Idol. I personally do not think these escapees from pig farms will do more than to shove the remnants of the Republicans deeper into the muck but the sane part of American society ought to consider setting up reeducation centers in the Mohave Desert so we can all have peace and quiet…and better national health care.”

Also see: The brutal truth about America’s health care 
These protests have been popping up like mushrooms on moldy Astroturf, and this might just be the moldiest," Hightower said. "Energy Citizens is nothing but a Big Oil front and a PR stunt," noting that oil companies around Houston rented the space for the rally, provided entertainment, printed placards and t-shirts and provided food for the event.
The thing that really got him was that these companies gave time off to their employees and encouraged them to attend the rally. Hightower speculated that, had employees tried to take off work to meet with their kid's teacher for example, the situation would have been quite different.
Ann dept:
'Death panels' are already here
Insurance companies operate panels that 'ration,' deny needed care.
It seems to be the over sixty crowd that’s really pissed off. They are the demographicthat make up the majority of Rush’s audience (The average age of his listeners is 67).
Their clarion cry is, “I want my country back.”
Some of them are holding up constitution. They finally get them out of the drawer where they were collecting mothballs as the Bush administration ran roughshod over that sacred text. They didn’t seem to demand loyalty to that document as the Bush team eviscerated the Fourth Amendment.
Actually, the Bush crew merely delivered the coup de grace to the document. Sixty years of the increased corporatization of life, coupled with state-inspired paranoia, had put the Constitution on life support. Bush simply pulled the plug.
Obama isn’t even looking for the outlet.
So they scream and cry, unaware in their anger that the America of their dreams died in the slaughter at Wounded Knee, in the firestorm that consumed Dresden, in the mushroom cloud over Hiroshima, in the jungles of Vietnam and in the mountains of Afghanistan.
Dementia is always a problem for us old farts.
Case Wagenvoord is a citizen who reads
Family Values dept:

Rush Limbaugh calling people Nazis Again, what about The Conservanazis

Rush Limbaugh began it with the term feminazi. He coined the word (or more likely stole it from a caller) in the late 1980’s when he was in Sacramento working for KFBK. This is the station where he gained his popularity by laughing and cheering as he read off names of gay men who had died of AIDS. A fine example of what Republicans consider good character and role model for our children. Limbaugh and others have been using the word daily for over twenty years and even managed to get it into the dictionary.

Pundits left and right complain of the NAZI suffix - but beyond feminists and fictional soup restaurants - it’s the Republicans who enjoy using it most often and scream the loudest when on the receiving end of it. Character matters.

So Rush Limbaugh who laughs and cheers at homosexuals who die a horrible death to AIDS is a hero to Republicans while women jousting for equal rights are NAZIS.

Let’s take a quick look at what NAZIS were all about shall we?

Pre-emptive War
Flag waving! C
apital Punishment
My Country Right or Wrong
Extreme Right-wing Radio Propaganda
War Rallies
Anti Union!
Halting Immigration
Rounding up those without papers
Law and Order!
Largest prison system in the world
Rabid anti-Communism
The trifecta of Military, Religion and business
Murdering Jews
There you go, 21 out of 22 right down the line in agreement with Republicans should honk anyone’s horn. Conservanazis!

Contrary to the name National Socialist Party, Nazism had nothing to do with socialism - and everything to do with nationalism of shared power between the military, religion and business.

When the Nazis came to power they made labor unions illegal and imprisoned socialists, shot communists and intimidated liberals, educators, immigrants, smart people, homosexuals and Jews to such an unyielding assault or Right-wing propaganda that the majority of people in Germany succumbed to the media blitz which so demonized so many that millions were made into soap.

The problem here in America is that though they are not a majoirty, there are enough of them buying enough Twinkies to keep the media from giving the the crack over the head they so deserve.

We are now getting a close up view of these people as they have their tea parties, their birther rallies and now massing themselves into Town Hall Meetings. They are stupid, intolerant, racist, xenophobic bigots. Hyperbole you say?  I dare you to listen to Glenn Beck on the radio for just one hour. I double dog dare you! After an hour of listening to the callers to Glenn Beck come back here and read that sentence again. Hyperbole my ass! CONSERVANAZIS.
Some of us were skeptical. A couple of months after Mr. Obama gave that speech, I warned that his vision of a “different kind of politics” was a vain hope, that any Democrat who made it to the White House would face “an unending procession of wild charges and fake scandals, dutifully given credence by major media organizations that somehow can’t bring themselves to declare the accusations unequivocally false.”
So, how’s it going?
From my cable news, my radio, and many of my conservative friends I hear the silly refrain...
It's both sides!  Both Parties are guilty!  One is as bad as the other! It doesn't matter! Republicans and Democrats are equally to blame!
Ever hear that  crap?  Gosh...It's the main course on CNN these days. Let me tell you something. It's ONE SIDE, ONE PARTY, and ONE POLITICAL IDEOLOGY.
It is REPUBLICANS who are the nasty stupid Wingnuts doing ALL the hollering and screeching at these Town Meetings.
My God man, equal my ass!
It is REPUBLICANS who a few times a week are out in front of the death house here in Huntsville wallowing in their self righteous glory in the execution of some poor soul!
My God man, equal my ass!
It is REPUBLICANS who most everyday are out in front of an abortion clinic waving nasty placards and screaming hate filled epitaphs at women already in personal turmoil!
My God man, equal my ass!
It is REPUBLICANS who shoot doctors in the back!
My God man, equal my ass!
It is REPUBLICANS who promote war and attend war rallies!
My God man, equal my ass!
It is REPUBLICANS who hate taxes and love guns.
My God man, equal my ass!
At one time saying such things had to be prefixed with "conservative" when there was at least some tiny difference between "Republican" and "Conservative."  But as these town meetings so well show us, the shrinkage of the GOP over the past two elections has caused an exodus of the reasonable voters leaving that loud wingnut Republican Base as a larger and louder percentage of the party, causing incumbent Republicans to pander to them or lose upcoming primaries to wingnut upstarts funded by the NRA, Right to Life and other extreme RIGHT-WING CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN groups. Not left-wing or liberal or Democrat. But Right-wing, Conservative and Republican. All of it all the time... 
Oh and here is the historic list of what CONSERVATIVES stand for. Which these days has become synonymous with REPUBLICANS
Who nailed whom to a cross?
Who were the Loyalists to the totalitarian monarchy of “Mad” King George?
Who started the Civil War to defend and extend slavery?
Who fought to keep women as property?
Who battled against child labor statutes?
Who argued against the concept of free public education?
Who campaigned against the right of women to vote?
Who opposed anti-trust and monopoly legislation?
Who fought against workers organizing into Unions?
Who defended Jim Crow laws for a hundred years?
Who voted against civil rights legislation?
Who tries to overturn almost every environmental statute?
Who fought against Social Security, Medicare and the Minimum Wage?
Who is trying to pass legislation to discriminate against Gays?
Who is trying to enact the Ku Klux Klan’s central issue of eliminating affirmative action?
Who instills in our children the unique American tragedy of gungoonery?
Who have always put their wallets above the common good?
Who started World War II for Christ sake!

