Sunday, April 5, 2015

Dance Dirt The original blog saved

Somehow I found a saved copy of the original Dance Dirt blog - Copywrite; All Rights Reserved


This is what is on our Dance Dirt website.  There's more since these were written
DD VFW dance 10 26 '06 The Martinishakers 

 The Worst Tragedy in the world is Wasted Talent!

Sherman, set the way-back machine for 1954, in a small southern nightclub; We're going to see history in the making.... The birth of Rock-N-Roll.  This was not a BSD dance & word didn't get out for a big dance crowd..... only about a dozen of our core dancers & a few VFW patrons.  A lot of dancers were missing; It was their loss.

The Martinishakers, now minus one band member, are fantastic musicians and played a music set that was typical of their superb talent & showmanship.  Elvis -- sometimes pronounced, Ale-vis, Buddy Holly, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, & Hank Williams,..... all on one stage, in a small Southern nightclub, circa 1954. 
Where else could you see this??  Nowhere!  These guys are great at playing the swing dance songs that make you feel like you were there in  their early budding  career, "paying their dues" to make it to the big time.... and they did make it, and made you want to get up and dance. 

Seeing this performance, and being able to dance to it was like the Sun Records tours that played in high school auditoriums & stadiums/Armories for the '50s sock hops.  Fantastic music/rhythm.  A lot of dancers missed out. The guys played their hearts out; they earned & deserve a lot of respect,... & they deserve a bigger crowd! 

For the no-show dancers.... you missed witnessing a slice of life/history that is rare.... & some really good dance music.

HSC "Country Theme Dance" Sat Oct 21, '06 

Reality: "All Hat, No Cattle". Welcome to Hee-HawVille.  Nightmare on Hee-Haw Street.

Who's idea was this?  A bunch of city folks want to re-duplicate "Urban Cowboy" for a dance.  Parade of the Country Bumpkin "Cowboy/ Cowgirl" Hee-Haw AllStars.  Queen for a day parade judging contest for best "Costume" -- hey,.... it's close enough for Halloween to count. Mom wore a Spanish outfit; go figure.  Gratuitous Line Dancing to Gratuitous Country music/songs. A pretty scary ordeal in it's conception, and outcome. 

Small crowd at 1st, built up to a full dance energy & actually turned out to be a good dance.  Chair dance: Head 'Em Up, Move 'em out.  Git Up Muletrain for the Herd at the break, Grazing at the buffet Feed Trough!  Gratuitous Dance of the ClodBusters. Dance of the Corn Balls.  An Akey Breaky Boot Scoot/ Old Coot moment.  Nightmare on Hee-Haw Street.  & did I say; Don't Mess with Texas.  Boot Scoot --Old Coot-- Boogie.  There was some Pickin' & Grinnin' goin' on.  The only thing missing was a Mechanical Bull for the guys to ride, and a good Texas Polka w/ the Country girls. Wasted away in Hee-HawVille.

There was a surprise visit from Texas cattle rancher/Oil well magnate Jimmy RayBob "Hargus" Ewing-Traywick among the field hands/stable help who stated "Don't mess With Texas", ... then who immediately after the dance, went out to the North 40,.... to the hanger,.... got on the jet and headed for St. Croix for breakfast & some R&R. 

 DD review Zydeco Joe 10 -20-06 ACME Dance at The Cloud Room   

Zydeco Joe:  Aside from the sticky floor at the Cloud Room, the fact that the band was performing while on parole gave reason that the night would be described best by the word "Festive".   The more they drank beer; the longer the songs got..... summed up by cajun/zydeco dance patron Boudrow Thibidoux, a long time Zydeco Joe fan, after a 9 minute song/dance: " Dem boys did not want be not no Quit Bad".  [ Translation: The more drunk the band got;... the more they forgot what they were playing & what city they were in].  But then..... "Dhey don't really want no be care 'bout it; so why duz you?".  It's a Cajun philosophy penned by famed Cajun poet Sommerville Weavis right after drinking a half case of Jax beer and then throwing up in the back seat of a Morgan City, La police car.  At times,... Joe Rocked the house with really good dance rhythm like,  Rooster Like you used to.  At times,..... Some songs were so long that dancers ran out of turns/steps, and quit , literally walking off the dance floor 'cause Dance Ho shook it in front of the band.  We're just glad they were out on parole to play for us. A lot of out of towners. Some Huntsville dancers opted to stay home, pop some popcorn and watch Matlock re-runs for their idea of an exciting night/life. Gratuitous Long songs/dances; Fewer dance partners.... but when you were w/ the right partner.... a lot of fun.   

2006 Dance Marathon
BBDA   8 16 '06 Marathon -- Sat night main event  "Welcome to Hell"

BBDA [Shock treatment] Marathon.  'Cause you needed shock treatment to make it through this dance.
The Saxophone player in his wheelchair on stage was a trooper.   Just glad he didn't roll off the front of the stage & we didn't have to say "He went down playing".  We could have had his funeral there -- every body was there.... all his friends/&dancers.... And dressed for a funeral.

The band took a break & he had to stay there & not go to the bathroom.  What Kidneys!!!  What a trooper of the ranks.

The "Chair" dance:   could we make it the "walker" dance??   Danced with ladies that I was.... in essence.... their "walker"  they held onto so they wouldn't fall, while they "danced".

"Dee" said Fri night was so depressing that she left at 9:30 after not being asked to dance.  Saw too many women sitting on the sidelines. "G" left early also.  I danced with as many of my lady friends as possible.  Why aren't the other guys doing the same?  I did notice the chair dance lines were 3 women to men.  maybe we were just outnumbered. 
 Still searching for the answers from you ladies; where are the guys?  Why are the guys not coming back?   JMHO;  I go where I’m appreciated & attention is paid.  Is there a void there?  Just my opinion. 

Band Break time; Bring out the local stars to "Dazzle" while all of us who bought a ticket to dance..... sit at the edge and watch;  Who thought that up?  Or was it more like "Dancing with the Nerds"?

Seating committee did a horrible job and will have to speak w/ them about it.  What were you thinking?  What was in your mind to make that choice?  There's a reason I'm the lone wolf & take my own path.  I followed your lead on the seating and it was horrible; How are you going to make up for that?  The Rosie CD's are not enough.  I mean.... Y'all bailed out leaving me over there.... & didn't tell me.  You left a man behind; some loyalty. 

Couldn't make it to the Sunday afernoont dance.  Thank  God. 
 I was getting Shock Treatment to forget the Sat night BBDA Marathon dance.  It was a Marathon to make it to the end of the night. 

Rosie Ledet

Rosie Ledet and the Zydeco Boys...  September 15, 2006 
Concordia Club... ACME
Rockin' to Rosie!!

  Rosie Ledet , the Princess of Zydeco,  plays a fantastic dance!  When they hit their rhythm ,  it’s full of  some really rockin' zydeco.   You can’t find anything much better than this  to dance to.    She throws in a couple of slow dance tunes to get up close w/ a favorite lady…..  a couple of night club tunes, too..   Almost like Cajun/zydeco blues.

 Lead guitar player could really break away from the zydeco rhythm on blues/ night club stuff & cut loose; good talented player.

Rosie’s band has great dance rhythm.  Bass, drummer, & rub board are all in sync & Rosie pushes that accordion like crazy.  Many of the songs she sings, look at her..... her eyes are closed & it's just pouring out of her heart.  No wonder they are so wonderful to dance to.

There was a Good crowd Friday night .  Great energy.    A lot of out of towners.    Sept/Fall gets cooler & not as hot,  but still worked up a sweat rockin' the night away to Rosie!

Dancing was great all night… because there was a nice choice of partners….   Ohhhhhhh and some  scrumptious margueritas.. keeping our spirits high!
Mr T made his plea...but the Committee rest their  weary feet.

Rosie really rocks the house.  ACME is absolutely the best dancing in the South.  David/Dolores... Fantastic job producing this .  Make sure to tell them how much you appreciate their hard work.

  No one leaves early at ACME!

JBY Dance
JBY Ball Room Dance.. September 14, 2006        The Cloud Room

Revenge of the NERDS.  When 3 friends are having a wonderful time and stop for a picture.... Why would someone try to put their hand in front of the camera   to ruin it?    Three good friends wanted to remember/preserve that great/fun moment of life. 

 I wanted to ask this question.... :

Is it just you?.... or is everybody in your family an A*******????

Actions DO speak louder than words.

The Classics played the tunes Thursday night.  Band chopped songs off with a hatchet; ended them driving off a cliff. A Polka to Willie Nelson "On the road again??".... I don't think that was what Willie had in mind when he wrote that.

 Several ladies left early... for that too.

But we still had FUN!!

 Part of the committee  proceeded to  shock the "blue hairs" when she practiced 'twinkles" across the dance floor with her partner.   What must they all have thought???  So unconventional!!

A  beautiful poem was written in honor of the moment:

You could almost hear it 
As the group of blue-hairs sighed 
"Dancing during the break 
Is not done at JBY!" 
Well, maybe it's not done there 
But again, just maybe so 
For one and all could see us 
As across the floor we'd go.  
It started on the sideline 
Just some practice with a friend 
And that was all it was 
Till the song came to an end. 
But once the floor was open 
Temptation just too great 
You know they wanted to stop us 
By then it was too late  
So off we set to traveling
Across their hallowed floor 
We'd not have stopped when we did 
But there was floor no more  
Some rooms are lain with carpet 
Which reaches wall to wall 
But here it is just hardwood 
And we danced across it all!
We started at the table 
Ended at the canteen
Our twinkling through dance break 
Beat all they'd ever seen 
And then we made the walk back 
Heavy was each stride
Carrying, as we knew we would, 
The weight of being eyed.  
No, dancing during band break 
Is just something they don't do 
But that is them, not me 
As last night I twinkled with you! 

Patton James and the Sychromatics__  BSD Sept 08 06

2 words: WOW AGAIN! 
 Patton James has played for Bham Swing Dancers before(& also City Stages06) and they were absolutely Fan-Tastic. … the best band to dance swing to that we've had come to Bham. 
Patton James plays guitar & sings great, too; sometimes sounding like a young Sinatra. The bass & drums kept a rhythm while Patton dances with many ladies in the crowd -- a real showman.  The saxophone player is one of the best tenor sax players around.    He really rocked the house. 

These guys kicked off the opening song with swing dance music that just made you want to get up and dance.  Great energy from minute one!  occasionally mixing in a salsa/cha cha or Rumba  to slow things down a bit.  Then go right back into rockin' swing dance songs  You just had to grab a dance partner & get back onto the floor.  You didn't want to miss a song/dance w/ these guys playing! 

Crank was hypered up impressing the ladies with fancy dance steps & moves.  There did seem to be a 60% women/40% men mix to the dance.  Why are the men not coming back?  ?Or are there more new ladies attending? 

Many regular dancers were there and a noticeable absence of maybe 20 of the HSC crowd.  Some of the Boppers, & Shaggers were there to do West Coast and took up the slack.  the WCS'ers hung on the other -wall- side, along with the Samford Lindy hoppers & other College kids; they do some really acrobatic swing dance moves.  Add a beginner who likes a couple of vodka tonics to get the courage to dance & it was a pretty interesting night.  Several dips; a couple I was just plain embarrassed watching.  You ladies need to confront this ridiculous dance behavior when its attempted. 

Was cooler but worked up a sweat & my panty hose rode up & just stuck to me like buzzards on the committee. 


Click here to find out more!

Atlanta Swamp Opera

DD Swamp 8 25

Swelter With the Swamp.  It's August in Alabama & supposed to be hot, but it was a swelter dancing to The Atlanta Swamp Opera.  Good crowd.  Good dance energy. Out of town guests from Huntsville.  Great musicians, wonderful dance rhythm, primarily Cajun Jig step, mixed w/ an occasional mammou 2-step, some zydeco, & often a wonderful Cajun Waltz .    Every lady loves to be asked to waltz at an ACME dance.

The Concordia Club may have paneling on the walls & mirrors to illusion the effect of a larger dance floor, but it's still in a Butler Building.  That may be what holds the heat.  I went through 2 towels & probably should have changed to a 3rd;   A 3 Towel dance.  Many of the ladies have wised up bringing small cotton scarves or washcloths.... It's OK Ladies.  Just sweat & enjoy dancing w/ the guys.

Dating?  ?What's w/ the couples that "Date" & dance?????  ?What is it?.... You start "Dating" another dancer & from that moment on.... You DON"T pass Go, you DON"T collect $200 dollars, and you DON"T have fun anymore?  They sit at a table from then on, & they look like they're at a funeral instead of a dance.  No smiles.  ?What a choice; what a life.  Spare me please.  Ladies.... you can dance w/ ALL the guys.... THEN go home w/ your "date".  You DON"T have to sit there like a turnip w/ a frown on your face; but hey.... That's YOUR choice.  That's good information for the other guys to have whenever we need to shop for  a stick in the mud.

And all you Guys....      You’re so predictable.    A new lady shows at the dance and you go completely “gah-gah” ..hanging around at her feet ..using your best “lines” and BS. .. completely ignoring all  the other “regulars” waiting for a good dance.  Guess that’s a man thing???   

But overall.. A great dance!!


Liz's dance..august 5,2006
Liz's  Dance  Sat Aug 5th

2words : Barbara Pilato!!!  made the dance!  Was GREAT to see her back around her dancer friends!

That Enchanted Moment...... Jerome and Jerrilynne.  Center stage....  cue Spotlight.  They have decided to tie the knot..... "They have become engaged".  Translation; All you other women/men losers haven't played your cards right & where are you now?????....  
Oh ,... If I could just be that lady that gets to Waltz after announcing my Engagement. Translation: Cinderela story.... Came out of nowhere..... to lead the pack at Augusta..... Cinderella boy, Cinderella story...  Perpetuating the fairy tale myth/mentality in ladies that they will still ride off in a pumpkin coach.   Jerri Who.... I haven't danced w/ her in a year & don't know her anymore.  Hey,.... if that fits her, & they're happy w/ each other... Good for them.  

 .......  Looking for some action Saturday night at the SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER dance.   Translation:  Wooking Pa Nub in all da wong pwaces!!!  Trying to make that connection..... Get lucky Saturday night at THE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER; What a life!

Now that might be a Man’s interpretation.  For the ladies.. not so lucky!!    HSC always a great place to dance and meet people..have fun.   But  there is NEVER enough men to dance with!   Unfortunately for Us.. with all the dance lesson opportunities.. the number of women  who show up continues to grow.    That only leaves the “Regulars” more time waiting and wishing for a dance!!  What to do?? How to get more dancing men there?? 
And the Tradewinds Band.  What can I say?  Why do I feel like I'm on the deck of the Titanic when I hear these 3/4 piece ballroom bands play?  What would happen if we had a 20 piece swing band that played Glenn Miller/ Tommy Dorsey stuff? 

That was Ham salad finger sandwiches at the buffet?  Thank god it wasn't Tuna salad.  Last time it was Tuna salad,.... Danced w/ a lady & her breath smelled like cat food.  really nauseating.  ugh!!!

AfterDance: a bunch(cool, w/it, night club people that needed an adrenalin high) headed for the "Back 9". 

 We went on home to bed.  ( smiles)

Get a clue!

BSD Swing CD Dance 8-04-'06

A CD dance is not a strong draw to start w/, & this one was DOA; Dead On Arrival.  Some of the swing dances have been, "Lacking", & so some dancers may not be motivated to make an effort to get to "iffy" dances.

 Not familiar with DJ..Susan Gafnea  but she started w/ some good music.  Actually  this Lady DJ saved this dance :

Ghost town VFW, Deserted dance floor, Dj plays good swing music, poultry attempt by some dancers to charge the floor, weak participation.  Older dancers-- shaggers/boppers/WCS set up camp at back table, start eating popcorn.... looked like they were watching re-run of Matlock at home, young WCS studio professionals/ lindy kids ect.. On other side start filling up floor w/ good dance energy.  late dancers straggle in. more energy flowing onto floor..... Dance coming to life now. Gratuitous impressing of naive, new minors at dance, gratuitous duck walking*.  Gratuitous attempts to impress said minors w/ dance of the fancy steps(sometimes called the Mr. Bo jangles on crystal-meth dance). Serious Bop has broken out & energy on floor gains critical mass.  Enough dancers now there to rotate dance partners & enjoy dancing w/ friends. Weak-lead WCS gets back-lead help/lessons ojt & is thankful. Dance is rockin' at times now.  Sweat spigot now turned on. 

 DJ good variety of music; Best DJ so far. DJ voted actually better than Microwave Dave. The Committee officially declared a "Good" dance at this point. 

 DD sold out by disclosing DD site(self-destructive attempt to seek approval of non-DD bar patron) w/o asking other DD committee/member(Do we have a tribal council where we vote on stuff like this? )

 Plenty of good BOP now.  WCS side cookin' now.  There is some seriously good talent on the floor from the WCS crowd. Gangsta-Rap WCS music for "young" WCS crowd. Some older Shaggers also bring serious creative dance talent.

 Novice beginner WCS lead apologies to follow & promises to work on WCS.  AM does some really good WCS w/ good leads.  Dance has already peaked, some starting to leave early. 

 Not much participation from the "dating" couples who hardly dance(or smile) w/ others anymore.

 The committee leave w/o even saying go jump in a lake. Forgiven 'cause half will be at HSC ballroom dance Saturday night.  more WCS rap. more leave & dance deflates a s fast as it came to life. dancers-- AKA "the with-it" crowd, seeking to continue euphoric high now go to 22nd St cafe, & back 9 to prolong adrenaline rush. Me,.... I went next door to BJCC to check out the Bassmasters tour weigh-in.

Very interesting dance!  Was worth going!

*Duck Walk. ?What's w/ the Duck Walk?  I had to duck walk about a mile one morning at Parris island & my thighs STILL hurt/ache from that day.  How about if I get 'em out in the parking lot & Duck Walk them down to Harbert center/plaza & back? That should cut the duck walk crap out for a while.  Besides, the only justifiable duck walk was Chuck Berry. 


Get a clue!


The Concordia Club was THE place to dance if you were a lover of Cajun/Zydeco music.   Savoir Faire avec Paul Daigle played as fine a concert dance as ACME has ever booked.  David has an excellent rapport with the finest Cajun /Zydeco bands and we are lucky to be able to dance to some of the best C/Z musicians in the South(The World).

Savior Faire avec band had 4 excellent musicians playing zydeco accordian, guitar(w/101st Airborne "Screaming Eagles" decal on his guitar), drums & fiddle, but sounded like more.  Absolutley EVERY song was danceable.  The teenagers call it "The Beat".  I tend to call it "The Dance Rythym" & Savior Faire definately knew how to play to a group of dancers.  Most of their songs were sung in the beautiful Cajun French language to a Cajun Jig-step. And about every 4-5th song was a wonderful Cajun Waltz.  Every lady loves being asked to waltz at the ACME dances and there were more played than usual.  An occasional Zydeco song to get the crowd really moving, and sprinkled with a few cajun two-steps to promanade around showing off the pretty ladies.  Add a couple of Cajun Blues slow dances and it will be hard to top this dance for a fun evening.

Many out of town friends came from HuntsvilleMontgomery, ect,.. a visitor friend fromCalifornia, along with some new faces added into the flow of Cajun energy.  A couple of birthdays celebrated and a taste of chocolate cake was available.  It was a Very Fun night.... A hot July night in BirminghamAlabama.... Plenty of cold ice water, Many fans blowing, great Cajun music, and good friends to dance with.  There is no place like The South.  Our blessings are many, and abundant.

Upon closing after the last song, Paul Daigle expressed his thanks to the Birmingham cajun/zydeco dancers mentioning what a pleasure it was to play and see the ACME dancers enjoying his music so much and the wonderful time they have dancing.

It was a  Great dance... lots of good music!!
 Celebrated two Big birthdays with cake..Bill ..Dana's too.
 The newlyweds Butch and Leigh were there and 
looking like they were STILL on their honeymoon??
 Pat and Dana looked cozy... as well as Pat and Dan.
 As usual..David was dancing a lot ... 
this time with his ex-wife. ( but Marlyn 
wasn't there. )
Al wasn't there..something better must have come up
..since Cajun not his favorite. 
And of course.. not to forget..all 3 of the "T" s were there.
What would a dance be without them??

Get a Clue!!

      July 22, 2006   

1.  The Kelly Ingram VFW...  is a great place to dance.   How far would you drive to get there if the interstate was at a stand still???  Well let me tell you,  30 minutes out of the way,  going the wrong way and then turning back towards town.   Whatever it takes to get there. say???  Because we're addicted and obsessed with DANCE.!   Wouldn't   we be "crushed" if we didn't make it...missing  all those opportunities for dancing..socializing with Dance Friends.
2. Microwave Dave and the Nukes... the band  Friday night.  
What  the  H@@!  was that all about??   Not a band  that could  play Swing, bop or WC dance tunes.(at least ones you could dance to. )     Don't get me wrong.. they were entertaining at times......but more suitable for a or cafe.   Something to listen to while you indulged  the alcholoic beverages of choice.
Ugh!!   And the everlasting talking Microwave Dave.  Guess what??  WE dont' want to listen to YOU talk..  We don't care where you played or anything about the history of your "friggin" band.    We came to the VFW to DANCE!
 I don't care how many emails Rinsel sends out explaining how to dance to their music......Not possible!!   ( or at the very least..awkward)
  And to top it off...leaving there..You felt cheated..didn't even get your money's worth.

3 ALERT!! ALERT!!    Is it possible that  at the VFW the other night, the bottled water was tampered with???  Think it may have been "laced' with some of those"invisible pills".
Noticed that  several of our 'Dance Friends totally ignored Us all evening.   No dances!!  I'm sure the reason was..... they COULD NOT see Us.

4.  Guys and Gals.. listen UP!!    This is a REAL issue for many of  the Ladies.   
  If you have a dance partner..or date at the you have to be attached  "at the hip" all night??    What IS your problem??
What's wrong with variety..huh?   Did you ever think to give some of the other  single ladies a dance??   You  may find that You'd enjoy the diversity.   Then your lady could experience the same.
 Heyyyyyyyy.. we're not after Your Guy or Gal.. only  wishng for someone to dance with!!
Good idea... make a change..try it.