Tuesday, February 4, 2014

PostCards from the BUNKER Aug 7, 2009

Weekend reading for the discerning  Aug 7, 2009
Breaking News Dept:
"The governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, is stepping down from office. Will no longer be the governor of Alaska on Sunday. So right about now, Sarah Palin should be taking her grizzly bear head off the wall and packing it in bubble wrap." --David Letterman
Harry and Louise Return in Ads Supporting Health Care Reform
Each has Alzheimer's now, and no insurance.
Nixon always said that Reagan was a dumb son of a bitch. And, you know, I think that he was...and I really think George W. is dumber. – Oliver Stone
Over the last 30-odd years, Democrats have moved to the right, and the right has moved into a mental hospital. - Bill Maher
 If they can land a man on the moon, you can get up out of your chair now and then.
"Only 42% of Republicans believe Obama was born in the United States. That's an amazing statistic. How come in America, Christians are the ones who won't take anything on faith?" --Bill Maher
Crew of Six Men Completes 105-Day Simulated Mission to Mars Their impression: Mars needs women.
Biggest Decline in Video Game
Sales Since 2000
Industry fears kids may be going back outside to play.
Verizon to Cut 8,000 JobsAll of them in one building in Bangalore
Book: Bin Laden Visited U.S. for 2 Weeks in Summer of 1979Drove cross-country with family to visit Wally World, but it was closed.
Pat Buchanan: “White Men Built This Country”By slaughtering red men, enslaving black men.
"I got the fried chicken and potato salad!" – Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, joking about how he might bring more diversity into the Republican Party.
Geithner Says Recession is EasingCites new, bigger bonuses for execs at AIG, Goldman-Sachs.
Study: Self-Control Not
Natural in Humans
Based on 35,000-year study.
"It looks like healthcare reform really is gaining momentum and is going to happen. Now of course Republicans say the plan is too confusing, too convoluted, but you know, these are the same people who say they can make sense out of a Sarah Palin speech." --Bill Maher
Now Showing 2 - 4 -7:30   Harry Potter and the Half Blood President
EL Loco dept:

Voice of the White House July 27, 2009 Washington is as corrupt as Mexico City, writes a Beltway insider, although it’s far less obvious More ... 
Got to watch this one ; Right wing Loons dept: 
There is an original copy of Barack Obama's Birth Certificate available for viewing in a Hawaii court house. There are copies of it everywhere. In fact there is nothing at all to suggest his birth certificate does not exist or that it is a forgery. Newspapers in Hawaii listed his birth at the time.


the republican baseThe Republican Base of Tea Party Wingnuts refuse to believe the "N-word in the White House" is an American no matter how much proof is shoved up their sorry racist Republican asses.

Originally this crap was being played by Republican racist radio host Michael Savage, the stupid and insane Republican radio host Glenn Beck and every racist hate group in America who exclusively vote for Republican. Every wonder why that would be? Every wonder why voters who have or are about to lose their jobs, homes and health care are so dead set against universal coverage and vote Republican no matter what?  Hint: Universal coverage includes coverage of who?    
They are now joined by Rush Limbaugh, Lou Dobbs and those few members of congress who have married their sisters.
?Hows your IRA doing dept? :
Health Care explained dept:
Tennessee Republican state senator involved in sexual extortion plot. "Family values" GOP politician blackmailed over sexually-explicit photos with intern. 
If you can tear yourself from watching Senator Sessions embarress Alabama, check out the following links I like and feel free to add your own. 
Only three percent of blacks voted for McCain, a number similar to what Bush the Younger received. That didn't happen overnight. A higher percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than Democrats. But years of bitching about social programs that benefitted a community just emerging from the yoke of Jim Crow drove blacks away from the Party of Lincoln. In this decade it has been bitching about hispanic immigration that has driven Latinos away in droves. There are 535 elected members of Congress (plus a few delegates), but there is only one Republican Jew, no Republican Muslims, no Republican agnostics, no Latino Republicans (other than the four Cubans from Florida), no gay Republicans, and no women in leadership positions.
Warning, this is your right wing blogosphere at work.  And they say I inject race(ism) into the discussion?
22K an hour; a bargain! dept:
?Whos idea was it to get our good young men into the mess in Iraq?  dept:
And then neglect our brave veterans by turning them out into the street   Unacceptable; shame on us dept :
"Support the Troops" ??? .... ;  Talk is Cheap
This clip from the Chris Rock movie Head of State says it all.
Click here for then candidate Barack Obama's version.
We are the people, we know what we need and it ain't right that we aren't getting what we need.
The high priced "campaign consultants" don't know what we need.
The lobbyist don't care what we need. 
The media doesn't want us to have what we need.
When are we the people going to stand up and fight for what we know we need? 
When are we the people going to stop saying "That's Okay" and start saying "That ain't right"? 
When are we the people going to stop letting corporate interest and politicianstell us what we need and what we can have?
When are our elected officials going to realize they work for us and stop working on us?
What is it going to take for we the people to get what we need?
What part of republicans just ain't right (pun intened) don't they understand?
Click here for my favorite Head of State scene. RIP Bernie Mack.
fm leftinala
by Thom Hartmann | July 21, 2009 - 10:43am | permalink 
article tools: email | print | read more Thom Hartmann
Republicans are using the T-word - taxes - to attack the Obama healthcare program. It's a strategy based in a lie.
A very small niche of America's uber-wealthy have pulled off what may well be the biggest con job in the history of our republic, and they did it in a startlingly brief 30 or so years. True, they spent over three billion dollars to make it happen, but the reward to them was in the hundreds of billions - and will continue to be.
As my friend and colleague Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks pointed out in a Daily Kosblog recently, billionaire Rupert Murdoch loses $50 million a year on the NY Post, billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife loses $2 to $3 million a year on the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, billionaire Philip Anschutz loses around $5 million a year on The Weekly Standard, and billionaire Sun Myung Moon has lost $2 to $3 billion on The Washington Times.
Why are these guys willing to lose so much money funding "conservative" media? Why do they bulk-buy every right-wing book that comes out to throw it to the top of the NY Times Bestseller list and then give away the copies to "subscribers" to their websites and publications? Why do they fund to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars a year money-hole "think tanks" like Heritage and Cato?
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For the conservatives laughing over Obama photos today, Google the names “Bush” and “Merkel” to see what real embarrassment looks like.
With the country still reeling from the impact of the worst financial crisis not seen in 80 years, perhaps it's time that that other masterful politician, President Barack Obama, defend his nascent administration's fiscal policies by revisiting and re-phrasing that legendary question: Is the economy stronger now than when Bush left office? It's a really simple question, and one that cuts right through the rampant partisan rhetoric polluting the airwaves today.

So here's a little test for our Republican friends to help them decide the status of the nation's economy. I dare them to answer these questions truthfully, as Americans first, and not as transparent partisan stooges:

1. Is the stock market stronger today than when Bush left office?
2. Is the banking industry stronger than when Bush left office?
3. Are Wall Street companies (JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, etc) doing better today than when Bush left office?
4. Are the credit markets doing better than when Bush left office?
5. Is the auto industry doing better than when Bush left office?
6. Are the housing markets doing better than when Bush left office?
7. Are retailers doing better than when Bush left office?
8. Is the technology industry doing better than when Bush left office?
0. Are monthly jobless claims lower than when Bush left office?
10. Is consumer confidence higher than when Bush left office?

Of course, the answer to every single one of these black and white questions is yes. Conclusion? It's abundantly clear that President Obama's stewardship of the economy has resulted in tremendous improvement from the near-abyss the nation fell into last Fall at the end of Bush's prsidency. While Republicans can vehemently criticize Obama's stimulus plan and disingenuously declare its failure all they want, the facts speak for themselves.

Nice work, President Obama. Keep it up. While Republicans may never thank you, their businesses, jobs, homes and savings will.
Canada Health care dept:
Right Wing Loon Radio dept:
Rack edited this 30 minute video down to 9 minutes so I could get it up on youtube. It is a Bill Moyers' Journal piece from last year on how bad Republican talk radio has become. Bill Moyersand Randall Terry to the Dr Tiller murder. Link to the full video
What is so disconcerting about this is how very few people saw either this which was aired once last year or saw it when it was once aired this year... While the audience for these Right-wing hate mongers is around 40 million listening every week.
Who are their sponsors?
Chinese threatened with lay-offs riot. Beat steel executive to death.
This is a three edged sword.

On one edge we have these Right-wing crazy TV and radio hosts (please include Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh) working up the hopelessly stupid and armed Republican Base into purple faced frenzy of mixed hatred directed at liberals, blacks and Hispanics.

On the second edge we have those dispensing all this virulent hatred personally gaining great wealth from their foul nature. With most of them also able to push their agenda - with the help of their well funded media backers like Fox News and Clear Channel etc - through radio, television, the Internet, print and well paid speaking engagements. They also try to out provoke each other as a means of getting the most attention. Glenn Beck is winning! They have a name for that now, Coulterizing.

