Sunday, December 19, 2021

Camino de Santiago 8 Triacastella to Sarria

Camino de Santiago 8 Triacastella to Sarria

Original post: Camino de Santiago 8 Triacastella to Sarria trlls  

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of Fire Odyssey  

MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

CdS = Camino de Santiago journey; The ST James Way              

Thursday September 12, 2019         

Camino day 8, Triacastella Casa Dave to Alfonso IX Sarria 15.5mi ...  

Long hump today. 21+km... 15.5miles... maybe the longest hump on this journey. Maybe 20+ miles going through Samos.  

Up early, this will be to near the half way point to Santiago. 

Sportslick slathered on toes... toe socks and wool socks to avoid blisters. This is going to be a long hike today. The Marine Corps rule; lose your legs,... lose your life; take care of your feet!!!

A good breakfast to start today. Spanish bread, bacon... which is thin shoulder ham -NOT fried bacon like in the US-- some queso/ cheese, yogurt, OJ, coffee... you will need this to start today.

 Let's get going... on The Camino today.

Samos. A huge disappointment on the Camino. On the whole Camino hike there were only a couple disappointments; Samos was the main disappointment. 

The Camino route markers were not clear and I wonder if the Samos folks did this on purpose because it's about 5 miles longer than the normal, direct route. Yes the Samos route goes through the Spanish countryside -- and it is breathtaking beautiful -- but the main route is along roadside; not as scenic?

At the monastery they had a sign posted of times, 1030, 1145, 1pm ect. We waited thinking you'd get to tour the inside of the monastery. The times were when the gift shop opened; huge disappointment to wait around and then be offered souvenirs and trinkets. The "monk" was kinda a grouch too. No smile, was quick to say "no backpacks" in the souvenirs shop like we were all thieves. We left.  Other hikers told us they eventually did get to go in the monastery chamber. We hiked on. This was an extra 5 miles with a backpack; ?Did I mention being disappointed going through Samos?

Samos monastery nerd.
Samos was a huge disapointment.... thanks to this guy. 

But we did salvage the stop with some fantastic patatas oli at a cafe.
Refilling water bottles at local water fountain for pilgrims.

 Samos pilgrim sculpture... very good. Let's blow this taco stand. Samos... we're out of here; good riddance!

Continuing on hiking through woodland trail lined by many chestnut trees.

A stop at Eucalyptus tree groves to take socks off and refresh feet for a few minutes. 

In a small hamlet cafe we crossed paths with our Australian friends Dave and Officer Pete again.  
Outskirts of Sarria. This is the largest town/ city until Santiago; 60 more miles. 
Alfonso IX hotel is a real hotel, 4 stories w/ a tub, yeah. Later on but now lets get out and see what we can of the town and find a cafe w/ pilgrims menu.

Hiked up the famous stairs. 

They are steep.... 7 terraces & had to stop and rest a couple times; ?did I mention that I'm 106 years old?
Past the main Cathedral on The Camino. closed. 
Further on up the Camino thru the city and come to an outdoor cafe...

And IT'S OUR AUSSIES !!! Our Australian friends gathered for evening supper.

Sat and talked w/ our friends... on the Camino... these are the best of days.

Officer Pete clowning around in a portal like he's on TV.

And a great picture of our Australian friends in the dining hall... 

A moment to reflect... our Aussie friends on The Camino de Santiago... The Australians , The Aussies... have stood as the best allies when the world needed forces to contain and confront the evils of the world and they NEVER witherd. These are rock solid salt of the earth people/ allies that we thank, and respect!  

A farewell picture in the dining room.  

And T-bird offer's a challenge to all The Aussie Ladies... 

Pull up your big girl panties and get moving!!! 

We love y'all Aussies!!!  Really... we do! Y'all are the Best!!!

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved