Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

TFM= Traywick Family Matters Journey            

August 12, 2015 

Alright... time to apologize to all the real Traywicks out there and 'splain the origins of the Traywick clan. 

When beginning to write this blog much of it comes from the real life growing up in the South. ... in the literal foothills of Appalachia. 

To write about Southern life and culture you have to be able to laugh at yourself because so many things speak to that Southern redneck culture; that's meant with affection. 

The South... is a great  place. With great people. Scots-Irish origin for many. Early American pioneers that migrated and settled here. good people. Hard working people that cut our a pioneer homestead in an ungodly hot and humid(in the Summers) place. 

Mountain people. Country people. Proud people. Generous people. You've heard about Southern hospitality... it's not a myth. Southern people will help... everybody/ anybody.... Because they know what it's like to struggle and to come on hard times. 

When you're in The South on the side of the road or in the Wal-mart parking lot with your hood raised... you are going to get helped. Weather you want it or not. 

So to speak, write, and convey the Southern culture I had to tag a Southern family name.  ... a Southern clan of mama 'n them. It could have been the The Ledbetters, or the Culpeppers, or the Wrights, or the Howards, or the Pledgers, or the Narimors, or the Turnipseeds, or the Hardings, or the Beckers, or the Washburns, or the Brashers, or the Isbells, or the Parkers...   

it could have been any of the fine Southern family names to convey the sentiment... the song of The South; the dignity of Southern family but I chose The Traywicks.

The Traywicks ARE The South!    

This blog about the fictitious Traywick clan and all the characters are meant as satire/ parody/ comedy... as a reflection of a truly Southern family with all their dignity and their weird cousins you have to talk with at the family picnic.    

So please forgive me and allow me to write about The South under a pen name... and a pen family/ clan. I mean no disrespect at all. I honor and respect each family member. Please allow me to write about The South in this satire/ parody without getting on my case.

The other part of the Tracks of the StoneBear blog/ journal is a respect of the native American, 1st Nation citizens of the Indian tribes. From the early days in the scouts learning the respect for nature and the land, I was tapped into Cherokee Lodge 50 and named StoneBear. It turned out true. Old, big and burly as a bear of a man,... a stature of stone. It fit. 

Our native American tribes... our first nation peoples have endured such discrimination,... genocide, unfair treatment by design.... I write some about our tribes to restore some overdue respect and dignity. Please bear with me. My Great Grandad fought WITH the Creek nation in the 1830s war and Uncle Steve married a Cherokee woman; She was arrested for being Cherokee, held in the stockade in Murphy, NC, then made to walk the "Trail of Tears" to Oklahoma. The origin of the "StoneBear" handle goes back a long way and I use it with utmost reverence and respect for the 1st Nation/ Native Americans. 

So, bear with me,... kid some, laugh some at ourselves... take this satire blog with a grain of salt... and let's be thankful for ALL of our abundant blessings. Thank you, StoneBear AKA Uncle Hargus

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved     


I don't do commercials or ads on this blog but occasionally we highlight and make note of exceptional artists, craftsmen, and unique people of character. No money or royalties are paid to this blog, or me. These photos and short clips of art, music, and craftsmanship are intended to be a gratis highlight of exceptional talent and a thank you to the artists.