Monday, September 8, 2014

Revelstoke B&B

Tracks of the StoneBear  BNF = Banff, BC  journey

British Columbia, Canada

August 2014  BNF 1 

Revelstoke B&B Josh   

Come down next morning to the big dining room... this is an 1890s grand house.   Table is set for a king! Queen!  

Host Josh is an Aussie transplanted to Revelstoke.  An easy going 25+ guy that is making our stay alright.  

Table is decked out with fresh fruit cups and bowl of fresh fruit for more.   

Glasses of fresh squeezed OJ at each place setting... even if it was from concentrate... OJ was cold and good! 

Other guests were ladies on holiday planned for each year while husbands stayed on the job.  It's neat to see goog friends travel together.

Josh brings out some killer French Toast... organic eggs & his special mix... crispy Bacon strips ... some real Canadian Maple syrup... just a little... ; absolutely fantastic breakfast.  

While waiting, Josh got his computer and let me download/ transfer my thousand pix from my SD chip to a thumb drive.  Thanks Josh... that's what I really needed! 

A 30 minute breakfast was a good start to the day.

Mustang B&B delivered for us.  Soft beds for rest. Hot showers at the end of the day; a private room to crash... cable TV to see 10 minutes of world news... a good stop!  

Wrap up and head to downtown Revelstoke for a couple stops before heading out to Lake Louise.  

More on Josh...  He is a ski bum... an affectionate reference, a really good Aussie guy.   

pix coming ...