Monday, December 25, 2017

Gulf Islands National Seashore 2

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

Gulf Islands National Seashore 2

PNS 2 

PNS= Pensacola Journey     

Sunday April 9, 2016

Gulf Islands National Seashore, Pensacola Beach Island, Santa Rosa Island, Florida      

It's in between the spring breaker kids and the Summer season. Just right for a short 4 day hop to the beach. 

If you can get through the traffic on the weekends you're doing good. A couple places it was inch along for a couple miles. Weekdays are less traffic. 

In the late '50s & early '60s there was nothing down here. it was quiet little sleepy Southern beach towns. It was miles of white beach sand dunes, sea oats, every couple a miles might be a couple of beach house cottages. Most on telephone pole stilts. Some might have had a block basement level.     

There were no condos. That was before condos were invented. The few motels were the  "L" or "U" shaped one level mom and pop roadside motels. Holiday Inn, the 1st national motel chain didn't really start growing until 1957, and then only in major cities, not small beach towns. 

Well,.... those days are gone. If there is a square inch that can be built on,... developed for commercial money making, water-slide, putt-putt golf... it will be exploited to the max; to hell with the damn beautiful beach. There's money to be made here off of tourists.  

I am so proud that our government... when it was still a functioning country back in the '90s and before, set aside National Parks and lands to stay pristine. 

From Pensacola take the bay bridge out to Pensacola Beach "Island". Hang a right at Gulf Breeze town, over the $1.00 toll bridge. Hang a right at the "T" and head for Ft Pickens. 

A couple more miles of condo crap. You've gone through all the beach zoo crap and made it this far... just a little longer, mile or 2.

... and then, you come to the beach. Or what's left of the beach. Thank you govt leaders that set this aside for us.  

One of my favorite places is the north gate entrance "arch" at Gardineer, Montana going into Yellowstone. I have to go back into the archive pictures but I'll paraphrase Teddy Roosevelt's  quote; "For the benefit and enjoyment of the people". Now that is a guy that knows how to lead a country.

You pass by the towering ?red? ... ?pink?... ?salmon? color high rise condo... and say goodbye to the festering rot of US civilisation; you have arrived.

The land turns barren of any commercial development. 

You have arrived at Gulf Islands National Seashore. 

This is how the beach is supposed to look.

White sand, sand dunes, sea oats,... the rolling surf of the ocean,... The Gulf of Mexico... pristine, untouched by development; the way the beach is supposed to be. 

About 6 miles you check in at the rangers station for a campground site. 

You need to make reservations in advance. These beach campgrounds are often full. 

With a National Parks "Senior" park pass we booked 4 nights for $52.00. This is what President Teddy Roosevelt was talking about on the arch. The regular overnight campsite rate is $26.00; a bargain. A "Senior" pass is a 50% cost. 

The National park campgrounds have bathhouses, dump stations for RVs. There are many RVs in these parks but I often see families camping in tents. ... and those kids in those families that camp in tents have as much fun camping in the outdoors... maybe more fun than the people in the big RV bus thing.

A personal observation... the kids... young and teenagers in these campground seem to be more healthy, respectful, and balanced. They connect with nature. I don't see any gang tattoos on the campground kids; their parents are active in these kids lives in good settings.  

Over 3 to 4 days in the Ft Pickens "A" loop campground we saw many osprey nests... really good. 

And the beach... these pictures don't do justice to the peace and tranquility of being there. 

Marines have a thing with this beach/ sand thing. We ran 3 miles a day in the sand at the rifle range. Talk about strengthening your legs. I've landed on and captured Onslow beach a couple of times, and you know... not one Viet Cong ever got past Jacksonville. 

Parents,... take your kids camping in these National parks. Your kids will remember this for their lifetime, and they will love you for it.

After a wonderful day at the beach, beautiful sunset. A good day!

You never drink twice from the same stream.   

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MMXV ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved

I remember when the sea was blue. 

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved