Friday, December 27, 2019

Camino de Santiago 11 Morgade to Portomarine

Original post click: Camino de Santiago 11 Morgade to Portomarine   

Camino de Santiago 11 Morgade to Portomarine

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of Fire Odyssey  

MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

CdS = Camino de Santiago journey; The ST James Way            

Sunday September 15, 2019         

Camino day 11, Morgade to Portomarine...  6.5mi 

 Out on The Camino in the morning fog. Camino marker shows The Way.

 Cappela/ chapel leaving Morgade

Continue on The Camino...

Morning fog... damp wet cool...

A hamlet iglesia ... This pic reminds me,... makes me think of the lyrics of  "Senor... Senor... ?Do you know where we're headin''?" Lincoln County road or armageddon?"  B. Dylan

Camino shrine

 Horses on the Camino... it does smell when hiking.

Tranquil, solitude while backpacking The Way.

 The cross of ST James Way...

Come to a wide overlook of the Rio Min~o; Min~o River... the largest river in Galecia. 

The Canadian Sisters are there.... on The Way.

Can see the bridge across to Portomarin  

Hike down a steep trail cut into the rock "The Narrows" . Slow , sure footing only 3 to 4' wide in places. 

Steep staircase at entry to town. Like an iconic focal point. Meet up w/ the Canadian Sisters again. They were real troopers of the ranks.

 To Portomarin

Continue hiking up. City park across from bus stop. 

Continue up into main square of town.

This Cathedral was flooded out down below and re-constructed... the same stone moved up here and re-built. Historical tradition here is paramount. I appreciate the mentality that values this type of preservation. Well Done Portomarin!!! 

Min~o River is the low point of the valley so climb down the hill, hike up the hill to the town. History was that the town, or some of the town floodplain was flooded years ago and they relocated most everything up on the hill 

 The Pilgrim statue...

A tapas at a squareside cafe. Church is closed. Would love to see inside. Maybe tomorrow on the way out.

Shuttle pick up and ride 5-6km to Casa de Santa Maria. 

Apple orchards on the grounds. & some albergue rooms and some RV & tent campsites. 

Out building of 6 units. Ok room clean bathroom. 

Walk around some and check out the dining room. Outside a covered patio.
 We acquired grapes

about 150 yards sloping down to the river is grape vineyards. Can see the main bridge we walked over a couple miles downstream. 

Walk thru the vineyards down to the river. picked and ate grapes... fresh and sweet. The wine in Spain is so wonderful; what a way to live.  

Got our feet in the Min~o River.  Slippery , rock, muddy bottom. 

Back up and write some postcards on the patio and met, talked with some UK guys ,... from Wales...  

Casa de santa Maria... UK bikers...  riding their original Triump motorcycles... across Europe... and they camped here today. These were rock solid guys... good guys! We talked for an hour.

Under the arbor of grapes talked about Brexit, unions... Allies, the best guys!!!   

They were from Wales... southwest UK. They were good guys. Very articulate about UK/ Brexit trade and politics. Very smart guys. They were biking across Europe for their holiday and rode up today from Portugal. ?How far? Portugal border is 50+? miles. 

after an hour talk they cranked up and went over to the campground. These guys know how to be free. The only thing wrong... I didn't have a bike to ride with them.

 Write postcards... end of the day.

Evening pilgrims meal was huge. stuffed. again... asked for a glass of wine... they set a bottle on the table. 9euro; fantastic.  

A good day!!!

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved