Sunday, September 29, 2019

Camino de Santiago 7 O Ceibriero to Tricastaslella

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of Fire Odyssey  

MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

CdS = Camino de Santiago journey            

Wednesday September 11, 2019         

Camino day 7 Oceibriero to Tricastaslella,,... 13.2 miles today  

Long hump today. You'll need something to start out on. Spanish bread, Spanish bacon is not fried like US bacon, some queso/ cheese, OJ, and black coffee. Let;s go.  

 Pick up The Camino right through the village, right past the pallozas.

 O Ceibriero looks like it's 1,000 years old as we leave town. Morning damp fog. We're up about 4,000 ft altitude... It's socked in this am, we're starting out actually walking in the clouds.

On the trail/ Camino early.

Rain gear on, light drizzle...light rain . Cool, damp. 
Continue to march, woodland trail fog.

Water fountain at hamlet. Filled water bottles many times from these Camino wells. Water was fine, no problems.  

Was glad to get past Linares. Really smelly cow trail. 

Camino marker points "The Way". 156km to go.

Still in morning fog come to this sculpture of The Pilgrim at Alto de San Rogue.

Finally break out of morning fog. Got to be 10;30 to 11 now. Sun starts to burn off the fog and breaks through overcast so we can see the Northern Spanish mountains/ highlands.

Another water fill up. 

 Through another small village and back on roadside Camino.

 Back into highlands, woodland Camino trail.

Capella/ chapel, Iglesia/ church in every hamlet, village... all have been there for centuries.... maybe a millennia.

Mid morning stop at this mountain top cafe. It's been a long hike up hill today.

Met travel character Dave- left- and his brother. Dave, from Jackson Hole, WY was a kindred spirit and we talked of some similar paths we'd traveled. They were biking the Camino. Interesting guy that loved to see the world; I like that about a person. This is not the later Dave I met... or UKDave. You meet a lot of people on the Camino. Most are acquaintances that you speak to for a moment, then go your way. 

Along the Camino trail we picked blackberries in places for a Camino snack. Sometime red or green grapes from the vineyards, sometimes an apple. Today, blackberries.

2nd running of the cows. We ran w/ The Cows in Spain; a lifetime experience. It was in all the papers.

 And believe me this cow trail stunk. You want to know what it smells like in places along the Camino? Go sit in a cow barn/ feeder barn. Now pour yourself a glass of wine to sip on, and order a bite to eat. You get the idea.

Back out on the trail. 

 Fantastic views of the Spanish highlands/ mountains.

You get quiet time on The Camino in places. The scenery is pretty good too. It give you time to think... rare in urban setting, careers, ect. Your at peace w/ the world here on a day like this. Hadn't thought of home one time today.

 It's kinda like a hitch in the Marines. You know there is this place called home that you remember what it was like there. And you know that someday-- not today-- you will see home again; but you just don't exactly when. I don't miss any news from back home today. God, I'm actually relieved I don't have to hear of the ongoing preznut clown show back in the US. There are often tranquil miles hiking with a backpack, carrying some 26+ pounds on your back, everything you own in the world to make it through the journey; basically homeless... on a journey... like a pilgrim... on the same trail/ path that Apostle ST James hiked 2,000+ years ago. I don't have an epifany moment to tell you, but this is a very rewarding journey.
 A tranquil hike.

You follow the path of the pilgrim... this is a journey in time.

The journey you hike... the places you pass through and see is a blessing... it is ALL a blessing to be able to hike The Camino.

Coming into today's destination. It's a long hike today... some 11+ miles. 

 This tree has got to be a couple hundred years old.
Coming into town... our destination for today. A looooooong hike today, 13+ miles, but it has been a good day!

Down through town... 

 Come to Casa David. Tonight's lodging.

Check into lodging for the night. Walk around town to see some local sights after doing some laundry.

 Go to this wonderful cafe we passed by on the way in for evening meal.

Start out w/ some Spanish wine and bread... of course some bread w/ olive oil and vinegar.

 Then a salad, a salmon w/ fries dinner... that includes a bottle of Spanish red wine,... and dessert... 10euros; a bargain!

The days hike on The Camino are similar... Backpacking a well traveled path to Santiago,... but each different in their own experience... their own way, with unique places and sights. I recommend it highly! It's good for your balance,... it's good for your soul.

A good day! Thank you for all the abundant blessings; I did not waste today!

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved