Thursday, December 26, 2019

Camino de Santiago 4 Cacabelos to Villafranca del Bierzo

Original post: Camino de Santiago 4 Cacabelos to Villafranca del Bierzo   

Camino de Santiago 4 Cacabelos to Villafranca del Bierzo

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of Fire Odyssey  

MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

CdS = Camino de Santiago journey; The ST James Way            
Sunday September 08, 2019         

Camino day 4, Cacabelos to Villafranca del Bierzo... 5.8mi

0700 up, tired, exhausted still... get squared away . Breakfast at 0815. dining room is to the left of our balcony. Can see in our room.  overlooking same parking lot and main street.

Americana coffee for T-bird; can't get right w/ no honey, cream. me espresso x2 ALLRIGHT!!! Pilgrim breakfast Bread, butter, cheese, Chorizo, Yogurt, Santiago almond bread is like a wedge piece of cornbread... sweet almond flavor w/ powdered/ confectioners sugar on top.  All filling. 

Gear up, cowboy up 0915. head out.

1/4 mile down thru town is the 1st chapel. Pilgrims have stopped here for 1,000+ years.

Main Cathedral.
 Another 1/2 mile on the Camino is the main town Cathedral.

Absolutely breathtaking to stand here in awe. 

I have to say a prayer in every church/ cathedral/ iglesia/ chapel... 

Continue on the Camino on out of town and onto the trail... 

cross the Cua river on the way out of town.

The municipal Albuquerque is in the side part of the old church. The park beside had an relic wine press and ancient stone vat to crush grapes by foot.  This is Spanish wine country!!!

The old church is wonderful. 

roadside path for a while then come into wine country.
I made it here!!! Thank you lord for these abundant blessings!!!

Vineyards until the mountains. We acquired some grapes, red and white along the way. Natural sugar sweet and good taste. No wonder the Spanish wines taste so good. Thank you Spain!!! You are gracious hosts for pilgrims!!!

onto the Camino...

Several more miles through wine country/ vineyards 'til Villafranca. 1st sight is a grand stone castle/ fort/ compound/ cathedral.

Walk on through town and main square lined with open air cafes. 

Past a couple of Cathedrals... we'll go back to see once we find our lodging. 

Stone sculpture of a pilgrim as we cross over stream, bridge... another couple blocks to Casa Mendez. 

Lodging is on the far side of camino trail/ outskirts of town; quick entry to Camino in the morning. Room is ok w/ great view out back of stream, small dam. 

Rushing water sounds good. Will sound better tonight sleeping after  xxmile hike today. 

Back to town to see what's there.

Late afternoon, Cathedrals are closed. 

City park is sculptured horticulture gardens.  

Back to main city square for eve bite to eat. 
Salads are good. 

Main course even better!  Pilgrims meal,... w/ bottle of red wine; 10 euro each. A bargain. 

 Walking around square... Cathedral bells. It's 6;45. Head to Cathedral Mass.

Another magnificent church.

I don't get tired of seeing the absolute different beauty of every church/ cathedral chamber. No, I'm not a religious fanatic....These cathedrals/ churches, iglesias/ cappellas- chapels are in every town and they are ALL so neat to see much less learn the history of what they meant to the region and town for the last 2,000 years.

A mass service is always a good place to say a prayer.  

Evening for pilgrims tired after a 5.8 mile hump today. Back to room and crash. And the rushing water does sound good dozing off. 

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

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