Friday, December 27, 2019

Camino de Santiago 16 Aruza to A Rua... Pension Maribel

Original post here: Camino de Santiago 16 Aruza to A Rua... Pension Maribel   

Camino de Santiago 16 Aruza to A Rua... PensionMaribel

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of Fire Odyssey  

MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

CdS = Camino de Santiago journey            

Friday September 20, 2019         

CdS 16 Aruza to A Rua... PensionMaribel  11.2mi hike today... a long hump for us

Aruza- Casa das Corredoiras to A Rua- Pension Maribel 

Up early, breakfast, shuttle back into town. Thank you Damion.

Start out in early morning fog, viz 50 yards. 

Hiking the Camino out of downtown A Rua today with Camino friends UK Dave and Sue.

Only on the Camino 1km and stop to see an iglesia.

Out of town and into woodland Camino trail. Overcast, clouds, light drizzle. No sun so some pix are blurry.

We're within 2 days to Santiago now and there are Camino "artists"/ street musicians trying to hustle the pilgrims for a buck/euro. 

 And vendors selling trinkets or anything they've got; the hustle.

passed by a wall of shame... shame on you pilgrims for not knowing/ practicing these rules.

 And a Camino side cafe complete with it's own panhandeling chicken.
 This chicken reminded me of home. I have a pet rooster back home- "Kenny"- He was a pacifist rooster that got torn to shreds at the cockfights. I miss Kenny.

Eucalyptus grove. I saw Sue's heels had blisters so I got eucalyptus leaves from some of the smaller trees and she put them on the blisters to relieve the pain. Sue was a real trooper to hike the Camino with blisters. I think now she is officially named; Dame Sue!

One of the many farmers corn cribs. 

 Now this place was worth a look.
OK, it's beer bottles. Aaaaaaand? Come on gimmie something here. We've got beer bottles back where we come from. Let's blow this taco stand.

Back on the Camino with friends UK Dave and Dame Sue. 

Hiking and talking with Camino friends on The Way is really a lot of fun and it makes the day go so much better. 

 Chestnut tree lined Camino trail.

This is northern Spain... and a palm tree?

A Camino side cafe rest stop, pit stop, and bite to eat.

Back on the Camino after a bite to eat.

Water fill up, Thank You!

Camino markers show The Way and the count.

We're closing on Santiago.  23Km to Santiago. We're closing!
Acquired a snack.

A long day... coming to the outskirts of A Rua.

This was a long hike today, 11+ miles and we're here at destination.

We have arrived!

And a gracious host, Maribel welcomes tired pilgrims with a big smile.
The Spanish people were really good hosts all along the way and very friendly to Pilgrims.

 Dame Sue tends to the heel blisters. She is a real trooper of the ranks!

A brief rest up and this crew is ready to hit the town.

At city hall... not sure what the chicken means. Maybe in honor of "Kenny".

 Downtown cafe with Camino friends after a days hike... it doesn't get much better than this... or back home in The South we say "It don't git much better" than this.

Well... a wonderful pilgrims dinner with friends caps off the day.

This was a really good Camino day. talking with Camino friends while hiking made 11+ miles a lot more enjoyable.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved