Tuesday, January 7, 2014

PostCards from the BUNKER Beware of the Ides of March Edition

 POSTCARDS FROM THE BUNKER      Beware of the Ides of March Edition;    


With your Host / editor HERB KISSELL  - saluditorian of my prison GED class! 
Hustlin' Corn Nuts for Jesus 

The Conservatives motto : "There is always something you should fear, and we
are the only ones that can keep you safe."

"Anything less than the entire truth is just a lie."

Mission : The mission of Postcards from the Bunker is to inform and educate
certain misguided individuals (and you know who you are) regarding:
     a.. Defending The Constitution
          the key insight that liberation begins in the individual's own mind, and
that techniques of propaganda, persuasion, and brainwashing program individuals
to create prisons for themselves in dutiful submission to their political,
economic, and religious overlords.

Leadership quote : "Thank you all for coming". Ronald Reagan -our Leader-
“It makes no difference who you vote for - the two parties are really one party representing four percent of the people”

And now, Todays top news from the Conservative Bunker 
onion / IT ect HEADLINES   . . . .
Bill Introduced in House to Replace Grant With Reagan on $50 BillIf that doesn’t fly, on the $2 Trillion IOU.
OBAMA MEETS WITH DALAI LAMAIn conciliatory gesture, they eat Chinese takeout.
To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead. -- Thomas Paine, US patriot & political philosopher (1737 - 1809)
New Home Sales Hit Record Low in January, Prices TumbleTent sales, prices up.
5 heart attacks. Can you even have 5 heart attacks? Isn’t that selfish? Although, now he has one for each of his deferments.
Iraq War Rebranded “Operation
New Dawn”
Afghanistan war rebranded “Operation Old Girlfriend Who Just Won’t Go Away.”
The best security is a well fed neighbor.
Bush Lawyers Showed “Poor Judgment” Writing Torture MemosObama lawyers show “poor judgment” letting Bush lawyers off.
My take on global warming: If smog is unhealthy for all living things then smog is unhealthy for the earth. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
Casualties Mount as Afghan War EscalatesHow about those Winter Olympics!
Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. ~ Napoleon Bonaparte
FTC Says ID Theft Complaints DropFewer IDs worth stealing.
When I feed the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor are hungry, they call me a communist.--D. M. Camara
Insurance Companies Suddenly Raise Premiums DrasticallyUnexpected acceleration of price hikes blamed on faulty regulations.
Ill-Fitting Condoms Blamed
For Lower Use
Seems men won't buy condoms labeled “medium” or “small.”
"I wouldn't want to be in any club that would have me as a member"--Groucho Marx 
Sarah Palin Shopping Show About Alaska to NetworksSo far, only the Eskimo Channel has shown interest.
"More than 100,000 free condoms have been distributed in the Olympic Village...Because if there's one thing we don't want, it's the best athletes in the world getting together and producing more." –Jimmy Kimmel
Hawaii Happiest State, West
Virginia Least Happy
After thousands of interviews with coal miners and hula dancers.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” -Upton Sinclair
Study: Vacationers Most Happy
Before Vacation
When they still have money
"Bernie Madoff's daughter-in-law, Stephanie Madoff, is changing her name. She says the Madoff name is tainted with scandal and she wants a name with less negative connotation. She is now known as Stephanie bin Laden." –Craig Ferguson
Study: Naps Clear Your MindAnd clear your desk, which is what you'll be asked to do next time you're caught napping.
'Cowardice asks the question: is it safe? Expediency asks the question: is it politic? Vanity asks the question: is it popular? But conscience asks the question: is it right?'-Martin Luther King Jr.
EPA Can't Enforce Clean Water Act Due to Vague Supreme Court DecisionIt didn't specify which planet.
American Airlines to Charge
$8 for Pillow and Blanket
Per hour.
"Weren't the Winter Olympics fantastic? The U.S. won a gold medal in downhill economy." –David Letterman
Antidepressant Shows Promise for Women With Low Sex DriveDoesn’t make them more interested in sex, just less depressed about it.
"If appearances mean everything to Republicans,then why do they appear so dumb?"
Toyota Reveals Fix For Uncontrollable Acceleration ProblemsDrivers must say clearly, “Close the electronic acceleration system, Hal.”
Utah Considers Dropping 12th GradeMoney saved would go to fund programs for directionless youths who didn't finish high school.
“Men of the same trade seldom meet but that it ends in a conspiracy against the public.” -Adam Smith
Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ): Blacks Better Off Under SlaveryWhen adjusted for inflation.
by Brent Budowsky | 
The issue is not merely the fundraising poster that was an open call to fear and hate using language and pictures that no major American political party has ever used. The issue is that the modern Republican Party does not have opponents, it has enemies. The modern Republican Party does not seek to win a debate, it seeks to destroy its opponents.
This poster is sick, demented and un-American in its use of fear and hate to slander President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif). It is un-American to call the nation to fear. It is un-American to call the nation to hate. It is un-American to use slander and lies to divide Americans against each other.
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ATHENS (Reuters) - Corruption and impunity from prosecution lie at the heart of Greek's debt crisis, Prime Minister George Papandreou said on Monday, calling on citizens to stomach the pain required to put the country back on track.
"The crisis in our country is not limited to our fiscal problem. It is only the tip of the iceberg," Papandreou said at a cabinet meeting. "It is extremely urgent to deal with it because it has assumed dramatic dimensions."
"The labor movement was the principal force that transformed misery and despair into hope and progress. Out of its bold strugges, economic and social reform gave birth to unemployment insurance, old age pensions, government relief for the destitute and above all new wage levels that meant not mere survival, but a tolerable life. The captains of industry did not lead this transformation; they resisted it until they were overcome. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1965

Obama's Economy

by: mooncat


One year after U.S stocks hit their post-financial-crisis low on March 9, 2009, the benchmark Standard & Poor’s 500 Index has risen more than 68 percent, and it’s up more than 41 percent since Obama took office. Credit spreads have narrowed. Commodity prices have surged. Housing prices have stabilized. 
“We’ve had a phenomenal run in asset classes across the board,” said Dan Greenhaus, chief economic strategist for Miller Tabak & Co. in New York. “If he was a Republican, we would hear a never-ending drumbeat of news stories about markets voting in favor of the president.” 
If this is what a Democratic President can do, America needs a lot more of it.  And don't forget, he's done this with no help whatsoever from Republicans in Congress, who have voted NO on every single economic initiative, hoping Obama's failure would help them return to power.  Not happening, dudes.  
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Oh really! dept:
by Dennis Rahkonen | 
Towering mountains and golden prairies? Sure, who wouldn't love that? Same goes for verdant forests, and the rest of our physical land.
It's all dear to me, along with the stalwart toilers who comprise our national backbone. But I'm fed up with almost everything else this country has come to represent.
It goes way beyond the Madoff/AIG/Wall Street obscenity that emptied our wallets and savaged our shared spirit.
Waterboarding tells me we've been terrible torturers.
Routine massacres of civilians in Afghanistan show we're even worse war criminals.
Corruption at all levels demonstrates shameful, pervasive immorality.
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After a blizzard hit Washington, right-wing morons argued that it proved that climate change was a hoax. Why don't they draw the opposite conclusion from a heat wave?
Saul Landau /
Nelson P. Valdes
Gargantua's Mouth
William P. O'Connor
The Story of Pvt. Hargrove
by Andy Borowitz |
The Borowitz Report has obtained the manuscript of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's forthcoming book on American values. The following is Chapter One: Quitting.
As far as American values are going, there is nothing more American in terms of values than quitting.
After all, quitting is what made America be America in the first place. If we hadn't decided to quit being a part of Britain, where would we be now? Not in America, that's for darn sure.
In America, we can quit any darn thing, any darn time, without any darn warning. If we want to quit writing a book, we can quit right in the middle of a
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Posted by Rack Jite Open Comments

Daily Show Glenn Beck nonsense, Samantha Bee From the CPAC Future and Gunfloss

Though the Glenn Beck clips are classic examples of the nonsense this nitwit pushes out all day on his radio and TV shows, the interview with Samantha Bee from the CPAC future is the funniest thing I ever did see. Gunfloss... 

All independent voters should be rounded up, hog tied, have their eyelids stapled open like Alex and forced to watch this 3 minute video. One viewing would be enough for these 40% of the voters to end of all this crazy right-wing crap once and for all.

I forced myself to do two full hours of Glenn Beck on the radio yesterday. He has an on the air foil who agrees with everything he says. So it doesn't really matter that much that I can't tell the voices apart.

Without his blackboard and charts he spends most of his time "teaching" by slogan. Unlike John Fund who is an expert at conservative sloganeering, Glenn just can't seem to come up with anything memorable yet alone anything that makes sense - as you can see from this video.
His big issue yesterday he said was very profound; that progressiveness is dissoluble. Write that down! And then come the callers who one after another tell us how intelligent Glenn is, what a genius, great teacher and a great educator he is, and how their family of Liberal Democrats have all joined the Tea party movement because they are regular listeners of his radio and television shows!

He goes on endlessly about the progressive destruction of the Constitution. The point he makes, which is also the same as the Tea Party point, progressives are Marxists because they believe the constitution is a living breathing document. IT MOST CERTIANLY IS NOTHING OF THE SORT!  It is a 1789 document intended to stay that way, and can only be changed through the Amendment process. After all slavery is wrong. And what Madison and Jefferson said about television and the Internet hold true today!

The nonsense here is that the entire point of Beck and the Tea Baggers is the unconstitutionality of TAXATION, which was the 16th Amendment!  AN AMENDMENT YOU NITWITS!  gosh...

One things sure, the likes of Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity will never partake in a free open debate with any progressive or Liberal over the age of 12. Okay, over the age of 8.
Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity did all graduate from High school though! You betcha!
All three also went on to college and dropped out in the first semester to seek self education. Of course dropping out so quickly would have nothing to do with them looking around at the reat of the students to realize they were in way way way over their heads.
Posted by Rack Jite in GOP ROT Open Comments

Jon Stewart Reviews CPAC the GOP Woodstock

When watching a video collage like this so overflowing with so much intense hatred and ignorance and dishonestly, it is hard to see any possible way of ever getting anything productive done in this country. Well other than passing out more guns to more people. Oh, and having Big Government tell women what they can cannot do when they are pregnant.

The differences between the parties, their leaders and the voters is so profound I contend it must be genetic.

We must also give Jon Stewart a poke in the eye for claiming Dick Cheney represents the Altamont of the GOP when he was hospitalized for chest pains. That is out of bounds! I for one wish the best for Mr Cheney and hope he is water-boarded until he feels better.
Posted by Newscat in GOP ROT at 04:09 Open Comments