Conservatives or Liberals? Republicans or Democrats? Left or Right?
It’s the historic undeniable factual truth of the matter.
It’s the nature of the Beast.

When this country bit off on the right wing model 29 years ago, we sealed our fates that we would wind up in this place. Anyone not a millionaire who supports conservative GOP policies is tantamount to a chicken voting for Col. Sanders.
“Then you will see the rise of the double standard—the men who live by force, yet count on those who live by trade to create the value of their looted money—the men who are the hitchhikers of virtue. In a moral society, these are the criminals, and the statutes are written to protect you against them. But when a society establishes criminals-by-right and looters-by-law—men who use force to seize the wealth of DISARMED victims—then money becomes its creators’ avenger. Such looters believe it safe to rob defenseless men, once they’ve passed a law to disarm them. But their loot becomes the magnet for other looters, who get it from them as they got it. Then the race goes, not to the ablest at production, but to those most ruthless at brutality. When force is the standard, the murderer wins over the pickpocket. And then that society vanishes, in a spread of ruins and slaughter.
“Do you wish to know whether that day is coming? Watch money. Money is the barometer of a society’s virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion— when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing—when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors—when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you—when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice—you may know that your society is doomed. Money is so noble a medium that it does not compete with guns and it does not make terms with brutality. It will not permit a country to survive as half-property, half-loot.
“Whenever destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money, for money is men’s protection and the base of a moral existence. Destroyers seize gold and leave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper. This kills all objective standards and delivers men into the arbitrary power of an arbitrary setter of values. Gold was an objective value, an equivalent of wealth produced. Paper is a mortgage on wealth that does not exist, backed by a gun aimed at those who are expected to produce it. Paper is a check drawn by legal looters upon an account which is not theirs: upon the virtue of the victims. Watch for the day when it becomes, marked: ‘Account overdrawn.’
“When you have made evil the means of survival, do not expect men to remain good. Do not expect them to stay moral and lose their lives for the purpose of becoming the fodder of the immoral. Do not expect them to produce, when production is punished and looting rewarded.
Conservatives plan foiled dept:

by: julie

Wed Aug 19, 2009 at 10:00:56 AM CDT

Oil Industry Front Group Rallies for Global Warming "Taking a cue from angry protests against the Obama Administration's health care restructuring, the oil industry is helping organize anti-climate bill rallies around the nation," reports Ian Talley. The rallies are being organized under the name "Energy Citizens," an effort led by the American Petroleum Institute (API)... ... "EnergyCitizens" plans to hold rallies in about 20 states during August, targeting states "whose Democratic Senators aren't strong supporters of a stringent bill, such as ... Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Mark Begich of Alaska."
Compare and Contrast:
If anyone still doesn’t believe in global warming, come to Glacier National Park.... Glaciers carved out this scenery millions of years ago, and glaciers still exist here today. When first seen by early explorers a little more than a century ago, 136 glaciers were identified, named, and documented in the Glacier National Park area. Today, there are 25 left. For the past 15 years, one glacier has been lost annually.
One exceptionally stupid ugly old woman blurted out "OBAMA IS AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION!" Causing such a raucous boisterous applause that it made me ill. When McCain tried to tamp that one down some he got booed down again. 
These town hall meetings must have big signs out front saying REASONABLE PEOPLE NOT ALLOWED!  And even outside reasonable people happening into the area find themselves intimidated by gun toting Timothy McVeigh wannabes.
We have suffered a month of these very white butt ugly right-wing nutcakes at these town meetings. The previous month it was the very white Birthers spewing forth that mindless drool. And for 3 months before that was the Tea Party Nutcakes rallying around Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity screaming Right-wing swill just for the sake of screaming.
Whose bright idea was it to have all these stupid town halls anyway? Fire this person, immediately. Forever. If the Bush Administration taught us anything, it was the three step process to getting whatever legislation you wanted to pass. 1) Use terra. This should have been the “Make Sure Grandma is protected from Muslin Swine Flu Bombs” AMERICA UNITED ACT. 2) No debate. EVAH. 3) If someone does try to debate, call them America haters, or bin Laden enablers, whatever
It’s been years since I’ve seen a middle-aged white guy give a decent Black Power salute in a crowded high school auditorium. Years.