Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Dance Dirt Message board saved

Name: Rauol
Date: Mon Aug 7 10:34:39 CDT 2006
Was talking w/ my big Bro, Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, still in the hospital with a serious medical condition. Castro said that a half century of Communist rule seemed like a good idea right up until the point he was rushed to the hospital in a '55 Oldsmobile.

Name: ACE
Date: Wed Aug 30 10:41:15 CDT 2006
Yeah, know what you mean about those "couples" at a dance that have a look on their face like they're at a funeral. I did a tour in the Marines during a bloody war, & was married for 14 years,... & I couldn't tell you which experience was worse.

Name: Slick
Date: Fri Sep 1 17:34:33 CDT 2006
Watching the guys try to "Impress" new lady dancers is actually,... quite entertaining. Yes, some of them go ape****. kinda frantic like when a chimp learns how to turn on a flashlight for the 1st time. But don't penalize us guys that are secure enough with ourselves; appreciate us MORE for sticking with you & dancing with you because we appreciate YOU, & are not trying to show off.

Hey, here's a thought; Maybe the guys don't get appreciated enough and don't come back. You tell me why there are always more ladies at the dances?

Name: Evelle Snoats
Date: Fri Sep 8 11:56:40 CDT 2006
Well I'll be glad to dance with you ladies. I just love to dance. Right now, I've got a prison wife named Lamar. And Lamar can't dance a Tango worth a hoot, and he's always trying to lead. I'll be there to dance w/ you in August of '08. Be lookin' for you and save me a dance.

Name: Rodney
Date: Wed Sep 13 13:24:43 CDT 2006
Know what you mean about the dance attire. ?Did you see that guy with the hat?

What a stupid looking Hat. What is this, buy that Hat and win a free bowl of Soup? What a Dumb looking Hat. Hey, but it looks good on you!

Oh,.... I want to dance with the nerd in the dumb Hat.

Yes, dance attire/accesories are very important.

Name: Sandra Van Okra
Date: Wed Sep 13 13:31:20 CDT 2006
What is the significance of the "Dip" at the end of a dance? Who was wanting to be Dipped the other night? I was embarrassed. How do you avoid being dipped?

Name: Paul Porter
Date: Wed Sep 13 13:34:03 CDT 2006
Just say NO to dipping!

Name: Nancy B
Date: Wed Sep 13 13:36:23 CDT 2006
Or you could wear a button on your blouse that says,

No Dipps

Name: Sweetie Pie
Email: sugar @
Date: Thu Sep 14 15:53:12 CDT 2006
Evelle_ can't wait to dance with you.. even the Tango!! .. but be gentle..OK?? I may not dance as well as Lamar.

Name: Virgil Cane
Email: dixiedown @
Date: Fri Sep 15 13:09:16 CDT 2006
Instead of "Dancing with the Stars", it should be called "Dancing with the Nerds.

Name: Snoop D
Email: the dog @
Date: Fri Sep 15 13:15:38 CDT 2006
What kind of dance step will you do when I sing "Schnizzle with my BeDizzle"?

Name: A Richards
Email: ladygov @ Tex. org
Date: Fri Sep 15 13:18:59 CDT 2006
Just remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astair did,..... And did it walking backwards , and in high heels.

Name: # 59288
Email: Cell 74c @
Date: Fri Sep 15 13:30:15 CDT 2006
Is this where i can sign up to win a date/dance with Nordberg!

Name: Peanut Adams
Email: P-Nut @
Date: Fri Sep 15 13:34:07 CDT 2006
Yes, you can register here to win a dance/date with either Nordberg, or Rosie O'Donnell.

Winners choice!

Name: Hoss
Email: clydesdalediet @
Date: Fri Sep 15 13:36:37 CDT 2006
And you ladies can sign up to win a dance/date with Mr. Bojangles, or Mr. T

Name: Jimmy Bob
Email: supersport@ chev . com
Date: Fri Sep 15 13:45:07 CDT 2006
The band played "On the Road Again" last night for a Polka dance.

I'm not sure that's what Willie Nelson had in mind when he wrote that song. But hey, who doesn't like a good Polka?

Name: Russell
Email: lilburn @ bellsouth. nrt
Date: Fri Sep 15 13:53:16 CDT 2006
I like a good Polka as much as the next guy. It gets the sap flowing. But don't EVER play a Polka to Willie.
What dance would you reccommend when the band plays "Wiskey River, don't run dry"?