VIDEO:A look at spooky, inferior, socialist, Canadian one payer health care

Many Americans may not know what they want, but like their representatives, who didn't bother to read the original Obama Health Plan, one thing they can agree upon with equal ignorance, is that we don't want any inferior socialist health care program like the Canadians suffer with, because they know no better. They're just one of many countries which rates above ours in health care. Ask these Americans what the Canadian plan entails which frightens them. They may say long waits, inferior care, and Polly wanna cracker. Continue reading "VIDEO:A look at spooky, inferior, socialist, Canadian one payer health care"
The media gives, under the banner of objectivity, vast space and time to ranting know-nothings who are proud of their stupidity, and to reckless, lying careerist politicians.
by Jack Lessenberry | 
Back in the late 1960s, China was undergoing the last terrible madness of the Mao era, the so-called "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution." The general idea was that pretty much everything civilization had accomplished needed to be destroyed.
Temples were looted. Accomplished persons were disgraced and humiliated; doctors, lawyers, professors were sent to the countryside to work in pig shit, for example. Thousands were murdered, lynched or committed suicide.
But what I remember most vividly about the insanity of that era were the "self-criticism" sessions in which prominent people were made to face the cameras and debase themselves by confessing to all sorts of imaginary crimes and, especially, moral failings. They would look down, often with placards around their necks, give their staged and memorized confessions in a monotone, as crowds jeered and the print and broadcast media denounced them as unworthy and insincere "parasites."
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When the bourgeoisie did not get what it felt was a good cut of the action from the monarchies, it raised hell, sometimes enough to cause revolutions. If they won, as they did in America, they took credit for establishing democracy. If they lost, they fobbed it off as a "people's revolution," leaving the working slobs, the actual producers of wealth, to face the king's hangmen.
Even when "the people" occasionally win one of those "people's revolutions", we never really win. Not in the end. For instance, here in Mexico, contrary to what we've seen in Zapata movies, there has never been a successful people's revolution in terms of lasting and real egalitarian reform. Just armed struggle, and many promises of reform, always to be abandoned after the revolution. They were subsequently wiped out by the politically potent urban middle class, in league with traditional elites, such as the haciendados and corporatists. The bourgeoisie never gives up its profitable connections to the elites. Same as in America. The bourgeoisie lives at the pleasure of the elites.
However, in the people's revolutions it was mainly "the people" who got killed. So they get naming rights. The people own their revolution only in death. Just as in the U.S., the elites here and the business classes get everything else and rent it back to us as mortgages or whatever.
You can argue that people have always screwed other people for a buck, or a drachma or a shekel. You will win with that argument every time. However, the real issue is about how many people got screwed and how hard by how few. Under 250 years of capitalism, the rising take from the ongoing screw job has grown astronomical. Enough to buy every political tub-thumper in Washington and a Supreme Court. Enough that if the elite cartels on Wall Street rip 300 million Americans for trillions, leaving them squinting at the fine print on their eviction notices, they cannot do jack about it. Except pay the next ransom demand for their credit . On their credit cards. Then sign their children into future debt slavery.
More Joe
by Joe Bageant | 
Obviously Barack Obama has wiped his ass on his campaign promises. That's yesterday's news. Americans demand jazzy new and ever more shocking "news" daily, or else they fall asleep before their TV sets face down in their sausage pizzas from Brooklyn to Beaumont (or their fat free vegan lentil soup, as the case may be on the West Coast). Which means that if the accelerating economic collapse is sure to drown out such mundane stuff as the Constitution, surveillance, international kidnapping and star chamber military tribunals. Add to that such roaring distractions as the emerging new Weimar American dollar and Tiger Woods' tearful apology for having more side action than any one man is entitled to, Obama may yet come through relatively unscathed.
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?Did your represenative vote to have a new Ala constitution? Dept:

Alabama House of Representatives representing the status quo on Constitutional Reform

by: csduke

Tue Feb 23, 2010 at 15:49:17 PM CST

( - promoted by mooncat)

(I will be adding more to this diary later.  I want to get the word out about this and will offer more thoughts this evening when I have more time)
Earlier today, the House of Representatives effectively killed HJR 54, a resolution that would allow the people to vote on holding a constitutional convention.  Apparently, they are more interested in representing the special interests and not trusting the people to have a say in how this state could be run.
Adoption a motion by Rep. Ken Guin, the House voted 58-34 to table this resolution, effectively killing it this session.   The coalition to do this contained both Democrats and Representatives.
We have been hearing a lot in the news recently about convincing our legislators to let the people vote.  While this has been a campaign for gambling, this is also something that they show they are not willing to do on constitutional reform.
Today is an unfortunate day for progress in our state. 
There's More... :: (34 Comments, 79 words in story)
Posted by Rack Jite in Politics for Dummies at 06:14 Open Comments

10 Signs you may have fallen into a Tea Party Two Bagger Rally

10 Signs you may have fallen into a Tea Party Rally

1) Are there large posters of a black man portrayed as Adolph Hitler?

2) Is everyone older than you are?

3) Does everyone weigh more than you?

4) Are most people dressed in stupid patriotic flag clothes?

5) Is the only black person you can find carrying an assault rifle, a sword and dressed up as a Klingon?

6) Do you hear discussions on how smart Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann are?

7) Can you find no one you could possible date?

8) When questioned about their slogans do they sound even dumber than they look?

9) Is the best celebrity catch they can get Steven Baldwin?

10) Have you suddenly become the best looking person in view and feel your IQ has shot up 50 points?

If so, keep your mouth shut as these very kind of blog posts are garnering death threats from these Tea Party Two Baggers. VIDEO: Teabag Taliban threatens life of cartoonist Mark Fiores for video How to Speak Tea Bag 
Posted by Rack Jite in GOP ROT at 07:02 Open Comments

Videos: Jon Stewart and John Oliver recap the Health Care Summit

Start over! Government Take Over! Throw out this Bill! The people reject it! The added debt will destroy America.
Over and over by each and every one of them. So obviously scripted and in the face of The President who specifically asked these 7 hours not be about political talking points.
But as we have seen since the election, that's about all the Republicans have. Slogans for the GOP primary voters, aka the Republican Base, aka the Palineese, aka the Beckians, aka the Tea Baggers, aka the Ron Paul Ayn Randians, aka stupid white people.

The polls show the people are in favor of health care reform, in favor of the Public Option, in favor of the Medicare Buy In. The polls against the plan are equally divided between those who say it goes too far and those who say it doesn't go far enough. The GOP slogans are not only remedial for remedial Americans, they are also lies told by liars. Notice I did not use the far more apropos "RETARDED!"

It is indeed ideological, the GOP is in lock step to put profit above not only our health but life itself. And not surprisingly, they are alone in the world in that. Wellpoint's bottom line transcends even the lives of children. And they are the Party of Jesus no less. Wowzer!
Do we want health decisions made by Wellpoint who brag that their only concern is bottom line profit?  Or do we want such decisions  run by consensus of what the majority of Americans decide think best for Americans. There is the ideological line. What would Jesus do! Oops, I think we have to change that to WWARD... What Would Ayn Rand Do?
Continue reading "Videos: Jon Stewart and John Oliver recap the Health Care Summit"
Stupid scientist dept:  ?Do you own waders?
by Ted Rall | 

[click image to enlarge]
Over a year--still no accomplishments. But liberals still keep making excuses for Obama. Why can't we get such soft treatment at work?
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Judge Alex Kozinski: The Fourth Amendment is Gone. "Welcome to the fish bowl."
Last week the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals denied an en banc rehearing of the case United States v. Lemus, which dealt with a warrantless police search of a suspect’s home after he was arrested outside of it. As a result of the 9th Circuit’s denial, the search will stand, which has left Chief Judge Alex Kozinski none too happy. In dissent, Kozinksi basically accused his colleagues of abandoning the Fourth Amendment:
This is an extraordinary case: Our court approves, without blinking, a police sweep of a person’s home without a warrant, without probable cause, without reasonable suspicion and without exigency—in other words, with nothing at all to support the entry except the curiosity police always have about what they might find if they go rummaging around a suspect’s home. Once inside, the police managed to turn up a gun “in plain view”—stuck between two cushions of the living room couch—and we reward them by upholding the search.
Did I mention that this was an entry into somebody’s home, the place where the protections of the Fourth Amendment are supposedly at their zenith?…
The opinion misapplies Supreme Court precedent, conflicts with our own case law and is contrary to the great weight of authority in the other circuits. It is also the only case I know of, in any jurisdiction covered by the Fourth Amendment, where invasion of the home has been approved based on no showing whatsoever. Nada. Gar nichts. Rien du tout. Bupkes.
Whatever may have been left of the Fourth Amendment after [United States v. Black] is now gone. The evisceration of this crucial constitutional protector of the sanctity and privacy of what Americans consider their castles is pretty much complete. Welcome to the fish bowl.
Scam dept:
by Mike Whitney | 
Check it out:
President George W. Bush's Remarks on Signing the American Dream Downpayment Act, December 16,2003: (This speech reveals Bush's role in the subprime "predatory" lending scam and his deeper incestuous with the banks)
George W. Bush: "Thank you all. Thank you for coming. Thanks for the warm welcome. It's great to be back at the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This is not my first time here, nor will it be my last.
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by David Swanson | 
One of the most unusual books and far-and-away the saddest I have ever read is James Douglass's "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters." This is the best documented account ever produced of why and how the CIA assassinated John F. Kennedy. That the CIA did this is beyond dispute, and that the first President Bush was involved is well established by Russ Baker's book "Family of Secrets." What separates Douglass's book from the pack is his account of how Kennedy lived his final months, the actions he took that turned the CIA against him but saved the world from a nuclear holocaust and -- had he lived -- would probably have avoided the Vietnam War and brought the Cold War to a swift and peaceful conclusion.
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by Jack Lessenberry | 
Imagine this, if you can. You and your friends are out at an art gallery — the Contemporary Art Institute of Detroit, or CAID — for something called "Funk Night," basically an all-night dance party.
The party, open only to members, happens once a month. So there you are, reelin' with the feelin', when suddenly, at 2 a.m., the place is invaded by screaming cops with guns drawn.
Except you don't even know they are cops. They are dressed completely in black paramilitary gear, with flashlights mounted on shotguns. They force some patrons to lay face-down outside in the mud for hours. Eventually, you are informed that this is a police raid.
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Hillary Clinton offers to mediate Falklands dispute. She can't even mediate her own marriage let alone a four decade-old conflict zone. Maybe Hillary's Zio-con friends can cook up a tale of Saddam's WMDs being hidden in a basement in Buenos Aires. Go home Hillary, the Latin Americans can't stand you.
Former Texas GOP chairman says George W. Bush was a "lousy president of the United States." Tom Pauken says Bush was "pushed" into politics. Yes, he was pushed by his crime family. 
by Don Monkerud | 
Although some Americans worry about the growing power of the government, few understand the real power that controls their everyday lives.
Private monopolies determine the brand of breakfast cereal we eat, the type of car we drive, where we bank, the medical treatment we receive, the fashion of our clothes, and the kind of toothbrush we use, in addition to the beer we drink, the health insurance we buy, and what we feed our pets.
Under the guise of "the free market," conglomerates merged and bought up smaller companies, until, today, they dominate their respective markets in every commodity offered for sale in the U.S.
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Everyone has a theory about the financial crisis. These theories range from the absurd to the plausible — from claims that liberal Democrats somehow forced banks to lend to the undeserving poor (even though Republicans controlled Congress) to the belief that exotic financial instruments fostered confusion and fraud. But what do we really know?
To his credit, the president pushed through a stimulus bill that prevented us from falling off the cliff. But he refused, as FDR had done, to brand the crisis that had occurred as the direct result of Republican ideology and governance. He refused to explain to the American people why deficit spending in times of a crashing downward spiral is a virtue and not a vice. And he refused to call out -- let alone even answer -- Republican politicians attacking him from his first days of office for deficit spending, although they had just created as much debt in 8 years as in the previous 200-plus with enormous tax breaks for the wealthy and a trillion dollar war "off the books," neither of which they even considered paying for. As a result, he got little credit for having prevented another Great Depression, and now there are two competing narratives, that the stimulus saved us and that it was a waste of taxpayers' money.
FDR didn't contend with political foes with their own cable network and credulous he said, she saidstenographers.
