Monday, December 27, 2021

ICELAND Snaefellsnes Peninsula, Borrgarfjorour Valley, wind 91mph

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MMXVII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

SBTROF .com   ROF= Ring of Fire Odyssey  

MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

ICLD = Iceland journey  

Tuesday October 19, 2021         

Hotel Hamar, Borganes, Iceland... up, coffee from dining room.

Today Snaefellsnes Peninsula,  Borrgarfjorour Valley 

Heading north Hwy 54

Into canyon wall of hex sided columns from volcano magma flow rocks... a long canyon. The hex columns are natural flows from the volcano magma , then cools. 

Devils tower in NW Wyoming is Hex columns. My Bee hive combs were also hex sided. Couldn't stay out long for pix. Wind was getting fierce... 45 to 50. Cold wind takes it our of you quick. I don't see how people live here; they must be hearty folk.

All day to see Green Globe benchmark region-- Lava fields, Volcanos, Glaciers, Mineral Springs, snow capped mountains/ glaciers, Waterfalls. Lava fields plains,... steep mountains, most all have some snowcap. Really beautiful stark Iceland.

Pix can't really capture the Iceland beauty.

Snaefellsnes visitor center for pit stop. Outside landscape is more interesting.

Stop and hike to a beach.  Black church w/ steeple, cemetery beside. Hike 500 yards down to beach. Wind has picked up to 50+ now. Couldn't stay long at beach dunes... Sand grains particles hitting face/ poked. Can't really get down to the surf it's so windy.

Getting out to the near end of Snaefellsnes Peninsula, south side. Come to Arnarstapi, small village-- population ?~~500~~?.

Hotel cafe/ dining room for lunch. Seems overwhelmed by deluge of a bus crowd. Later learned that traffic on the route here had been stopped by the highway? patrol? DOT authorities... so no trucks to deliver lunch/ dining supplies.

Outside overlooking the ocean is a rock/ stone structure of a "Troll"... 35' high.

Sun over the ocean is unique. But the most overpowering symbol- feature- is "Eagle Mountain" towering over the village. 800~~ 900' high.

Hotel/ lodging check in / keys to our room for tonight. Buildings look like prefab modular cubes. No aesthetics, just composite/ concrete siding for harsh weather environment. There is supposedly a golf course here ... I don't see how anyone can play golf in 50+ wind.

Afternoon and on bus heading out to west end of peninsula.

Snaefellsjokull Glacier above a stratovolcano; Jules Verne setting of Journey to the Center of Earth.

Beautiful formed rocks, Lava fields.
Hike to black and yellow sand beach, wind picked up from 50 mph, Hannah/ guide calls off the hike to the beach, wind has become unsafe.   Ladies blown over in parking lot, help struggle to get them back to bus.

ICLD report, South roads closing on Peninsula due to high wind gusts. Delivery trucks and RV blown over on road. Report; wind 41.5 meters/ second = 91mph wind.

Abort longer drive to west end of peninsula and slowly drive bus back to Eagle Mountain/ Arnarstapi hotel for overnight hotel stay.

Sitting in the back of the bus,... loud flapping sound. We think it's flat tire flapping. Bus engine compartment blown open and flopping around, Jon/ driver closes. 2 miles flapping on back of bus, part of plastic engine compartment at bumper breaks off and blows away. Slow 20 min drive back to hotel rooms. 

Back at hotel Arnarstapi, below "Eagle Mountain" . Modular type buildings prefab exterior... to weather harsh Iceland climate. 

Back to room and hunker down... R&R rest.  .... worn out from the day. Wind 30 to 45+ wears you down.  

Go out late afternoon to the cliffs overlooking the ocean. Better sunlight on the stone "Troll" now.

Cliffs remind me of Ireland cliffs.

Night time in room. No Northern Lights tonight.  Full Moon, overcast clouds moving fast.

A tiring day.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    

          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MMXVII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MMXVII ALL Rights Reserved