But on the third edge this causes not only the Daily Show and Colbert to lead off with so many Republican Base wingnut stories, but all forms of the mainstream media as well.
Tea Parties and Birther Bashes along with the over the top TV/Radio host crazyness (who sponsor these movements) certianly causes more people to jump on board and a few others grabbing up their guns and going on killing sprees. But it so soils and blackens the Republican Brand that it has become a boon for Democrats getting elected.

This is especially true for Lou Dobbs and Tom Trancedo who together moved so many Hispanics (the fastest growing block of voters in America) over to the Democratic Party that they could very well be the reason we have a Kenyan Communist White Hating N-word in the White White House.  

The fly in this ointment is what I believe to be the most serious mistake we and the media make by so vastly underestimating the numbers of these purple faced armed and dangerous Republican Base wingnuts. I suppose we will not find out for 15 more months come November 2010. All things being equal.
by Ed Naha | July 27, 2009 - 9:46am | permalink 
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A Republican senator envisions "breaking" the President and, then, when criticized, claims Obama has lowered the level of discourse. A Republican organizer sends out an e-mail "photo" of Obama as a witchdoctor, replete with bone through nose. When word spreads, he claims he's the victim of a liberal smear campaign. A Republican Councilman forwards racist Obama jokes on the Internet and, when caught, whines that he's being victimized because he's not the only one doing it.
Welcome to the GOP, folks, whose big tent is now large enough to include whimpering racists, misogynists, xenophobes, anti-gays, philanderers, religious fanatics, conspiracy nuts and assorted victimized venom-spewers who all love Jesus and America but opt out of practicing either love or patriotism because they're too busy tea-bagging each other.
Hallelujah! Praise God, pass the ammunition for my concealed handgun and let's all pummel the uppity Nee-grow. So much for post-racial America.
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Maureen dept:
Govt Health Care dept:
It's far worse than anyone thought. For years we have been hearing about our home grown Taliban infiltrating the Air Force Academy, and causing cultural angst in both Iraq and Iran with military leaders allowing the distribution of Christian Bibles and literature to Muslims by our troops. ButThe Family written by Harper's Journalist Jeff Sharlet opens wide the door to the who, where and why of this group who feed the powerful rather than as the gospels suggest, feed the powerless.The Family, a Review
Family leader Doug Cole keeps a low profile though we do see his hand at work as The Family quietly sponsors those congressional morning prayer meeting we so often here of. It is not only a function of promoting religious intolerance and educational ignorance, but to push "biblical capitalism" to relieve taxes on the wealthy and to specifically destroy all things New Deal. Also like the Neo Cons, they promote American world domination through war and economic force.

But the real story is that this book came out well over a year ago and no one has paid it any nevermind - and only now on late night pay cable show.

It gains no attention because here in America disparaging religion WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Raising a finger against religion in this land is a losing proposition for every politician and every facet of the mainstream media.

A very recent article by Newscat attached to this issue 
Scary Hitler Based C Street Family Uses Tax Dollars to Undermine Government, Spread Political Theocracy Worldwide. 
Thank God that "Trickle Down" theory worked so well dept: 
All those "Tax Cuts" for the millionaires private jets really do make a difference! 
Think about all those Jobs they created.
In US, 34 million get food stamps
Amid deep recession, one in nine Americans require aid just to eat.
Republican Base - Is that mix of Fundamentalist Fruitcakes, Southern Confederates, Northern Nitwits, NRA Nutjobs, Western Wingnuts, Birther Bigots and of course our newest gang of Right-wing Loonies, Tea Party cult members who have recently left our parks to infiltrate and disrupt town hall meetings at the specific directions of their radio host Cult Leaders. With all of it, ALL OF IT, seeping in racism which is far too conservatively incorrect to mention on television.  
Since I began my boycott of CNN for giving creepy crawler  Lou Dobbs a platform for his nastyass crap, I switched over to Fox News. That didn't last long for the danger my family suffered with so many objects being thrown at the TV.  Rack
by Bob Burnett | August 7, 2009 - 11:07am | permalink 
article tools: email | print | read more Bob Burnett
A recent Daily Kos poll indicated 58 percent of Republicans either believe President Obama isn't a US citizen or aren't sure. Out here on the left coast, we don't know many Republicans, so it's hard for us to understand how they can be that stupid.
There may be a medical explanation. Perhaps the Republican daily diet of whoppers has caused organic brain rot, a variant of mad cow disease. On the other hand, their failure to accept reality might be psychological, early onset dementia resulting from excessive exposure to Fox News and hate radio.
Whatever the source, Republican disease has readily identifiable symptoms. There are ten telltale signs, core Republican beliefs that cause rational Americans to conclude the person they see ranting on TV or disrupting town-hall meetings is pathological.
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