Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Beaverhead Rock Dillon, Montana

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus       

Beaverhead Rock Dillon, Montana

Yellowstone Tracks of the StoneBear Dillon to ID Falls

original post:

Dillon, Montana to Idaho Falls

en route to Dillon, MT     Sept 2009

Beaverhead Rock Crossroads

Driving south from Twin Bridges, MT on Hwy 41s, heading to Dillon, MT, came across one of the geological transit points of the west; Beaverhead Rock.

For milleniums of time the native ancestral americans used this geological landmark before there were maps. This was the crossroads of the continental northwest.

To the North were the Flathead, the Pen d' orile, the Salish... The origin of dance awarded to these tribes after their 1st winter on earth . To the Northeast were the Blackfoot. To the East were the Nez Perce land and the Pacific further on. Yellowstone was to the Southeast , Shoshone territory and onto the plains to hunt bison. Beaverhead Rock was a main marker to travel in this northwest country. Crossroads.

And it was a significant place in Lewis and Clarks expedition:


from the National Park service website:

Sacagawea created much excitement on August 8, 1805, when she recognized Beaverhead Rock in the distance as the area in which her people, the Shoshones, had been when she was kidnapped as a child several years earlier. Lewis remembered in his journal:

. . . The Indian woman recognized the point of a high plain to our right which she informed us was not very distant from the summer retreat of her nation on a river beyond the mountains which runs to the west. this hill she says her nation calls the beaver's head from a conceived re[se]mblance of it's figure to the head of that animal. she assures us that we shall either find her people on this river or on the river immediately west of it's source; which from it's present size cannot be distant. as it is now all important with us to meet with those people as soon as possible I determined to proceed tomorrow with a small party to the source of the principal stream of this river and pass the mountains to the Columbia; and down that river untill I found the Indians; in short it is my resolution to find them or some others, who have horses if it should cause me a trip of one month. for without horses we shall be obliged to leave a great part of our stores, of which, it appears to me that we have a stock already sufficiently small for the length of the voyage before us . . . (DeVoto 1997, 181-182)

With Beaverhead Rock as their landmark, the explorers were confident they would soon find the Shoshone Indians. Lewis, Drouillard, John Shields and Hugh McNeal set out for Beaverhead Rock over land on August 9, 1805, to find the Shoshones while Clark and the rest of the men continued down the river. Contact between the Americans and Shoshone Indians was made three days later when Lewis stumbled upon an old Shoshone woman and two teenage girls. They were soon met by a party of 60 warriors on horseback led by Chief Cameahwait. After exchanging trinkets and signs of peace, the explorers set up camp with the Indians on the banks of the Lemhi River to await Clark and his companions. Throughout the next few days, Lewis learned much from Chief Cameahwait, most importantly that "he had understood from the persed nosed [Nez Perce] Indians who inhabit this river below the rocky mountains that it ran a great way toward the setting sun and finally lost itself in a great lake of water which was illy taisted" (DeVoto 1997, 211). Historian Stephen Ambrose explained the significance of this information: "For the first time, a white man had a map, however imperfect and imprecise, to connect the great rivers of the western empire."

Clark and his party arrived shortly after on August 17, 1805, after days of difficult navigation down the river; it was during this time that Clark stopped to make observations on the outcropping now known as Clark's Lookout. The arrival of Clark and the others was filled with excitement as Sacagawea suddenly recognized Chief Cameahwait as her brother and "instantly jummped up, and ran and embraced him, throwing over him her blanket and weeping profusely" (DeVoto 1997, 203). Chief Cameahwait and the Shoshone Indians traded with the explorers, supplying them with the horses necessary to continue. Sacagawea's ability to recognize Beaverhead Rock and direct the explorers to her people proved to be immensely helpful in the journey to the Pacific Ocean.


from Wikipedia:

Beaverhead Rock is a rock feature identified by Sacagawea during the Lewis and Clark Expedition as a landmark not distant from the summer retreat of her nation. According to the Journal of Lewis "the Indian woman recognized the point of a high plain to our right which she informed us was not very distant from the summer retreat of her nation on a river beyond the mountains which runs to the west. This hill she says her nation calls the Beaver's Head, from a conceived resemblance of its figure to the head of that it is now all important with us to meet with those people as soon as possible I determined to proceed tomorrow with a small party...and pass the mountains to the Columbia; and down that river until I found the Indians...without horses we shall be obliged to leave a great part of our stores..."

The rock itself is located 14 miles south of Twin Bridges on Montana 41 in Montana. The rock is part of Beaverhead Rock State Park, and is located on the Beaverhead River.

You come to this rock,... no compass, just the sun,... you know which way to head out. I stand in awe here.

Yellowstone Tracks of the StoneBear Dillon to ID Falls

Dillon, Montana to Idaho Falls

en route to Dillon, MT Sept 2009

Beaverhead Rock Crossroads

Driving south from Twin Bridges, MT on Hwy 41s, heading to Dillon, MT, came across one of the geological transit points of the west; Beaverhead Rock.

For milleniums of time the native ancestral americans used this geological landmark before there were maps. This was the crossroads of the continental northwest.

To the North were the Flathead, the Pen d' orile, the Salish... The origin of dance awarded to these tribes after their 1st winter on earth . To the Northeast were the Blackfoot. To the East were the Nez Perce land and the Pacific further on. Yellowstone was to the Southeast , Shoshone territory and onto the plains to hunt bison. Beaverhead Rock was a main marker to travel in this northwest country. Crossroads.

And it was a significant place in Lewis and Clarks expedition:


from the National Park service website:

Sacagawea created much excitement on August 8, 1805, when she recognized Beaverhead Rock in the distance as the area in which her people, the Shoshones, had been when she was kidnapped as a child several years earlier. Lewis remembered in his journal:

. . . The Indian woman recognized the point of a high plain to our right which she informed us was not very distant from the summer retreat of her nation on a river beyond the mountains which runs to the west. this hill she says her nation calls the beaver's head from a conceived re[se]mblance of it's figure to the head of that animal. she assures us that we shall either find her people on this river or on the river immediately west of it's source; which from it's present size cannot be distant. as it is now all important with us to meet with those people as soon as possible I determined to proceed tomorrow with a small party to the source of the principal stream of this river and pass the mountains to the Columbia; and down that river untill I found the Indians; in short it is my resolution to find them or some others, who have horses if it should cause me a trip of one month. for without horses we shall be obliged to leave a great part of our stores, of which, it appears to me that we have a stock already sufficiently small for the length of the voyage before us . . . (DeVoto 1997, 181-182)

With Beaverhead Rock as their landmark, the explorers were confident they would soon find the Shoshone Indians. Lewis, Drouillard, John Shields and Hugh McNeal set out for Beaverhead Rock over land on August 9, 1805, to find the Shoshones while Clark and the rest of the men continued down the river. Contact between the Americans and Shoshone Indians was made three days later when Lewis stumbled upon an old Shoshone woman and two teenage girls. They were soon met by a party of 60 warriors on horseback led by Chief Cameahwait. After exchanging trinkets and signs of peace, the explorers set up camp with the Indians on the banks of the Lemhi River to await Clark and his companions. Throughout the next few days, Lewis learned much from Chief Cameahwait, most importantly that "he had understood from the persed nosed [Nez Perce] Indians who inhabit this river below the rocky mountains that it ran a great way toward the setting sun and finally lost itself in a great lake of water which was illy taisted" (DeVoto 1997, 211). Historian Stephen Ambrose explained the significance of this information: "For the first time, a white man had a map, however imperfect and imprecise, to connect the great rivers of the western empire."

Clark and his party arrived shortly after on August 17, 1805, after days of difficult navigation down the river; it was during this time that Clark stopped to make observations on the outcropping now known as Clark's Lookout. The arrival of Clark and the others was filled with excitement as Sacagawea suddenly recognized Chief Cameahwait as her brother and "instantly jummped up, and ran and embraced him, throwing over him her blanket and weeping profusely" (DeVoto 1997, 203). Chief Cameahwait and the Shoshone Indians traded with the explorers, supplying them with the horses necessary to continue. Sacagawea's ability to recognize Beaverhead Rock and direct the explorers to her people proved to be immensely helpful in the journey to the Pacific Ocean.


from Wikipedia:

Beaverhead Rock is a rock feature identified by Sacagawea during the Lewis and Clark Expedition as a landmark not distant from the summer retreat of her nation. According to the Journal of Lewis "the Indian woman recognized the point of a high plain to our right which she informed us was not very distant from the summer retreat of her nation on a river beyond the mountains which runs to the west. This hill she says her nation calls the Beaver's Head, from a conceived resemblance of its figure to the head of that it is now all important with us to meet with those people as soon as possible I determined to proceed tomorrow with a small party...and pass the mountains to the Columbia; and down that river until I found the Indians...without horses we shall be obliged to leave a great part of our stores..."

The rock itself is located 14 miles south of Twin Bridges on Montana 41 in Montana. The rock is part of Beaverhead Rock State Park, and is located on the Beaverhead River.

You come to this rock,... no compass, just the sun,... you know which way to head out. I stand in awe here.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video "40 Acres and a Tomahawk" ALL Rights reserved 

  • ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved  

Deadhorse Point Utah

original post:  
Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

ITW= Into The West journey            

Deadhorse Point

ITW 29 June 6 2010 Moab Ut

Deadhorse Point st pk Utah is a preview on Hwy 313 into Canyonlands.

Colorado river gooseneck turns into canyons, an amazing sight. 10 more miles downriver is Canyonlands Nat Pk.

I don't see how... but it gets better

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video "40 Acres and a Tomahawk" ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved  

Sunday, November 26, 2017

UofA students Costa Rica 1977

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Students UofAla Costa Rica 1977

Costa Rica  Summer 1977

 University of Alabama students somewhere in the Andes between San Jose and Quepos.

I think the bus driver had to fix something, or possibly wait for the cattle to move out of the road. Those are the Andes mtns in the background. Will work on the color balance as the cyan has obviously cured very strong after 36 years; these are direct positive slides. No wonder why Kodak went bancrupt. Just glad I even have these and can convert from slides to digital. more coming as time allows.

 This was one of the few group pix taken and there are some students not in the pic. All these students were doing their own independent studies during the summer and scattered all over Costa Rica.  Will try to remember the names... and add names as possible. In 1977 Costa Rica was still pristene Latin America. We went all over Costa Rica without any bad incedent.  Glad we got to see this before the drugs and crime got bad. ... and before the Contras in Nicuragua. There are other students not pictured here & will put them in future posts.

L to R: a tico kid sitting, tico in cowboy hat, Al, Alfredo Gutterrez, Becky from Mobile, Jody?, Steve Hough standing behind another Steve w/ beard and camera case, Dr. Selwyn Hollingsworth standing sideways, lady student 1?, lady student 2 ?Jan?, Bill? "Wolf" sitting, ?Louise? behind person on end in jeans.
Not pictured here; Dan Flynn, Toby?law school Toby?, Dr Richard Brough and wife ?Hazel?, Dr Edward Mosely, and there was another senior couple from ?Hattiesburg, Courtney "Coco" Glass was with us a few weeks then went on to Mexico for independent study. Bear w/ me for not remembering a name, this was 1977. 

Alfredo Gutterrez was a Guatemalan student at Uof A on the trip doing course work study and was our interpreter many times.... and kept a bunch of gringo students from being out-haggled/ hustled many times. This was taking a sip out of a Havoline oil can of the sugar refinery juice product during processing.

Typical San Jose food vendor cart ... pineapples, probably picked that morning tasted great! And they cost a dime.

Humberto Montealegre - a UofAla alumni had the students to his ranch/ farm/ dairy outside of Cartago for a cookout. and Whit   

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video "40 Acres and a Tomahawk" ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved 

Friday, November 24, 2017

Traywick Living Nativity Tour 2017

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

AL= Muleshoe, ALabama journey            

December 1, 2017        

Live and direct from the Traywick Family production studios from beautiful Kudzu Acres, Green Acres/ Muleshoe, Alabama



The Chickenshack Employee of the Month  Rolling Thunder Review Community Dinner Theater Players Along with the Hargetts Interpretive Dancers will be performing/appearing at the below listed venues this Thanksgiving through the Christmas holiday season. There will be a donation box at all scheduled performances for all our well wishers and passers-by that want to support.  If you can't donate, then Honk.

CAST :   
VIRGIN MARY; Nadine Traywick
VESTAL VIRGINS; Thelma Traywick Tanner, St Charity, St. K-bar, Becky, AL AKA AL-ice Traywick, AM, Candy Traywick, Spooky Doom, Becky, AM 
THE 3 WISE MEN/WISE ASSES;  Merv, MooseDude, Uncle Hargus
THE INNKEEPER; Eustis "Eusless" Traywick
SHEPERD # 1 Madison 
SHEPERD # 2  "C"-Bass Traywick  
SHEPERD#  3  Kenn kujo
SHEPERD HELPER: Trout jr. Traywick , "Kenny" Traywick
STABLE HAND: "Pink" Floyd Traywick
MANGER MANAGER: Sebastion "C-Bass" Von Sturgil Traywick
The Hargettes: Interpretvive dancers read their poetry aloud: Nadine Traywick, Sue, Candice AKA Candy Traywick, T-bird, St.K-bar, Spooky, St Charity
SHEEP #1  Tetley
SHEEP #2  Willis
SHEEP #3  Kenny
GOAT HERDER: Ted Tanner, Willis Traywick
TAX COLLECTOR: Garv Traywick
Pontius Pilot: "Sketer" Newton
HERROD: FergusTraywick
ANCHOR; "C-Bass" Traywick
Music backup by the ALL Girl band "Kooped up Kitties"
The Caroling Traywicks: most of the herd
ROADIES; Lynyrd Traywick, Trout Traywick, Trout junior Traywick, Willis Traywick, Virgil "Cane" Traywick,  Rafe Traywick
Drivers; Dale Junior Traywick, "Swervin" Mervin Traywick
ADDITIONAL WELL WISHERS & PASSERS BY; Mama n 'em Traywicks, The Tanners, The Pledgers, The Newtons
2017 Tour schedule- subtract 1 day from the date 
Friday Nov 25th-27th:  Living Nativity kickoff rally at The Church of the Golden Fleece.Southside / Birmingham, AL Home of the nations ONLY Dinner Theater church buffet experience $9.95 per person - no takeouts
Dedication Sermon: The Perpetual Offering Plate; "Chicken Livers Ain't Free"
Honk 3 times at the fountain
Tues Nov 29th-Thur Dec 1stRainbow City, AL  Hogs-R-Us Bar-B-Que  Pigs feet across Alabama ceremony; raffle winner will get to throw out the 1st pigs foot
Fri Dec 2nd: Anniston, ALa Anniston Bus Stop, Meet and greet cheese and wine tasting in the waiting room of the Greyhound bus stop
Monday Dec 5: Moody, ALa The Vape place 9am 'til? The Traywick "Route 66 Seniors" tour comes to Moody Crossroads. Stop by to talk about the world of Life Insurance with the Traywick twins Mervin and Mervis

Wed Dec 7th: Chickenshack Parking Lot, Eastaboga, Ala Remember Pearl Day
 Annual Chickenshack Employee of the Month / Year special dedication ceremony
Thur Dec 8th-Fri Dec 9th: Notasulga, ALa Chik-Snack parking lot,   Special Performance theme;  Run with the Chickens; define your future
Sat Dec 10th-  Cheaha State Park, ALa  Stars Fell on Alabama at The Top of The Traywicks world 

Fri Dec 9th: irondale, ALa  Occupy Irondale Whistlestop square 

Sun Dec 11th: OPP, ALa Rattlesnake Primitive Baptist Church 
The Caroling Traywicks sing their hit song "Opp Blossom Special"

Look-yonder comin'
comin' down that railroad track
it's that Opp Blossom Special 
Bringin' my rattlesnake back

Going down to Opp, ALabama 
gonna get some Rattlesnakes in my shoes  

and Traywick Family Matters favorites: Camptown Ladies, The night they drove ole Dixie down, and many more Trawick Familiy favorites

Monday Dec 12th, Eufala, Ala  Used Bass Boat show. Come covet your neighbors Bass Boat   
Pledgers Marina 6am Bass fishing tournament to benefit  holocaust survivors   
Tues Dec 13th: Mooseport Dinner Theater, Cedar Grove, ALa  5 to 6pm Mooseport  Community Players Dinner Theater perform "The Nutscracker"     

11 to 12am  Annual 3k "Running with the Pit Bulls", downtown Leeds, AL
Wed Dec 14th: Sylacauga, ALa Main Street at the Railroad tracks, across from city hall, Salute to hometown favorite Son Gomer Pyle, USMC 

Thursday Dec 15th  Teardmont, Ala  Tanners Feed and Seed 119 Teardmont St. Pull up a chair and whittle or crochet some. Auburn-non meeting 4pm.  Get your picture falling off the Traywick Turnip Truck
FRI Dec 16TH-  Cullman, ALa  High 5 the Traywicks carrying the cross on "The Traywick Walk" to Ava Maria Grotto   

Sat Dec 17th: Cullman, ALa The Ave Maria Grotto Bowl  Jeff State Cullinary School vs DeVry Software Dept.  
Tailgate with the Traywicks: Stop by the Traywick Tailgate tent for the pregame camaraderie and fine Southern cooking of Traywick favorite family recipes including Uncle Hargus' Thermo-nuclear Collard Green Cupcakes and Pork Snout Meatballs.    
Sun Dec 18th- Hamilton, ALa Ham-Town Homecoming special return engagement performance by EL CAN and St Charity at the Alabama Dept of Corrections facility singing their hit song "Ham-Town Prison Blues.   Alabama Dept of Corrections prison Dinner theater players perform the Hamilton prison production of "Cats".       

Monday Dec 19th: Winfield, ALa   Mule Day Christmas Parade with Mule Day Grand Marshal; The CAN,  AKA EL CAN
Tue Dec 20th:  Talkin' Traywicks. Live and direct from the Muleshoe, Alabama jot 'em down store, sit on the front porch and talk in person with your favorite Traywick. Visit, Talk Trash, whittle, talk Life insurance, play checkers, sip some of Cousin Virgils  special cider (no minors allowed )
Wed Dec 21st- Th Dec 22nd: Talladega, ALa. Talladega Raceway, The Dale Junior Chickenshack Fried Chicken Experience simulator booth. Enjoy ChickenShack fried Chicken going 192mph.
Complete the sentence "Well, We wuz a runnin' good all day  'til ________ contest.   Fantasy racing teams meet & greet.  

Thursday Dec 22, Green Acres, ALa  Traywick Squirrel Sales, Kudzu Acres, Green Acres/ Muleshoe, Ala  AKA Gooberville on the Little Cahaba. 
 And Remember... Mondays and Thursdays are Squirrel day at Traywick Squirrel Sales;  "You bring a Squirrel, we give you a Squirrel"
Fri Dec 23rd-  Woodstock, ALA  Ground zero for the Traywicks  Meet Jesus at the river (Caffee Creek) ceremony 
FREE  hold 'em down 'til they bubble baptisms in the creek 

Sat Dec 24th  Gurnee, ALa  Gurnee Crossroads Civic Center. 
Honk Central; Honk when you pass by the Traywick Living Nativity

Sun Dec 25th: The fountain, Southside, Birmingham, ALa performance & fireworks pyrotechnics display
Traywick Living Nativity rally at The Church of the Golden Fleece.Southside / Birmingham, AL Home of the nations ONLY Dinner Theater Church buffet experience $9.95 per person - no takeouts
Dedication Sermon: God knows the depth of a pocket
Wed Dec 28th-  Jasper, ALa  Red Diamond Mines dinner theater players perform "Coal for the Holidays"

Sat Dec 31st 'til 9pm 'til New Years fireworksTRAWICK LIVING NATIVITY Christmas Season finale  Return Engagement, Cresendo Encore performance 

Produced and directed by: ChickenShack Employee of the Month productions 
Sponsored by Traywick Squirrel Sales, Kudzu Acres/ Green Acres, Muleshoe Ala    

And Remember... Mondays and Thursdays are Squirrel day at Traywick Squirrel Sales;  "You bring a Squirrel, we give you a Squirrel"

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video "40 Acres and a Tomahawk" ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved