Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Reyjavik city day 3A AM tour

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MMX Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

SBTROF .com   ROF= Ring of Fire Odyssey  

MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

ICLD = Iceland journey          

Friday October 15, 2021 

Reyjavik city day 3A  AM tour.... DRAFT
First full day in Iceland. 

Start out with what will become an ordeal... the breakfast buffet in the hotel...

Board the bus... T-bird and I have traveled the world on a fly, rent car, and drive... not this RT- RoadTrip... 

This is now on the Senior citizens bus for a tour through Iceland. 

Board at 0900 and we're off... views of Reykjavik, Iceland,  urban city commute life, transit avenues... morning fog. 

European urban metro   

Drive past the iconic Reagan/ Gorbachav summit house, then down to the Iceland sculpture of the Vikings monument. 

Stop for pix of the Sun Voyager sculpture. It's meaning is in the spirit of the Vikings and all seafaring mariners,...  or an ode to the Sun. The artist intended it to convey the promise of undiscovered territory, a dream of hope, progress and freedom.   

then onto the Iceland center... center for concerts and conference meetings... the central hall for cultural events in Iceland.

There was a meeting going on of the Northern Alliance of nations... / Northern Artic Circle Alliance? One of the issues was addressing climate change.... affect and planning ahead. 

What a magnificent , architectural hall!!! 


We just took pictures... some of the Greenland Iceberg in the courtyard. They shipped in a real iceberg from Greenland. The temperature here ?36*? it's not melting very much.

 Then drive through the Iceland docks... a Danish ship was in port. 

Then by the church of Iceland... Lutheran i thin...

Then by a stop at the Iceland Parliament building... standing in the courtyard 100 feet away... and ... there are no barriers, no fences, no blockades, ... no concertina wire, no guards...  

Only a parliament building where Iceland representatives and senators go into the building and talk about policies that help the Iceland people... address and implement policies that are good for the Iceland citizens... !!! What a concept!!! 
On the bus outward passed by the Presidents house of Iceland... his home phone# is in the phone book for any Iceland citizen to call him on an issue. 

There were no security guards - that could be seen- at the Presidents house. ?Is this a great country or what?   

Then to the Reykjavik iconic church Hallgrimskirkja Lutheran church.

  The spire is 244' tall and visible from most everywhere in the city with the iconic statue of Leif Erikson. 

Lunch was at the Perlan; "The Pearl" ... up the hill from our hotel we walked up to yesterday. 

It was overcast and grey, yesterday was blue skies and better pix as we walked around the promenade. See yesterdays blog post here: Perlan pix   
Perlan was originally 5 huge hot water tanks for distribution to Reykjavik city buildings and homes.   

After lunch break head out for The Blue Lagoon. Hwy 41 west for 20 miles, endless lava fields.

south on hwy 43 another 5 miles and there are steam plumes from the geothermal plant that feed the lagoon.

The Blue Lagoon is so unique it needs it's own blog post here: THE Blue Lagoon       

?Is this a great country or what?

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    

          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MMX ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MMX ALL Rights Reserved