Friday, December 30, 2016

Nederland, Colo 2

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

Nederland, Colo 2
BTW  # 27  = Back to the West  Journey   

Tuesday July 17,  2012
Nederland, CO  2

?I keep seeing this; ?What is this?

From Nederland 1 post ****

from previous post***
After coming back out on the front range -- a real FUBAR story which will be covered in another post -- we head back into the Rockies. We go through Boulder, COlo -- which is another real FUBAR story for another post --
Driving up through Boulder canyon and seeing these huge, beyond beautiful rock formations, eroded, smooth rounded from erosion, absolutely beautiful canyon of the Boulder river flowing down to the city. About an hour drive, stopping at overlooks along the river / canyon.... it's like this is so unique to see.
Past Boulder Falls -- another post -- continue north on CO hwy 119 on up into higher country of the front range into the Rockies.***

And we come past this beautiful lake / reservior on the left/south, to Nederland, COlo.
Nederland, Colo is one of the most unique town I've ever seen.

Come into town, traffic circle. Looks like a small town with a half dozen streets. A local strip shopping center, but it has an atmosphere of unique small Colo town.

 Drive up into a rustic looking town.  Get to the 1st traffic circle.... We head into downtown ... small quaint town ... village feel as it's not to big. take a back street and park to begin walking around and scope out this place.

About 3 to 4 blocks of small, unique, back range type storefront businesses. Mom and pop businesses. You've got local cafe's, bistros, bars, gem shops... phenomenal rock gems on display of the local geography.

?What is this? 

 Many eccentric locals for sure... a really laid back culture here.

A stop at the library to check email... a very good library!

The museum is closed/ not open but looking through the front window glass it looks like I could spend a good half day inside checking out all the artifacts of Nederlands history.

Back to walking around ... go over and scope out the mining museum... closed today but looks interesting inside. Out back are some old mining machines and equipment... mostly rusting... but a very good bone yard of vintage mechanical equipment from the past. 

Down in the park is a pond and some kids are fishing. This pond runs off to the reservoir below. There is a trail that goes to the local Veterans memorial... an interesting walk.

Back to T-bird in the RV and a picnic samich on the bank of the creek.... I recommend it highly!

Chipita park near downtown. 

 Parked and started casing the lot. The old train cars of the old circus cars looks interesting. It's like a town display but closer looks like some business, maybe a museum or cafe inside.  A unique octagonal roof building to the left . We'll come back and see.  Right now we're on the edge of Chipita park... The city park with the creek flowing beside. 

While T-bird fixes a sandwich for lunch I go scout out as the old Marine Sgt Hargus is always on guard duty.  Walking down into the park I come upon a bench with the "locals".  These seem to be the towns homeless artists... they're sitting around a wooden picnic table...  a real motley crew... dreadlocks, rock climber toboggans,... all playing some type of instrument... acoustic guitars, harmonica,... some percussion....singing.... actually kinda rough but some decent street music. The open guitar case in front on the ground... I had to chip in for these guys; they were putting their heart into some street music performance & I know they were hungry. My personal rule is ... give them some respect; NEVER put change into the case. Make sure it's a few bucks;  their dignity is to play street music... it is not my place to judge... just enjoy a minute of music. Thank you guys!  

City Hall Nederland, Colo

The town supermarket... supply up.
Stop over a couple of blocks away... over the small creek/ river bridge that feeds the reservior... a covered bridge. a shopping center... 2 story L shaped....The town supermarket on the left... will come back for supplies later.

Good cafes!!!  Good food!

Several good downtown cafes with great food!  ... and they appreciate visitors.

Unique locals.

Part wolves are pets here.

Unique cusine.

Back up into the town/ village... a stop at the police station in the shopping center.... walk over to shop at the only supermarket in town... The street musicians are there buying something to eat.... glad I chipped in something.

?What is this about? I see these posters everywhere?
Walk back up into town and see these strange posters in several stores.  Come to find out there is this local legend of "The Frozen Dead Guy".... and now they have an annual town festival. Years back... there was an Armenian/ Slovac??? family that had an Uncle/ Grandfather Bredo that came to America to visit...lived in Nederland for a while with the family... and died.  The family waiting for the relatives from Albania or wherever to come... waiting for the funeral.... put Grandfather Bredo.... in the freezer out back. After a while.... he became "The Frozen Dead Guy".  Google Nederland and Frozen Dead Guy to get the real facts.... but now Nederland has a festival every year in his honor. ?Is this a great country or what?

I've got to come back and check this out.

Wooden circus rail cars... preserved... is this a museum? 

While observing this unique town of Nederland... The people here are somewhat different... unique doesn't begin to describe the culture. come to find out... Nederland is the 3rd town in Colorado to legalize pot; no wonder this is a unique place!

Circus cars?... a museum?

?What is this building?  Will have to come back and check out. 

A Rocky Mountain small town, unique local cafes/ coffee shops, mining museum history, phenomenal geologic surroundings, snow skiing nearby,  Circus Train Cars, a "Frozen Dead Guy" Festival, Rock climbing nearby....  I got the sense that this was a stop on Curt Johnson's Over and Done tour.... if not summering here. Curt was my rock climber Cousin we lost to cancer some 5+ years ago; way before his time... a mathematician of integral quantum calculus ect... a fantastic acoustic guitar player... This was his kinda place. Curt's spirit is here. ... at least came through here. 
Unique locals!

The Rustic Moose cafe has good food. Walk around and enjoy the unique flavor of Nederland

This is a Tracks of the StoneBear kinda place!

If you get a chance to visit Nederland, Colo... you take it! You will be greeted as a guest and you will have fun and like it there. it's a good stop in the west! 

Interesting... gotta check this out.

?What is that octagonal roof building?  Will come back to tomorrow. 

 We're looking for a National Forest Camp and head out on hwy 119/72North. I want to come back tomorrow and see the rest of what is cooking in Nederland.

 Head back up Colo hwy 119/72  4 miles to camp at Roosevelt National Forest Campground .... Kelly-Dahl    $17 a night,.... National Park Senior Park pass at 50% = $8.50 a night... a bargain. No elec or water... but a safe campsite for the night in the Rockies. Rockies, pines and a great sunset.   A good day!
We'll go back down into Nederland tomorrow... for the most phenomenal day ever! 

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved