Tuesday, January 7, 2014

POSTCARDS FROM THE BUNKER One for the Road Edition

POSTCARDS FROM THE BUNKER      One for the Road Edition;   Talladega 500 Special   "WELL,.... WE WAZ A RUNNIN GOOD ALL DAY 'TIL _______ "
Special Edition supplement  -- coupon for Dale Junior Chicken Bucket


With your Host / editor HERB KISSELL  - saluditorian of my prison GED class! 
Hustlin' Corn Nuts for Jesus 

The Conservatives motto : "There is always something you should fear, and we
are the only ones that can keep you safe."

"Anything less than the entire truth is just a lie."

Mission : The mission of Postcards from the Bunker is to inform and educate
certain misguided individuals (and you know who you are) regarding:
     a.. Defending The Constitution
          the key insight that liberation begins in the individual's own mind, and
that techniques of propaganda, persuasion, and brainwashing program individuals
to create prisons for themselves in dutiful submission to their political,
economic, and religious overlords.

Leadership quote : "Thank you all for coming". Ronald Reagan -our Leader-
“It makes no difference who you vote for - the two parties are really one party representing four percent of the people”  
"When you put the truth side by side with fiction, people will choose the truth." 
"When the truth is found to be Lies,  and all the joy within you dies.... "

And now, Todays top news from the Conservative Bunker 
BREAKING NEWS:    Non-Violent Pacifist Rooster "Kenny" still in coma - fighting for life- after being torn to shreds at cockfight.  Still on Life Support machines.... Blood Donors needed.  Family called to bedside, priest gives last rites.  Organizers form "Hands across Rhode Island" -- Legislature pauses for Minute of silence and prayer -- Governor calls for state minute of silence....   "For Kenny" .  
Springsteen concert dedicates "Born in the USA" to Kenny.  Unauthorized Biography rushed to print.  Production begins on made-for-tv movie "Kenny's Song"   
Church delegation does "Laying on of Hands" prayer while Joan Baez sings "The Night they drove ol' Kenny Down" at United Roosters Union Rally themed "No more Kennys".
onion / IT  et al ect HEADLINES   . . . .
Congress Turns Its Attention to Financial ReformTea Party protesters replace “No Health Reform” signs with “No Financial Reform” signs.
"Whenever I hear any one arguing for slavery I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally."- Abraham Lincoln, March 17, 1865, Speech to 140th Indiana Regiment
UPSET IN IRAQ ELECTIONSGuy aligned with CIA edges out stooge planted by Pentagon
Tea Party More Diverse Than
Once Thought
They're only 98% elderly white right-wing anti-tax cranks.
Tea Partiers Wealthier, More EducatedBut not very wealthy, not well educated.
"What can you say about Palin and Bachmann that hasn't already been said
about Leopold and Loeb? They're like the Lucy and Ethel of the lunatic fringe." 
-- Joy Behar
Virgo While being replaced by a machine is never easy, losing your job to a common office stapler will prove especially difficult to take.
"Federal taxes last year when down for 98 percent of people, but when asked about this, only 12 percent of the Teabaggers thought this was the case. 88 percent of them had it wrong. And a spokesman for the Teabaggers said, 'We don’t want to just be taxed less. We want to be taxed less by a white guy." –Bill Maher
Report: Bin Laden Alive, HealthyAnd fully covered by Al Qaeda's Cadillac health plan.
Sarah Palin has to have three hotel rooms, a wooden podium, not plexiglass, two bottles of water, and best of all, I think, a supply of bendable straws. This is a complicated woman. On one hand, you know, she’ll blow a moose’s head off at 300 yards, but on the other, bendy straws.- Jimmy Kimmel
Revealed: Sarah Palin Demands Huge Speaking Fees, Pre-Screened Questions And no high school graduates in audience.
Man is the best computer we can put aboard a spacecraft... and the only one that can be mass produced with unskilled labor.
TEA PARTY MAY HURT GOP IN FALLWacko wingnuts could draw votes away from rightwing nut jobs.
"Here's a fascinating story. The Republican National Committee got together and said, 'You know, boys, things are going so well for us here lately, let's have a party.' So they said, 'Well, yeah, but we don't want to pay for it.' And they said: 'No. We'll get the Republican National Committee to pay for it — money that we get from donations and contributions. We'll let the folks pay for it.' And everybody said, 'Great, what do we do?' And they said, 'Well, let's go to Los Angeles to a sex club.' And they said, 'Great!' So they end up there at a bondage club in Los Angeles. And I thought that makes perfect sense because Republicans love tying things up: health care, you know; climate control; financial reform." –David Letterman
Scorpio Try to break your habit of turning to anonymous sources for general advice on your problems.
China has cancelled a series of Bob Dylan concerts because they say his lyrics are too politically charged. Really? They understand his lyrics? That’s unbelievable. Maybe that’s why we didn’t understand them. He’s been singing in Chinese all these years.- Jay Leno
Study: Junk Food as Addictive as Cocaine, HeroinConcurrent study finds cocaine, heroin as addictive as junk food.
I wonder how Dick Cheney celebrates Easter. I just can't picture him hiding Easter eggs for his grandchildren.
Study: We're Happier When We Have More Than Next GuyMore likely to go berserk when we don't
You guys hear about this? Sarah Palin has a new Fox News series, which is being described as a show about people with real-life tales of overcoming adversity. Hey, she should do a story about that guy who became the first black president. That would be a good story. Think about that one.- Jimmy Fallon
Cancer Love can make a person do all sorts of weird and crazy things, but in your case, it'll mostly involve showering.
"Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment."
Obama to Allow Offshore DrillingBecause cleaning up catastrophic oil spills creates jobs.
"Well, just four days after Goldman Sachs cost investors $12 billion by failing to tell them that they're being investigated for fraud, they gave out another $5.4 billion in bonuses. Huh? Even Somali pirates are going, 'Come on!'" –Jay Leno
President Obama signed a historic treaty with the Russian president today. Not everyone’s happy about it. Fox News said it was a “summit between a powerful communist leader and the president of Russia.”- Jay Leno
Capricorn Of all the plans you had for what you'd do with a million dollars, serving 12 years for grand larceny was probably last on your list.
"Republican donors aren't happy about this. It's not fair that rich Republicans spend huge amounts of money at sex clubs and poor Republicans have to go to airport bathrooms." –Craig Ferguson
Study: People Who Have “Deep” Conversations HappierBut not as happy as shallow people.
Libra There won't be a dry eye in the house. That's how tear-jerkingly funny your wedding will be.
“In a statement released this week, Pope Benedict said that he has forgiven the Beatles for John Lennon's claim that they were bigger than Jesus and for their Rock & Roll excesses – in the clearest sign yet that the Vatican is working from the bottom of the complaint box." –Seth Meyers
Sagittarius You will come face to face with your worst fears this week after standing in front of a bathroom mirror.
KFC coming out with their new Double Down sandwich. It’s bacon and cheese wrapped inside two pieces of fried chicken. In fact, today, al Qaeda said, “We quit. When it comes to killing Americans, we can’t keep up with you guys.”- Jay Leno

"The Tea Party used the opportunity on Tax Day to come up with what they call a 'Contract From America.' Remember the 'Contract With America'? Well, this is a different set of 10 completely ridiculous ideas. Like number 4, I'm not kidding about this: 'The tax code cannot have more words than the Constitution.' You know between this and the complaints about the health care bill being too long, can we say it? It's not taxes they hate, it's reading." –Bill Maher

Video: Jon Stewart, President Obama is IRON MAN

With the health care win(d) behind him, Barack "Tenacious-O" Obama is all over the map doing this and thap. Doing what a president is suppose to do, working hard. Polls show the majority of Americans don't like it! Couldn't they find some brush for him to clear in the middle of friggin nowhere for a couple months?
?Why is "Deliberatly Misleading" most always at the root of right wing media efforts? dept:
Make up stuff dept:
?Who looks out for you dept:
We are what we eat dept:
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all.
One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
#1 Opium Producer and Now #1 Hashish Producer

It's hardly news that Afghanistan's huge opium crops supply more than 90% of the world's heroin. But now U.N. officials say Afghanistan is also the world's biggest producer of another drug - hashish.
Navajo Wisdom
About 1966 or so, a NASA team doing work for the Apollo moon mission took the astronauts near Tuba City where the terrain of the Navajo Reservation looks very much like the Lunar surface.  Along with all the trucks and large vehicles, there were two large figures dressed in full Lunar spacesuits.
Nearby a Navajo sheep herder and his son were watching the strange creatures walk about, occasionally being tended by personnel.  The two Navajo people were noticed and approached by the NASA personnel.  Since the man did not know English, his son asked for him what the strange creatures were and the NASA people told them that they are just men that are getting ready to go to the moon. 
The man became very excited and asked if he could send a message to the moon with the astronauts. The NASA personnel thought this was a great idea so they rustled up a tape recorder.  After the man gave them his message, they asked his son to translate.  His son would not.
Later, they tried a few more people on the reservation to translate and every person they asked would chuckle and then refuse to translate.
Finally, with cash in hand, someone translated the message, "Watch out for these guys, they come to take your land."
?Can they get anything right/ correct? dept:
A Scientist talks dept:
Oh, give me a locus where the gravitons focus
        Where the three-body problem is solved,
        Where the microwaves play down at three degrees K,
        And the cold virus never evolved.                       (chorus)
We eat algea pie, our vacuum is high,
        Our ball bearings are perfectly round.
        Our horizon is curved, our warheads are MIRVed,
        And a kilogram weighs half a pound.                     (chorus)
If we run out of space for our burgeoning race
        No more Lebensraum left for the Mensch
        When we're ready to start, we can take Mars apart,
        If we just find a big enough wrench.                    (chorus)
I'm sick of this place, it's just McDonald's in space,
        And living up here is a bore.
        Tell the shiggies, "Don't cry," they can kiss me goodbye
        'Cause I'm moving next week to L4!                      (chorus)

CHORUS: Home, home on LaGrange,
        Where the space debris always collects,
        We possess, so it seems, two of Man's greatest dreams:
        Solar power and zero-gee sex.

                --Home on Lagrange (The L5 Song)
© 1978 by William S. Higgins and Barry D. Gehm
by Bob Burnett | 
Recently there's been a lot of speculation about why the mood on the right has turned so sour. Some observers attribute it to the lack of leadership at the top of the Republican Party, the surreal reality that Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh have more influence than do elected Republicans. Others say it's a poisonous combination of economic angst and racial hatred. But there's a more obvious explanation: we're witnessing the death throes of conservatism. The right-wing ideology that ran the US for thirty years has proven to be a total failure and the passage of healthcare reform was the final nail in its coffin.
In case you've forgotten, classic conservatism promised to keep us safe, reduce the size of government, lower taxes, and manage the economy. Republican broke each of these commitments.
» article continues...
A woman is driving toward home in Northern Arizona when she sees a Navajo woman hitchhiking. Because the trip had been long and quiet, she stops the car and the Navajo woman climbs in.
During their small talk, the Navajo woman glances surreptitiously at a brown bag on the front seat between them.
"If you're wondering what's in the bag," offers the woman, "it's a bottle of wine. I got it for my husband."
The Navajo woman is silent for a while, nods several times and says, "Good trade."
by Bill Quigley | April 10, 2010 - 3:22pm | permalink
Glenn Beck and other far right multi-millionaires are claiming that the US is hot on the path towards socialism. Part of their claim is that the US is much more generous and supportive of our working and poor people than other countries. People may wish it was so, but it is not.
As Senator Patrick Moynihan used to say "Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But everyone is not entitled to their own facts."
The fact is that the US is not really all that generous to our working and poor people compared to other countries.
» article continues...
Oh but he's a socialist...  a muslim... look what he's done to OUR country dept:

Taxes lowest in 60 years, thanks to Democrats and Obama

by kos

Thu Apr 15, 2010 at 10:36:03 AM PDT

I'm sure the teabaggers in DC today will be thanking Obama and the Democratic Congress for overcoming GOP obstructionism and lowering taxes to their lowest level in 60 years?
On April 15, after laboring through their taxes, many Americans may be asking if the president meant what he said. More than three quarters of Americans, according to a CBS News/ New York Times poll released that same month, thought the Obama administration has either kept taxes the same for most Americans or increased them. The latest CBS News/ New York Times poll released yesterday shows that as many as 34 percent of Americans think Mr. Obama raised taxes.
Today, thousands of Tea Partiers will descend on Washington to declare they've been "Taxed Enough Already." Yesterday's poll found that 64 percent of Tea Party supporters think the administration has raised taxes -- a finding that might leave Democrats banging their heads against their desks.
"The American people need to be reminded that 98 percent of Americans got a tax cut last year," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Wednesday.
Reid was referring to the impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, otherwise known as the stimulus -- essentially, the only Obama policy to really impact people's 2009 tax returns. In fact, tax refunds reached an all-time high this year in part because of the stimulus, the president said in his weekly address on Saturday. Meanwhile, taxes are at their lowest levels in 60 years, according to William Gale, co-director of the Tax Policy Center and director of the Retirement Security Project at the Brookings Institution.
"The relation between what is said in the tax debate and what is true about tax policy is often quite tenuous," Gale told Hotsheet. "The rise of the Tea Party at at time when taxes are literally at their lowest in decades is really hard to understand."
The misconception is largely due to Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, living in their alternate reality and sharing it with their audience of millions of incredulous conservatives. But it's also a failure of Democrats to sell their accomplishments.
98 percent of Americans got tax cuts. The richest two percent, well, they didn't. The teabaggers, doing the bidding of America's richest elite, will remain outraged about that injustice. So they are always welcome to send their record-high tax refunds to Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, and Bill O'Reilly. That way, they can prove once and for all that they are not all sound and ignorant fury.
Or are they more concerned about the deficit? If so, they are always free to tear up that refund check, doing their part to lower America's deficit.
Actions! They should would speak louder than their angry, uninformed words.
?Where do YOU get your news?  dept:

Poll: Tea partiers fear socialism, but love Social Security and Medicare

by Jed Lewison

Thu Apr 15, 2010 at 09:50:03 AM PDT

According to a new poll from CBS and the New York Times, 92% of tea partiers are scared that America is moving towards socialism -- but in a strange twist, most of them seem to like it.
Despite the fear that socialism is coming to America, 62% of tea party supporters also support Social Security and Medicare. In fact, nearly half of them either benefit from Social Security or Medicare or have somebody in their immediate family who does. And about one-third are directly beneficiaries at least one of the programs, compared to about one-fifth of the population at large.
Some other highlights from the poll (NYTCBS):
  • 18% of Americans say they are tea party supporters.
  • 66% of tea party supporters say they usually or always vote Republican. (Just 5% vote Democratic.)
  • 73% say they are conservative.
  • 41% believe Barack Obama was born in the United States.
  • While 65% believe the Obama Administration treats blacks and whites equally, 56% believe it favors poor people over the middle-class and rich.
  • 89% are white and 52% believe too much attention is paid to the problems facing African-Americans.
  • 59% have a favorable view of Glenn Beck compared to 6% who view him unfavorably. (Among all Americans, the numbers are 18% and 17%.)
  • 63% say they get most of their political news from Fox News Channel.
  • 66% have a favorable view of Sarah Palin, compared to 12% who view her unfavorably. (Among all Americans, the numbers are 30% and 45%.)
  • 24% believe citizens can be justified in taking violent action against the government.
  • 52% believe the federal income taxes they pay are fair.
  • 84% of the tea partiers believe their views reflect those of most Americans, but only 25% of all Americans agree (remember: 18% are tea partiers).
Explore more numbers on the NYT's interactive poll graphic.
by Jack Lessenberry | 
No, the health insurance reform isn't perfect. But it is better than what we've had.
Late last week, hundreds of ignorant Tea Party morons were as ecstatic as pigs in a Dumpster full of stale doughnuts. Bart Stupak, the Michigan congressman who cast a difficult vote to make health care reform reality, was stepping down!
"That'll show 'em!" the know-nothings cried. How dare Stupak vote to provide all Americans a chance to have health care insurance! Fanatic anti-abortion protesters were happy too.
Never mind that Stupak may be the most anti-abortion Democrat in Congress. Never mind that he only voted for health care after President Obama signed an executive order declaring it illegal to use any federal funds for abortion.
» article continues...
by Stacie Adams | 
There was a stat recently that many people were losing their shit over. Apparently about 47% of the population doesn’t pay Federal Income taxes. Why, you ask? Because they make so little money that taxing it is pointless, or they receive assistance in the form of government credits aimed at reducing the financial stress of lower to middle income families.
Here is a more annoying stat; approximately 53% of your tax payment goes to military funding. On principle I can’t really object to that. However, in practice this money is squandered on bullshit like having outposts all over the world and slogging through two different wars that our military is apparently incapable of bringing to a close. Wasteful spending in the military is legion and has been for quite sometime. Comparatively, something like education, which is posing a huge problem to the US at the moment, is pathologically under funded.
» article continues...
The cost of war -- dept:
Marines Pay Farmers

 With heavy fighting in the former Taliban stronghold of Marjah now largely reduced to sporadic gunfights, U.S. Marines in the area have turned their focus toward eliminating the insurgents' cash source: opium.
But instead of eradicating the illicit poppy fields themselves, the Marines have begun piloting a new method over the past week -- paying farmers cash to destroy their own crops.
the cost of war dept:
Only 58,000 US Dead from Vietnam War?
Many historians estimate that there may have been as many as 200,000 Vietnam veterans who committed suicide after they returned. Make that body count: 258,000
What scares the Hell out of me about all this is how confident the Republicans are about nixing the regulation of banking and Wall Street in the face of what we ALL know they did to us. They did more to hurt us than all the Negroes and Mexicans put together, in all of American history ever did to us!    

They stole over half our retirements, a third of the value of hour homes, tens of millions lost their homes, more tens of millions lost their jobs and still the Republican Party who is owned by Bankers and Wall Street who caused all that are touting no change - regulation is socialism - and believe they are going to win so big come November that they will take the House and Senate. Not to mention the glory of the GOP and W. Bush doubling the debt over the past 8 years and supporting two optional wars which  they GOP refused to pay for.
Video: Jon Stewart These Frigging Guys Goldman Sachs and the GOP 

Video Chris Matthews hardball disarms whiny protesters who learn Obama has no plans to do same

Chris Matthews isn't playing softball with these two lunkheads. Armed with the ironic fear of losing "their rights" we presume they know of the multitude of rights they misplaced during Bush years and The Patriot Act, which by the way, they didn't utter a word of protest about. Matthews does a masterful job of helping the boys focus, until they have but one mutual "fear" - and a ridiculous one at that. It is a diabolical plan that President Obama has. He has not now, nor ever said a word about changing the second amendment, taking the country over, or a socialist/progressive  power grab; leaving poor defenseless, guest genius Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, and Skip Coryell of The Second Amendment March to represent others with similar fears, misinformation, and dare I say blind hatred. A look at Pratt's backround reveals an extremely unsavory and dangerous individual, too far out for the NRA. He has white spremacist ties, anti-Semetic, and advocates formation of "citizen defense patrols based upon those formed in Guatamala, and the Philippines, known as death squads. Chris knocks the wind out of the sails of the latter, and the former's little boat has..and still is sucking air badly. Matthews reveals Pratt's down and dirty hatred for the president, which obviously has nothing to do with the right to carry so much as a pez dispenser. 
We so often see bogus stats that Tea Party membership is 83% white. Hello? That's because they are not only nasty and stupid, but they are liars as well. The recent NYTs poll properly put the number at a more reasonable 1% of the Tea Party are minority. We often see the Oreos and Sour Cream Burritos on the Tea Party stages, but they are getting paid, in silver we presume. But what about that 1% out in the audience?
Enslavement dept:
Only 58,000 US Dead from Vietnam War?
Many historians estimate that there may have been as many as 200,000 Vietnam veterans who committed suicide after they returned. Make that body count: 258,000
Cie la vie