Thursday, December 26, 2019

Camino de Santiago 3 Ponferrada to Cacabelos - Moncloa de San Lazaro

Original post click here: Camino de Santiago 3 Ponferrada... to Cacabelos   

Camino de Santiago 3 Ponferrada... to Cacabelos

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of Fire Odyssey  

MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

CdS = Camino de Santiago journey; The St James Way           
Saturday September 07, 2019         

CdS 3  Ponferrada to Cacabelos  8.6 miles today

Next morning, 0645... up and ready to start out/ head out on the Camino. What a night! 

In the town square... stage empty... morning damp fog. in the square... Camino trail is right here... let's begin... let's go. 

But ... oh... we have to go uptown to a rocky mtn outfitters shop to BUY some new walking sticks because in the exhaustion of yesterdays 20+ hour transit day, we left our walking sticks in the bus overhead getting here. 

Now... we are ready to head out w/ NEW... 55Euro walking sticks. 

Down the alley..., left turn down the steps... Camino sign yellow arrow points the way.

Ponferrada... the site of the original "Iron Bridge" the town is named for.

Camino marker... this is "The Way". 

Roadside beginning. A Camino marker... we will follow these.

Begin exit of Ponferrada through urban town. Out to the bridge,... across street and we are on the trail. Through neighborhoods, past a church chapel,... pathways out of town and we are on The Camino de Santiago... now trails and paths. We begin the journey of a lifetime.

Out into the country. Spain is beautiful. Peaceful. Tranquil. 

Couple of miles and the 1st -of many- water fountains/ stations. Most towns, small villages, and even tiny hamlets have a water fountain for pilgrims. And it tastes great, pure.

Stop and rest often. Take your shoes off and rest. Old Marine Corps saying: you lose your legs (feet), you lose your life. Take care of your feet. We have double wool socks. Sportslick foot cream, wool toe socks, outer wool socks.  We hiked 130 miles with NO blisters.

Most towns, villages, hamlets have water fountain/ spigot/ well for pilgrims. Plenty of good clean Spanish water on The Camino; didn't get sick- Water... Montezuma's revenge...Nada...ever!

Small cappelas, chapels in every village, hamlet.

Back out on the Camino.

Markers on The ST James Way.

                                                                 Art! I like it !

 Past many vineyards.

The taste is good, sweet... no wonder Spanish wines are so good.

Eucalyptus tree grove.  This will come in handy later on The Camino. Keep reading

Thank you Camino for the vineyard grapes to snack on. These were a refreshing treat.
Eucalyptus groves.... they will come handy ahead.

Continue to march. This hump today is 8.6 miles. My pack is 24 to 28 pounds depending on what water needs to be carried for the day. T-birds pack is 16 pounds. These weights don't sound too bad. You hike this as a 106 year old man and get back to me.

Spain is beautiful!
The clamshell marker of The Camino.... we are on the  right path.

Cabellos pilgrim park coming into town. A needed rest stop. Not much more to hike today. We'll see.

We're here!

Register and sit in the courtyard under the grapevine arbor.

And without asking they bring you a glass of red wine and a tapas. ?Is this a great country or what?

What a neat lodging place.

A really neat 1st day stop on the Camino.  I recommend !!! Top right- our room.

 After checking in walk into town and see what's there. Small Capella, chapel since 1,100s?

Main cathedral of town.

Humbelling.... in awe....

Back to tonight's hacienda....We have a balcony, yeah!

Laundry time.
Spanish Wine, grapes, bread, olives, cheese, ... it don't git much better than this!!!! ... Actually... it does!

Local bought bread, olives, and Spanish wine for an afternoon knash. I could get used to this. This Camino hike is going to be great!

Watching from the balcony.... Pooch cools off in the doggy fountain.

What a day!  ... and this was the 1st full hiking day on The Camino!

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved