Saturday, September 30, 2017

AL X-Ray

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus  Editorial     

X-ray. well I thought Alabama could not ever top, or Live down the reputation of Bull Connor, who showed the world just what kind of Redneck Goobers come from Alabama. No, with today's elections comes a significant milepost in American history. it's not the end of the American Empire, but another piece of the jigsaw puzzle goes into place that shows the dismantling of America. That the dismantling of what we knew of a great country is underway, very much end declined.

With today's election Alabama now has a u.s. senator contender that will make Bull Connor and George Wallace standing in the college door to keep black students from getting a college education look as friendly as a Walmart greeter. Boy Toy Roy Moore, president Trump mistakenly referred to him as Ray, called him Ray, so now we are tagging him X-ray, AKA X-Ray Moore.

Now I'm not going to say people from Alabama are stupid but America is about to see what kind of a real Goober comes from here And when I say Goober it's with a major capital G. This guy was elected Chief Goober, Supreme Court chief justice in Alabama and was kicked out of the job twice because he was so obstinate and such a Goober.

Don't take my word, here's what his law school Professor had to say about him which is he disrupted the entire semester class with his obstinate BS Even when he was wrong and his classmates out argued him on legal point he would not concede his wrong position he basically doubled down on stupidity taking his Goober factor to a new high. a_lesson_on_roy_moore_from_his law professor

America is about to get a taste of what they think they want.

X-Ray Moore clowns to the lofty position of US senator from Alabama, so he can now begin dismantling America. The Senate now owns Alabama's Chief Goober and if you think you've seen gridlock you need to get ready.

And I know you say what kind of people in Alabama elect an a****** like Roy X-ray Moore. And the answer is very simple it goes back two politicians that have a long history of challenging and standing up to the evil federal government. Remember George Wallace standing in the schoolhouse door.? Remember now Alabama was segregated until guess who made them integrate the schools, yes that same evil federal government. So you see the Alabama mentality is still stuck on race even in these modern times we just can't kill the hate and fear of racism.

So know that when your boy X-Ray Moore gets to Washington he's going to unroll a little pouch full of Long Knives. He brings no real or a story or intellectual skills to the table. Each morning he will look at his collection of knives and figure out which one he wants to use today. There are all kinds of knives. There are little knives with prickly point that do nothing to kill, but irritate. He will use those a lot. There are knives not for killing, but for slicing Off contributions and favors. He will even have a big long knife to show the other senators how big and long his knife is if he has to use it. And make no mistake he has Long Knives meant for killing character and ideas, Progressive ideas, in the name of God.

Count on Goober X-ray Moore to be the choir director every morning after the opening prayer in the Senate to lead the chorus of Onward Christian Soldiers. America is about to get a taste of what intellectual abstinence from the great state of redneck Goobers can be.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

by Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

 Have Bear,    
           Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video "40 Acres and a Tomahawk" ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved 

That was written primary election night. ... BEFORE the dating for 14 year olds when he was 32, and dated other teenagers in his 30's. Some 9 women... so far have spoken up. And Alabama "christians" are probably going to vote him the next Alabama senator. You are watching this nation disintegrate; I think the USA has already been destabilized from this last election. God help us. It hurts to see a country I love be disassembled right in front of our eyes.