Monday, June 6, 2016

to Nederland, Colo 1

Sunday, April 13, 2014

To Nederland Colo 1

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus

StoneBearTracks  BTW / ROF = Ring of Fire journey
BTW  #27   Back to the West  Journey

 Tuesday July 17,  2012  The Front Range

To Nederland, CO   1       
After coming back out to Loveland, Colo... the front range -- a real FUBAR story which will be covered in another post -- before we head back into the Rockies.  
Generator issue. headed to Longmont to get new battery -- for back living part of RV--. If bad / dead cell, good. replace battery & continue. if battery is good-- I don't thin so... weak & won't turn generator starter... then issue may be generator not converting 110 to 12v... Battery check is main thing.. warranty?  Deep Cell battery 3 mos old... shud replace. ????  Advance Auto parts got us squared away.

Downtown Boulder Colo... the university is a couple of blocks near here.

      We're on the front range and go through Boulder, COlo     A stop at Whole Foods in Boulder, Colo; it should be criminal to have to walk through this offering of excess. Locals = Sid- call it Whole paycheck. The clientele are a mix of the independent Colorado locals... a liberal mix of free spirit... just the right atmosphere of a college town at the base of the Rockies.  ... but it was a zoo just to get into and out of. 

The University of Colo campus is just a few blocks away... A LOT of energy here and they're young, unique... these are the students that are going to bring the greening to the next generation of America.  

Just getting out of the parking lot was a traffic jamb. Missing a turn and driving up through some really neat residential streets... ?Boulder Creek/ river winding down through the residential sections in rock lined canals... just last year in 2013 the torrential rains tore up some of these quaint neighborhoods.

Boulder Creek... will run down this canyon and through Boulder town.

finally with some local directions go onto the hwy 119 heading west/ north out of town to our destination; Nederland, Colo.     

At this sideout stop walk up the Boulder River Canyon... there are a dozen+ students from the Uof Colo- Boulder there. Hiking, biking the mountain trails down the valley.

We're heading to Nederland to see what's there, then head north on the back roads, a National Scenic Byway... up the base of the front range to RMNP.... Rocky Mountain National Park... THE jewel of the Rockies!  ... the headwaters of the Colorado River!

Beautiful Boulder River Canyon.

This was a water pipe running through the canyon..??? water for boulder??? in the past?  ??? plenty of water in the creek???

Hiking/ biking trails in the canyon.

 About 2 miles out of town the drive is steep canyon walls, stopping at overlooks along the river / canyon.... it's like this is so unique to see. 

Some college kids are out in the middle of the river in shallow water,... in a lawn chair... reading/ studying a book; oh to be back in college again. These kids... college kids here have got it working!  They've got it made in the shade!

This college student is reading a book in his lawn chair in the middle of the river.... now this is how to go to college!

Look close for the rock climbers.

Driving up through Boulder Canyon on Colo hwy 119 and seeing these huge, beyond beautiful rock formations, eroded, smooth rounded from erosion, absolutely beautiful canyon of the Boulder River flowing down to the city. 

College kids are rock climbing the canyon walls. This is Curt Johnson territory. Curt was a rock climber... a Cousin that succumbed to cancer 5 years ago; I could see him climbing here.

 Incline driving,... heading up into The Rockies... I'm excited to see this.

They're doing it. They're out here, 10 minutes from the college in downtown Boulder.... connecting with one of the best geological places in the world,... while 98% of America sits on the couch stuffing their pie holes with doritos watching dancing with the nerds.

 Boulder Falls... Boulder Creek/ River... that runs down the canyon into Boulder... the town... right down through the downtown of the city... these falls are appropriately named... the rock formations/ boulders it flows through are fantastic. 
This lady was posing for wedding pix.

Uncle Hargus. I made it here to see this!

 Past boulder falls -- another post -- continue on CO hwy 119 on up into higher country of the Rockies. Heading west from the front range, ascending up into the Rockies... this canyon is wonderful. Stop at a couple of sideouts and take pix. This is a phenomenal geologic laboratory!

Stop and say a prayer for Curt Johnson... rock climber... taken way before his time.

Curt's spirit is here and live on.

Driving north in this canyon is really good. Every curve ushers a new even more fantastic view of the Rockies now forest.

And we come past this beautiful lake / reservoir on the left/ west, to Nederland, COlo.  Come to a traffic circle, mining museum building... interesting. we'll come back to see that. Left circle into the town and find a parking spot and walk around to scope out what is here.    

We're about 3,300' higher elev from when we left boulder.... cooler here.
About 10 blocks...  a lot of small shops, cafes, bars, art shops...       Nederland, Colo library. unique mountain town. stayed an extra day.
 Trout fished recently & was like 3 stooges where fish spit/ squirted water back at Curley. I need a couple days R&R... Let's see what Nederland, Colo is about.

Come into town, traffic circle.  Looks like a small town with a half dozen streets.  Local mom  & pop business' ... cafes,  bakery,  some circus train cars in a town square... a local strip shopping center with supermarket for supplies, but it has an atmosphere of unique small Colo Rocky Mountain town.
We're looking for a National Forest camp and head out on hwy 72North.  I want to come back tomorrow and see what's cooking in Nederland.

Yeah to our National forest Campgrounds!!! The Senior rate is 50%...  so $8.50 a night stay. A bargain for a tired nation to rest in the outdoors.

Pick a spot for a camp for the night... The outdoors are great!  Teach your kids the wonders of the outdoors; they will love you for it! 

Sunset in a National Forest Campground ; one of life's gifts!

Turns out.... we come back to Nederland, Colo and it's one of the most unique town I've ever seen.       
See the Nederland posts here:      

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved