Tuesday, December 28, 2021

ICELAND day 4 LV Reykjavik, SE coast, Geothermal plant, Waterfalls

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MMXVII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

SBTROF .com   ROF= Ring of Fire Odyssey  

MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

ICLD = Iceland journey  

ICLD day 4 LV Reykjavik, SE coast, Geothermal plant, Waterfalls, LAVA, hotel ...

Saturday October 16, 2021 Reykjavik ICELAND day 4

Up at dark 30. Actually 0700 but the sun doesn't come up early at this latitude. Down to the lobby for a couple of double cappuccinos to get us to breakfast. BBC news- an MP- Member of Parliament was stabbed. ?What is happening to our world. Nutcases. 

0810 Bags packed and in the hall by our door. all down the hall, bags. It's moving day.

Headed today out of Reykjavik to the Southeast coast of Iceland. This is the same Hwy 1, "Ring Road" going counterclockwise. We will travel the SE ICELAND coast to about 4 oclock on the island dimension. 

Leaving out of Reykjavik... many urban European modern architecture... 4 and 5 story modern condo buildings. Spread out some, not crowded... 8 building in a apartment/ condo complex. 

Commuters fuel stations on the transit corridors to and from the city. 

Leaving the urban Reykjavik landscape, heading into the SE country, the landscape changes to the massive lava fields covered in light green moss and lichens. 

Mostly black terrain, outlined/ surrounded by dark black mountains... 1,000' to 1,500' mountains. 

Riding through the stark black plains of lava fields... no trees, no vegetation... just stark black fields and mountains forever.

And we come to the steam plumes... the geothermic steam plumes from the underground magma pools... the molten rock underneath this tectonic plate that is now harnessed to capture the thermal heat and convert it into energy for living.

Hellisheioi Geothermal power plant,... the orkka naturnnanar geothermal plant. A unique European building with tours that explains the volcanic, tectonic plate geology that supplies Iceland with the unique energy transfer to it's citizens. 

Geothermal hot water is pumped to every home/ building in Iceland.

There are 3 water lines into every home... 1 line of hot water for heating the house by thermal coils, 

1 line for hot water for showers and hot tubs, and one cold water line for drinking,... toilets ect.

The average utility bill in Iceland is $20 / month. That's electric, water. 

In Reykjavik,... the 3rd hot water line that heats the house... when it leaves the house... it's run down into waterlines that heat the streets in Reykjavik so there are no iced roadways. What a country!!!   

What a geothermic plant!!! The industrial flows of volcanic geothermal  heat harnessed is great!!!

Driving on through the SE of Iceland... what Majestic mountains... Iceland farms/ ranches of lambs/ sheep..,

Volcano Hekla 

We come to the "Lava" complex, a tourist stop for display of volcanic lava explanation. This was a walk through experience... some electronic screens of red hot lava flowing... not much else. Walk through gives you a sense of the power of volcano/ lava flows.. Gift shop at the end... no I don't want to buy any sovereigns, 

Stop for lunch at a convenience store/ truck stop with food in a display case to pick from... The world famous Iceland Hotdog... had to try one, not bad. 

The gas station had 2.70/ liter. ... and there were electric charging stations. 

Back on the road heading west. In Iceland there are massive glaciers.... and from the glacial melt runoff there are streams, some massive, and many waterfalls. 

Massive Glaciers produce massive waterfalls. these are phenomenal!!!

Waterfalls Seljalandsfoss   

You could actually walk around behind the falls. Iceland myths are that is where the trolls live.


pass by Solhiemajokull Glacier o877

Hotel at Kirkjubaejarklaustur 

Hotel Kalaustur... what a relief at the end of a day. 

Rest then in the bar , the Bridge club ladies... what maniacs to play bridge. ... and a wonderful dinner.

Late day Sit and talk in the hotel bar w/ Gate 1 iceland friends about the phenomenal spectacle of the day. 

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    

          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MMXVII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MMXVII ALL Rights Reserved