Thursday, August 27, 2015

Monument Valley 2 Kyenta, AZ Sept '08

4COR 2 

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey 

Sept 2008

Sept 09

ROF road trip

Monument Valley , Arizona / Utah -- Navajo Nation --2-- Same text, different pics

I knew this would be good....

Oh God... I didn't know it would be this good.

Best friend Moose Dude knew friend Haley that did an internship in Kayenta, AZ. reports back were mixed, some about the poverty of the area... the despair of the area... this is Navajo territory.

Monument Valley, AZ is actually Navajo nation : Navajo Tribal Park is the official listing.

The other reports back were of the amazing beauty of Monument Valley... and the surrounding 4 corners area. Well that decision is an easy one; ?When can I get there to see this?

So this road trip had a specific goal to get to Kayenta / Monument Valley.

I've seen pictures of this... even on the big screen HD views... and that does NOT even come close to the absolutley breathtaking magnificence of this place. Just standing there overlooking the valley is paralyzing. Cool thin air, bright sunshine on this dessert plain... Powerful.

Then... I learn that you can actually drive down into the valley among these monoliths.

The drive is a loop through the valley for 17 miles. Stops at different viewpoints... each one just as magnificent as the last... and it just keeps getting more breathtaking every stop.

It's dirt roads... some really bad potholes in places that will shake your teeth, tear up a suspension on a car if you drive more than 5 -10 mph. But you kinda want to go slow and see this valley.

At one place... saw a Navajo indian ride out onto a ridge... the most picturesque thing you've ever seen of a Western setting. ... T-bone said we hit it lucky to see this. I thought... the tour bus of Europeans pulling up to the viewpoint 2 minutes earlier helped . I could vision the director & his headset : Ok, the bus has stopped; que the Navajo on the horse. ... get the souvenier stand ready. I think like that.

But it is an amazing place to see. There are Native American Navajos that actully live on this land and some places / houses / kivas are off limits. It's an amazing drive that takes a few hours... longer if you want to soak it in or take more pictures. I should have stayed longer and taken more pics.

Also see the other Monument Valley posts, and Kayenta / Burger King ( I don't do commercials but the display in the Kyenta, AZ Burger King that honors the US Marine Navajo "Code Talkers" is impressive. it's under construction -- i'm writing as fast as I can bear w/ me.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved

ROF 2 

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey

4COR= 4 Corners Journey 

Sept 08

ROF road trip

Monument Valley Arizona / Utah -- Navajo Nation

I knew this would be good....

Oh God... I didn't know it would be this good.

Best friend Moose Dude knew friend Haley that did an internship in Kayenta, AZ. reports back were mixed, some about the poverty of the area... the despair of the area... this is Navajo territory.

Monument Valley, AZ is actually Navajo nation : Navajo Tribal Park is the official listing.

The other reports back were of the amazing beauty of Monument Valley... and the surrounding 4 corners area. Well that decision is an easy one; ?When can I get there to see this?

So this road trip had a specific goal to get to Kayenta / Monument Valley.

I've seen pictures of this... even on the big screen HD views... and that does NOT even come close to the absolutley breathtaking magnificence of this place. Just standing there overlooking the valley is paralyzing. Cool thin air, bright sunshine on this dessert plain... Powerful.

Then... I learn that you can actually drive down into the valley among these monoliths.

The drive is a loop through the valley for 17 miles. Stops at different viewpoints... each one just as magnificent as the last... and it just keeps getting more breathtaking every stop.

It's dirt roads... some really bad potholes in places that will shake your teeth, tear up a suspension on a car if you drive more than 5 -10 mph.  But you kinda want to go slow and see this valley.

At one place... saw a Navajo indian ride out onto a ridge... the most picturesque thing you've ever seen of a Western setting. ... T-bone said we hit it lucky to see this. I thought... the tour bus of Europeans pulling up to the viewpoint 2 minutes earlier helped . I could vision the director & his headset : Ok, the bus has stopped; que the Navajo on the horse. ... get the souvenier stand ready. I think like that.

But it is an amazing place to see. There are Native American Navajos that actully live on this land and some places / houses / kivas are off limits. It's an amazing drive that takes a few hours... longer if you want to soak it in or take more pictures. I should have stayed longer and taken more pics.

Also see the other Monument Valley posts, and Kayenta / Burger King ( I don't do commercials but the display in the Kyenta, AZ Burger King that honors the US Marine Navajo "Code Talkers" is impressive. it's under construction -- i'm writing as fast as I can bear w/ me.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Last Chance Gulch Helena, Montana

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Last Chance Gulch Helena Montana

ITW 77 - 76

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

ITW= Into The West Journey

July 14, 2010

Helena, Montana Last Chance Gulch

Helena, Montana is a fantastic town of a rich western history. A couple of days here is not enough. A western mining town... a boom town... and some busts. An earlier road trip through the west , went to Virginia City, Montana... the provisional territory capitol of Montana , until it was wrestled away by Helena.

They called it the "Last Chance" gulch... ...the creek / stream that ran through the main street of what was Helena, Montana. Story was... all the Gold prospectors were ready to give up on a worthless claim. They had prospected and panned for months w/ minimal results on this worthless creek. Ready to throw in the towel,... give up... move on to more promising gold prospecting streams.

And one guy said... well,... Let's give it one Last Chance.... my Last chance. ... and he hit a vain of gold. Found a nugget strike that was like no other. And the gold rush was back on.

The life of the gold miners was a rough tumble life. They'd be up at dawn, working their claim; 10 feet of dirt riverbank that was theirs and anything they could pan out of it. Typical day was to pan gold all day from dusk 'til dark.... or late eve when they'd take their Gold-dust into the saloons and "weigh out"... tally their daily Gold weight for dollars... most of the time on a credit ledger in the saloon. .... then for the rest of the night spend it on whiskey and saloon women... until dawn. ... then get up and do it again. WHAT a life to be a gold prospector in Helena Montana!!!

Wait a minute!!! ... men that would work hard all day and cavort into the night.... I know these guys; I worked with these guys. I knew Marine buddies that did the same thing. ... I worked with shipyard Cajuns that did this.... i worked with stockbrokers that did this... I worked with construction workers that did this. .... Dad ! .... I know these guys; I worked and lived with them... god I love 'em!!! These are the guys that lived life to the fullest and built America!

There are hundreds of tiny shanty / shack homes still along Last Chance Gulch. Homes now renovated over the years and still lived in from the original claims on the property by these prospectors.

Claims to the 10feet creek-banks were sold,... claims were traded.... worthless claims were sold to greenhorn tin-pan newcomers,... claims were jumped by cutthroat scoundrels, ... men / prospectors were killed / beaten to death for worthless claims ... right here on the "Last Chance " Gulch. And it has now transformed through Helenas history to be one of the old main attractions.

*** a sidetrack here---

--- Also see Virginia City, Montana on the sbtyellowstone blog -- -- another mining boomtown with rich history... notably... the origin of the 3 - 7 - 77 Logo that is still on the present Montana State Troopers cars.

Legend is ... Virginia city, MT an old somewhat ghost town of the old west mining boom-towns where 1,860s the vigilante law was --3-- , --7--, --77--. If you were a thug, robber, scoundrel.... the -3- -7- -77- was painted on your door.... on your linen tent,... your number was up. --you have been found out for the riff-raff you are. It meant... the stage leaves town at 3, the sun sets at 7, & it's 77 miles to Bozeman... the territorial capitol where you might could get a fair trial by official law. Otherwise,... take your chances here w/ the vigilantes western justice of a noose. The vigilantes hung about 24 thugs(most notably the elected sheriff Henry Plummer and associates) in a couple of months when they cleaned up the town. god I love Montana and their people! --- They understood how to govern!

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved    

Monday, August 17, 2015


Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

ITW= Into the West Journey            

August 2010  

and we're in this place...

and I'm out looking at stars about 10 pm

and there's this rustle of something coming our of the bushes... and I'm thinking its an elk, or deer...

and it's a bear.  A bear... over by the dumpster scavaging for food.

and in a split second i'm thinking.. this is it. He's got the drop on me. It's over. 

My friends back in Leeds will say... he got eaten by a bear in Montana; that sounds about right for Hargus.

and i'm paralyzed... , my asshole is up in my throat and I'm thinking this is it.

and the bear... somehow doesn't register that I'm like 40' away... hikes a squat and takes the biggest, huge dump in history. 

and I take off running... let me tell you something. When you are scared... you can fly!

