Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Lake Moraine, Alberta, Canada

Tracks of the StoneBear  BNF = Banff, BC/ Alberta journey

ROF = Ring of Fire journey

British Columbia/ Alberta, Canada

Friday August 22, 2014  BNF 7  

BNF  Lake Moraine, Alberta, Canada 


My feet are still cold from Lake Louise. (it's 3 months later & i'm in Alabama)   

Drive down the mountain from Lake Louise a couple of miles and right turn to Lake Moraine.  

11 miles... but was worth it.

Parking lot was somewhat full but many spaces. 200 yards to the mouth of Lake Moraine.

Logs.   ... fallen tree logs, jamming up the exit flow of the lake. 

A rock mountain of 60+.. 70+ feet on the other side of the outflow of the lake. 200 logs at the mouth of the lake.  

Some young people try to walk across the logs to the other side/ rock mountain. 

Start walking right on the trail, west side along Lake Moraine.  

The store up to the right... chateaus... in the pines overlooking  somewhat of the lake.

The path is worn... and openings onto the lake are great spots for pix.  

The west side of the lake mountains are 2,000' high... rock strata amazing. talus below.  Magnificent views,  path around lake is well worn. 

About a mile... magnificent views of towering mountains above lake. Rock strata is wonderful= a geologist dream. Talus/ loeurs at bottom of mountains. Look across the lake and 70'+ pines look tiny. This is a really majestic view. 

Back around to the Southwest end of the lake... the feeding stream is the snow pack melt/ runoff into the lake. 

A really beautiful view of the Lake. ... a glacier lake dugout by glacier a few thousand years ago. 

Wade in the lake and again.... 20 seconds and it;s.... T-bird... take the picture NOW as I've got to get out of wading in this lake. I didn't learn my lesson from Lake Louise; this is seriously cold lake water and 20+ seconds will put you into hypothermia shock... NO joke. Wade... but get out quick!  

My god that's cold water. My feet are still cold a month later.

The mountains surrounding the lake are almost sheer rock wall straight up. The rock strata distinct. In the bottoms of the rock tailings at the base of the mountains are green pine tree forests growing. Those trees,... 50 to 70' tall are specs at the edge of the lake. 

A really good day to get to see this. I like Moraine Lake better than Lake Louise... less tourists/ people. A good day!!! 

You never drink twice from the same stream.