Tuesday, January 7, 2014


POSTCARDS FROM THE BUNKER      April Fools day Edition;    


With your Host / editor HERB KISSELL  - saluditorian of my prison GED class! 
Hustlin' Corn Nuts for Jesus 

The Conservatives motto : "There is always something you should fear, and we
are the only ones that can keep you safe."

"Anything less than the entire truth is just a lie."

Mission : The mission of Postcards from the Bunker is to inform and educate
certain misguided individuals (and you know who you are) regarding:
     a.. Defending The Constitution
          the key insight that liberation begins in the individual's own mind, and
that techniques of propaganda, persuasion, and brainwashing program individuals
to create prisons for themselves in dutiful submission to their political,
economic, and religious overlords.

Leadership quote : "Thank you all for coming". Ronald Reagan -our Leader-
“It makes no difference who you vote for - the two parties are really one party representing four percent of the people”  
"When you put the truth side by side with fiction, people will choose the truth."

And now, Todays top news from the Conservative Bunker 
BREAKING NEWS:    Non-Violent Pacifist Rooster "Kenny" still in coma - fighting for life- after being torn to shreds at cockfight.  Still on Life Support machines.... Blood Donors needed.  Family called to bedside, priest gives last rites.  Organizers form "Hands across Rhode Island" -- Legislature pauses for Minute of silence and prayer -- Governor calls for state minute of silence....   "For Kenny" .  
Springsteen concert dedicates "Born in the USA" to Kenny.  Unauthorized Biography rushed to print.  Production begins on made-for-tv movie "Kenny's Song"   
Church delegation does "Laying on of Hands" prayer while Joan Baez sings "The Night they drove ol' Kenny Down" at United Roosters Union Rally themed "No more Kennys".
onion / IT  et al ect HEADLINES   . . . .
GOP: Health Bill Rammed Down Our Throats With No DebateUnlike invasion of Iraq.
GM Rolls Out Latest Concept CarBuick Rickshaw can be pulled by any two or four-legged animal.
"Former president George W. Bush is busy hard at work writing his memoirs down there at his home in Texas, Rancho Inepto." –David Letterman
Supreme Court Upholds “Under
God” in Pledge of Allegiance
Drops “with liberty and justice for all.”
"McCain also said that there will be no cooperation from Republicans for the rest of the year. So that should be good for the country." –Jimmy Kimmel
Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21
You can try dancing around the issue all you want, but in the end, you still don't know what to do with your arms while on the dance floor.
"I want to just take a moment to thank the Teabaggers. Thank you so much for helping us pass health care, for resurrecting the Obama presidency. I know they're saying, 'Why are you thanking me? I was so against it, I marched on Washington with tea bags hanging off my Founding Fathers costume, with a gun on my hip and a picture of Obama dressed as Hitler, screaming about his birth certificate.' And America saw that and said, 'I think I'll go with the calm black man.'" –Bill Maher 
UPSET IN IRAQ ELECTIONSGuy aligned with CIA edges out stooge planted by Pentagon.
Sarah Palin, out in Arizona, is campaigning with John McCain. He’s running for Senate re-election. They’re campaigning together out there. I thought, yeah, I mean, there’s an unbeatable combination.- David Letterman
Coffee Party Movement Formed to Counter Tea Party MovementInstead of smaller government, they want faster government.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21

You always wondered which of your sins would send you to hell, but you never thought it would be tipping Roger $2.34 on a $60 check.
 Laughter is the best generic medicine.
Today Americans are ruled by propaganda. Americans have little regard for truth, little access to it, and little ability to recognize it.
California: Leading GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Spending $249 a MinuteHer platform: cut spending
"When I heard this, Sarah Palin, somebody said Sarah Palin is getting a reality show. I said 'Reality show, jeez, what about a reality check?'" –David Letterman
Former House Speaker DeLay:
People Unemployed by Choice
It's a lifestyle decision.
In other news, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said it had been difficult to get Republicans to vote for health care because of a "tactical error" by President Obama: "He should have called it 'gun care.'"
Republicans: 67% Think Obama's a socialist, 57% a Muslim, 24% think he “might be the Antichrist”
Democrats: 67% think Republicans are sexually repressed racists, 57% think they're self-hating homophobes, 24% think they're “frightened, gun-toting, bible-thumping psychopaths.”
"As you can imagine, the Republicans are taking the defeat well. About as well as Tiger Woods took to marriage ...This week was one giant-kid-screaming-in-the-cereal-aisle tantrum. From the right, there were death threats, there were obscene phone messages, breaking windows, cutting gas lines. One congressman walked outside his house this morning and there was a Toyota in his driveway." –Bill Maher, on GOP reaction to the passage of health care reform
"Democrats in America were put on earth to do one thing: drag the ignorant hillbilly half of this country into the next century, which in their case is the 19th -- and by passing health care, the Democrats saved their brand. A few months ago, Sarah Palin mockingly asked them, 'How's that hopey-changey thing working out for ya?' Great, actually. Thanks for asking. And how's that whole Hooked on Phonics thing working out for you?' –Bill Maher
"George W. Bush is proud of this. He says the book will be written in his own words. I was thinking, well, that's too bad. If it was written in our words, we could understand it." –David Letterman

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

Advances in science will soon allow man to travel to the most distant corners of the universe. Still no word, however, on it being able to get you off that couch.
Lest We Forget

"Simply stated, there's no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us." - Dick Cheney
Limbaugh: If Health Reform Passes "I'll Move to Costa Rica"Where he can be treated for an occasional OxyContin overdose by their highly regarded government-run health system.
"The party was born with the Emancipation Proclamation and it can't get a black vote to save its life."
Pinera Takes Office in Chile
Amidst Big Aftershocks
Blames them on previous administration

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 23

You claim that nobody understand you, but then, the strange white men in lab coats are doing the best they can.
Conservatives on Texas School Board Approve New History CurriculumLone Star State third graders will soon learn about American heroes Father Coughlin, Joe McCarthy and present-day heroine Ann Coulter.
When you put the truth side by side with fiction, people will choose the truth.
Fed Official: Economy Won't
Revive Until 2013
According to Mayan Calendar
President Obama must not bail out Greece. Besides democracy, philosophy, geometry, poetry, architecture and drama what have they ever given us? Greek President Papandreau came to Washington this week, begging for money. To which I say: Screw you, Zorba, and the horse you came hidden inside of. You want our hard earned dollars? Come back when you're an insurance company." –Bill Maher
"I have never killed a man, but I have read many
obituaries with great pleasure."-  
Clarence Darrow
"It's a memoir by George W. Bush and because I'm telling you, if there is one thing you really want to do now, if you are like me, and God I pray you're not like me, but if there's one thing you want to do, is get a nice fire going and curl up with a big book and relive the Bush administration."–David Letterman
Study: Food Portions in Last Supper Paintings Have Gotten Progressively Larger
In one recent version (not shown) Jesus completely obscured by bucket of fried chicken

"And of course, a lot of right wingers are very upset about this because they believe this health care bill will cost a lot of money. You know what I think? Just pretend it's another unnecessary war. You'll feel better about it already." –Jay Leno
"McCain also said that there will be no cooperation from Republicans for the rest of the year. What a shame to see all that cooperating end, you know? This is like the coyote announcing he's no longer cooperating with the road runner." –Jimmy Kimmel
Today's Highlight in History:
On March 29, 1973, the last United States combat troops left South Vietnam, ending America's direct military involvement in the Vietnam War.
Germany: Robbers Steal Millions From TV Poker TourneyThen give it all back at craps table.
"Sarah Palin spoke out this week against the health care reform bill, saying, 'Elections have consequences.' Well, of course, elections have consequences. That's why right now, instead of being vice president of the United States, she's trying to get a reality show on the Animal Planet." –Jay Leno
Palin is such a fighter and great American that she quit on her stool as governor of Alaska because there was more money to be made in the other 49 states, shouting about death panels and health care and "European socialism" and writing unreadable books. In so many ways, she is a perfect media darling for our times. She doesn't scrawl graffiti, she thinks in it.- Mike Lupica
This video is a 90 min long documentary but worth seeing to understand health approaching / avoiding diabetes.  There is so much sugar in what we eat... no wonder our bodies are overwhelmed in processing sugar.
The Socialists Second Bill of 'Rights' or Economic Bill of 'Rights'
US President proposed:
# A job with a living wage # Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies # A home # Medical care # Education # Recreation
Talk about Nutcases that don't even know what they're talking about dept:
They gripe about Obama being "socialist" , then secretly poll that they want govt job programs.  What a bunch of screwed up people!
...less than 20%-and in two recent years, less than 7% and 4%, respectively-of the money raised by Freedom Alliance went to these causes, while millions of dollars went to expenses, including consultants and apparently to ferry the Hannity posse of family and friends in high style. And, despite Hannity's statements to the contrary on his nationally syndicated radio show, few of the children of fallen soldiers got more than $1,000-$2,000, with apparently none getting more than $6,000, while Freedom Alliance appears to have spent tens of thousands of dollars for private planes.
?Can she just get something.... anything right?

Not the real McCoy; Another Republican shill

by: piggieheart

Mon Mar 15, 2010 at 09:21:57 AM CDT

If you stopped one hundred random people on the streets of your Alabama city or town and asked them "Who is Betsy McCaughey?", I wager not one in ten could answer accurately. But if you ask the same hundred folks "What are 'death panels'", they would immediately tell you they are an Obama plot to kill old people.
Some of these folks are actually quite intelligent; a few have educational backgrounds that would lead one to expect better of them, but what they have in common is a blind reliance on the right wing media for all their current-affairs education. Let me discuss this a bit below the fold.

There's More... :: (1 Comments, 495 words in story)
by Bill Moyers | 
by Bill Moyers and Michael Winship
Living in these United States, there comes a point at which you throw your hands up in exasperation and despair and ask a fundamental question or two: how much excess profit does corporate America really need? How much bigger do executive salaries and bonuses have to be, how many houses or jets or artworks can be crammed into a life?
After all, as billionaire movie director Steven Spielberg is reported to have said, when all is said and done, "How much better can lunch get?"
But since greed is not self-governing, hardly anyone raking in the dough ever stops to say, "That's it. Enough's enough! How do we prevent it from sweeping up everything in its path, including us?"
» article continues...
Letter to the New York Times' Editor: Stovepiping To Persia
The thrust of your stories is always the same: Iran is galloping toward nuclear weaponhood -- a "global threat" that "cannot be allowed to stand."
by Chris Floyd |
The Crisis in America's Telecommunications Network
Like Health Care Cartels, Cable and Telephone Cartels collude to maximize profits instead of updating their networks
Today, we are paying more for not only slower broadband Internet and wireless systems but also for less meaningful choice than any advanced country in the world.
by David Rosen and Bruce Kushnick |
Oh no,.... we don't want to reform health care; that would be socialist.  ?How much $ do you suppose this guy is going to share w/ you? dept:
Cigna CEO gets $110.9 million
Outgoing health insurance executive awarded massive retirement package.
No wonder these guys don't want any changes

Cheers and Jeers: Tuesday

by Bill in Portland Maine


An Open Letter to President Barack H. Obama
 March 23, 2010
 Dear President Obama,
 Well done.
 Sincerely Yours,
 Theodore Roosevelt
 Woodrow Wilson
 Franklin D. Roosevelt
 Harry S. Truman
 Dwight D. Eisenhower
 John F. Kennedy
 Lyndon B. Johnson
 Richard M. Nixon
 James E. Carter
 William J. Clinton
 cc: William H. Taft
 Warren G. Harding
 Calvin Coolidge
 Herbert C. Hoover
 Gerald R. Ford
 Ronald W. Reagan
 George H.W. Bush
 George W. Bush
Cheers and Jeers starts in There's Moreville... [Swoosh!!]

VIDEO Psycho Talk, Sarah Palin claims Obama lacks experience Irony Alert

Sarah Palin brings her bounty of political experience as a half term quitter as Governor of Alaska, blundering token female V.P. candidate/ SNL skit inspiration for Tina Fey to bear in judging President Barack Obama's "lack of experience." Alas, "It's a bit over his head" according to the new voice of Fox News, and sometimes lunatic fringe Teabagger event speaker. Ed Schultz does a very brief point by point comparison of Sarah Palin's accomplishments to those of Barack Obama. Suitable for framing.
Ewwwwww dept:  Oh let's don't make / manufacture anything here; let the Chinese make it for us .
by MAL Contends | 
Thomas J. Tradewell Sr., a Republican flack who heads the Veterans for Foreign Wars (VFW), has an unusual give-away when he's lying. His mouth moves.
Now, Tradewell is lying about TRICARE, "the health care program serving active duty service members, National Guard and Reserve members, retirees, their families, survivors and certain former spouses worldwide."
Lying isn't new for Tradewell. Tradewell betrays veterans every day as his organization is joined at the hip with the neocon elements embedded at the U.S. Dept of Veterans Affairs who as any veteran or advocate besides Tradewell and his corrupt ban of cronies know: Screws veterans. [There is hope that this state of affairs at DVA is changing, just don't mention this to veterans attorney Bob Walsh for example, or any other veterans' advocate who are liable to explode at the suggestion.]
» article continues...

Rush Limbaugh: corporate profits more important than American lives...

Here are some snippets from Rush Limbaugh's latest melt-down and corporate sponsored fear mongering. My translation of what he actually means vs. what he says is included:
What's happened here is not insurance. Insurance is you insure yourself against a catastrophe, something that might happen to wipe you out.  This is not insurance.  This is simply the insurance companies being captivated or taken over by the government and having their behavior mandated for the express purpose of putting them out of business. 
What Rush is saying is that he gets big perks and kickbacks from the insurance industry. Now, if insurance is just to "insure yourself against a catastrophe" then why are basic doctors visits covered by most insurance companies? But what Rush is not saying (paid not to say) is what applies directly to me. I did have insurance. I developed a "catastrophe" called Lupus. My insurance dropped me and no other insurance company will take me. 
Back to Rush:
Under this bill, as I told you last week, you don't have to buy insurance.  You can wait until the accident or the illness happens and then buy it that day, and they have to sell it to you. No matter what. If you get terminal cancer and the doctor gives you three months, they have to sell you your coverage.  Except you're not going to have to buy it.  If you can't afford it, we -- all your neighbors -- will.  No insurance company can stay in business doing this.
What Rush is saying is that we should let our neighbors simply die because the rights of corporations are more sacrosanct than those of our fellow Americans. If our "neighbors" (his word) get into a massive accident, and their insurance company drops them, well, they should simply die. If our neighbors get cancer and only have three months to live, well, then who cares if they have pain management.
I find it remarkable that people who oppose paying for war - especially an unnecessary and illegal war - are called unpatriotic by Rush and his ilk. Yet when Rush and others like him oppose paying to save American lives otherwise lost untreated illnesses, he and his are NOT called unpatriotic. 
Paul Craig Roberts
Fight them there .. so we don't have to fight them here dept:

Teabaggers: Unemployed Morons With Nothing Better To Do

by Angry Mouse

Mon Mar 29, 2010 at 06:16:03 AM PDT

Big surprise. Teabaggers aren't real patriots. They're just unemployed and have nothing better to do with their time than watch Glenn Beck and get outraged about...stuff.
At rallies, gatherings and training sessions in recent months, activists often tell a similar story in interviews: they had lost their jobs, or perhaps watched their homes plummet in value, and they found common cause in the Tea Party’s fight for lower taxes and smaller government.
The Great Depression, too, mobilized many middle-class people who had fallen on hard times. Though, as Michael Kazin, the author of “The Populist Persuasion,” notes, they tended to push for more government involvement. The Tea Party vehemently wants less — though a number of its members acknowledge that they are relying on government programs for help.
The astonishing thing about these teabaggers is that they, like so many Americans, are legitimately hurting in this economy. But because they listen to the likes of Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin and their elected officials from the Party of No, they think the answer to their problems is to demand that the government stop trying to help them with their problems.
And thus, you have people like those featured in the New York Times article, who have lost their jobs and are upside down on their mortgages, calling their congressional representatives for help and at the same time devoting all their free time to organizing protests against their congressional representatives who try to help them.
Mr. Grimes, who receives Social Security, has filled the back seat of his Mercury Grand Marquis with the literature of the movement, including Glenn Beck’s “Arguing With Idiots” and Frederic Bastiat’s “The Law,” which denounces public benefits as “false philanthropy.”
“If you quit giving people that stuff, they would figure out how to do it on their own,” Mr. Grimes said.
Apparently, the New York Times reporter did not bother to ask Mr. Grimes when he would be giving up his Social Security so he can figure out how to do it on his own.