Wednesday, January 15, 2014


In honor of one of the most Gifted, Talented artists... CHARRO ! 


With your Host / editor HERB KISSELL  - saluditorian of my prison GED class! 
Hustlin' Corn Nuts for Jesus 

The Conservatives motto : "There is always something you should fear, and we
are the only ones that can keep you safe."

"Anything less than the entire truth is just a lie."

Mission : The mission of Postcards from the Bunker is to inform and educate
certain misguided individuals (and you know who you are) regarding:
     a.. Defending The Constitution
          the key insight that liberation begins in the individual's own mind, and
that techniques of propaganda, persuasion, and brainwashing program individuals
to create prisons for themselves in dutiful submission to their political,
economic, and religious overlords.

Leadership quote : "Thank you all for coming". Ronald Reagan -our Leader-
“It makes no difference who you vote for - the two parties are really one party representing four percent of the people”  
"When you put the truth side by side with fiction, people will choose the truth."

And now, Todays top news from the Conservative Bunker 
BREAKING NEWS:    Non-Violent Pacifist Rooster "Kenny" still in coma - fighting for life- after being torn to shreds at cockfight.  Still on Life Support machines.... Blood Donors needed.  Family called to bedside, priest gives last rites.  Organizers form "Hands across Rhode Island" -- Legislature pauses for Minute of silence and prayer -- Governor calls for state minute of silence....   "For Kenny" .  
Springsteen concert dedicates "Born in the USA" to Kenny.  Unauthorized Biography rushed to print.  Production begins on made-for-tv movie "Kenny's Song"   
Church delegation does "Laying on of Hands" prayer while Joan Baez sings "The Night they drove ol' Kenny Down" at United Roosters Union Rally themed "No more Kennys".
onion / IT  et al ect HEADLINES   . . . .
Point Man Named to Fight Oil SpillSober, experienced Joe Hazelwood will coordinate cleanup.
"They say there are about 12 million illegal immigrants in this country. But if you ask a Native American, that number is more like 300 million." —David Letterman
Bush Book to Offer “Never-Before-Heard Details” of Historic EventsLike when he nearly choked to death on a pretzel.
Taurus When times are tough and the world around you seems grim, don't be afraid to turn to religion for a good, hearty laugh.
Who is this idiot? Why is he there? He can’t even listen. He doesn’t conduct a decent conversation. He runs over everyone else’s words with a landslide of diarrhea. I saw him on Friday, stomping around the stage like a posturing rooster, calling Paul Krugman a political hack. Paul Krugman’s a political hack? Surely they put make-up on Mr. Small Mouth. Doesn’t he look in the mirror? That’s where he’d see what a political hack looks like.- Actor Donald Sutherland commenting on MSNBC's pundit Joe Scarborough 
Experts say if this S.U.V. bomb had gone off, it could have caused almost as much damage to New York City as Goldman Sachs.- Jay Leno
The governor of Florida, Charlie Crist, announced he is quitting the Republican Party to run for the Senate as an independent. And today, it became official — the Republicans took away his lesbian strip club V.I.P. card.- Jay Leno
Later, on Thursday, HBO's Bill Maher Tweeted, "Every asshole who ever chanted 'Drill baby drill' should have to report to the Gulf coast today for cleanup duty."
?Wasn't it this bunch' groupies that were yelling "Drill Baby Drill?" god what morons dept:
Halliburton May Be Culprit In Oil Rig Explosion‎ - 3 hours ago
Giant oil-services provider Halliburton may be a primary suspect in the investigation into the oil rig explosion that has devastated the Gulf Coast, ...

To Attract Tourists, Louisiana Governor Announces Free Oil Giveaway

by: fake consultant

Fri Apr 30, 2010 at 03:56:54 AM CDT

( - promoted by mooncat)

Baton Rouge (FNS)-Facing both a massive oil slick from a sunken offshore drilling platform and a second year of declining tourism revenues along the Louisiana Gulf Coast caused by high gas prices, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal today introduced a new tourism promotion that he reports is going to "...make lemons into lemonade".
Jindal, flanked by British Petroleum's Director of Marketing Dick Timoneous and the Executive Director of the Louisiana State Tourism Board, Jenna Talia, announced that the "All The Oil You Can Carry Festival" would officially commence today just east of New Orleans, and last at least through the month of May.
There's More... :: (1 Comments, 558 words in story)
best item at the fair?
 ladybug decorated hip waders for adults
 "baby's first oil sand bucket"
 oil-covered pet rocks dressed as ninjas
 cajun-style blackened fish
 "drill, baby...d'oh!" t-shirts
?Guess who is the chief "Drill Baby Drill" advocate? dept:
I'm sure we will & are going to have to drill some... just don't let this bunch be the ones making decisions about it.  ... ie let's don't spend 500k on blowout cutoff valves "cause it's just extra expense".   We should draft anyone whoever yelled drill baby drill and send them to clean up the gulf coast disaster.
The exxon valdez mess / prince william sound is still not clean & thats over 20 years ago
Why drilling is stupid dept" :
One guy who might have some insight into all this is Henry Blodget, the Eddie Haskell-lookalike who was banned for life by the SEC for committing fraud while at Merrill Lynch…and who then reinvented himself in the only profession with lower ethical standards than investment banking: business journalism. Blodget–a prominently featured cross-poster on The Huffington Post– now runs a popular business website called Business Insider(Bloomberg TV recently called Blodget “The king of the blogosphere!”) You gotta figure, if you’d been hired to handle Goldman’s PR campaign and you wanted to “poke holes in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s case,” you might want to talk to a guy like Blodget.
"Yeah, I didn't realize rocket science had so much math."

Video: Jon Stewart, the NY car Bomb and John McCain

There is a difference between this one and the Detroit underwear fellow, this suspect is an American Citizen. PERIOD.
by MAL Contends | May 4, 2010 - 6:13pm | permalink
Whether you call it a political coalition or an embedded nest of neocons, there is among the AP (writer Allen Breed, for example), the American Enterprise Institute, Renée L. Szybala, the Bush administration's national former DVA Director of Compensation and Pension Services and now number two at the U.S. DVA Office of General Counsel (OGC) in charge of the Ethics office, among other neocons, a coalition of forces in American politics proficient at waving the flag and giving lip service to our veterans, while simultaneously shafting these very same veterans, even going to far as to bad mouth and dishonor veterans explicitly.
» article continues...