Thursday, October 12, 2017

Combat fishing 2

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

AK journey           

August 4, 2017         

Combat fishing 2.

Kenai River, Soldotna, Alaska

This picture is not an exaggeration. It really is like this here.

When the salmon are running they are thick and plentiful. every fisherman within 2 thousand miles is here.

I’ve seen the blue collar guys, the AC technician, the plumbers, take their few weeks vacation up here to Alaska to salmon fish. I've scene the professional guys, the attorneys, the bankers, fly up here to Alaska, rent an RV and camp at Riverside and fish for a few weeks. They wear their Waders out into the river, catch salmon, filet them at streamside, put the filets in a plastic bag, leave the skin carcass in the river for the biological Eco system.

 Do not throw the salmon carcass on the bank as it will attract bears.  I've seen these fishermen fish all day and walk out of the river with a gallon Ziploc bag of pink, red salmon fillets.

There are fish house businesses that if you bring your salmon, they will flash freeze the fillets, in dry ice,and ship them in 2 days to your  home.  Some guys send back 100+ pounds of salmon that they will eat over the winter and next year. This is how they chose to spend their vacation. It is not a bad way of life.  There is nothing like getting an eight or nine pound salmon on the line and reeling/ wrestling it in. It just don't get no better.  So there are tons of fishermen, and fisher ladies when the Salmon Run.

You're so close you often cross fishing lines and get tangled.

And let me tell you something, you better stand your ground. These mother scratchers will try to move in on your fishing position. They're going to try and get your fish, your salmon. You better stand your ground, and make it known, challenge them and challenge any movement into your fishing zone/ space… just like a gold prospector on his claim.

I went back and got my helmet and flak jacket. The old Marine here showed them my tattoo and slapped them around some. Showed them my War face.

Alaska salmon fishing, you get in there with them Knee Deep and don't give an inch.

Hargus 3.

Salmon 0.

More later.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

by Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

 Have Bear,    
           Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video "40 Acres and a Tomahawk" ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved