Monday, December 29, 2014

BTW 67 The Journey

Tracks of the StoneBear  Copyright MMXII  ALL Rights reserved

BTW  #       Back to the West  Journey   2012 

BTW The Journey....  extra post -- some pix are coming.
This journey between the eternities has been spectacular... only to me. To borrow the phrase / title ... On the road less Traveled, defines it exactly. The roads and trails, the tracks left behind were on paths that were off the beaten path. There were less people,.. and less impact from the plundering of people.  ... a preferred route.

It's not that I don't like people. I've loved meeting people on the many paths from all over the world. Archaeology, Anthropology, and Geography classes and research in and after college made this a living , walking classroom as I've walked around the sun some 61+ times.

I don't like shallow thinking people; I don't suffer the company of fools easily.

I went to college and saw frat boys cheat on tests, and now they are vice presidents of banks here in town. I've met too many brokers and agents that were simply professional thieves that gloated how much they got away with by presenting the illusion of a sharp suit as their legitimacy. Talked and worked with so many of them that I can spot them easily.

Sat with CEOs and presidents of large and small corporations and watched them eat dinner like pigs... handling a fork like a hillbilly stabbing a steak-- almost wrestling it on the plate-- ; all that money... and they didn't even have the simple table manners to eat properly, decently,... at the dinnertable. They were privileged bums. ... slobs.

I don't have any earth shaking quotes of wisdom... the meaning of life or anything of significance. I just shared this walk, like most.... struggled through, battered by the hard parts and come to this place in the road happy to just say it was a good run. I'm glad I got to see it when it was real, started from the bottom and worked my way up and am proud of what little I accomplished... I should have done so much more. I'm sure the Lord will tell me that. ... that I could have done more.

My heart has been rocked by loss to many times, it helped appreciate the journey... the good things. Getting back up after being knocked down... you get used to it as normal afer a while. I think the best compliment I ever got... from my Son.... then grown up and after seeing me work hard and live for years ; "Dad, you limp back to the huddle after every play, then everytime you come out ready for the next snap".

I'm not a bleeding heart liberal, but i've looked out for those less fortunate and helped when I could. On the road often offers the chance meeting of travelers, some homeless,...some on their own journey. The times when i give a few bucks to some kids traveling.... those are not just some kids. They are my Sons, my Sons,... my nephews, your Sons , your nephews... that I could help them get through the day with something to eat; to get them a few more miles down the road; that's the least I could do.

I was not worried about the miles counted.... I lived to make the miles count.

You never drink twice from the same stream.

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