Monday, October 13, 2014

The Holiday

Columbus Day 2014  

Columbus "discovered" America much the same way as someone breaks into your house and "discovers", then takes your flat screen Tv and computer.     

If the Native American Tribes had known what was coming they would have met him at the shore and held him underwater until he stopped bubbling.   

There were some 50+ million? Native Americans living on the North American continent, Latin and South America too when Columbus "discovered" the new world. 

These tribes were spiritually reverent to "The Great Mystery" of life and lived via a wide range of Tribal beliefs. Yes, there were warring factions among some of the tribes, mostly from bad interactions among them.  ... ie... a tribe killed a brave from another tribe, for whatever reason. he stole a horse, or stole a woman squah . yes, there would be bad blood among tribes. but most were civil among themselves with their traditions. 

Most tribes lived at peace with the mother earth and said prayers for the animals, ... bear, or elk that the killed for meat.  Tracks on the prairie meant meat, or war for intrusion into their hunting grounds. 

The buffalo was the sustenance for life for many of the western tribes.

The blackrobes told them their spirits were bad and converted them to Christianity. I think this was a huge mistake. I've read that in the indian agency schools that the schoolmasters beat the young indian boys for holding onto their tribal customs; there will be a special place in hell for those people that abused the Native American people. 

If you doubt me... read Dee Browns book "Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee". ... and read about Leonard Peltier being sentenced to prison. 

So on "Columbus Day" 2014, let's keep things in perspective as to what we are celebrating. 

In my house today.... Let's celebrate out Native American/ 1st Nation Tribes brothers and sisters today; let's celebrate the proud nations and their cultures!  

You never drink twice from the same stream.