Sunday, April 30, 2017


Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

ITW= Into The West Journey            

Monday, December 6, 2010


Sunday July 25, 2010 Glacier nat park.

I knew it would be good but Oh God I wasn't prepared for this. The places I've been & things seen are many & varied... but this will take me some time to gain composure. After a few days... it's beyond my capacity for a description. Maybe even pics can't capture it. For now my soul has been hijacked into the abyss of the sublime nature of Glacier.

Glacier Nat pk IS THE Crown of the Continent!

Looped around the south of the park on Hwy 2. East Glacier and Two Medicine(separate posts) to stay a night at St Marys, MT. Up early & ready to go. No better way to spend a birthday than drive the Going to the Sun Road. East to West ... w/ the sun. sun behind you is great visibility & no glare. When there i s time... no I can't really describe it.. Pics can't describe it. Elevs 9,600+

On into the afternoon followed the stream down to Lake McDonald -- that's the modern name of the lake. Waded in the stream and stood on the ground that The Kootenai, The Salish, The Penne di Orille... The Flathead tribe.... was named "Place where they dance". It's where ceremonial dance was given to the Kootenai during the 1st winter on earth.

The Flathead, The Blackfeet, ... all the tribes of the area regard Glacier as their home since time began and treat it as their home. Their creed is "May you always respect the land you walk on".

when there's time... will describe better.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved  

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

ITW= Into The West Journey 

Sunday July 25, 2010 Glacier nat park.

I knew it would be good but Oh God I wasn't prepared for this. The places I've been & things seen are many & varied... but this will take me some time to gain composure. After a few days... it's beyond my capacity for a description. Maybe even pics can't capture it. For now my soul has been hijacked into the abyss of the sublime nature of Glacier.

Glacier Nat pk IS THE Crown of the Continent!

Looped around the south of the park on Hwy 2. East Glacier and Two Medicine(separate posts) to stay a night at St Marys, MT. Up early & ready to go. No better way to spend a birthday than drive the Going to the Sun Road. East to West ... w/ the sun. sun behind you is great visibility & no glare. When there i s time... no I can't really describe it.. Pics can't describe it. Elevs 9,600+

On into the afternoon followed the stream down to Lake McDonald -- that's the modern name of the lake. Waded in the stream and stood on the ground that The Kootenai, The Salish, The Penne di Orille... The Flathead tribe.... was named "Place where they dance". It's where ceremonial dance was given to the Kootenai during the 1st winter on earth.

The Flathead, The Blackfeet, ... all the tribes of the area regard Glacier as their home since time began and treat it as their home. Their creed is "May you always respect the land you walk on".

when there's time... will describe better.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved  

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved 

Road Less Traveled / Quartz Lake Glacier np

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

ITW= Into The West Journey  

original blog post:                 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Road Less Traveled / Quartz Lake Glacier np

Wed July 21 '10 Bowman lake Glacier np... out in the wilderness of MT

A trail less traveled for sure. was the oldest Hiker on it & made everyone over 60 proud.

They named it "Heart attack Hill" ; the lazy W shaped trail 800' up, then down, then 1,200' up, then down to Lower Quartz Lake. ... a pristine glacier formed lake in the northern Rockies.

Had already hiked some at Kintla lake, THE northernmost camp in Glacier np. drove 48 teeth shaking miles past Polebridge on primitive dirt road to get there. Across the lake were the Border mountains... correctly named as they were the Canadian Border. Waterton pk Canada park is just North of here.

This is the raw wilderness part Glacier & few people because it's so remote; also why it's still pristine. Will see this Montana wilderness to start & go into Glacier main part of park in a few days.

Now 14 miles south & 6 dirt road miles in to Bowman lake. bigger. more people too.. ugh. so the hike to a pristine glacier lake sounded like a once lifetime hike to me. ...always have regretted the things I said no to ; rewarded by the best things & places when I took the risk to see. ... THE road / trail Less traveled!   You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved 

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

ITW= Into The West Journey 

Wed July 21 '10 Bowman lake Glacier np... out in the wilderness of MT

A trail less traveled for sure. was the oldest Hiker on it & made everyone over 60 proud.

They named it "Heart attack Hill" ; the lazy W shaped trail 800' up, then down, then 1,200' up, then down to Lower Quartz Lake. ... a pristine glacier formed lake in the northern Rockies.

Had already hiked some at Kintla lake, THE northernmost camp in Glacier np. drove 48 teeth shaking miles past Polebridge on primitive dirt road to get there. Across the lake were the Border mountains... correctly named as they were the Canadian Border. Waterton pk Canada park is just North of here.

This is the raw wilderness part Glacier & few people because it's so remote; also why it's still pristine. Will see this Montana wilderness to start & go into Glacier main part of park in a few days.

Now 14 miles south & 6 dirt road miles in to Bowman lake. bigger. more people too.. ugh. so the hike to a pristine glacier lake sounded like a once lifetime hike to me. ...always have regretted the things I said no to ; rewarded by the best things & places when I took the risk to see. ... THE road / trail Less traveled!

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Re

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved 

Postcard Mammoth Hot Springs

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

YEL= Yellowstone Journey            

Postcard Mammoth Hot Springs

Yellowstone Tracks of the StoneBear

Sept 08

Postcard : Yellowstone   original blog post: 

Mammoth Hot Springs

It's the Moon of the Rutting Elk.

Males on the ridges are Shrieking / calling for their Sows to join them.

Midday fly fishing for cutthroat trout, thin air breaks to a chill.... Snow is coming soon.

Bears have gone to high country. Sunset looks like a forest fire raging behind the Tetons.

2,400 miles of The West is not enough. The peace of the mountains,... the Rockies speak to my heart.

Homeward bound... to civilization... to people w/o peace - ugh.

You never drink twice from the same stream. StoneBear

Yellowstone Tracks of the StoneBear

Sept 08

Postcard : Yellowstone

Mammoth Hot Springs

It's the Moon of the Rutting Elk.

Males on the ridges are Shrieking / calling for their Sows to join them.

Midday fly fishing for cutthroat trout, thin air breaks to a chill.... Snow is coming soon.

Bears have gone to high country. Sunset looks like a forest fire raging behind the Tetons.

2,400 miles of The West is not enough. The peace of the mountains,... the Rockies speak to my heart.

Homeward bound... to civilization... to people w/o peace - ugh.

You never drink twice from the sa

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved 

Pictou, Nova Scotia 1

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

MARNE= Canadian MARitimes/ NE USA Journey            

Pictou, Nova Scotia 1 31 #201

MARNE 31 #201

Wednsday July 20, 2011

To Pictou, Nova Scotia

After Newfoundland we drove the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton. North East Nova Scotia was amazing. Now it's head to PEI - Prince Edward Island.

Driving on the back roads of Nova Scotia, Hwy 4 and occasionally jumping back on TCH- Trans Canada Hwy 104... this Northumberland shore drive is through the heart of Nova Scotia Acadia. The countryside and farms look quaint and beautiful . A very nice drive to Antigonish, NS.

After Antigonish, it's on to Pictou ( Pick - 2 ) for a couple days, then catch the ferry to PEI - Prince Edward Island. There's only 2 ways onto PEI; Confederation Bridge-- the 14km bridge to New Brunswick on the central- west end of PEI... or the eastern end access-- the ferry at Pictou across the Northumberland Straight to Wood Islands, PEI.

I want to spend a day or 2 in Pictou, see the town, do some maintenance. The sales tax on PEI is 16% in places so supply up. First thing is find Carribou - Munro Provincial park, secure a campsite and find the ferry / port to PEI -- it's nearby.

Back to the traffic circle. A quick picture and glance at the Pictou Veterans memorial -- more on the Veterans in tomorrows post.

Down to Pictou. What a quaint neat looking village / town. The architecture stands out. Neat old buildings down to the marina. The harbor is NOT a working marina... too many pleasure boats... the warf lined by tourist shops and restaurants.

The commanding point of the marina is the re- creation masted ship "The Hector" - quay. The Hector brought pilgrims from Scotland to Nova Scotia - New Scotland- in the colonial era 1773.


from the website

Ship: Hector
Date: 1 July 1773 (departure); 5 September 1773 (arrival)
Departing: Greenock & Lochbroom, Scotland
Arriving: Pictou, Nova Scotia
Ship Master:
The Hector had been transporting immigrants for several years; had previously brought a batch of Scottish emigrants over to Boston in 1770. The ship was owned by a Mr Pagan, a merchant in Greenock Scotland. Together with a Dr Witherspoon, Pagan bought three shares of land in Pictou. They hired a John Ross to act as their recruiting agent for settlers. The offer to the settlers was free passage, free provisions for a year, and a farm. The Hector recruited settlers first at Greenock, then Lochbroom (Rossshire). Most got on at Lochbroom; only 3 familes and 5 single men took up the offer at Greenock. The unnamed piper in the passenger list came on board at the last minute.

The voyage lasted 11 weeks. In many places the wood in the Hector had gone rotten. A gale off the coast of Newfoundland drove them backwards; it took them 14 days to regain the progress they had made. Dysentry and smallpox took 18 of the children.

Upon arrival, there was no cleared land waiting for them, no shelter and the promised provisions did not materialise. Winter was approaching, and there was no time to plant crops that year. As the lands promised to them were three miles into the forest, so that they wouldn't even be able to fish the harbour, the settlers refused to settle those lands. When the provisions did arrive, the company therefore refused to give them any provisions. They then seized the provisions.

The passenger list was compiled by William McKay, or one of his four sons. He, his wife and sons were passengers on the ship.

[many of the children as listed as being the "child of " someone, who does not appear elsewhere on the passenger list. For instance, a Hugh Fraser is listed as being the child of "Donald", but there is no "Donald Fraser" on the list.]


Pictou is rich in history and it's easy to spend a day here looking around.

You see the Hector and it looks big,... then you get up close and realize how small it really is, ... to cross the North Sea to the new world... this was a big undertaking. The veterans monument... these Canadian people were the protective navy that escorted the WWII convoys to Europe... they served with distinction in difficult conditions under harsh conditions; they are heros!

MARNE 31 #201

Wednsday July 20, 2011

To Pictou, Nova Scotia

After Newfoundland we drove the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton. North East Nova Scotia was amazing. Now it's head to PEI - Prince Edward Island.

Driving on the back roads of Nova Scotia, Hwy 4 and occasionally jumping back on TCH- Trans Canada Hwy 104... this Northumberland shore drive is through the heart of Nova Scotia Acadia. The countryside and farms look quaint and beautiful . A very nice drive to Antigonish, NS.

After Antigonish, it's on to Pictou ( Pick - 2 ) for a couple days, then catch the ferry to PEI - Prince Edward Island. There's only 2 ways onto PEI; Confederation Bridge-- the 14km bridge to New Brunswick on the central- west end of PEI... or the eastern end access-- the ferry at Pictou across the Northumberland Straight to Wood Islands, PEI.

I want to spend a day or 2 in Pictou, see the town, do some maintenance. The sales tax on PEI is 16% in places so supply up. First thing is find Carribou - Munro Provincial park, secure a campsite and find the ferry / port to PEI -- it's nearby.

Back to the traffic circle. A quick picture and glance at the Pictou Veterans memorial -- more on the Veterans in tomorrows post.

Down to Pictou. What a quaint neat looking village / town. The architecture stands out. Neat old buildings down to the marina. The harbor is NOT a working marina... too many pleasure boats... the warf lined by tourist shops and restaurants.

The commanding point of the marina is the re- creation masted ship "The Hector" - quay. The Hector brought pilgrims from Scotland to Nova Scotia - New Scotland- in the colonial era 1773.


from the website

Ship: Hector
Date: 1 July 1773 (departure); 5 September 1773 (arrival)
Departing: Greenock & Lochbroom, Scotland
Arriving: Pictou, Nova Scotia
Ship Master:
The Hector had been transporting immigrants for several years; had previously brought a batch of Scottish emigrants over to Boston in 1770. The ship was owned by a Mr Pagan, a merchant in Greenock Scotland. Together with a Dr Witherspoon, Pagan bought three shares of land in Pictou. They hired a John Ross to act as their recruiting agent for settlers. The offer to the settlers was free passage, free provisions for a year, and a farm. The Hector recruited settlers first at Greenock, then Lochbroom (Rossshire). Most got on at Lochbroom; only 3 familes and 5 single men took up the offer at Greenock. The unnamed piper in the passenger list came on board at the last minute.

The voyage lasted 11 weeks. In many places the wood in the Hector had gone rotten. A gale off the coast of Newfoundland drove them backwards; it took them 14 days to regain the progress they had made. Dysentry and smallpox took 18 of the children.

Upon arrival, there was no cleared land waiting for them, no shelter and the promised provisions did not materialize. Winter was approaching, and there was no time to plant crops that year. As the lands promised to them were three miles into the forest, so that they wouldn't even be able to fish the harbor, the settlers refused to settle those lands. When the provisions did arrive, the company therefore refused to give them any provisions. They then seized the provisions.

The passenger list was compiled by William McKay, or one of his four sons. He, his wife and sons were passengers on the ship.

[many of the children as listed as being the "child of " someone, who does not appear elsewhere on the passenger list. For instance, a Hugh Fraser is listed as being the child of "Donald", but there is no "Donald Fraser" on the list.]


Pictou is rich in history and it's easy to spend a day here looking around.

You see the Hector and it looks big,... then you get up close and realize how small it really is, ... to cross the North Sea to the new world... this was a big undertaking. The veterans monument... these Canadian people were the protective navy that escorted the WWII convoys to Europe... they served with distinction in difficult conditions under harsh conditions; they are 

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved