Saturday, September 30, 2017

AL X-Ray

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus  Editorial     

X-ray. well I thought Alabama could not ever top, or Live down the reputation of Bull Connor, who showed the world just what kind of Redneck Goobers come from Alabama. No, with today's elections comes a significant milepost in American history. it's not the end of the American Empire, but another piece of the jigsaw puzzle goes into place that shows the dismantling of America. That the dismantling of what we knew of a great country is underway, very much end declined.

With today's election Alabama now has a u.s. senator contender that will make Bull Connor and George Wallace standing in the college door to keep black students from getting a college education look as friendly as a Walmart greeter. Boy Toy Roy Moore, president Trump mistakenly referred to him as Ray, called him Ray, so now we are tagging him X-ray, AKA X-Ray Moore.

Now I'm not going to say people from Alabama are stupid but America is about to see what kind of a real Goober comes from here And when I say Goober it's with a major capital G. This guy was elected Chief Goober, Supreme Court chief justice in Alabama and was kicked out of the job twice because he was so obstinate and such a Goober.

Don't take my word, here's what his law school Professor had to say about him which is he disrupted the entire semester class with his obstinate BS Even when he was wrong and his classmates out argued him on legal point he would not concede his wrong position he basically doubled down on stupidity taking his Goober factor to a new high. a_lesson_on_roy_moore_from_his law professor

America is about to get a taste of what they think they want.

X-Ray Moore clowns to the lofty position of US senator from Alabama, so he can now begin dismantling America. The Senate now owns Alabama's Chief Goober and if you think you've seen gridlock you need to get ready.

And I know you say what kind of people in Alabama elect an a****** like Roy X-ray Moore. And the answer is very simple it goes back two politicians that have a long history of challenging and standing up to the evil federal government. Remember George Wallace standing in the schoolhouse door.? Remember now Alabama was segregated until guess who made them integrate the schools, yes that same evil federal government. So you see the Alabama mentality is still stuck on race even in these modern times we just can't kill the hate and fear of racism.

So know that when your boy X-Ray Moore gets to Washington he's going to unroll a little pouch full of Long Knives. He brings no real or a story or intellectual skills to the table. Each morning he will look at his collection of knives and figure out which one he wants to use today. There are all kinds of knives. There are little knives with prickly point that do nothing to kill, but irritate. He will use those a lot. There are knives not for killing, but for slicing Off contributions and favors. He will even have a big long knife to show the other senators how big and long his knife is if he has to use it. And make no mistake he has Long Knives meant for killing character and ideas, Progressive ideas, in the name of God.

Count on Goober X-ray Moore to be the choir director every morning after the opening prayer in the Senate to lead the chorus of Onward Christian Soldiers. America is about to get a taste of what intellectual abstinence from the great state of redneck Goobers can be.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

by Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

 Have Bear,    
           Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video "40 Acres and a Tomahawk" ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved 

That was written primary election night. ... BEFORE the dating for 14 year olds when he was 32, and dated other teenagers in his 30's. Some 9 women... so far have spoken up. And Alabama "christians" are probably going to vote him the next Alabama senator. You are watching this nation disintegrate; I think the USA has already been destabilized from this last election. God help us. It hurts to see a country I love be disassembled right in front of our eyes.

TouchDown AL

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

AK= Alaska Journey   

Have Bear, 
   Will Travel         

October 3, 2017    

Touchdown, The Eagle has landed. Or rather The Bear / StoneBear has landed. Live and direct from the Uncle Hargus intergalactic transport and Landing Zone, this was the mother of all road trips.    

This journey, this Odyssey was one for the books. Haven't done my wrap up totals but about 12, 500 miles- or half way around the earth. There are too many places & things to cover now. Alaska RT- Road Trip of a lifetime. Going up through The Dakotas, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, The Yukon... Alaska the Pinnacle of this. Can't tell you right now,..haven't formulated some of places... even with pictures there are things that are Beyond description. Will spend all winter writing/ blogging about this.

And I want to thank each of you for all the prayers and moral support. Some of the cards sent back asked say prayers and it wasn't because there was any religious happening or or anything.
Iit's just once onto the road I knew this would be an ordeal. This was not a vacation. This was an expedition. There were just so many things to pay attention to, of details, of mechanical things on a long journey like this it's it's like a airplane there's a lot of parts that can go wrong and everything needed double checking, and so it was like I just needed all the concentration on this every day.

