Tuesday, December 12, 2017

ALabama Jubilee Hot-Air Balloon Classic 2013

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

Alabama Jubilee Hot-Air Balloon Classic

      Sunday May 26, 2013 Decatur, Alabama Point Mallard Park

A spur of the moment journey... the Alabama Jubille Balloon festival is this weekend; the largest hot air balloon launch this side of the Mississippii. There are 60 balloons set to launch. Let's load up and head out to see this.

As a fixed wing pilot for over 40 years now, ALL flight is still intriguing and must be observed, studied, experienced , and savored. A late start at noon, throw the cooler in the car and head north to Decatur, Alabama.

Point Mallard park is empty of balloons now from the early morning flight launch. Traffic not to bad... park and walk in. Get on the edge of the open field and wait for the afternoon launch.

Walk over to the row of food vendors, crafts, and local exhibits; no funnel cakes for me today. Sheriffs dept has a confiscated RV & tables set up with a "no meth" display. This is a plague upon our land; our kids lack,... and desparately need some real leadership from dads and men.... getting interested in flying -- flying Hot-Air balloons -- would be a good start.

About 4;30 at the bandstand, the balloon pilots gather for the afternoon weather briefing; latest weather and winds aloft report from the FAA / FSS flight service station. A couple of trial - small- ballons let go for confirmation. winds 6 knots @ 310 degrees. Good info. All clear. Visability 10+. Field is clear for launch / take off. That's the signal. all clear; let's go!

Walk out onto the field... about 3 football fields of rolling grass. Some balloon teams driving out in their trucks/ SUVs / yukons, ect with trailer behind loaded with basket on a tow behind trailer. Start walking through the field past balloon teams beginning to park southeast bound and set up out of the back of their trailers. I'm learning alot here.

They are unfurling their ballons out of the truck at 310 degrees. Walk up beside a trailer with proud name "Gotta Luv It" , Kiman Kingsley from Miller, Missouri and he's breaking out his gear. "you mind if an old fixed wing pilot watches" I ask. Kiman, in overalls and an army cap says "I'm fixed wing but I love this. I need an extra hand; you wanna crew and help out?" "You bet!" with no hesitation I answered.

Begin with the setup pf the basket hardware to mount the burner structure to the top of the basket. There are 2- 40 pound propane tanks in the bottom of the basket. Ms Kingsley, busy running the ground crew set up said "get some gloves and let's unfurl the balloon".

 Southern families working on a project together; I like that. The Missouri folks I know are salt of the earth people. Hard working and when it's time to play,... they go full out if it's a family cook out/ Bar-B-Que... or in this case... doing some hot air balloon flying.

We drag a 200 pound canvas bag 150' straight out, unfurling the ballon on the ground and start spreading it out . In a few minutes they crank up the portable fan and blow into the throat of the balloon pushing air into the balloon.

 I'm out on the top end holding a lanyard to the balloon top letting the balloon fill up with fan air and keeping control of the balloon filling and rolling some side to side. Balloon is 1/2 full of static air and Kiman lights the torch; fires the propane burner putting hot air into the main balloon. Balloon lifts from the ground to upright. Kiman fires the burner as needed to get the ship right/ upright and into position for takeoff. A couple of minutes of getting the balloon upright oriented... a preflight inspection by pilot Kiman, checking everything possible... judging how the surface wind is blowing the plane/ balloon back and forth pre launch/ takeoff.

Some burner blasts to get the balloon full of hot air,... get it righted, plumb,... ready to go. Kiman on the final checklist,...There's a lot of stuff to check and not much time.... maybe a minute to make the All Systems Go call as a pilot... and liftoff. He's up. ....15' and up... 50' and they're on the way.

Looking up into the balloon lifting off directly above; Wow! Scan the field and a dozen balloons lifting off ... spectacular! What a sight! Vivid color balloons lifting off, ascending up to 800' to 1,000'... a dozen balloons in the frame... a rare sight.

Ms Kingsley & ground crew immediatly packing up, loading up in the chase crew. They will land on the north side of the Tennessee River some 30 miles away. This was a fantastic learning experience. Glad to help out and see this. I'll go back next time and crew for Kiman again.... maybe hook a ride in the basket next time.

We'll head to ABQ in sept for the festival !!! What impressed me was that it took about 15 minutes -- maybe less-- to launch; from a flat field,... to preflight inspection, to airborne in a really short time. Very efficient! These balloons can deploy fast!

 Was good to be this close up and see this today. A good day! Kiman is a crop duster in southwest Missouri. I will track him down at the next launch and dig into what got him into flight. "Gotta luv it"... I want to know the rest of this story. .... and I'll report back next trip.
Tracks of the StoneBear ROF= Ring of Fire journey

Alabama Jubilee Hot-Air Balloon Classic

Sunday May 26, 2013

Decatur, Alabama Point Mallard Park

A spur of the moment journey... the Alabama Jubille Balloon festival is this weekend; the largest hot air balloon launch this side of the Mississippii. There are 60 balloons set to launch.  Let's load up and head out to see this.

  As a fixed wing pilot for over 40 years now, ALL flight is still intriguing and must be observed, studied, experienced , and savored. A late start at noon, throw the cooler in the car and head north to Decatur, Alabama.

Point Mallard park is empty of balloons now from the early morning flight launch. Traffic not to bad... park and walk in. Get on the edge of the open field and wait for the afternoon launch.

Walk over to the row of food vendors, crafts, and local exhibits; no funnel cakes for me today. Sheriffs dept has a confiscated RV & tables set up with a "no meth" display. This is a plague upon our land; our kids lack,... and desparately need some real leadership from dads and men.... getting interested in flying -- flying Hot-Air balloons -- would be a good start.

About 4;30 at the bandstand, the balloon pilots gather for the afternoon weather briefing; latest weather and winds aloft report from the FAA / FSS flight service station. A couple of trial - small- ballons let go for confirmation. winds 6 knots @ 310 degrees. Good info. All clear. Visability 10+. Field is clear for launch / take off. That's the signal. all clear; let's go!

Walk out onto the field... about 3 football fields of rolling grass. Some balloon teams driving out in their trucks/ SUVs / yukons, ect with trailer behind loaded with basket on a tow behind trailer. Start walking through the field past balloon teams beginning to park southeast bound and set up out of the back of their trailers. I'm learning alot here.

They are unfurling their ballons out of the truck at 310 degrees. Walk up beside a trailer with proud name "Gotta Luv It" , Kiman Kingsley from Miller, Missouri and he's breaking out his gear. "you mind if an old fixed wing pilot watches" I ask. Kiman, in overalls and an army cap says "I'm fixed wing but I love this. I need an extra hand; you wanna crew and help out?" "You bet!" with no hesitation I answered.

Begin with the setup pf the basket hardware to mount the burner structure to the top of the basket. There are 2- 40 pound propane tanks in the bottom of the basket. Ms Kingsley, busy running the ground crew set up said "get some gloves and let's unfurl the balloon".

 Southern families working on a project together; I like that. The Missouri folks I know are salt of the earth people. Hard working and when it's time to play,... they go full out if it's a family cook out/ Bar-B-Que... or in this case... doing some hot air balloon flying.

We drag a 200 pound canvas bag 150' straight out, unfurling the ballon on the ground and start spreading it out . In a few minutes they crank up the portable fan and blow into the throat of the balloon pushing air into the balloon.

  I'm out on the top end holding a lanyard to the balloon top letting the balloon fill up with fan air and keeping control of the balloon filling and rolling some side to side. Balloon is 1/2 full of static air and Kiman lights the torch; fires the propane burner putting hot air into the main balloon. Balloon lifts from the ground to upright. Kiman fires the burner as needed to get the ship right/ upright and into position for takeoff. A couple of minutes of getting the balloon upright oriented... a preflight inspection by pilot Kiman, checking everything possible... judging how the surface wind is blowing the plane/ balloon back and forth pre launch/ takeoff.

Some burner blasts to get the balloon full of hot air,... get it righted, plumb,... ready to go. Kiman on the final checklist,...There's a lot of stuff to check and not much time.... maybe a minute to make the All Systems Go call as a pilot... and liftoff. He's up. ....15' and up... 50' and they're on the way.

Looking up into the balloon lifting off directly above; Wow! Scan the field and a dozen balloons lifting off ... spectacular! What a sight! Vivid color balloons lifting off, ascending up to 800' to 1,000'... a dozen balloons in the frame... a rare sight.

Ms Kingsley & ground crew immediatly packing up, loading up in the chase crew. They will land on the north side of the Tennessee River some 30 miles away. This was a fantastic learning experience. Glad to help out and see this. I'll go back next time and crew for Kiman again.... maybe hook a ride in the basket next time.

We'll head to ABQ in sept for the festival !!! What impressed me was that it took about 15 minutes -- maybe less-- to launch; from a flat field,... to preflight inspection, to airborne in a really short time. Very efficient! These balloons can deploy fast!

 Was good to be this close up and see this today. A good day! Kiman is a crop duster in southwest Missouri. I will track him down at the next launch and dig into what got him into flight. "Gotta luv it"... I want to know the rest of this story. .... and I'll report back next trip.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video "40 Acres and a Tomahawk" ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved