Friday, December 17, 2021

Camino de Santiago 6 Ambasmestas to O Ciebreiro

Camino de Santiago 6 Ambasmestas to O Ciebreiro

Original post: Camino de Santiago 6 Ambasmestas to O Ciebreiro   

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of Fire Odyssey  

MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

CdS = Camino de Santiago journey; The ST James Way    

Tuesday September 10, 2019         

Camino day 6 Ambasmestas to O Ciebreiro ... 9.1mi...  

Most of today is uphill. 

0700 up and breakfast at 0745. Chorizo, bacon- Spanish version, Santiago cake, some corn flakes, OJ, espresso x2. Let's go.

Gear up and head out of village on main drag.

Past goat cheese dairy plant and are carrying 6oz roll of goat cheese for snack with bread and olives today.

Roadside through hamlets early.

Then some on a woodland trail for today's hike, mostly uphill. I thin we climb 700+ meters in elevation today. 

At Ruitelan we cross paths again with Australian Camino friends Dave and Officer Pete. Dave and Pete are the support element for 21 Aussies making the Camino hike. Officer Pete, still on duty in the reserves,... Take it from an old Marine, that's the sign of a good Officer; making sure your troops have the best support on their mission. I like that! 

follow the river 
rest/ eat at Las Herrieas  

Rain at Lindoso. 

Camino marker, we are on The Way !

Woodland Camino trail from here.

Light rain today in the Spanish highlands.
Rocky woodland trail, Ascend now from La Faba. 

Rest stop. Water up. Fountains/ wells along the camino for pilgrims.

Up, Up, Up, ascend on The Camino up into the Spain mountains/ highlands.

Running of the cows.

1st running with the cows.

More up into the Spanish mountains.

Crossing over into Galicia.
The red cross is "The Cross of ST James", also The Santiago Cross.

On up, ascending the Way. 
Wonderful hiking views!

Come to the entrance to O Cebreiro and find this green lady,... I say Green Guardian Angel overlooking the gate to the village/ hamlet and Spanish highland mountains. 

And I thin I saw Clint Eastwood there. 

 These pilgrim markers are all along the Camino.

O Cebreiro looks like it did 1,000 years ago 


After a bite to eat made it in time for the evening pilgrims mass.  

There were bible here from the 6th century for pilgrims. There were bibles in almost every language.

 This was one of the most significant moments on this journey. I'm not catholic but this pilgrims mass and communion was a pretty powerful experience. This has been an amazing journey. Thank you, I did not waste this time of life!

After hiking The Camino de Santiago... The Way of ST James... I am The Pilgrim of this prayer.

I am The Pilgrim of this prayer.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved