Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Halloween '16

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

Tuesday November 1, 2016       

Well thank god Halloween '16 is over; survived a bunch of greedy kids pestering for handouts of free candy. ?Their parents must be some socialist librul that taught them they don't have to work for candy.

The little buggers just didn't get it and are evidently not the sharpest shovels in the shed. They had to walk by the car with the "registered republican" bumper sticker and they still didn't get the message. 

I put the shovel and axe by the door and they still rang the doorbell.

Your parents should have taught you this by now, but.... the candy hasn't trickled down to this level yet. President Reagan said it would trickle down. Come back next year and maybe the candy trickle will have reached here by then. Somebody has got to teach these kids what being a republican is about.

Thought about wearing my Ronald Reagan mask to the door but didn't want to scare the bejebus out of them. 

A few years back when I did more gardening I gave every trick or treater their own fresh picked green jalapeno; and the parents were pissed the next day. I thought this was better than the year I gave out camel cigarettes. 
You know,... you just can't be nice to people. 

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved