Fredericton Sunset #122
MARNE 41 #122
Saturday July 30, 2011
Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada
Fredericton Sunset
Here at Tracks of the StoneBear we take the time to see sunsets. Kinda at the sunset of your life, time thing. We've seen many good ones while walking around the sun some 60+ times. This one was a 10 !
Fredericton was already one of the best stops on this journey. It's been a good day. The city, the history, the culture... Christ Church Cathedral. Hard to top this day.
It's getting late afternoon and the pinks are forming up so we head back to Fort Nashwaak park to get pix of the sunset and maybe some with the Fredericton city skyline in the background.
Sunset turns out to be a really good one.
Sometimes sunsets are plain... sometimes conditions.. atmospheric, humidity, dust in the air, ect...make sunsets spectacular. It's the Tracks of the StoneBear rule and philosiphy; You do the best you can, and work with what you've got.
Now the other treat / bonus -- can't think of the right descriptive word-- was coming back to this place and meeting Charles... kindred spirit Also taking sunset pix.
Turns out Charles is a real character.
One of the benifits of traveling on these journeys is meeting the local people.
Sometimes they're just good down home folks, scratching out a living in their place they call home. You meet the regular middle class - culture- of the town or region. And sometimes you bump into an eccentric person you just can't help but enjoy talking with them.
Turns out, Charles is the local political Gadfly. Fredericton is the New Brunswik Provencial Seat --- like the State Capitol. And Charles is always protesting the local politicians on some vote or decision they've made... Asking them the tough questions that they avoid answering. Holding them accountable for questionable votes ; I like that! Well, Charles has stepped on enough toes, and asked enough questions requiring embarrasing answers that the politicians are coming after him now. Like arresting him for riding his bicycle on a sidewalk. Or not wearing a bike helmet. ooooooh, now there's a crime wave!
Turns out, the arresting police officer didn't see this crime -- the riding of the bicycle on a sidewalk... he was TOLD about it by a legislator! ... And told to arrest Charles. That not only sounds,... but it IS pretty cheesy / petty. So Charles starts blogging/ reporting on the policebully tactics and double standards of applying the law in Fredericton. The police make so many bad choices; Charles blogging/ reporting becomes his life's calling. ... turns out... he's good at reporting.
I surmise that Charles has won. When your political payback is to arrest someone for riding his bicycle on a sidewalk; you have shown the world just what kind of weasel / political thug you are ! And then you get to read about it on the internet; Way to go Charles !
Eccentric Charles was harmless, but he knows what's right and wrong,... and what is fair - and not fair. When he was young Charles rode his bike - bicycle, not motorcycle, across America. He has a LOT of character and guts. I consider Charles not only as a kindred spirit, but as a friend for life (even though we'll never cross paths again). A person that is out taking pix of this sunset... that's my kind of folk.
So I left Charles with some really good advice Dad told me...
"Charles... Jesus Christ did pretty good until he messed around in local politics."
And don't make me have to come back to bail you out of jail! ...But keep holding the politicians and FPD accountable.
Follow up Fredericton Sunset post
Now ordinarily, Tracks of the StoneBear writes about travel diaries / posts and leave politics elsewhere, but there is something wrong here; something doesn't smell right. This chance meeting with Charles... AKA the Fredericton Blogger requires a couple more questions as readers would take my general impression, opinion, and reccommendation that Fredericton, New Brunswick is a neat place to visit ; so my credibility is on the line here. My journal posts were very positive about Fredericton. I like Fredericton ! I've reccomended Fredericton, NB to friends... Fredericton is a really unique, beautiful city ! But I need to address an issue here.
The few readers here should know that I do not sugar coat or pamper these travel adventures; I speak about good places with optimism, and speak in unfavorable descriptions when bad - discouraging places are observed. Readers should have the confidence that when they travel to one of my travel posts... they will not be suprised at what they find / see.
So,... I'm concerned that if a Tracks of the StoneBear reader says " oh, we want to visit Fredericton" ... partly from reading this travel blog site... that they are NOT going to be arrested in Fredericton New Brunswick for riding their bike on the sidewalk. So THE # 1 question concerning Fredericton / FPD is :
?Does everyone in Fredericton, New Brunswick, that rides their bike on the sidewalk, get arrested by the police and put in jail?
If yes,... Charles,... that's the law. ... the rules. Follow the rules. Take your lumps. Be civil... be respectful,... move ahead.
If no,... then... ?why was Charles singled out, arrested and put in jail? ?Why? ?Is it because Charles speaks truthfully on his blog about the local politicians votes.... ie ... cutting mass transitl services funding while voting themselves a pay raise? ... ?And a disgruntled member of parlament had a FPD officer arrest Charles for riding a bike on the sidewalk? ?Is that what happened? That's pretty cheesy , meaning petty. ?Is this the authoritarian law that is practiced in Fredericton? ?We'll arrest you because we want to? ... and we can. ?This will shut you up?
Definition : au·thor·i·tar·i·an (-thôr-târ-n,)
1. Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom: an authoritarian regime.
2. Of, relating to, or expecting unquestioning obedience.
?Has the Chamber of Commerce not had a sit down with the legislature MPs / FPD and said let's share the peace pipe and work out an amenable solution? ?Or do they want tourist dollars to avoid Fredericton?,... or New Brunswick? ... after spending all those advertising dollars to get tourists there. ?They don't arrest tourists,... but they arrest Charles? ?What kind of place / law is going on here?
Having grown up in Birmingham, Alabama in the 1950s and 60s I know what a heavy handed police force looks like... and the bad negative image of a heavy handed police force on people standing up for their rights... will backfire on the city / police.... and set Fredericton back into the stone age. I grew up in the Jim Crow south and I know oppression when I see it,... and took a vow as a teenager to stand for the rights of all men fo be free. I know how bigots and racists think and act; trust me... I know how these people think.
Google: Birmingham, Alabama / Bull Connor and see what you find.
Google: Selma, Alabama and see what you find.
?When you think of taking your family on vacation.... ?What city comes to mind? :
1. Selma, Alabama
2. Orlando, FL
?This is the reputation you want your city to have?
There is a reason Disney did not build Disney world in Selma... or Birmingham.
I would propose the Fredericton leaders would be wise to make peace with Charles, respect his rights; and Charles will treat them fairly on his blog with the respect they deserve.
Also I have to note this here... Charles may be an ecentric, local gadfly that some don't like... but he is a unique local person as he has --- at a young age--- ridden his bike / bicycle , NOT motor cycle,... accross the continent.... twice ! Once across the United States, once across Canada ; that makes Charles a unique person in my book. Not a celebrity, although those were noteworthy journeys. This may not be the equivalent as having a local Son go to the olympics and win a medal... but biking across the North American continent - twice - ... is quite an acomplishment. The Fredericton Police Department should know that this man is more than likely going to be riding his bike around town more than most people.... and it's almost impossible to avoid all sidewalks in Fredericton; there's not many bike lanes.
I've crossed the continent a few times, trips from the South and Camp LeJeune to USMC Camp Pendelton, Was lucky enough to drive route 66 as a teenager in '65, and to the Canadian Maritimes on this Tracks of the StoneBear journey.... ALL in a motor vehicle. For Charles to have ridden across country on a bicycle... He earned my respect. And besides.... when I met him we were out taking pictures of the sunset at Ft Nashwaak overlooking the St John river... Fredericton skyline... really beautiful ; Anyone taking pictures of the Fredericton sunset is probably a decent harmless person... not criminal. I consider Charles a kindred spirit... a buddy for life. ... just from that brief 30 minute meeting. ... a little ecentric... but that's ok.
I do not speak for the Canadian veterans, but the Canadian veterans that I met and talked with,... men, women, citizens were very proud of their country, and their service and sacrifice of an unequalled history of valor... -- similar to American verterans- was to preserve the rights of free men in their country. Those veterans paid that price for free speech and it is NOT negociable.
I just want to know the truth of Charles' arrest. If the legislators didn't like what he reported on Charles' blog, and the FPD carried out their orders to arrest Charles and put him in order to silence his - or any other Canadian citizen - unfavorable coverage / opinion of their legislative votes / politics... to supress his free speech.... that is just not dirty ; that is vulgar.
Charles, whenever you stand for speaking truth, standing up and speaking for the civil rights of all the Canadian citizens, ... I will stand with you.
Hang in there old buddy. Old Marine
MARNE 41 #122
Saturday July 30, 2011
Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada
Fredericton Sunset
Here at Tracks of the StoneBear we take the time to see sunsets. Kinda at the sunset of your life, time thing. We've seen many good ones while walking around the sun some 60+ times. This one was a 10 !
Fredericton was already one of the best stops on this journey. It's been a good day. The city, the history, the culture... Christ Church Cathedral. Hard to top this day.
It's getting late afternoon and the pinks are forming up so we head back to Fort Nashwaak park to get pix of the sunset and maybe some with the Fredericton city skyline in the background.
Sunset turns out to be a really good one.
Sometimes sunsets are plain... sometimes conditions.. atmospheric, humidity, dust in the air, ect...make sunsets spectacular. It's the Tracks of the StoneBear rule and philosiphy; You do the best you can, and work with what you've got.
Now the other treat / bonus -- can't think of the right descriptive word-- was coming back to this place and meeting Charles... kindred spirit Also taking sunset pix.
Turns out Charles is a real character.
One of the benifits of traveling on these journeys is meeting the local people.
Sometimes they're just good down home folks, scratching out a living in their place they call home. You meet the regular middle class - culture- of the town or region. And sometimes you bump into an eccentric person you just can't help but enjoy talking with them.
Turns out, Charles is the local political Gadfly. Fredericton is the New Brunswik Provencial Seat --- like the State Capitol. And Charles is always protesting the local politicians on some vote or decision they've made... Asking them the tough questions that they avoid answering. Holding them accountable for questionable votes ; I like that! Well, Charles has stepped on enough toes, and asked enough questions requiring embarrasing answers that the politicians are coming after him now. Like arresting him for riding his bicycle on a sidewalk. ooooooh, now there's a crime wave!
Turns out, the arresting police officer didn't see this crime -- the riding of the bicycle on a sidewalk... he was TOLD about it by a legislator! ... And told to arrest Charles. That not only sounds,... but it IS pretty cheesy / petty.
I surmise that Charles has won. When your political payback is to arrest someone for riding his bicycle on a sidewalk; you have shown the world just what kind of weasel / political thug you are. ! Way to go Charles !
Eccentric Charles was harmless, but he knows what's right and wrong,... and what is fair - and not fair. When he was young Charles rode his bike - bicycle, not motorcycle, across America. He has a LOT of character and guts. I consider Charles not only as a kindred spirit, but as a friend for life (even though we'll never cross paths again). A person that is out taking pix of this sunset... that's my kind of folk.
So I left Charles with some really good advice Dad told me...
"Charles... Jesus Christ did pretty good until he messed around in local politics."
And don't make me have to come back to bail you out of jail! ...But keep holding the politicians accountable.
Follow up Fredericton sunset post
Now ordinarily, Tracks of the StoneBear writes about travel diaries / posts and leave politics elsewhere, but there is something wrong here; something doesn't smell right. This chance meeting with Charles... AKA the Fredericton Blogger requires a couple more questions as readers would take my general impression, opinion, and reccommendation that Fredericton, New Brunswick is a neat place to visit ; so my credibility is on the line here. My journal posts were very positive about Fredericton. I like Fredericton ! I've reccomended Fredericton, NB to friends... Fredericton is a really unique, beautiful city ! But I need to address an issue here.
The few readers here should know that I do not sugar coat or pamper these travel adventures; I speak about good places with optimism, and speak in unfavorable descriptions when bad - discouraging places are observed. Readers should have the confidence that when they travel to one of my travel posts... they will not be suprised at what they find / see.
So,... I'm concerned that if a Tracks of the StoneBear reader says " oh, we want to visit Fredericton" ... partly from reading this travel blog site... that they are NOT going to be arrested in Fredericton New Brunswick for riding their bike on the sidewalk. So THE # 1 question concerning Fredericton / FPD is :
?Does everyone in Fredericton, New Brunswick, that rides their bike on the sidewalk, get arrested by the police and put in jail?
If yes,... Charles,... that's the law. ... the rules. Follow the rules. Take your lumps. Be civil... be respectful,... move ahead.
If no,... then... ?why was Charles singled out, arrested and put in jail? ?Why? ?Is it because Charles speaks truthfully on his blog about the local politicians votes.... ie ... cutting mass transitl services funding while voting themselves a pay raise? ... ?And a disgruntled member of parlament had a FDP officer arrest Charles for riding a bike on the sidewalk? ?Is that what happened? That's pretty cheesy , meaning petty. ?Is this the authoritarian law that is practiced in Fredericton? ?We'll arrest you because we want to? ... and we can. ?This will shut you up?
Definition : au·thor·i·tar·i·an (-thôr-târ-n,)
1. Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom: an authoritarian regime.
2. Of, relating to, or expecting unquestioning obedience.
?Has the Chamber of Commerce not had a sit down with the legislature mps / FDP and said let's share the peace pipe and work out an amenable solution? ?Or do they want tourist dollars to avoid Fredericton?,... or New Brunswick? ... after spending all those advertising dollars to get tourists there. ?They don't arrest tourists,... but they arrest Charles? ?What kind of place / law is going on here?
Having grown up in Birmingham, Alabama in the 1950s and 60s I know what a heavy handed police force looks like... and the bad negative image of a heavy handed police force on people standing up for their rights... will backfire on the city / police.... and set Fredericton back into the stone age. I grew up in the Jim Crow south and I know oppression when I see it,... and took a vow as a teenager to stand for the rights of all men fo be free. I know how bigots and racists think and act; trust me... I know how these people think.
Google: Birmingham, Alabama / Bull Connor and see what you find.
Google: Selma, Alabama and see what you find.
?When you think of taking your family on vacation.... ?What city comes to mind? :
1. Selma, Alabama
2. Orlando, Fl
?This is the reputation you want your city to have?
There is a reason Disney did not build Disney world in Selma... or Birmingham.
I would propose the Fredericton leaders would be wise to make peace with Charles, respect his rights; and Charles will treat them fairly on his blog with the respect they deserve.
Also I have to note this here... Charles may be an ecentric, local gadfly that some don't like... but he is a unique local person as he has --- at a young age--- ridden his bike / bicycle , NOT motor cycle,... accross the continent.... twice ! Once across the United States, once across Canada ; that makes Charles a unique person in my book. Not a celebrity, although those were noteworthy journeys. This may not be the equivalent as having a local Son go to the olympics and win a medal... but biking across the North American continent - twice - ... is quite an acomplishment. The Fredericton Police Department should know that this man is more than likely going to be riding his bike around town more than most people.... and it's almost impossible to avoid all sidewalks in Fredericton; there's not many bike lanes.
I've crossed the continent a few times, trips from the South and Camp LeJeune to USMC Camp Pendelton, Was lucky enough to drive route 66 as a teenager in '65, and to the Canadian Maritimes on this Tracks of the StoneBear journey.... ALL in a motor vehicle. For Charles to have ridden across country on a bicycle... He earned my respect. And besides.... when I met him we were out taking pictures of the sunset at Ft Nashwaak overlooking the St John river... Fredericton skyline... really beautiful ; Anyone taking pictures of the Fredericton sunset is probably a decent harmless person... not criminal. I consider Charles a kindred spirit... a buddy for life. ... just from that brief 30 minute meeting. ... a little ecentric... but that's ok.
I do not speak for the Canadian veterans, but the Canadian veterans that I met and talked with,... men, women, citizens were very proud of their country, and their service and sacrifice of an unequalled history of valor... -- similar to American verterans- was to preserve the rights of free men in their country. Those veterans paid that price for free speech and it is NOT negociable.
I just want to know the truth of Charles' arrest. If the legislators didn't like what he reported on Charles' blog, and the FPD carried out their orders to arrest Charles and put him in order to silence his - or any other Canadian citizen - unfavorable coverage / opinion of their legislative votes / politics... to supress his free speech.... that is just not dirty ; that is vulgar.
Charles, whenever you stand for speaking truth, standing up and speaking for the civil rights of all the Canadian citizens, ... I will stand with you.
Hang in there old buddy. Old Marine
Saturday July 30, 2011
Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada
Fredericton Sunset
Here at Tracks of the StoneBear we take the time to see sunsets. Kinda at the sunset of your life, time thing. We've seen many good ones while walking around the sun some 60+ times. This one was a 10 !
Fredericton was already one of the best stops on this journey. It's been a good day. The city, the history, the culture... Christ Church Cathedral. Hard to top this day.
It's getting late afternoon and the pinks are forming up so we head back to Fort Nashwaak park to get pix of the sunset and maybe some with the Fredericton city skyline in the background.
Sunset turns out to be a really good one.
Sometimes sunsets are plain... sometimes conditions.. atmospheric, humidity, dust in the air, ect...make sunsets spectacular. It's the Tracks of the StoneBear rule and philosiphy; You do the best you can, and work with what you've got.
Now the other treat / bonus -- can't think of the right descriptive word-- was coming back to this place and meeting Charles... kindred spirit Also taking sunset pix.
Turns out Charles is a real character.
One of the benifits of traveling on these journeys is meeting the local people.
Sometimes they're just good down home folks, scratching out a living in their place they call home. You meet the regular middle class - culture- of the town or region. And sometimes you bump into an eccentric person you just can't help but enjoy talking with them.
Turns out, Charles is the local political Gadfly. Fredericton is the New Brunswik Provencial Seat --- like the State Capitol. And Charles is always protesting the local politicians on some vote or decision they've made... Asking them the tough questions that they avoid answering. Holding them accountable for questionable votes ; I like that! Well, Charles has stepped on enough toes, and asked enough questions requiring embarrasing answers that the politicians are coming after him now. Like arresting him for riding his bicycle on a sidewalk. Or not wearing a bike helmet. ooooooh, now there's a crime wave!
Turns out, the arresting police officer didn't see this crime -- the riding of the bicycle on a sidewalk... he was TOLD about it by a legislator! ... And told to arrest Charles. That not only sounds,... but it IS pretty cheesy / petty. So Charles starts blogging/ reporting on the policebully tactics and double standards of applying the law in Fredericton. The police make so many bad choices; Charles blogging/ reporting becomes his life's calling. ... turns out... he's good at reporting.
I surmise that Charles has won. When your political payback is to arrest someone for riding his bicycle on a sidewalk; you have shown the world just what kind of weasel / political thug you are ! And then you get to read about it on the internet; Way to go Charles !
Eccentric Charles was harmless, but he knows what's right and wrong,... and what is fair - and not fair. When he was young Charles rode his bike - bicycle, not motorcycle, across America. He has a LOT of character and guts. I consider Charles not only as a kindred spirit, but as a friend for life (even though we'll never cross paths again). A person that is out taking pix of this sunset... that's my kind of folk.
So I left Charles with some really good advice Dad told me...
"Charles... Jesus Christ did pretty good until he messed around in local politics."
And don't make me have to come back to bail you out of jail! ...But keep holding the politicians and FPD accountable.
Follow up Fredericton Sunset post
Now ordinarily, Tracks of the StoneBear writes about travel diaries / posts and leave politics elsewhere, but there is something wrong here; something doesn't smell right. This chance meeting with Charles... AKA the Fredericton Blogger requires a couple more questions as readers would take my general impression, opinion, and reccommendation that Fredericton, New Brunswick is a neat place to visit ; so my credibility is on the line here. My journal posts were very positive about Fredericton. I like Fredericton ! I've reccomended Fredericton, NB to friends... Fredericton is a really unique, beautiful city ! But I need to address an issue here.
The few readers here should know that I do not sugar coat or pamper these travel adventures; I speak about good places with optimism, and speak in unfavorable descriptions when bad - discouraging places are observed. Readers should have the confidence that when they travel to one of my travel posts... they will not be suprised at what they find / see.
So,... I'm concerned that if a Tracks of the StoneBear reader says " oh, we want to visit Fredericton" ... partly from reading this travel blog site... that they are NOT going to be arrested in Fredericton New Brunswick for riding their bike on the sidewalk. So THE # 1 question concerning Fredericton / FPD is :
?Does everyone in Fredericton, New Brunswick, that rides their bike on the sidewalk, get arrested by the police and put in jail?
If yes,... Charles,... that's the law. ... the rules. Follow the rules. Take your lumps. Be civil... be respectful,... move ahead.
If no,... then... ?why was Charles singled out, arrested and put in jail? ?Why? ?Is it because Charles speaks truthfully on his blog about the local politicians votes.... ie ... cutting mass transitl services funding while voting themselves a pay raise? ... ?And a disgruntled member of parlament had a FPD officer arrest Charles for riding a bike on the sidewalk? ?Is that what happened? That's pretty cheesy , meaning petty. ?Is this the authoritarian law that is practiced in Fredericton? ?We'll arrest you because we want to? ... and we can. ?This will shut you up?
Definition : au·thor·i·tar·i·an (-thôr-târ-n,)
1. Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom: an authoritarian regime.
2. Of, relating to, or expecting unquestioning obedience.
?Has the Chamber of Commerce not had a sit down with the legislature MPs / FPD and said let's share the peace pipe and work out an amenable solution? ?Or do they want tourist dollars to avoid Fredericton?,... or New Brunswick? ... after spending all those advertising dollars to get tourists there. ?They don't arrest tourists,... but they arrest Charles? ?What kind of place / law is going on here?
Having grown up in Birmingham, Alabama in the 1950s and 60s I know what a heavy handed police force looks like... and the bad negative image of a heavy handed police force on people standing up for their rights... will backfire on the city / police.... and set Fredericton back into the stone age. I grew up in the Jim Crow south and I know oppression when I see it,... and took a vow as a teenager to stand for the rights of all men fo be free. I know how bigots and racists think and act; trust me... I know how these people think.
Google: Birmingham, Alabama / Bull Connor and see what you find.
Google: Selma, Alabama and see what you find.
?When you think of taking your family on vacation.... ?What city comes to mind? :
1. Selma, Alabama
2. Orlando, FL
?This is the reputation you want your city to have?
There is a reason Disney did not build Disney world in Selma... or Birmingham.
I would propose the Fredericton leaders would be wise to make peace with Charles, respect his rights; and Charles will treat them fairly on his blog with the respect they deserve.
Also I have to note this here... Charles may be an ecentric, local gadfly that some don't like... but he is a unique local person as he has --- at a young age--- ridden his bike / bicycle , NOT motor cycle,... accross the continent.... twice ! Once across the United States, once across Canada ; that makes Charles a unique person in my book. Not a celebrity, although those were noteworthy journeys. This may not be the equivalent as having a local Son go to the olympics and win a medal... but biking across the North American continent - twice - ... is quite an acomplishment. The Fredericton Police Department should know that this man is more than likely going to be riding his bike around town more than most people.... and it's almost impossible to avoid all sidewalks in Fredericton; there's not many bike lanes.
I've crossed the continent a few times, trips from the South and Camp LeJeune to USMC Camp Pendelton, Was lucky enough to drive route 66 as a teenager in '65, and to the Canadian Maritimes on this Tracks of the StoneBear journey.... ALL in a motor vehicle. For Charles to have ridden across country on a bicycle... He earned my respect. And besides.... when I met him we were out taking pictures of the sunset at Ft Nashwaak overlooking the St John river... Fredericton skyline... really beautiful ; Anyone taking pictures of the Fredericton sunset is probably a decent harmless person... not criminal. I consider Charles a kindred spirit... a buddy for life. ... just from that brief 30 minute meeting. ... a little ecentric... but that's ok.
I do not speak for the Canadian veterans, but the Canadian veterans that I met and talked with,... men, women, citizens were very proud of their country, and their service and sacrifice of an unequalled history of valor... -- similar to American verterans- was to preserve the rights of free men in their country. Those veterans paid that price for free speech and it is NOT negociable.
I just want to know the truth of Charles' arrest. If the legislators didn't like what he reported on Charles' blog, and the FPD carried out their orders to arrest Charles and put him in order to silence his - or any other Canadian citizen - unfavorable coverage / opinion of their legislative votes / politics... to supress his free speech.... that is just not dirty ; that is vulgar.
Charles, whenever you stand for speaking truth, standing up and speaking for the civil rights of all the Canadian citizens, ... I will stand with you.
The MPs security guys, and FPD... you did things YOUR WAY, you trumped up petty charges on Charles and arrested him,... put a 50 year old man in jail.... for not wearing a bike helmet, or riding a bike on a sidewalk.
and now Charles runs pictures of y'all with squirrel toupees and Hitler mustaches,...
interviews waitresses after the police guys leave no tip showing some as cheap/ stingy guys. There are some good cops, but when Charles shows the true nature of a bunch of lieing, cheating, beligerant bullies... that are rousting the First Nation people protesting against fracking, and the homeless poor... rousting the weakest of citizens - and make life harder for them... the exact people you need to be protecting the most. And you treat them with contempt and intolerance. Shame on you. ?Who raised you with those values? ?Who taught you that it's ok to treat poor/ homeless/ disadvantaged people bad?
and arresting a guy for not wearing a bike helmet...
you guys got exactly what you deserve; Charles. Charles reporting your every move and bad choice and showing the true nature of the bunch of lying, cheating, beligerant bullies, and bigot thugs you are... as Dr Phil says; "?How's that working out for you?" Remember; We did things YOUR way!
Charles, you turned out to be a pretty good reporter. For Christmas... I'll see about getting you some fresh batteries for the bullhorn.
Hang in there old buddy. Old Marine
MARNE 41 #122
Saturday July 30, 2011
Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada
Fredericton Sunset
Here at Tracks of the StoneBear we take the time to see sunsets. Kinda at the sunset of your life, time thing. We've seen many good ones while walking around the sun some 60+ times. This one was a 10 !
Fredericton was already one of the best stops on this journey. It's been a good day. The city, the history, the culture... Christ Church Cathedral. Hard to top this day.
It's getting late afternoon and the pinks are forming up so we head back to Fort Nashwaak park to get pix of the sunset and maybe some with the Fredericton city skyline in the background.
Sunset turns out to be a really good one.
Sometimes sunsets are plain... sometimes conditions.. atmospheric, humidity, dust in the air, ect...make sunsets spectacular. It's the Tracks of the StoneBear rule and philosiphy; You do the best you can, and work with what you've got.
Now the other treat / bonus -- can't think of the right descriptive word-- was coming back to this place and meeting Charles... kindred spirit Also taking sunset pix.
Turns out Charles is a real character.
One of the benifits of traveling on these journeys is meeting the local people.
Sometimes they're just good down home folks, scratching out a living in their place they call home. You meet the regular middle class - culture- of the town or region. And sometimes you bump into an eccentric person you just can't help but enjoy talking with them.
Turns out, Charles is the local political Gadfly. Fredericton is the New Brunswik Provencial Seat --- like the State Capitol. And Charles is always protesting the local politicians on some vote or decision they've made... Asking them the tough questions that they avoid answering. Holding them accountable for questionable votes ; I like that! Well, Charles has stepped on enough toes, and asked enough questions requiring embarrasing answers that the politicians are coming after him now. Like arresting him for riding his bicycle on a sidewalk. ooooooh, now there's a crime wave!
Turns out, the arresting police officer didn't see this crime -- the riding of the bicycle on a sidewalk... he was TOLD about it by a legislator! ... And told to arrest Charles. That not only sounds,... but it IS pretty cheesy / petty.
I surmise that Charles has won. When your political payback is to arrest someone for riding his bicycle on a sidewalk; you have shown the world just what kind of weasel / political thug you are. ! Way to go Charles !
Eccentric Charles was harmless, but he knows what's right and wrong,... and what is fair - and not fair. When he was young Charles rode his bike - bicycle, not motorcycle, across America. He has a LOT of character and guts. I consider Charles not only as a kindred spirit, but as a friend for life (even though we'll never cross paths again). A person that is out taking pix of this sunset... that's my kind of folk.
So I left Charles with some really good advice Dad told me...
"Charles... Jesus Christ did pretty good until he messed around in local politics."
And don't make me have to come back to bail you out of jail! ...But keep holding the politicians accountable.
Follow up Fredericton sunset post
Now ordinarily, Tracks of the StoneBear writes about travel diaries / posts and leave politics elsewhere, but there is something wrong here; something doesn't smell right. This chance meeting with Charles... AKA the Fredericton Blogger requires a couple more questions as readers would take my general impression, opinion, and reccommendation that Fredericton, New Brunswick is a neat place to visit ; so my credibility is on the line here. My journal posts were very positive about Fredericton. I like Fredericton ! I've reccomended Fredericton, NB to friends... Fredericton is a really unique, beautiful city ! But I need to address an issue here.
The few readers here should know that I do not sugar coat or pamper these travel adventures; I speak about good places with optimism, and speak in unfavorable descriptions when bad - discouraging places are observed. Readers should have the confidence that when they travel to one of my travel posts... they will not be suprised at what they find / see.
So,... I'm concerned that if a Tracks of the StoneBear reader says " oh, we want to visit Fredericton" ... partly from reading this travel blog site... that they are NOT going to be arrested in Fredericton New Brunswick for riding their bike on the sidewalk. So THE # 1 question concerning Fredericton / FPD is :
?Does everyone in Fredericton, New Brunswick, that rides their bike on the sidewalk, get arrested by the police and put in jail?
If yes,... Charles,... that's the law. ... the rules. Follow the rules. Take your lumps. Be civil... be respectful,... move ahead.
If no,... then... ?why was Charles singled out, arrested and put in jail? ?Why? ?Is it because Charles speaks truthfully on his blog about the local politicians votes.... ie ... cutting mass transitl services funding while voting themselves a pay raise? ... ?And a disgruntled member of parlament had a FDP officer arrest Charles for riding a bike on the sidewalk? ?Is that what happened? That's pretty cheesy , meaning petty. ?Is this the authoritarian law that is practiced in Fredericton? ?We'll arrest you because we want to? ... and we can. ?This will shut you up?
Definition : au·thor·i·tar·i·an (-thôr-târ-n,)
1. Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom: an authoritarian regime.
2. Of, relating to, or expecting unquestioning obedience.
?Has the Chamber of Commerce not had a sit down with the legislature mps / FDP and said let's share the peace pipe and work out an amenable solution? ?Or do they want tourist dollars to avoid Fredericton?,... or New Brunswick? ... after spending all those advertising dollars to get tourists there. ?They don't arrest tourists,... but they arrest Charles? ?What kind of place / law is going on here?
Having grown up in Birmingham, Alabama in the 1950s and 60s I know what a heavy handed police force looks like... and the bad negative image of a heavy handed police force on people standing up for their rights... will backfire on the city / police.... and set Fredericton back into the stone age. I grew up in the Jim Crow south and I know oppression when I see it,... and took a vow as a teenager to stand for the rights of all men fo be free. I know how bigots and racists think and act; trust me... I know how these people think.
Google: Birmingham, Alabama / Bull Connor and see what you find.
Google: Selma, Alabama and see what you find.
?When you think of taking your family on vacation.... ?What city comes to mind? :
1. Selma, Alabama
2. Orlando, Fl
?This is the reputation you want your city to have?
There is a reason Disney did not build Disney world in Selma... or Birmingham.
I would propose the Fredericton leaders would be wise to make peace with Charles, respect his rights; and Charles will treat them fairly on his blog with the respect they deserve.
Also I have to note this here... Charles may be an ecentric, local gadfly that some don't like... but he is a unique local person as he has --- at a young age--- ridden his bike / bicycle , NOT motor cycle,... accross the continent.... twice ! Once across the United States, once across Canada ; that makes Charles a unique person in my book. Not a celebrity, although those were noteworthy journeys. This may not be the equivalent as having a local Son go to the olympics and win a medal... but biking across the North American continent - twice - ... is quite an acomplishment. The Fredericton Police Department should know that this man is more than likely going to be riding his bike around town more than most people.... and it's almost impossible to avoid all sidewalks in Fredericton; there's not many bike lanes.
I've crossed the continent a few times, trips from the South and Camp LeJeune to USMC Camp Pendelton, Was lucky enough to drive route 66 as a teenager in '65, and to the Canadian Maritimes on this Tracks of the StoneBear journey.... ALL in a motor vehicle. For Charles to have ridden across country on a bicycle... He earned my respect. And besides.... when I met him we were out taking pictures of the sunset at Ft Nashwaak overlooking the St John river... Fredericton skyline... really beautiful ; Anyone taking pictures of the Fredericton sunset is probably a decent harmless person... not criminal. I consider Charles a kindred spirit... a buddy for life. ... just from that brief 30 minute meeting. ... a little ecentric... but that's ok.
I do not speak for the Canadian veterans, but the Canadian veterans that I met and talked with,... men, women, citizens were very proud of their country, and their service and sacrifice of an unequalled history of valor... -- similar to American verterans- was to preserve the rights of free men in their country. Those veterans paid that price for free speech and it is NOT negociable.
I just want to know the truth of Charles' arrest. If the legislators didn't like what he reported on Charles' blog, and the FPD carried out their orders to arrest Charles and put him in order to silence his - or any other Canadian citizen - unfavorable coverage / opinion of their legislative votes / politics... to supress his free speech.... that is just not dirty ; that is vulgar.
Charles, whenever you stand for speaking truth, standing up and speaking for the civil rights of all the Canadian citizens, ... I will stand with you.
The MPs security guys, and FPD... you did things YOUR WAY, you trumped up petty charges on Charles and arrested him,... put a 50 year old man in jail.... for not wearing a bike helmet, or riding a bike on a sidewalk.
and now Charles runs pictures of y'all with squirrel toupees and Hitler mustaches,...
interviews waitresses after the police guys leave no tip showing some as cheap/ stingy guys. There are some good cops, but when Charles shows the true nature of a bunch of lieing, cheating, beligerant bullies... that are rousting the First Nation people protesting against fracking, and the homeless poor... rousting the weakest of citizens - and make life harder for them... the exact people you need to be protecting the most. And you treat them with contempt and intolerance. Shame on you. ?Who raised you with those values? ?Who taught you that it's ok to treat poor/ homeless/ disadvantaged people bad?
and arresting a guy for not wearing a bike helmet...
you guys got exactly what you deserve; Charles. Charles reporting your every move and bad choice and showing the true nature of the bunch of lying, cheating, beligerant bullies, and bigot thugs you are... as Dr Phil says; "?How's that working out for you?" Remember; We did things YOUR way!
Charles, you turned out to be a pretty good reporter. For Christmas... I'll see about getting you some fresh batteries for the bullhorn.
Hang in there old buddy. Old Marine