I did a hundred yard dash in about 4 seconds.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Church campout

Tracks of the StoneBear  Copyright MMXV ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire journey

Back in the '80's was putting in a new sink faucet at FUMC Hollywood, Fl and church lady Ginger and another lady stopped me. 

?Can you make a fire? ... like a campfire from wood? ?From sticks?

Uh... yeah.

Oh, you'd be perfect. We need you to do the kids camp out with us at the T. Y. park this Saturday. We need a male role model! You'd be perfect. IY park is a Seminole name - Topeekeegee Yugnee. 

?Would you wear your Bear suit?    Uh,... yeah

Tried to beg off. I already do MYF classes with the teenagers. I'm stretched thin as it is.  

They pestered me for 3 more days 'til I knuckled under and said yes.

Next week Ginger said the some of the parents were pissed with her and wanted to know where their kids had learned to cuss and spit. 

Ginger also asked "?What does Uuuhhh Raaahhhh! mean"? 

Problem Child movie clip
You never drink twice from the same stream.   

StoneBearTracks Copyright MMXV ALL blog posts and photographs  ALL Rights reserved   

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

TFM= Traywick Family Matters Journey            

August 12, 2015 

Alright... time to apologize to all the real Traywicks out there and 'splain the origins of the Traywick clan. 

When beginning to write this blog much of it comes from the real life growing up in the South. ... in the literal foothills of Appalachia. 

To write about Southern life and culture you have to be able to laugh at yourself because so many things speak to that Southern redneck culture; that's meant with affection. 

The South... is a great  place. With great people. Scots-Irish origin for many. Early American pioneers that migrated and settled here. good people. Hard working people that cut our a pioneer homestead in an ungodly hot and humid(in the Summers) place. 

Mountain people. Country people. Proud people. Generous people. You've heard about Southern hospitality... it's not a myth. Southern people will help... everybody/ anybody.... Because they know what it's like to struggle and to come on hard times. 

When you're in The South on the side of the road or in the Wal-mart parking lot with your hood raised... you are going to get helped. Weather you want it or not. 

So to speak, write, and convey the Southern culture I had to tag a Southern family name.  ... a Southern clan of mama 'n them. It could have been the The Ledbetters, or the Culpeppers, or the Wrights, or the Howards, or the Pledgers, or the Narimors, or the Turnipseeds, or the Hardings, or the Beckers, or the Washburns, or the Brashers, or the Isbells, or the Parkers...   

it could have been any of the fine Southern family names to convey the sentiment... the song of The South; the dignity of Southern family but I chose The Traywicks.

The Traywicks ARE The South!    

This blog about the fictitious Traywick clan and all the characters are meant as satire/ parody/ comedy... as a reflection of a truly Southern family with all their dignity and their weird cousins you have to talk with at the family picnic.    

So please forgive me and allow me to write about The South under a pen name... and a pen family/ clan. I mean no disrespect at all. I honor and respect each family member. Please allow me to write about The South in this satire/ parody without getting on my case.

The other part of the Tracks of the StoneBear blog/ journal is a respect of the native American, 1st Nation citizens of the Indian tribes. From the early days in the scouts learning the respect for nature and the land, I was tapped into Cherokee Lodge 50 and named StoneBear. It turned out true. Old, big and burly as a bear of a man,... a stature of stone. It fit. 

Our native American tribes... our first nation peoples have endured such discrimination,... genocide, unfair treatment by design.... I write some about our tribes to restore some overdue respect and dignity. Please bear with me. My Great Grandad fought WITH the Creek nation in the 1830s war and Uncle Steve married a Cherokee woman; She was arrested for being Cherokee, held in the stockade in Murphy, NC, then made to walk the "Trail of Tears" to Oklahoma. The origin of the "StoneBear" handle goes back a long way and I use it with utmost reverence and respect for the 1st Nation/ Native Americans. 

So, bear with me,... kid some, laugh some at ourselves... take this satire blog with a grain of salt... and let's be thankful for ALL of our abundant blessings. Thank you, StoneBear AKA Uncle Hargus

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved     


I don't do commercials or ads on this blog but occasionally we highlight and make note of exceptional artists, craftsmen, and unique people of character. No money or royalties are paid to this blog, or me. These photos and short clips of art, music, and craftsmanship are intended to be a gratis highlight of exceptional talent and a thank you to the artists.