Monday, December 27, 2021

ICELAND 2021 day 8 North Snaefellsnes Peninsula

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MMXVII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

SBTROF .com   ROF= Ring of Fire Odyssey  

MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

ICLD = Iceland journey  

ICLD day 8  North Snaefellsnes Peninsula

Wednesday October 20, 2021

North Snaefellsnes Peninsula,  Borrgarfjorour Valley today 

0730 down to cafe/ restaurant... early. Talk w/ hotel/ restaurant mgr "Hawk"... short for Haquima or Jauquim? couldn't really hear.  good talk for a few minutes over am coffee before tourists arive. 

"Hawk" had and offer in February to take over management of hotel/ inn& restaurant. Hawk... 35- 45 had lived in  London and Europe... good guy... street savvy... says the delivery truck yesterday was stopped from high winds... 100+mph on road out to Snafellnes peninsula ... will make due today...
 We got the last glass of red wine last night from no delivery trucks.

"Hawk" was a good guy to talk w/. He accommodated guests w/ no delivery truck supplies. Glad we stayed at this hotel/ stopover. 

Wind 40 t0 50... walked out to the stone monument of "The Troll" under Hawk mountain...

Beach was North Atlantic... wind 35+ not much time to stay there. 

Back w. pix of the Troll. 

Head up Hwy 63,... the southern side of the Snaefelllsnes peninsula.

Iconic mountain glacier of volcanic peaks of stratovolcano pictured in  jules Verne classic novel "Journey to the center of the earth: 

continue south side road of NW Snaefellsnes Peninsula,  Borrgarfjorour Valley 

Iceland geography is iconic picturesque of plains from the sea to rising mountain walls of 1,500' +  at 80 t0 90* faces.

Snaefellsnes , Snaefellsjokull Glacier, north to north side of peninsula, Church Mountain and falls

Bjarnarhofn Farm, eat Hakarl- I pronounce "Harkle" Icelandic dish of Greenland Shark fermented/ cured. Tastes like ceviche, still yuck. It smells like if a fish could fart. 

Watched a film in the center about how the Greenland shark is caught and then dressed/ cured/ hung in a shed to cure. Hanging for a few months... no processing/ treated... no fermentation as previously read about...

Then treated to a tasting... small cube... horrible... then chased w/ a shot of schnapps... to cover up the horrible taste, thank god. If you are offered Harkle- pass! 

Bus on down to Stykkisholmur Settlement Center; Viking heritage, Viking history, literature...  A kitchen to get a bite to eat... a couple of films in a walk through of ICLD history... somewhat touristy.

Walked outside and up on the hill overlooking the town, inlet/ fiord got some good pix. This was more interesting to see the bay/ landscape. This was an inlet for the Vikings to settle in ICLD. 

This is the END of the ICLD trip... it's back to Reykjavik to the Coronavirus testing center to get our Covid transit tests for the next day fly out of ICLD back to USA.  

ICLD has a specific testing center,,, right downtown... some commercial building w/ telescope cranes nearby. 

Tests completed... we're wrapping up this ICLD trip. Board the bus back to hotel for departure tomorrow morning. Iceland... it has been wonderful to see you,... you revel in the Volcanoes and wonderful!

Iceland Covid testing center for test, certificate to enter USA on return.

back to Reykjavik,  Icelandair hotel Natura- original hotel 1st night.

walk back to Bragggin resturaunt near Reykjavik University. About 8 of the Gate 1 crew at Braggin.

Walk back down the bay side of the RVK airport w/ the 2 FLa Docs. 57*, wind 10+, not bad.  Back on the main road back to hotel

Pack for transit day trip back to USA. This was a short, brief RT to Iceland. A lot of ground covered in 8 days. 

Iceland is a geologic phenomenon to see. Thank you for this gift to see it.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    

          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MMXVII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MMXVII ALL Rights Reserved