Monday, February 29, 2016

Venice , Italy Sunday Mass

Tracks of the StoneBear  Copyright MMXV ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire journey

ITL= Italy Journey 
Sunday November 15, 2015

Venice, Italy 3 Sunday Mass before Grand Canal, onto Lido 

Up at 6;30 with a look around view of the Grand Canal of Venice.  Cool 12*C. Stir around and go to the breakfast room @ 7;30. 

A wonderful buffet in the dining room. ALL glass windows at the end with the balcony overlooking the Grand Canal. Absolutely breathtaking.  

Too cool.. chill to sit our on the balcony... but for a few mins a great place to take a few pixs. 

Back into the warm dining room & a wonderful breakfast. 

Made a samich to go... toasted bread... a layer of prosciutto ham-- god are these Italians good at prosciutto-- ... a layer of cheese, some scrambled eggs and it;s official!!! a travel samich to go... wrapped in an unused shower cap from the room.  Yes I do know how to travel and make the most of the resources available. 

Regroup in the room and head back out to see the rest of Venice. 

About 2 blocks of the winding alleyways and we come to the local square.. There are town squares every few blocks... neighborhood squares. 

 the fountain is not working.... the tall building to the left is a Catholic church. 

We go into the plain doors on the square... and then my god it is this magnificent cathedral... local to this square. 

A few people are there... maybe a dozen. Some musicians are warming up w/ scales on an acoustic guitar.

And at 2 minutes to 10;30 the cathedral is full.  

This was a regular ,... local mass.  The priests spoke in Latin. It was beautiful!!!

The choir with acoustic string guitars and 7 -8 members choir sounded fantastic.

They gave communion and I lined up .... not being Catholic didn't take the communion... but crossed my arms in reverence to receive blessing and stepped aside. 

I was honored to be there and participate. participate in a real Sunday morning Catholic mass in Venice, Italy... it was one of the highlights of my life. 

This was a gift to be in this Catholic cathedral this morning and receive blessing. 

Thank you for this great day!  

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Copyright MMXV ALL StoneBearTracks blog posts and photographs  ALL Rights reserved