Thank you for all the support and prayers for every thing, I can't thank you enough. The postcards, you're my family, you're my dear friends and I pull for you & say prayers for you on your treks and projects. You're my Team Hargus and I just can't thank you enough. But back safe here in Muleshoe AKA- Also Known As LA/ Leeds Alabama. I'm tired and exhausted and wrung out. Had to punch a nail hole in the belt from lost weight. I'll be getting back to you soon with more blog posts, details and update some of these things thank you dearly. I love you all. Uncle Hargus   AKA StoneBear

You never drink twice from the same stream. Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

by Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video "40 Acres and a Tomahawk" ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved 

Sunday, September 24, 2017


Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

AK= Alaska Journey   

Have Bear, 
   Will Travel         

September 24, 2017       

You haven't lived until you've been hammered in the 12th row of Lynyrd Skynyrd. 
              Uncle Hargus 

You never drink twice from the same stream. Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

by Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video "40 Acres and a Tomahawk Tour ALaska 2017" ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved   

Monday, September 18, 2017

'Dega 2000

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

AL= ALAbama journey            

October 13, 2018

Talladega Speedway 2000 fall Winston 500.

One of my favorite races that I remember through a 45-year history at Talladega Speedway is the fall race of 2000.

What I remember is most of the race was the usual NASCAR, very exciting, excellent racing, a great race to watch. But then it became one of the greatest races of NASCAR history.

With about 10 to 12 laps to go all the race leaders made a final Pit Stop after a caution. I don't remember if it was a big one that involved many cars. or a one or two car spin out.

What I remember is coming out of the pits one of the up front leaders Dale Earnhardt, one of my favorite drivers, had got shuffled back to the end of the pack. A bad Pit Stop, something went wrong, took a long, longer pit time than normal.

Back on the track coming out of the pits were a new bunch of race Leader's up front.

Dale was way back in the pack. I mean like almost at the end. and I thought what in the hell happened. He was up front, now at the tail end of the lead pack, about 10 to 12 laps to go. This is usually a poor finish. Nobody can make up 20 cars lengths, make it back to the front in 10 laps. There is not enough race laps left. It takes a good skilled driver many laps to make a comeback push to the front.

I thought this race is pretty well-defined here with a few new leaders.

                  2017 pix

The last two cars out of the pits, the leaders field were already around in turn 1 and 2, and here comes Dale Earnhardt in his number three black Goodwrench Chevy, and Kenny Wallace in his number 55 Square D car. … blue yellow square D.

They began tracking the main field, Earnhardt got in front of Kenny, and motioned Kenny to come on and power draft, bump draft,.

Kenny Wallace, whose nickname racing was “Herman” had a very good strong engine and had run good all day.

Kenny begin drafting on number 3 Dale pushing him on the outside Groove.

They began making up , gaining race positions. They began pushing ahead of the back field on the outside line, each lap gaining to 2 3 racing positions.

Both of them hooked up in a draft that was the most powerful I've seen in NASCAR racing.

Dale was a master racer and could read the groove and would dip down into a slot when needed, to make it through a turn, then lift back up high and move ahead with Herman pushing him all the way.

End 10 laps they made up almost 20 positions, so now we're down to two laps to go, white flag territory, forming up for the end of the race, a real shootout as to who's going to win this. It's undecided who will win this at this point at 2 laps to go.

Dale and Kenny are now running 3 and 4 behind the 2 leaders. pushing around racing High On the Groove and drafting when they needed. the front-runner lead cars are strong engines of the day and I've held off everybody till now.

Going into the tri-oval on the White Flag, last lap of the Talladega 500, here's Dale and Kenny right in the thick side by side of the leaders going for the win.

It's nose Over nose all the way through the back stretch. everybody's got the hammer down running full out. Now it's really race maneuvering for position into Turn 3 and 4.

Dale and Kenny are pushing hard, a miracle comeback that I've never seen two cars come back this many positions and so few laps. It's not just the engine power this is driver skill, this is beyond what is possible.

I think coming out a turn for Dale jumps down coming down turn #4 to the N Side Lane and took the lead and held on sprinting to the Finish for the wind. Edging out Nemechek and Jeff Gordon. this was an amazing comeback this was really one of the best races ever.

Dale won the race, not a new thing for him, but to win this race was a real feat to come back at the end. The way they did it, the way they drafted through 20 positions in 10 laps at the end.

Dale won the race, but Kenny Wallace was the reason they came back to the front with his power draft, bump draft behind Dale. Kenny was the reason they made it to the front and finished 1 and 2. Kenny stepped up into a new category of driver from this race.

I've seen many great races at Talladega but this was one of the most memorable. This would rank the number two slot of the top 10 Talladega races I saw.


the number three slot would be the year Dale caught up in a wreck in turn 3 and spun out down into the south end apron upside down.

Well the caution was out and the Crash Crews were cleaning up the track a wrecker tide the number 3 Black Goodwrench Chevy with tie straps and turned it over on to its 4 tires to toe it back to the garage.

Dale standing beside the Crash Crew workers asked the question, will it crank? climbed back into the car, cranked it up, put his helmet back on and drove it back onto the track., not to the garage but made a pit stop,. made some quick race repairs. got back out on the track, and finished the last dozen races up in about fifth or sixth position. that is got to be one of the best Racers that's ever lived.


some more memorable races were seeing the Alabama gang, the Allison's, Bobby and Donnie, and Neil Bonnett run.


and the 90s some of the Davey Allison races were spectacular.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved 

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Taladaga Fall 17

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

AL= ALabama  Journey   

Have Bear, 
   Will Travel         

October 13, 2017       

 Talladega fall 2017.

Back to Talladega one more time. I keep thinking this will be my last time, that's why I keep going back. At this age it may be the last time I go to Talladega.
Starting back in 1968 I used to go up and see Dad at work with Moss-Thornton doing excavation work at Talladega so this goes way back in my history and I have a really unique memories of seeing it being built seeing the crane truck up on the top of the track with a crane boom lift it up high and cable going down to a motor grader going around the track and the cable was so the motor scraper Road scraper motor grader would not slide down the Steep race track.

Back 4 years ago I almost wrote this but I kept holding out hope that I was wrong but I think we've seen the Apex in NASCAR. The crowds are not as big they constructed some stands over on the back straightaway this was a decade ago or so they never could fill them up and went and tore them down because the visual did not look good to see empty stands.

It quit being racing somewhere back in the early nineties. With the restrictor plates it basically slowed the cars down to be competitive and I heard little France one time say we're not about racing we're about entertainment and that pretty well holds true.

I'm just glad I got to see the real thing when it was really real racing by the old timers, the stars of the old, the real NASCAR dirt and grease drivers and half of their mechanics worked on the cars and those are really some good racing days back in the late 60s, 70s. even into the 80s, it was still exciting. That's back in the day when every single driver when they stick that microphone into his face for the Trackside interview it would be quote “well we was a runnin’ good all day’till ___________ blank, you fill in the blank, we blew a tar in number three. we got a clutch burned out. And so on.  

I'm glad I got to see maybe one of the greatest races and all of NASCAR history. Was going to college but I went back up to the race I think in August 2nd race of 1974 and it was an absolute screamer. It narrowed down like always about 20 laps to go the four or five real horses that we're going to determine who the winner was.

Buddy Baker had been leading most of the day, Bobby Allison, and Dave Marcus were front contenders back then. I remember Baker was leading and add a pit stop and something didn't do right after he came out I don't know if his clutch, or  overheated.

They caught a caution and it I was about less than 10 laps.

                 2017 #43 still looks good!

The last four five six laps it was a shootout between Richard Petty and David Pearson, Silver Fox. number 21 Purolator Ford. They passed each other about every turn, back straight away, they were constantly LeapFrog passing each other there was no stronger Contender... they were equal contenders and it boiled down to the driving skill and technique of passing each other in the corners and on that back  straight away it was real racing. And Petty had developed this thing where he called a slingshot where he would ride on the high outside Lane Groove and coming out of the turn when the other car on in side tried to move up and block him from passing he would slingshot down under them and pass, and have a lot of times like a half a car length and go on and lead a couple of hundred yards.

1974 fall race was one of the greatest ones in history of NASCAR I was near the start Finish Line sitting in the Moss-Thornton stands section and Petty and David Pearson bumped, what they call trading paint in the tri-ovall and I came down to the finish line and Petty Won It by a foot... a blink of an eye It was absolutely one of the best finishes in the world. And just the excitement of seeing that electric blue STP Dodge with that big red “V” 43 on the front nose thundering by that finish line after bumping in the tri-oval with David Pearson that was one of the best races that's ever been.

It's still exciting, it was still a great show and spectacle. But it's like most things now at this age we're at the end of an era.

Now they are offering free tickets for kids and that's so the grandparents will come and buy tickets. most of the guys my age don't have the temperament anymore for the big crowds and it is some doing to go to a race on Saturday and Sunday at Talladega.

Decades ago I used to go up to time trials on Friday. I think back in the seventies and eighties they didn't even charge admission you just walked in or  maybe it was not much and then I think in the late 80s or 90s that started being $10 to to go on Friday to the time trials. In the 70s there wouldn't be 2000 people in the stands. Early 90s mid 90s there was 10 thousand race fans in the stands. This last year the weather was bad in the spring and it was pretty dismal it was back to 3 or 4000 it was a declining crowd even in the bad weather.

I don't know what the next generation will demand of the racing community it will be interesting to see. I still like to go. There is nothing like being at Talladega.  It’s Talladega Baby!

2017 pix

You never drink twice from the same stream. Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

by Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved    

Bonneville USA Worlds Fastest Bear

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

YEL= Yellowstone Journey   

Have Bear, 
   Will Travel         

August 2, 2017       

 YEL= Yellowstone Journey            

September 2009

Bonneville USA Worlds Fastest Bear 

Tracks of the StoneBear has a couple of different origins. One is as early as the scouts, from being a member of Cherokee 50 lodge given the name StoneBear. The other comes from life on the road as a Stand up Bear.

A while back traveling thru the west was listening to some ladies getting all frothed up about getting to see a bear. they were rushing out to go see a bear. "Oh we're going to go see a bear". Truth is ... they just thought they wanted to see a bear. Truth is... you don't want to see a bear. If you see a bear.... that bear has already seen you for a while and has been stalking YOU... for his dinner. A Bear can smell 1,000 times better than a human. & so it hit me... everybody wanted to see a bear....

well,... I learned from wheeler-dealer Dad from his trading/ hustling in the Marine Corps... we'll give them a bear.... for a price. I remember Dad saying "?You want that jeep where it sits, or do you want it delivered FOB? Doesn't matter to me; I'll give you a price for either." "?You want that Tank delivered? FOB? ,... it's as is!"

So I got a bear suit and went on the road as a stand up bear.

You want a picture of the bear $5

Picture w/ the bear $10

See the bear zydeco dance $15

Zydeco dance WITH the bear $20 (but bear gets to lead)

Drink a beer w/ the bear $25

Tap a Keg w/ the bear $100

It's a profit Deal.

*** & from a previous trip west... ran an entry for land speed record at the Bonneville Salt Flats, Wendover Utah

Posted: Unofficial Bonneville results/ time:

Division: Retail stock passenger vehicle

Class: Rental car ? (judges ?can he do that? ?Does Avis know about this?)

Make: Toyota

Model: Camry

Driver: ? a Bear ?

Time: Hit 129+ mph before I had to back off & not sling a rod thru the hood

So on that clear, Fall, September day, StoneBear (nicknamed "Hot Dog" by his racing buddies and competitors) Drove Harder, Drove Longer, Drove Further, Drove Faster than any Bear in History and Earned / and was Awarded the honor:

World Record holder: The Worlds Fastest Bear 129.242 MPH

Fastest Bear at Bonneville Salt Flats A record that still stands to this day.

see video at end of this post

Tracks of the StoneBear has a couple of different origins. One is as early as the scouts, from being a member of Cherokee 50 lodge given the name StoneBear. The other comes from life on the road as a Stand up Bear.

A while back traveling thru the west was listening to some ladies getting all frothed up about getting to see a bear. they were rushing out to go see a bear. "Oh we're going to go see a bear". Truth is ... they just thought they wanted to see a bear. Truth is... you don't want to see a bear. If you see a bear.... that bear has already seen you for a while and has been stalking YOU... for his dinner. A Bear can smell 1,000 times beter than a human. & so it hit me... everybody wanted to see a bear....

well,... I learned from wheeler-dealer Dad from his trading/ hustling in the Marine Corps... we'll give them a bear.... for a price. I remember Dad saying "?You want that jeep where it sits, or do you want it delivered FOB? Doesn't matter to me; I'll give you a price for either." "?You want that Tank delivered? FOB? ,... it's as is!"

So I got a bear suit &amd; went on the road as a stand up bear.

You want ;picture of the bear $5

Picture w/ the bear $10

See the bear zydeco dance $15

Zydeco dance WITH the bear $20 (but bear gets to lead)

Drink a beer w/ the bear $25

Tap a Keg w/ the bear $100

It's a profit Deal.

*** & from a previous trip west... ran an entry for land speed record at the Bonneville Salt Flats, Wendover Utah

Posted: Unofficial Bonneville results/ time:

Division: Retail stock passenger vehicle

Class: Rental car ? (judges ?can he do that? ?Does Avis know about this?)

Make: Toyota

Model: Camry

Driver: ? a Bear ?

Time: Hit 129+ mph before I had to back off & not sling a rod thru the hood

So on that clear, Fall, September day, StoneBear (nicknamed "Hot Dog" by his racing buddies and competitors) Drove Harder, Drove Longer, Drove Further, Drove Faster than any Bear in History and Earned / and was Awarded the honor:

World Record holder: The Worlds Fastest Bear 129.242 MPH

Fastest Bear at Bonneville Salt Flats A record that still stands to this day.

Looking for a sponsor. more later

You never drink twice from the same stream. Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

by Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video "40 Acres and a Tomahawk" ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved